From Harford County government:
In response to forecasts of extremely cold weather, the Darlington Volunteer Fire Company will be opening as a warming center for Harford County citizens beginning Sunday, January 20, 2019. The forecast for Sunday evening is for below-zero temperatures due to the wind chill and wind gusts up to 40 mph. Because these conditions could cause sporadic power outages, the Harford County Department of Emergency Services, under the administration of County Executive Barry Glassman, and the Darlington Volunteer Fire Company worked together to provide this center for citizens to get warm and connect with resources as needed. The Darlington Volunteer Fire Company is located at 2600 Castleton Road and will be open continuously from 5 p.m. on Sunday night through 12 p.m. on Tuesday afternoon.
To prepare for power outages and extreme cold, citizens should follow these tips:
· Have flashlights available for emergency lighting; candles can cause fires. You can also look into recessed lighting installation.
· Keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed. Most food requiring refrigeration can be kept safely in a closed refrigerator for several hours. An unopened refrigerator will keep food cold for about four hours. A full freezer will keep the temperature for about 48 hours. Gas Fitting agencies are to be contacted in case of emergencies such as the cylinders or bottles getting freezed and going completely haywire.
· Only use generators away from your home and NEVER run a generator inside a home or garage. Generators are an essential appliance. They are safe when properly used and installed. Ensure that the garage door installation has been done properly. If you do not have one yet make sure you contact a generator installation company as soon as possible. For generators Lynchburg call Sunburst Power Systems.
· Have a backup plan if you rely on any medical devices that are battery-operated or power dependent.
· Charge cell phones and any battery powered devices.
· Wear multiple layers of loose clothing and keep hands, head and feet covered when outside.
· Be aware of any symptoms of frostbite or hypothermia and call 9-1-1 in the event of a medical emergency.
· Never use an extension cord with a space heater or an oven to heat your home; these are fire hazards.
· Prepare to bring pets in from the cold or have dry, draft-free shelter for them with access to food and water. Pets are also at risk for hypothermia and frostbite.
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