From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
Millions of American citizens have been directly and indirectly impacted by the Federal Government’s lack of direction and selective enforcement of our immigration laws. There is one message both elected Democrats and Republicans have agreed upon and been consistent with and that is improved security at our southern border is essential and necessary for the safety and security of our communities. A view shared by the brave men and women of the U.S. Border Patrol who work hard to keep us safe. Prior to the election of President Trump, many Democrats strongly supported the concept of a border wa
Since being elected in 2014 and prior to the election of President Trump and as a member of the National Sheriff’s Association’s Immigration Committee, I have spoken many times concerning the flow of heroin and other opioids crossing our border between Mexico and the United States, creeping into our neighborhoods and killing thousands of our friends and family members each year. Last year in Harford County, heroin and fentanyl took the lives of 82 people. Over 90 percent of these substances flooded across our southern border.
Securing our southern border is essential to public safety across our Nation. American families are destroyed and lives ruined by uncontrolled, illegal migration and the pipeline for vast quantities of illegal drugs – including heroin, cocaine and fentanyl. Building a border wall will put a stop to the “free flow” of poison being injected into our Country and into our communities.
I have also had the heartbreaking opportunity to personally meet with many Angel Families, families who have lost loved ones at the hands of criminal illegal aliens. These are individuals who were not only illegally in our Country, but also made the choice not to respect our laws which have developed over time to address those acts considered harmful to social order. As a result of their actions, innocent Americans have unnecessarily and avoidably lost their lives, leaving behind families and loved ones who will forever grieve their loss. This is not acceptable. This is avoidable.
I support President Trump’s address to the American people regarding the need for the immediate funding and construction of a border wall. As I care about public safety and not semantics, I do not care if it is called a “wall” so long as it is a real barrier that truly and effectively protects our southern border and the citizens of this Country from those who have disregarded the rule of law. Accordingly, I call on our members of Congress from the State of Maryland to support the President’s request for funding.
Thank you Sheriff Gahler for standing for the American citizens of which politicians have forgotten about. It does seem to me that the Dmes care about illegal aliens more than the lives of Americans citizens.
MAGA Jeff. God bless you!
The “unwalled/unfenced” portion of the border is not where the drugs are coming from that affect our communities. It is in tractor trailers and cars coming through border control points and shipping containers to our ports. Up until last year, you could order Fentanyl from Chinese manufacturers and have it mailed to your house. If you don’t look at the actual access points that need to be controlled, you shouldn’t be in your position and definitely do not need to be commenting on the issue. I am disappointed in this blatant take on something the majority of people do not want. Border security, yes. This monument? No.
Lest your forget Gahler never misses and opportunity to get in the news. Doesn’t matter if he knows what he talking about. He and his bubba Barry have both decided to comment yet they cant seem to work out the issues in Harford County. Plywood signs and arresting everyone doesn’t fix the drug problem. It doesn’t even move the needle. Yet that’s what we continue to see.
Wrong, the majority comes across the border and makes its way into those tractor trailers. Now common sense would be to build the wall and stop it at that source so you can reallocate resources to tractor trailers, and ports of entry into America. Sheriff Gahler makes the news because he is pro-Trump and himself a Republican. None of you that live and die by the Socialist scum that is investing DC and Annapolis will ever give him credit for any accomplishment.
Let me see, he arrested a person on a New Years Eve in his first term involving a handgun violation, and he wouldn’t let it be known to the public. He was just recently engaged in a pursuit that ended in a crash of the Under Sheriff. So it is clear you have a Sheriff who still goes out and does more than be a politician. I don’t recall any Sheriff’s in the last forty years doing any enforcement of any kind. You finally have a Sheriff that is not policing like its 1970 and bringing his department into the modern age.
Count your blessings you have Jeff Gahler and not Boardman who ran a campaign on the Dagger Press.
Jeff, Harford County appreciates your efforts in keeping Harford County Great. Elvis would be proud dude!
Harford County Great? you must not travel much do you.
Now you have spoken….Please get back to work on the issues within your sphere of control.
LOL He says this as he turns a blind eye on the Meth belt in Northern Harford County.
There is a power vacuum being filled by cartels, either we can deal with it or let them continue to profit from our stupidity.
It is easy to talk the talk; more difficult to walk the walk. Even upon very close reading of the Sheriff’s posting I did NOT see where he will be giving up his salary for the period of time the the federal government is shut down
He wont give up his self awarded pay raise. Come on now. Paid a lot of money for very little performance.
Gahler is a political hack and he proves it every time he steps out of the scope of his job. Don’t you have a discrimination suit from the ACLU to attend to Jeff?
I see you are getting your news and facts from CNN. You and them, nothing but fake news and lies. There is no lawsuit against the sheriff’s department. Until Democrats start telling the truth as a first step, like you, they will never be trusted.
Dear God are you so stupid you can’t use google?
Dishonest Abe —
Harford County is being sued by ACLU over missing data of their cooperation with ICE!
Did you read the story or just happy to lie for everyone’s entertainment?
Sheriff Jeffie tell us all which countries that have a wall and no opioid crisis? UK is a friken island and they still have a problem.
Walls don’t work, stop being a partisan politician.
@Just the Facts,
Why would you ask a registered Republican and elected partisan office holder to be something different than what the voters elected him to do and be? Could it be that your Trump Derangement Syndrome is in overload? I suspect that or that you are in some position where you have to keep your lips shut tight until someone else gives you permission what can spew forth.
Hey Washburn, They are here illegally. What don’t you understand? Or, is that simple fact beyond your comprehension level?
They seem to work for Isreal and the Vatican pretty well. Now please go back downstairs to mom’s basement and await your helping of meatloaf.
Because the Vatican has a huge problem with illegal opioids being smuggled in. Jesus you people are stupid. Next time you think you came up with a witty retort….. Don’t.
Walls stop invaders
No. The Vatican has a problem with drugs because they lost World War II. The Vatican gave Mussolini and Hitler their blessing and much of the gold stolen from the bodies of the dead Jewish people were appropriated by the Vatican. The Vatican sided with the Germans and even helped many war criminals escape justice by allowing them thru Italian borders and thru ports of entry controlled by the HOLY SEE. Hell, the HOLY SEE even baptized and provided false identities for many of these war criminals. Albert Eichmann is a perfect example of one who escaped justice until the Israelis found him and brought him back to face justice. The Vatican, used German superiority as the excuse for their siding with the treacherous Germans and then said that the Germans use of drugs amongst their soldiers, which gave them the appearance of supermen, was the reasoning for their mistake. They vowed to never be tricked by such things again, hence the drug war began well before it was institutionalized in the US Code. In reality, they never had any problem accepting German gold that they knew was coming from wedding rings and pulled teeth of the massacred Jewish race and have once again hid their despicable actions from History. Have we forgot the Inquisition? Have we forgot the wars of the Papal States? Have we forgotten the legacy of Knights Templar? All of these are examples of the HOLY SEE’s disgrace and they brought us a war against our own people, the drug war, to further their unholy agenda. All of this while raping Choir boys whose parents entrusted those Priests were men of God. Obviously, they were NOT as we still see Catholic Priests invading the bodies of little boys within the sanctuary of their churches. Anyone sick to their stomach yet?
Never have I seen such an uninformed law enforcement officer as the sheriff of Harford County. And then I read a bunch of his supporters who are also uninformed, believing all the every day lies, coming from this White House.
Immigrants are not the problem. The problem is certain segments of our society, including the sheriff of Harford County.Some facts have been written. Facts that are put out by sections of this government. I have attached a link which further talks about the facts. Facts that cannot befound in the article above.
Hey Gordon! I thought you had died! Good to see your still bubbling at the mouth! Are you saying all these Democrats are liar too?
From the article linked below:
The Secure Fence Act of 2006, which authorized the construction of 700 miles of the same style of bollard fence that Trump is building at the border, was supported by 26 Senate Democrats at the time. In the House, 64 Democrats joined 219 Republican lawmakers to fund the border fencing.
Those Democrats in support of funding the bollard border fencing included:
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
Then-Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY)
Then-Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL)
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
Then-Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE)
Then-Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
Hey Gordon. They are here illegally. What don’t you understand?
Does a wall keep drugs out of the detention center and prisons? Only a moron would think a wall 1000’s of miles away will keep Harford county drug free. It’s sad Gahler doesn’t respect the hard working people who aren’t getting paid.
Detention center walls keep criminals confined within them. I guess your next idiotic statement will be to remove prison walls because they are immoral.
Stfu jackass
Although illegal aliens is not a significant problem of Harford county, taking a hard stance will ensure the next sheriff election, in this county, where people vote for politics, not for solving problems.
You sure aren’t paying attention. He’s won two elections because he takes a hard stance and doesn’t fill the room with a bunch of double talk. This last election by a larger margin than any other local race. The only way Gahler is not relected Sheriff is if he runs for County Executive, Congress or Governor.
He won the election in a republican county that votes the party line. A dog could win running as a Harford county republican.
Republicans literally elected a dead pimp,
True, but anything would be better than a Democratic Traitor attaining public office. The Democratic Party is the party of treason, making illegal and unconstitutional law with every breath it’s members take. This is the rule of the mob and Democrats have always been the party of mob rule, even though the protection of the Constitution and the Republic it represents must always prevail. The Democratic Party should be banned for treason and in this State banned for anti-trust violations.
You mean Pelosi or Shummer? They are both Democrats.
You are delusional…..I hope we get a real candidate to run against this POS next election. Send this one packing. What does he care he will get to collect his second taxpayer funded retirement.
The Sheriff represents everyone in the county regardless of their political views. Gahler should not be involved with partisan national politics.
It has become obvious Gahler is looking for some higher level of appointment in the federal government in his attempts to get recognized. We need a sheriff not a cheerleader.
I am not in favor of a border wall and believe that walls are contrary to freedom as walls are a product of containment. What keep things out also keeps things in and a border wall will do both. However, Trump was duly elected by his constituents and the “wall” was and is very popular among them. He must try his best to force the issue and bring about the change the American people wish him to do. We must realize that border security is a MILITARY issue as the whole purpose of a standing army is to secure the border and protect our nation’s interests. The Constitution clearly says “The President shall be commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States”. Give the man his damn wall….
It sure is easy to see who the true racists are! These democrats who have been in office for years pursuing their own wall and discriminating against immigrants!
You probably should have listened to the video dummy it has nothing to do with wasting 5 billion on a useless wall and making people work without getting a paycheck. Care to try again?
Excellent video showing that Democrats are for border security.
Thanks for sharing.
Lets Trigger some Democrats! They can either call their heroes liars and racists or agree with these Dems that agree with President Trump. Either way is a win for the truth!
Sheriff Gahler as usual has no idea what he is talking about
60% of the border is along the snake-y meandering Rio Grande River which is basically un-fenceable
Historically Texas, New Mexico , Arizona, Nevada and California were originally Northern Mexico before the United States stole it during the so called “Mexican War”.
Gahler’s problem is he cant stay focused on his job as a public servant.
He has to also preach his far right politics of more guns and less immigrants.
He represents the America that knows we are a nation of immigrants but hates foreigners ! one just for racist Mike.
But fox news said democrats want open borders? Please explain, we will wait.
Why don’t those of you so against the wall talk to residents of El Paso and San Diego. During the early 2000’s gangs were rampant in El Paso, people killed and lots of crime. San Diego had such an influx of illegals the state was about bankrupt since they were required to keep these people with taxpayer money. They both built fences. Now ElPaso is one of the lowest crime cities in the US. California is not bankrupt. Also, you are warned when traveling to the Mexican shopping areas across from El Paso to be observant of the area around you. Americans have been kidnapped for ransoms of $10,000.
Fences make good neighbors was the motto of my late state senator to Annapolis. Looks like it works where they are on the southern border.
Listen to border patrol, past and present. Even those that served there under the Obama administration say the problem is real and not getting any better where there is no barrier.
Remember, those coming are poor and probably with little education. Most will end up on our social services system and we will be asked for more taxes or the nation will be put into more debt. The wall or fence will pay for it self with less personnel needed and less illegals going on our social services payouts.
Cool story but it’s tuff to scare people with 20 year old stories. Last year was the lowest number of crossings into the US EVER.
Last year thanks to your President that is!
The same president who says the numbers can only go down with a big tall concrete wall. LOL
Nope the same one who can even do better with a wall, you know your President and mine MAGA everyday!
trump makes it very clear he is only president to his base which is a smaller and smaller group everyday.
With a higher and higher approval rating as reported today! Shame when facts get in the way of your speculation and negativity. You confuse the BS liberal media and loudness of those who are still butt hurt (like you) with Trump Derangement Syndrome with the fact that he is doing what the rest of us did and will again voted for him to do.
Bawahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!His approval ratings are the worst of any president EVER! And now your president has been confirmed to be a Russian puppet just like Hillary warned. The world will enjoy watching him and his family have their lives devastated and spend years in jail. The Republican party did this to themselves and fortunately will never recover. Even Fox news and Mitch realize this and are scrambling to figure out how to get rid of him.
60,000 per year is 60,000 to many
Agreed, that’s why Democrats want effective security on the southern border and not waste 20 billion on a wall that is proven not to work. If you want a wall get Mexico to pay for it just like trump promised and stop holding Americans hostage.
The wall will never pay for itself and Mexico isn’t paying for it. Estimates are as much as 75 billion to build and millions each year to maintain, not including personnel and technology. There is no such thing as taking savings from a trade deficit to apply to the wall. Congress appropriates where any savings go. Doesn’t matter anyway because this trade agreement has never been voted on or approved by Congress, making it a nothingburger.
I read that Frederick County has also dropped out of the “Every Immigrant Is A Suspect Program.” That leaves Sheriff Gahler and Harford County as ICE’s longer partner.
Another lib and another lie. Frederick announced no such thing. Prove me wrong.
Trump should not be fooled like Reagan was. Trump should not cave to political pressure. We’ve lived too long with a broken immigration system. Times up.
Secure the border
Build the damn wall
No amnesty
Enact e-verufy
End chain migration
Trump’s wife used chain migration to sponsor her parents for U S citizenship. Do as I say, not as I do!
@Not a trump fan. That was garbage. Chain migration? They did it just like everyone else seeking legal citizenship. They went through the entire process the correct way!! Many legal immigrants (like my mother) see this whole illegal business as a slap in the face.
I’d like to see Melania’s papers. “genius”?? She came here on a VISA and overstayed, making her illegal. Somehow from that she became a genius and was able to become a citizen.
You might want to see her papers but that ain’t happening you will have to settle for seeing her tits and where the hell has she been? Off getting her “kidneys” done again?
Sheriff Gahler is a political con man.
He says “Last year in Harford County heroin a fentanyl took the lives of of 82 people, Over 90% of these substances flood cross our southern border”.
Building the wall won’t effectively affect heroin and fentanyl smuggling, since most of those drugs come through port of entries. Only large amounts of marijuana come through the open borders.
Here is a good plan. How about this Mike? Something Democrats can support since they too want the barrier so long has it is not called a wall and they can do it with the money of the biggest drug dealers in the world. Think of the jobs it will create too! The libs like you can jump on that band wagon!
The democrats would be in full support of a border wall if the 35 million fence jumpers were from south america the majority were white and conservative….. and voted as such.
.Walls don’t work…even Great Walls…ask China!
See below links for information on the ACLU Foundation of Maryland FOIA lawsuit to obtain information on the Harford County Sheriff’s Office 287(g) program.
Did Mike change his name to Bob? Stay Triggered my friend.
You know, it’s not very unusual for a Republican to agree with the duly elected Republican President. I think you guys have gone off topic and are completely out of your minds. This is the bottom line, I expect Gahler to agree with Trump on these topics and I don’t think he needed to do a press release for all of us to realize this. The HCSO was part of the 287(g) program long before Trump was even a candidate for President. The drugs are not an issue because the entire CDS Act of 1970 is an unconstitutional act of fraud and NO DRUG is actually illegal. The real issue is Immigration. Nothing more, nothing less. Our Congress has failed to fix a broken immigration system since as long as I can remember and Trump has vowed to fix the immigration issue which seems to have come to a head from his own doing. He is basically trying to get those traitors you call Congress to do their F_cking Job! There is nothing wrong with that and only the Democratic traitors seem to wish for the system to NOT be fixed. The Dems are using immigration to bring in people from foreign countries so they can offer them a piece of the welfare state they have made. Once here, they will have many children whose parents will be in favor of the welfare state and more than likely their children will be to. That means many NEW Democratic Party members in the future and this is the plan they have instilled into their treasonous regime, along with the education system being occupied by the Democratic Party. WAKE UP PEOPLE! Is the rule of the Democratic Party really worth further diminishment of our Country? Do you all realize that social reformation is NOT a power or authority our government has been gifted by WE THE PEOPLE? Do you ALL realize that the Democratic Party has been waging war against real Americans since that traitor FDR sat in the White House? Give the man his damn wall….. or he will make it anyway.
Wow, SoulCrusher! Your word choices like – “out of your minds…democratic traitors…unconstitutional act of fraud…democratic party waging war against real Americans…traitor FDR” – divide people. America is in dire need of unity right now.
If the truth of what is happening to this country divides us then so be it. When we examine Article 1 Section 8 we see the powers and authority of government that was gifted unto the government in exchange for certain rights, immunities, protection and privileges in a covenant. That covenant has been broken fully by the traitors you call Congress. This is why I say there is NO TAXATION, as it has been forfeited by the government due to treason and the Democratic Party has been mostly responsible. However, I question whether the Democratic Republican party ever really detached from one another and often wonder why we see these political parties flip flop on their stances and take the complete reversal of roles they once stood for. Now, FDR was a traitor. He stole our gold and sold our souls. ALL statutes passed by the Federal government to regulate the behavior of WE THE PEOPLE is fraud and treason. The Democrats are waging war against WE THE PEOPLE with their insistence that we give up our rights so the State can possess and control everything. The truth is the truth and it seems like I am the only one stating it. It is what it is and no measure of UNITY will ever change the fact that our government is treasonous until WE THE PEOPLE put them in their place.
Trump, Gahler and all their supporters are either brainwashed or cons themselves. The facts simply do not support the claims. Whose facts? Government reports issued by the Trump administration dispute almost all of this.
There is no invasion at the border. Trump stopped saying that the day after the election and only revived it again to get his base in a tizzy.
The majority of drugs in this country come in legal ports of entry. They are here because people buy them illegally.
Zero terrorists have been apprehended at the border.
Crime statistics being touted are across the entire country for a period of over 10 years. Crime in border states is actually down.
Immigration (including refugees) is at a 40 year low.
It is legal for people to come to this country to seek asylum. Doesn’t mean they all get in. There is a screening process and there has to be proof you actually came from a country where your life was in danger. They don’t come in mobs where people can sneak in with a group.
A border wall across the entire border is ludicrous in both cost and topography. This wall Trump talks about changes from day to day as to what it is made of, how long, how high, etc. There is no way to get an accurate estimate of costs. There has been no cost/benefit analysis. Actual structural engineers dispute the ability to even build many parts of it. Every prototype has been able to be breached with everyday tools. The latest idea requires steel that can only be produced by one company with ties to Russia.
Three tunnels have been discovered this month alone in Arizona. Smugglers will tunnel, climb and fly over walls. With some of these prototypes, they can simply pass it through.
Border agents cited 392 issues, only 3 “might” be solved by a wall. The rest will not.
Even “if” they built the wall, it is useless without people and technology to monitor it. With more personnel and technology they can monitor the border without building the wall.
Congress passed bipartisan legislation, that Trump agreed to before Rush Limbaugh called him weak) that could override the president but it expired when the new Congress came in. Mitch McConnell refuses to allow new legislation to be voted on unless Trump will sign it.
It doesn’t matter whether you are republican or democrat. Facts are facts.
The people who demand this wall are simply ignorant and uneducated on the facts.
Take a look at this video and see the real border and the real conditions
Trump, Gahler, Reid, Obama, Clinton, Schumer, Pelosi, Warren! They are all lying or all telling the truth. Which is it?
Your words,, “FACTS ARE FACTS”‘, reminded me of a recurring line just the facts ma’am from the
old time TV detective show – Dragnet.
If our political system is so broken that we can’t even agree to a common set of facts, how can we ever expect to compromise and move forward?
If a wall works so well why isn’t there one around Area 51?
There is one. It’s called a fence. Anymore questions?
Hey SoulCrusher, I’m sure the “Space Aliens” have some sort of special laser gun that will penetrate all fences & walls. What do you think?
Uh, the “Space Aliens” would just fly over the wall. Duh. No need for a special laser gun for that. Why penetrate what you can just go over? Why penetrate that which you can go under? However, if “Space Aliens” were really interested in us they would simply let us know they are interested. Or have they already????
Hey SoulCrusher, I agree, You explained it beautifully! One of my favorite poems is “Mending Wall” by Robert Frost and I especially like the following section:
Before I built a wall I’d ask to know
What I was walling in or walling out,
And to whom I was like to give offense.
Something there is that doesn’t love a wall,
Mexico: SHOW ME THE MONEY. Don’t spend a dime of my taxpayer money till Mexico cuts the check (and it doesn’t bounce.)
By the way, concertina wire kept Steve McQueen from escaping from Germany in “The Great Escape.” If it worked for him, it will certainly work on the Mexican border. Combine it with technology (drones, atc.) and it is a far cheaper, but equally effective, alternative.
Try the same behavior in Mexico. You will sit in a jail cell until you can pay off corrupt law enforcement off or until the United States demands your freedom. We are not talking about refugees coming into this Country looking for a better lifestyle, we are talking about drug cartels praying on United States citizens. God bless our Sheriff!!!
I’m sorry “Truth”, but the drug laws are all a crock. The drug cartels don’t prey on American citizens. The American citizens use drugs because they want to use drugs. People make the choice to use drugs. They are NOT forced to use drugs. It doesn’t matter if a substance is legal or not because there is no jurisdiction over drugs by the Federal Government. Read Article 1 Section 8. The CDS Act of 1970 is an act of unconstitutional fraud. The enforcement, prosecution and conviction of drug crimes are acts of fraud and treason. The laws were “asked” to be enforced by the several states with the institution of Federal Funding for the enactment and enforcement of the statutes. This is bribery committed by the elected officials of the Federal government towards the elected officials of the several states to extend Federal regulation into areas the Federal government has no authority to regulate. You can NOT make laws by a criminal act of bribery. Furthermore, the Federal government can only make law regarding felonies of the sea and when they make any felony law from something produced on the land they have extended Maritime law illegally onto the land. Example : Marijuana grows on the land, so any law prohibiting manufacture of Marijuana in the sea makes absolutely no sense because you don’t produce Marijuana in the sea. All these laws are complete acts of fraud and the enforcement of these laws has made any “person” involved with such enforcement a traitor against the United States.
Only one group has changed their story. It’s clear to anyone not brainwashed who is lying about immigration issues.
Yup. What is sad is that the Dems are actually ignoring all of these prior “stories” just so they can disagree with Trump. It’s pathetic. I was watching Morning Joe this morning and the polls they keep showing shows just how stupid the American people are or the polls are false. Maybe they only poll a group that is primarily Democrat. I dunno, but the fact is if these polls truly reflect the Democratic Party’s views then the Democratic Party is filled with morons. How can anyone deny what is put right in front of them? I guess we should expect this from a party whose platform is raise taxes and take away everyone’s rights. I can’t believe that the American public is so stupid that they would vote for a party that wants to raise their taxes in order to make everyone uniform and a slave. What is wrong with people?
Below is an inquiry I recently sent to John Newnan, Executive Director of the Maryland Sheriffs’ Association. To date, other than a read receipt, I have not received a response:
I am a Maryland resident and reside in Abingdon. I understand Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler is a member of the NAS Immigration Committee and also, 2nd Vice President for the Maryland Sheriffs’ Association. I am writing this email to try to determine MSA’s official position regarding the open letter written by Mr. Gahler to Maryland members of Congress? I am particularly interested in your organization’s position relevant to the following excerpts from his letter.
· “Last year in Harford County, heroin and fentanyl took the lives of 82 people. Over 90 percent of these substances flooded across our southern border.”
· “Building a border wall will put a stop to the “free flow” of poison being injected into our Country and into our communities.”
· “I call on our members of Congress from the State of Maryland to support the President’s request for funding.”
Your reply to this inquiry is appreciated.
I don’t think Mr. Gahler wrote a letter. Sheriff Gahler did though and it was great! Called out the lying liberal Democrats for putting public safety behind the interests of illegals. Gahler for Governor 2020 and I have a tag line for him, “Make Maryland Moral Again”!
I look forward to following his campaign. I really like the sound of “Mr. Governor Gahler”. Let me know, where to send my campaign contribution. Also, can you,please send mt a red (?) MMMA baseball cap? Thanks!
Governor? Please…..He doesn’t have a snowballs chance in hell!
The current E-Verify Employment program is primarily voluntary. I understand that unemployment is low and most Americans aren’t interested in the farming, hotel and food preparation/service industries. Therefore, many companies in these fields don’t use E-Verify.
This situation creates an “incentive” for those people entering our country illegally. How about creating a “disincentive” by making the E-Verify Employment Program mandatory? If you can’t get a job then you might think twice before entering our country illegally.
The mandatory thing would solve a lot of what you’re stating, but the government can only regulate the government, not WE THE PEOPLE, without our consent to the law. Unless you are an elected official or government employee, not one statute of the US Code is viable unless you give them your consent. This is why the employer programs are on a voluntary basis. In order to make WE THE PEOPLE consent to the US Code, you must make WE THE PEOPLE take an oath and you can only do this upon conscription. Since there has not been a conscription(draft), every rule and regulation of the US Code is being fraudulently enforce upon WE THE PEOPLE and every corporate entity unless consent is first acquired. To be clear, even after conscription, those whom were eligible for regulation are NOT regulatable once the conscription has expired. Not one single citizen has to consent to the militia act and people’s ignorance of the law has enabled the Federal government for a century.
A sheriff that doesn’t let partisan politics run his department. Something Harford county lacks.
I fully support anyone in law enforcement that saves the lives of American citizens over that of criminal illegal aliens. The true costs borne on the taxpayer in mindblowing. it is in the billion for MD alone. As a nation the costs could be over $1 trillion. Think about that.