From the Aberdeen Police Department:
Two 7th grade female students from Aberdeen Middle School were referred to Juvenile Services on January 2, 2019 for Threats of Mass Violence and Disturbing School Operations.
On December 28, 2018, the two students collaborated to send an anonymous bomb threat using the social media app, LIPSI. The message was sent to various students from the middle school. A student and a parent of another student who received the threat contacted the School Resource Officer to alert authorities of the threat.
The School Resource Officer began investigating the threat and spoke to several students and their parents. It was determined that one of the students who claimed to have received the threat ultimately was the student who composed the text message.
Numerous public safety resources were deployed during the investigation, to include the use of the Maryland State Police explosive detection dogs and resources from other allied law enforcement who responded to assist.
The Aberdeen Police Department takes anythreat to public safety seriously and thoroughly investigates eachthreat to ensure public safety. Every hoax bomb threat investigated diverts valuable public safety resources away from performing their normal functions. The Aberdeen Police Department reminds parents to educate their children about the seriousness of making hoax bomb threats and the consequences of doing so.
Execute them
Bulson is very weak on discipline. It was his downfall in NC and you can expect the inmates will run the asylum as long as he is superintendent.
What evidence do you have to support your claim? FYI, superintendents are the last line on discipline. the BoE sets discipline policy which is enforced first by teachers, then principals, then at the end of the line but the superintendent.
Your post appears to be solely intended to undermine the superintendent while not based upon any facts.
Sorry that you are not well informed on Bulson eliminating and reducing suspensions in Wilson County NC. He came in to Wilson County with a big chip on his shoulder that suspensions were too long and he arbitrarily cut them back. Of course, many teachers and the community took note of the decline in student behavior. Rather than being lazy and accusatory, why don’t you do your own research and educate yourself.
If you are talking about his work to end the school to prison pipeline and to reduce inordinately high numbers of minority students being suspended for first infractions for such haneous crimes as untucked shirts and un-natural hair color, I would say that you should be ashamed to framing that as “being soft”. You do realize that MSDE already governs the length of suspensions and discipline policy.
I am far from lazy, as anyone who knows me will attest. As to accusatory, I do not think it is accusatory to expect folks who ardently cast dispersions on anyone they see fit to at least have some info to back it up. You do not and you know it.
Sam Adams,
Your misinformed.
In N.C, Bulson questioned the unusually high and disproportionate rates of minority suspensions
He questioned the length of suspensions.(10 day suspensions for first offense?).
He questioned the dress code suspension (3 days for an untucked shirt?).,68660?
My God, I admire you.
Dear Mr. Language Arts Teacher Burbey,
The word is ‘heinous’, not ‘haneous’. You appear to be as good at your present job as you were leading the union.
Hope this helps
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Your information comes from an internet search. I actually know and talk to people in Wilson NC who are teachers and had children in the school system. Bulson regularly inserted himself in suspension decisions and was widely regarded as weak on discipline. Your little google searches are hardly research.
Piss off. Mr. Burbey is an educator in a challenging school and knows EXACTLY what he is talking about.
“Sam” since you don’t even have the courage to use your real name, you will have to pardon the rest of us for not believing your specious claims of “knowing teachers from Wilson, NC”. Further, if the superintendent interceded by reducing lengthy suspensions of students, he did the right thing. All studies show that extended suspension of students neither modifies behavior nor improves the learning environment or learning outcomes for other students.
Again, MSDE already sets suspension guidelines and regulations. So, your missive, half-witted as it may be, is also moot.
In the future, consider having the courage and integrity to put your name behind your pen.
I admire you so much, Ryan.
I’m going to have to go along with Ryan Burbey and Mike Callahan on this one. The conduct of your new superintendent from his past experience as an administrator in another State has already been scrutinized by BOE before he was even hired. If the man fought against racially motivated suspensions or suspensions of stupidity, then good for him. Suspending a student for three days for an untucked shirt is “unreasonable”. Furthermore, uniforms in school are “unreasonable” as well. I know the traitors in the State government want to get people believing they are owned by the corporation at a young age, but when they realize what is going on and that they are being indoctrinated to the rule of the Maritime courts they will rebel. You can only push WE THE PEOPLE so far before you will get pushed back. Uniforms are a symbol of military rule, that’s the bottom line…..
Back to the article, Did anybody really believe there was an actual bomb threat at the Aberdeen Middle School? Does anybody really believe that calling in the police to use K9 units “diverts valuable public safety resources away from performing their normal functions”? What were these police officers and K9 units doing that was so important that they couldn’t DO THEIR JOBS and protect the children in the schools like they are supposed to do? I call BS on the entire incident. I believe police knew this was nothing but a hoax before they even started the investigation. The fact is that if the police were not scanning that school, which is their JOB, they were either driving around or relaxing stuffing their faces with coffee and donuts. WTF! Those cops knew they were dealing with a fraud the minute they were informed of the incident because there is nothing going on at the Aberdeen Middle School for anybody to be concerned with other than the employees and students of the school. Everyone needs to start being realistic. These threats were started on a platform by the students and the police knew it from the start.
The problem is that they must treat all threats as if they could be credible to ensure safety. Classes were not disrupted. Everything was taken care of before students arrived. Everyone involved did a great job.
It was a bomb threat hoax. It always was a hoax and there was no evidence for this entire incident to be considered anything but a hoax. It’s good to know everyone did a great job in dealing with a hoax that had no credibility from the start. Congratulations to all involved.
Exactly….any bets the true story is much different than the cops purport?
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