Sixty percent of all registered voters in Harford County cast a ballot in Tuesday’s Gubernatorial General Election, returning to office mostly Republican incumbents and familiar political faces.
Meanwhile, too close to call races in the Senate 34 District and Delegation District 34A appeared destined for recount.
County Executive Barry Glassman, Sheriff Jeff Gahler, Clerk of the Courts Jim Reilly, Register of Wills Derek Hopkins, and County Councilmen Joe Woods and Chad Shrodes (all Republicans) cruised to re-election, while Republican Pat Vincenti ascended to Council President and Republican former Council President Robert Wagner returned to his old District E seat.
Incumbent Republican District F councilman Curtis Beulah led Democratic challenger Wini Roche by 310 votes.
Newcomers Andre Johnson (Democrat/District A) and Tony Giangiordano (Republican/District C) were both elected the the county Council by considerable margins. Other newcomer Republicans Jason Gallion and Albert Peisinger were elected as state senator District 35 and State’s Attorney, respectively.
In the state races, Democrat Del. Mary Ann Lisanti and Republican Dels. Andrew Cassilly, Teresa Reilly, and Susan McComas easily retained their positions.
However, fewer than 300 votes separated Republcan District 34 Sen. Bob Cassilly from Democratic challenger former delegate Mary-Dulany James. And Democratic delegation District 34A candidate Steve Johnson led incumbent Del. Glen Glass by just 25 votes.
Registered Voters: 180,209 Voter Turnout: 107,246 59.51%
Precincts Reported (of 93) : 90 96.77%
Harford County Executive Barry Glassman issued the following statement after tonight’s election results:
“I want to thank the citizens of Harford County for their continued confidence in me to chart our county’s future. We have made tremendous progress over the past four years, and I am excited for all the opportunities that are ahead of us.”
So disappointed in Harford County ! No women on the board…Wagner…that’s going backwards!!!! This sucks.
Steve the exwife beater Johnson wins? Terrible.
Any evidence to back up this claim?
Stupid question, Loyal. There are tons of evidence against this lying thieving wife beater.
So, no evidence then.
Okay Tony G – I’m ready for my lower property taxes right now baby. The last council must have kind of asleep at the wheel – our property taxes are still about the highest anywhere, our land fill is closing so that will cost more just to dump my trash, the development got crazy again so they said you will run out of water so here’s a new big expensive water pond you all get to pay for but that’s okay we’ll bill you every month so you won’t die from sticker shock. And now the Board of Ed is discovering there are some mighty big bills coming due with public schools. We’re all rich here in Right on Harford County – so we can take incompetence. Vincenti talks about – bi-partisan – what’s he talking about all but district A are Republican men again. I can hear the rubber stamps and the self congratulatory statements coming already while our wallets are getting ready for a workout.
If you think your property taxes are “still about the highest anywhere” you obviously have never owned a home in NJ. All of the NJ BRAC folks who moved to Harford County are paying at least half of their former NJ property tax bill, for an equivalent size house. This former Jersey guy has no complaints about his HarCo property taxes, that’s for sure
If you like the taxes now – you should have seen them before the development hit the county.
New residents into new neighborholds get screwed in other ways.
I mean, there is something extremely wrong when houses that aren’t even 10 years old have problems and wear like they are +50 years old.
Oh well, have fun watching shingles fly off in a moderate thunderstorm in a few year old house.
I agree – but that’s not unique to Maryland. I saw many new homes built in Monmouth and Ocean county that were more shoddy than my parent’s 50 year old house which was built like the rock of Gibraltar.
Yup a big Harford county builder of $600,000+ homes just went bankrupt a couple of weeks ago. Bet what they were building and have built in the last 18 months is pure chit.
Who is the builder that went bankrupt? I know Clark Turner went down the bankruptcy tubes a few years ago. This must be someone else?
I can’t find any bankruptcy filings from a developer in the past few months. Give us a name,
Korey Homes
Where you save in property taxes they get in income taxes. My income taxes doubled moving her from New Jersey. The school systems are terrible in comparison to NJ.
I 100% disagree. Our child attends Harford Technical High School – specifically the Cybersecurity program, and they are receiving an outstanding cyber/software/hardware education, as well as various certifications. As much as we liked it, and still love NJ, our “home” Monmouth County school didn’t even come close in terms of the cyber program offered at “Tech.”
I agree. Maryland has always has great schooling in rural areas, but has a lot to be desired in the urban areas.
You should talk to the town of Bel Air about that city tax. Although I oppose property tax in general. I think the county property tax and state property tax are reasonable.The county tax is on the higher end in Maryland. However, the county piggy back income tax is the true screwing of the taxpayer. That rate should be lowered or better abolish the entire tax. A sales tax or value added tax would be an improvement.
And the corruption will continue. The Republican party thanks you for your vote.
Yesterday, for the first time, I saw the most blatant electioneering INSIDE a polling location. After voting, as I was leaving the location on Route 152, an adult woman was walking in with two kids who looked to be late elementary school age. Each child was carrying a pro Kathy Szeliga sign. They sat down, with the signs clearly showing Szeliga’s name and plea for a vote. I have no idea why the woman with the kids thought it okay to use them as political pawns. I guess they didn’t see the big signs about NO ELECTIONEERING PAST THIS POINT, as they walked in from the parking lot. Thankfully, an election judge promptly handled the problem, after being prompted. Some elected people are so desperate to keep their delegate license plates, they will encourage bad behavior, even with innocent kids. Very sad…..
I can’t stand being approached by candidate advocates as I enter the polling place. It should be against the law for them to harass voters with their words, placards and signs.
Right? Political speech is the very worst kind of free speech.
Truthful and honorable free speech, the political kind, is always welcome and greatly appreciated. Personally, I don’t like fibs spewed around, or unlawful behavior(s), by those receiving tax payer funding. I need to reference the 1st amendment as related to the Federalist Papers.
Did anyone write in Dave Ryden? The next question is will he be moving on now that he has a new boss coming.
What about that lunatic Boardman?
Chris Boardman is no lunatic. He was running against a Right-wing lunatic. Boardman did an admirable job on a shoe string political effort. He received 32,330 votes to Gahlers 71.141 votes.
Gahle’rs endorsed gun-nut ex-cop pal J.D. Russell lost his state delegate campaign in Dist 34A coming in dead last.
We’ll get Gahler next time. This time we prevented him from sending two ex-cop gun-nuts to Annapolis. And the Harford voters prevented sending another gun-nut ex cop to the the County Council.
Can’t win them all.!
Gahler went from a 12% win in 2014 to a 37% win during the big blue wave. He also had the largest victory percentage of any county official. Gahler will be Sheriff as long as he runs.
Only 37%? He should have done much better than that given the field. He had better hope nobody credible challenges him. His numbers mean he left over 60% of vote on the table.
Gahler took 68% of the vote. Sheriff for life!
I love the dead last comment, tho. Yeah, last place but in a district that the highest votes were only 3,711 ahead of “last place” with currently 809 write ins. Roughly 28 percent to 20 percent difference in vote percentages between candidates.
The 34A state senator candidates were a much closer race to watch.
The Harford County Sheriff election was far greater difference. Your boy lost big time.
You mean 0 for 6 Boardman! Never met a voter who liked him! Is it possible to be that bad of a candidate? Guess so!
Incumbents Prevail in 2018 General Election:
And they would like to thank themselves for voting them a big fat taxpayer funded raise.
Taxpayer Funded Raise and a $50M lawsuit that continues to grow by the day. Wait till the tax bills coming to pay for all of this.
This still proves that people trust the guys getting the raise more then they trust that lying piece of shit ex-cop Jerry
2 more years of listening to Andy brown-nosing Trump and ignoring his constituents. The ignorance of some parts of this state still never ceases to amaze me.
I like how Churchville was like: “Oh, a candidate got drunk and disorderly in public? Heck yes let’s re-elect him to the county council!”
Oops. That was a drunk driving charge. Not drunk and disorderly. That’s waaaay better….
There is no more Republican party, this is now the party of Trump. Congrats Harford county you bunch of racist misogynist bigots. Pray for the day when the masses rise up and treat you they way you treated them. Payback is hell.
No, I don’t see it that way. I believe there is no more DEMOCRATIC party as they have become the party of treason and adapted an ideology that resembles the pre World War II German government and NOT that of a Constitutional Republic. Everything the Democrats preach is contrary to our Constitution and the abrogation of our rights is what they are after. It’s NOT gun control, speech control or behavior control, it is rights control. That’s the bottom line. A Constitutional Republic is supposed to protect the individual liberties guaranteed to us, yet the Democrats see things as be one of us or be condemned. That is NOT freedom, that IS tyranny. We are a Democracy in that we elect our representation, NOT we make laws that infringe on liberty to make everyone behave the way we want them to. Obama said that manufacturing jobs were gone and never coming back. He also said that 2% growth was the new standard and we just need to accept it. In just 2 years, that crazy orange haired nut proved Obama was an idiot that got every Democrat believing that our Country is in decline and that we need to accept the rest of the world as our rulers and give them our wealth, intellectual properties and cede our true place as a world leader to let others, like China, run the show. Obama failed. You ALL need to realize that the repercussions of these elections will basically put Trump in the same situation that Obama was in and nothing will get done for the next 2 years without some sort of cooperation between the divisive party lines that have stagnated this country’s government. Congratulations America! You ALL voted in a group of traitors whose real mission is to prevent America from becoming great again.
You may want to turn off Fox news, You’re nuttier than squirrel turds.
I would rather be as nutty as a squirrel turd than a treasonous Democrat like you. Today we heard about how the Democrat’s weapon, ANTIFA, was deployed against a Fox News personality at his own home. It’s time to shut down the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party has become hazardous to the nation and is literally organizing groups of terrorists to carry out their agenda. This is more than troubling. Remember, I’m not a Democrat or a Republican, I am an American. I do NOT approve of the Democrats using terrorists to accomplish a political agenda…..It’s just NOT American.
Yes those vicious Democrats sending bombs and shooting up Synagogues… Do you even listen to the garbage you spew? Let me guess you are a great awakening looser aren’t you….
You are incredible. The difference between the two nut farmers you allude to and ANTIFA is that ANTIFA is an organized group who claim to be protesting, yet are committing domestic terrorism against American citizens while the two nut farmers are just two nut farmers. There is no garbage I am spewing because what I type is the truth. The Democratic party is literally telling their supporters to go out and harass and terrorize those whom don’t support the Democratic party. Neither Trump or the Republican party ever said send bombs to Democrats or go kill some Jews. I am not the one with a reality problem. You are. You need to pay attention to the Democratic leaders you worship and realize they are the ones who have called for terrorism to be carried out on their behalf.
Antifa? You mean that group that was hauled into court and they couldn’t find a single one of the guilty of anything? That well organized terrorist group? Loosen up the tin foil hat buddy you are losing it
Have you seen the video of the Tucker Carlson protest? HAHAHA laughable what a snowflake, scared of a bunch of women in the street chanting with a mega phone…. eeeewwww the well organized terrorists, It’s almost as frightening as interrupting McConnels cheesecake order. You repubs are a frightened bunch, perhaps your moms basement is the best safespot for you.
Whatever. The video shows a group of people chanting ”Tucker Carlson, we will fight!
We know where you sleep at night!”, right outside his front door. That’s terrorism and if you think that is the way a political agenda is supposed to be accomplished then you are nothing but a Fascist traitor. I believe you are the one with the tin foil hat because there is no conspiracy theory about what we ALL saw. That was an organized event to use threats under a staged protest to a Television personality. That’s just the way it is.
Whoopsie….By your own definition every trump rally is all orchestrate terrorist event. You rightwing loonies just never think your argument through….. why is that?
I don’t recall a Trump rally being held on a person’s front lawn with threats being directed to a person whose wife is holed up inside scared to death. Let’s not forget that the ANTIFA participants beat on the door so hard that it literally cracked the man’s front door. I think you just want to justify a complete act of terrorism being conducted by a terrorist organization under the guise of a political protest. There is no justification that can be warranted from your arguments. When you step on private property of a person’s home you don’t have any right to peaceful assembly and this assemblage was anything but peaceful. Private citizens have the right to approach a front door of a home, knock, wait for an answer and if no answer is gained they must leave. Not stand on the man’s property and do what they did. Now I take offense to being called right wing. I am not a Republican or a Democrat. I am an American. I have never attended a political rally of any kind, nor would I ever attend any event in support of either of the two parties that I don’t belong to. As an American, I take offense to what occurred on Tucker Carlson’s front lawn and I have no problem calling this an act of terrorism.
Had you watched the video, because the group was smart enough to video the entire ordeal There was no door beating and the door was not damaged. Stop parroting the snowflake Carlson and his lies and seriously stop watching fox news it makes you look less intelligent and for being a dumbass already you need all you can get.
Oh and stop moving the goalposts on every argument you lose, it’s ok to admit you have no idea what you are talking about and your opinions have been spoon fed.
I didn’t loose the argument. You did when you condoned the work of a terrorist organization doing the work of the Democratic Party. The door was beat on and there is a crack on his oak door from the carnage. A quick web search of the incident shows that at least 10 news agencies on the first page of the search results ALL claimed his door was in fact beat on and 4 reported that his front door had sustained damage. Now as for the ANTIFA members being smart, well, you don’t go and conduct an act of terrorism while you are recording the event. They aren’t smart at all. They are complete idiots. Their chanting in itself was an act of domestic terrorism. You can’t see that because you condone what they did. I can not. They should at least be charged for the damage to his door, the spray painting of his driveway and the paint that was incidentally on his car. That is vandalism. By the way, they didn’t record the knocking on his door, nor did they record the spray painting of his driveway and I DID watch the video.
Oh please the only proof of his is a known liar from a network that is the propaganda arm of the current administration. This is clearly a false flag operation paid for by Adleson and the Koch brothers. Pictures of these same “antfa” members have been seen at multiple Trump rallies. Evidence has been produced from contractors that Carlson was shopping for a new door 2 months ago. Come on Soul Crusher this is just another made up Republican nothing burger.
Seriously? You are out of your beloved mind. The incident was organized by “Smash Racism DC”, which is also known as “ANTIFA DC”. Smash Racism DC and its members are being funded by the DSA and other organizations who approve of the DSA and its tactics. I have no idea where you get the insinuation that this was funded by Republican friendly donors or that this is a false flag operation. It was clearly tweeted to the participants by the Smash Racism DC Twitter account, which is now suspended. Fox News is undeniably a Republican political channel that does promote the propaganda of the current Republican Party, which Donald Trump is the leading figure in. However, the reverse can be said about CNN and MSNBC, who seem to air the propaganda of the Democratic Party. Those who want proof of where Smash Racism DC aka ANTIFA DC get their funding from, please check out the provided link. DSA stands for Democratic S0cialists of America and I’m tired of arguing with you guys. The proof is in their own Facebook posts….
Smash Racism DC is funded by the DSA and other donors friendly to the DSA. I would tell you what DSA stands for but the DAGGER continues to censor the Crusher of Souls for using a word each and everyone else can use without getting censored. Here is the proof that the DAGGER has tried to censor ALL of you from seeing for yourself….
D E M O C R A T I C S _ C I A L I S T S O F A M E R I C A
Nope antifa and the Carlson incident are all a false flag paid for by the right scum as a false flag. It’s all over the news, where have you been under a rock?
SoulCrusher, I used to think that you made sense on your outcries and arguments. After reading this last post, I believe you are lost and see how incredibly deep in the dark you are. I guess smoking that stuff does that to someone after a while. I will say a prayer for you, you desperately need help.
Son, let me give you some advice. Pray for yourself and seek help for yourself, not me. If you believe that what I type in my last comment is not true then you are just lying to yourself. ANTIFA is to the Democratic party what the Brown Shirts were to the pre World War II German government. This is the way it starts. We all know how it ends.
Those Anarchists are common. They are UN American, they are UN civil, they are bums. In America we don’t do as the commies did….shoot them. Instead we hold them out as examples of what baffonism is.
GO DAGGER !!!!!!!!!!!
Who is Antifa?…….roots in 1920’s Germany…….another populist front was the more famous Nazis. As a former cold warrier…….I would have no problem dropping some Jo’s on an Antifa rally.
Go Dagger !
Did I understand you correctly – by threatening to drop an explosive device on people are you are suggesting that you are willing to commit an act of terrorism which makes you a would be terrorist? If so, you should be investigated as you have exceeded your freedom of speech protections. Brian Goodman should step up and act.
Yo dummy in 1920’s Germany they were the ones accused of burning the Reichstag facilitating the Nazis rise to power. Don’t get your history from Fox news it makes you look like one of the easily led idiots that Hitler needed to do his bidding.
I hate to be the one to tell you this, but both parties have a populist movement going on and that is just the way it is. The heart of populism is politics aimed at the masses, telling people that their problems and concerns are being ignored by those who are in charge. BOTH sides are playing this angle. How can you not see this? Is it the message of Trump who promises isolation policies with walls and a better living for those who have struggled? Is it the message of Democrats who want Bernie Sanders type policies promising a better life and living for those who have struggled? It is the same damn thing. Both are promising a better life for Americans by implementing policies that will address the problems and concerns of those who believe they have been ignored. The two sides are just preaching opposite ways of attaining the same goal. However, anyone with common sense knows both side are full of crap and want the same goals of political power and the ability to rule the lives of others. Americans are stuck with trying to decide which side is best suited for their interests and prosperity, when in reality there is only two things that matter and that is the economy and liberty.
I heard Uncle Jerry was so mad he poisoned about 4 more of his neighbors’ dogs.
And Joe Woods- what a fucking loser. This guy has been getting voted in off the backs of the fire service. Hope he gets vaginal cancer.
Never heard the final totals. Did Tin Foil Hat, Glass win or lose after all the ballots were tallied?