From Richard D Schafer, President/CEO Maryland Reclamation Associates Inc.:
MRA is pleased with Maryland’s High Court’s decision to deny Harford County’s petition and the motion for permission to file amicus curiae brief in support of petition for writ of certiorari. Importantly the court’s decision made clear “there has been no showing that the review by certiorari is desirable and in the public interest.”
The denial should send a clear message to the county, the jury’s decision to award 45.5 million dollars with interest of 12,500 dollars every day (now approaching 48 million) was/is a local matter. The time has come for the county executive and council to recognize what the jury understood after listening to the evidence. “That Harford County through its zoning did in fact cause a regulatory taking of MRA’s
Richard D Schafer, President/CEO
I agree 100%! The County needs to pay do the taxpayers don’t have to bear the brunt of this!
Once more…. this time in English.
This was just a motion to go to the highest court, the case is still before the lower appeals court..this guy just wants desperately to get paid before a new trial is ordered..shame he has to do hid own legal analysis.
The county should immediately levy a local tax so this does not deter future businesses from coming to Harford County. This sends a chilling message to any entrepreneur.
Get lost, Mr. Schaefer.
They are lying low hoping to God nobody catches on before the election. Many of the same who made this decision are running for offices today. Key among them is Glassman.
I am somewhat surprised his opponents have not crucified him on this.
Judgment $45M awarded to MRA
Harford County motion to revise judgment – denied
Harford County motion for judgment notwithstanding verdict – denied
Harford County motion for new trial – denied
Harford County motion for relief to post supersedes bond – denied
Harford County motion to stay judgment – denied
Harford County petition for Certiorari – denied
Does aynbody see a bright spot for Harford County in any of this?
All the money MRA is going to get will do that republican trickle down thing?
This shit is about as hilarious as the attempt to develop houses at former Beech Tree Golf outside of Aberdeen.
In English! Harford County just took a hard right to the chin. They are now forced to argue the record, a record where they only had one witnesses who lied under oath. As far as businesses being scared to come to Harford County. The Glassman regime has the most anti business attitude sense the Reherman administration. Maybe the best legal action the county should take would be to pay Mr Schafer and sue outside trial counsel for malpractice.
I doubt trial counsel has insurance policy limits that would come anywhere close to covering this judgment
I checked the history of this legal mess and it would appear Glassman was part of not in my backyard movement. Problem is his political zeal was exercised in favor of a very few near the MRA property to stop a rubble landfill a prior council approved. The jury of county residents saw the unfairness involved to MRA and now the majority is on the hook for 45 million with interest adding up at 12,500 dollars a day its time for Glassman and the council to represent the majority and settle this mess while they can
Suck part of it is they had the opportunity to settle this for $10 million but took a gamble with taxpayers money and lost to the tune of $45 million. And guess who’s getting rich…. the countys lawyers.
I am sure they have figured out where the budget cuts will come to pay for their stupidity. Or Not….more likely in the end taxpayers will get screwed
Unless Harford county starts printing money there is no way the taxpayers won’t get screwed. When does the county council raise go into effect?
The Harford County leadership isn’t the sharpest. They let their arrogance get in the way of making sound decisions.
Nah. These are $500 per hour Baltimore City lawyers. The local gangs of Snee, Lynch, Stover, Young, etc. aren’t making any bank off of this.
This should impact Gahler new raise.
Donald’s new obsession> Sheriff Gahler.
Love from the Whole Gang!
There will lots of love when they have to fork over their new spending initiatives to pay for their stupidity. Too bad the Gahler groupies aren’t able to realize the impact. They will soon enough.
*will be lots
Once again , Donald’s new obsession> Sheriff Gahler. Remember??? west and with Gahler?? LOL
Your special kind of stupid aren’t you? LOL
Talk about obsession. Go eat your candy.
So tired of the WHINING!!!!!
The county did nothing wrong!!!
Sour grapes in an effort to hurt Councilman Beulah!!!!!!!!
Just for the record, Maryland Reclamation Associates, Inc. has absolutely no claim to any property in Harford County because they haven’t filed any taxes in over 4 years. They have been granted an extension for taxes since 2014 and are trying to rape Harford County and the people of Harford County. They haven’t even filed the Personal Property Assessments Summaries, yet alone paid any tax on their Corporate personal property. If a Corporation has not filed taxes for this extraordinary length of time, why would anyone believe they are entitled to receive a settlement from any County in this State. Maryland Reclamation Associates, Inc should be forfeited for unpaid taxes, all extensions should be revoked and the personal property of this corporation should be seized by Harford County for their reprehensible conduct. How on earth can a corporation still have a “good standing” when they haven’t filed taxes in close to a half of a decade? Think about it……
The county owes MRA via court order far more than their taxes for the last 4 years. Think about it… take all the time you need.
Sorry, I don’t agree. This Corporation should not be in good standing and should be forfeit. All property should be assumed by Harford County. In my opinion, the County doesn’t owe a dime to a corporation that should have been forfeit half a decade ago. Think what you want, but the Court decisions are invalid because a corporation that should have been forfeit has no claim to anything except “these nuts”…..
Furthermore, a tax exemption of this type is only available to NON PROFIT corporations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Please explain to me how a reclamation company can be considered a NON PROFIT organization? I’m waiting……
Do they even qualify for the tax exemption under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code? According to D&B they have revenues of $150,000.00 per annum and that doesn’t sound like a NON PROFIT organization to me…..
Mr. Soul Crusher,
Please do tell the basis of your information that Maryland Reclamation Associates “haven’t filed any taxes in over 4 years”. Are you referring to Federal Income taxes, State income taxes, County income taxes or state and county property taxes, sales taxes? Please do explain the reference to the IRS code 501(c) (3) in relation to your explanations. Perhaps you would consider that discussing someone’s tax situation, other than your own, is usually not productive, unless of course you have personal knowledge of all the circumstances, or there is a public document with all of that information. Do you have that personal knowledge, or is this just an unqualified opinion? It seems to me that if your approach were that easy, it would be pursued vigorously to avoid a payout equivalent to about 5 percent of the Counties budget, and growing daily.
To get unlimited extensions granted by the State, for a corporate tax, means that an exemption exists or the corporation is getting a free ride from someone in the State’s cesspool of good ole boys. Unfortunately, the visible records only go back to 2014 because I’m willing to bet there is more unpaid years than this….
You have clearly displayed you have no concept of what the word “profit” means. Easy question if a company loses money (make no profit) what is their tax liability?
Yeah, I’m sure “no profit” is used in maintaining that half a million dollar home in Churchville that is their base address. Uh huh, we were all born yesterday and the Easter Bunny is Santa Clause’s brother. What more fiction do you want the people to believe? That the half a million dollar home is maintained without any profit being generated what so ever? Come on, this is a sham…..
Or maybe there is also no profit in the $332,000 condo that they are also using as an address?
Says the pot growing and smoking pothead who lives in Mommy’s basement.
Well, it’s against the law for me to live in my home so Mommy’s basement will just have to do…. So, do I grow the pot in Mommy’s basement as well? Why don’t you come and investigate it. I’m waiting for you.
By the way PeeWee, what did they catch you doing in that movie theatre? Did you enjoy yourself?
How’s the herpes doing? get it under control yet? How’s your boyfriend, oh excuse me significant other doing with his herpes? And I don’t have a Mother, she passed of cancer many years ago, so you can save your usual response and that’s why me my Daddy and all my friends use yours.
If I had herpes then I’d let you know, but since I don’t why don’t you tell me what it’s like? You paint one hell of a scratch and sniff picture. Sorry about your Mom, but if your Daddy and all your friends would’ve stayed out of her for five minutes she might not have passed from that HPV virus one of them gave her. Cervical cancer is caused by the HPV virus and you might have it too. Worry Wart or should we say Warts….
BTW do we keep you up at night, making all that thumping noise upstairs?
Not in the least. Besides, my 65 year old mother would probably kill you. In the sack I mean.
What’s wrong PeeWee Herman? Didn’t like someone telling you about how your mom really passed? Look, you want to get on here and falsely accuse people of having an STD, falsely accuse people of being homosexual and then falsely claim to be screwing my mother, yet don’t like it when someone tells you about that dead tramp you called a mother who I used to call “HOE”. If you want to talk crap you must expect to get crap talked back at you and everyone knows the Crusher of Heads, Holes and Souls can talk crap with the best of them. I really like the way you thumbs up yourself. That’s something your mom used to like as well. She always had he thumb up herself too…..
Hey Jon Boy, it was me who gave Pee Wee the like. You’re a waste of human flesh. What’s the matter, Mommy burnt your toast this morning or she didn’t give you enough froot loops? Maybe the Herpes is flaring up. Now go lay naked in the middle of your floor all crawled up in a ball, you’re used to doing that.
Like anything you say means a thing. I may be a waste of flesh, but you and your ilk have to pay for this waste of flesh’s health insurance for the rest of my life. How does that make you feel? Now get back to work and pay those taxes. That’s right. I live off of you because you committed treason and there is nothing you can do about it…. Stinking Harford County Pork By-Product. By the way, Maxwell can’t afford a silver hammer. The Hurrican wiped him out a year ago and the FEDs reneged on his flood insurance. It’s good to see pieces of crap get what they have coming. Your time is coming. Karma has a way of getting stinking traitors and you are one of them.
Well as the song goes “You gotta know when to hold them and know when to fold them.” Seems the Brainiacs in Harford County doesn’t know when to fold them. It would have cost a lot less years ago if they would have folded, but how much is it going to cost now? You can only roll the dice so long and it has caught up with the county now.
The lawyers get richer while the taxpayers are on the hook for the entire bill. The county council is just risking Harford county voters aren’t smart enough to realize they are getting screwed. I can only imagine them all sitting around laughing at the taxpayers and voters.
John P. Mallammo –
Take your sour grapes elsewhere.
Morris Tapherson
You all love that sour grapes saying in Harford County don’t you. Leadership in Harford County Government can act inept and corrupt and if anyone calls them on it they are suddenly suffering from sour grapes. It simply illustrates the arrogance so prevalent in County Government.
I hope you develop a hernia.
Morris Tapherson
That’s pretty creative. Did you come up with that all on your own or did you have help?
Piss off.
Morris Tapherson
Well Donnie will never suffer from a hemorrhoid, as he is the world’s most perfect a$$hole.So maybe the hernia will have to do, whaddya think Morris? I like your thought process very much.
Have a few of your own Sour Grapes huh?….
That’s pretty creative. Did you come up with that all on your own or did you have help?
All on my own. If I need help I will give credit to all those involved. Thanks for asking piss ant. Any other stupidity you would like to spew?
How do you truly feel?
Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms. Morris Tapherson,
Harford County will attempt to overcome recent setbacks on the MRA verdict. Strategy in circuit court failed. Strategy to get directly to the Court of Appeals failed when petition for certiorari and permission to file amicus briefs failed. There is a possibility that a new strategy will be developed to prevail in the Court of Special Appeals. It is anybody’s best guess on the probability of success, odds are not favorable. Meanwhile the debt grows by approximately $12,000 a day, add in legal fees, and the cost to get through Circuit Court, amount due is roughly $50 million dollars.
Mr. Schafer’s proposed rubble fill was rejected, and it is unlikely that it will be resurrected at this point. Harford County is currently sending solid waste to Baltimore County for disposal. Harford County landfill takes a limited amount of solid waste. Both operations have a finite life. The Glassman administration has not indicated that there is any plan, or a planning process to deal with solid waste generated in Harford County.
The Glassman administration has demonstrated an inability to learn from the past, particularly in the area of land use. The Magnolia Overlay district is an example of the vacillation in the planning process. The decision to permit the tire pyrolysis plant is an example of the utter disregard for the zoning code. Neither is a positive signal for the future in regards to land use planning. Seems like the Glassman administrating is extending an open invitation to litigate. Sour grapes? How about better government and governance in Harford County.
John P. Mallamo
If the people and the county don’t want a landfill near a watershed then they don’t want a landfill near the watershed. How hard is that to figure out? MRA should be compensated for the cost of the property and nothing more. That is after MRA pay its damn taxes.
Mr. Soul Crusher,
If it were that simple, Harford County would not be in this mess. The situation developed when Harford County first approved Mr. Schafer’s efforts to establish a rubble fill, then withdrew that approval, and established other legislative measures to ensure that it could not be established. Therein lies the basis for the judgment against the County.
John P. Mallamo
Harford County was welcome to do whatever it wanted to, but once they did it they had a legal obligation to Mr. Schafer to deal with the consequences. Instead of dealing with the consequences they played games. Harford County Government is famous for this kind of action. Unfortunately those games are now going to cost the county taxpayers an arm, leg, and then some more. The starting point should be cutting all the additional spending initiatives they have decided to implement to get themselves elected this year. Pay Raises – gone, department increases – gone, and the like. This before they ask for 1 penny from the taxpayer.
There should be an independent investigation into what the hell they were doing and hold some of these cats accountable.
Mr. Mallammo:
Thank you for setting me straight. I agree with you now.
Have a pleasant weekend.
Very Truly Yours:
Mr. Morris Tapherson
And people wonder why their is so much hate and division in this world? Just read some of these posts. Hate, hate and more hate. Everything from herpes to hernias and snide comments back and forth. Truly productive. Maybe some of you could benefit from checking out this safe link:
If you’re going to talk down to all of us , how about using the proper spelling of your words when doing so? “Their” How about there…
What goes around comes around. I don’t believe in civility. Especially when none is offered or deserved.
Exactly…..civility is a false narrative sowed by those on the government side who arrogantly thumb their nose at the rest of us while they enrich themselves on the backs of the taxpayer.
No Donnie , you’re the ignorant one, the one who lacks one bit of civility, decency and common sense. You’re the type who starts and continues with the hate, hate speech, mean, vulgar and snarky comments without any shred of human kindness. Peace to you and maybe someday you will learn to play well with others, although very doubtful, even if you have an opposing view of an issue.
I don’t know about that. I’ve learned to judge people by their actions, not their words. Sticks and stones will break your bones, but words will never hurt you. Unless you are an oversensitive gaping vagina that is…. You can take some of the most well versed people from the past that turned out to be complete monsters as examples. Words mean nothing if the person speaking those words has no regard with whom they are conversing. I could walk up to you and call you every cursed name in the book, but still walk away from you without killing you. Would you be scared or would you just think I’m an asshole? The answer to that question can tell you a lot about yourself and then you’d know if you needed to buy some tampons…..
More than a little infatuated aren’t you? Do you have a crystal ball where you watch over all posters on dagger?
Corrupt self serving politicians who enrich themselves are a prevalent component of Harford County. Less we forget the leeches (like you) who cling on them and feed like swine at the trough. Unclear how you insert “human kindness” when its the truth of the matter.
Whats really great is the Rooster is coming home to roost for these corrupt types.
Good Day
Point proven x2.
Peace , Love and Harmony to you both.
Notice he doesn’t mention TRUTH. Typical of traitors who hide behind their lies and then purport peace, harmony, and love.
Point prove Mr. Infatuation. Now go eat some candy.
Yeah, well at least that Rooster isn’t a traitor and I wasn’t a leech until my government committed treason against me. Now, I can’t do anything except take because I’m not allowed to work, enjoy my own property, own a business, choose my own profession, travel outside the country, tell the truth using my own name or a host of other things that everyone else takes for granted. Just remember, ” An unconstitutional statute is not necessarily a nullity it may have indeterminate consequences binding on the people.” Those people may never forgive or forget what occurred and may be scarred for life because of the deprivation of rights under the color of false law….
You can’t enjoy the good honest life and things were earn by obeying the laws of the land and respecting others. Your problems are because of your own doing. Face it , you grew pot, smoked it, shared it, got caught and went to the pokie. Nobody’s fault but your own. Sob sob, forcing out a tear here. Party on Dude…
I don’t respect traitors against the US and Maryland Constitutions. I don’t respect terrorists and racketeers. I don’t recognize unconstitutional law and I definitely don’t consent to it. There is no Constitutional authority to make the laws you allude to. Those laws were made by treaties with the UN, WHO and the Holy SEE. No law can be made by a foreign treaty that gives you a power and authority that doesn’t exist in the first place. I don’t recognize the law of the UN, WHO and definitely not the Holy SEE because I’m not a Catholic. Marijuana doesn’t even fit the statute because it’s not physically addictive nor does it cause a public health crisis. Now, you listen to me scumbag, I smoked marijuana the ENTIRE time I had my business and not one soul had a problem with me buying it and using it. You didn’t have a problem until I grew it for myself so I didn’t have to pay $400-$500 an ounce for good pot. What’s your answer to that? It’s OK to buy it and smoke it but you can’t produce it for yourself? Why is that? Is the government somehow making money off of its illegal importation and sale throughout the country? That would be the only reason I can think of. I shared it with a neighbor who already smoke it. I shared it with a life long friend who was putting it in his father’s food to suppress pain. Everything you say is not only against the Constitution, it’s against the laws of God and humanity. You’re such a complete piece of garbage that you can’t smell your own crap that’s on your knees. Once again, Maxwell doesn’t have a silver hammer, he has a treasonous hammer, especially since his wife Anne Hurlock is one of the biggest potheads around. So Screw you Fucktard! You will never be anything other than a stinking traitor against the people of the United States and a little Harford County pig that can’t get it up for his Dog Faced wife.
The old excuses continue from the corrupt and inept in our midst. If thats all they got SoulCrusher I would sleep well at night. The ultimate judge will judge them and they have lots to be concerned about.
The two Harford Hilton Alumni united, how sweet. And now a word from our sponsors in Ceciltucky. Camera 1 cut from Mommy’s basement to commercial….ROFLMAO
Keep on ROFLMAO. Glad I could amuse you traitor. May you rot from the inside out traitor.
Maxwell you feeling more than a little inadequate? You can admit it. Its ok.
Mr. Soul Crusher,
Your comments on MRA’s tax situation and good standing are in error. Your statement that MRA “haven’t filed any taxes in over 4 years” is not at all factual, based on the evidence you submitted. You have cited only one source, the Maryland Department of Assessment and Taxation data base for business entities, which contains information on personal property taxes only. With that information you cannot support the general statement you made. That particular data base is not the universal set of all tax data bases. It does not include information on federal income tax, state and county income tax and County real property tax. In fact there is no relationship between any of those other taxes and the personal property tax. Extensions granted to MRA does not mean that they have not filed the appropriate forms at a later date, consistent with the terms of the extension. Every taxpayer is allowed to file for an extension for the current tax year. Filling for an extension on an annual basis, does not necessarily mean that an extension applies for the previous year or any other preceding year. There is no exemption associated with the series of annual extensions as you imply. The significant part that you missed is the information on penalties. Penalties are imposed for noncompliance. As there is no indication that penalties have been imposed, there is no noncompliance. I believe that perhaps you misspoke and should proceed to correct your error.
John P. Mallamo
No, I don’t think so. If you haven’t filed any personal property tax then the business is invalid. The filings are due when you submit State taxes. That’s just the way it is. The extraordinary grant of extension after extension is not normal operating procedure and the non payment of PPT is the reason many businesses are NOT in GOOD STANDING. Why should this vulture receive benefits from the non payment of a tax that every other business is due. More than likely, there are many more years of tax exemption that was granted by the GOOD OLE BOY network that runs this treasonous State. I will NOT correct anything I said because what I said is the truth. Don’t like it? TOO BAD, I DON’T CARE. This business is a fraud and has no claim to any settlement. This business has a fraudulent GOOD STANDING with the State and it stinks of corruption. I never apologize for stating the truth and I just stated the truth.
By the way, the records show that MRA has NOT fulfilled any personal property filings for the 4 years in question. If you don’t file the assessment summaries then how do you pay a tax? MRA hasn’t paid PPT taxes in over 4 years and probably more. John P. Mallamo, you are dead wrong.
Mr. Soul Crusher,
We are both looking at the same data and arriving at different conclusions. I do not see in the data base you are using that MRA has not filed a tax Form 1, or that they have not paid any personal property taxes. Perhaps you would consider an example from the MD SDAT business entity data base to further analyze your points. Look at Kohl’s department stores, a business operating in Maryland, with every reason to maintain their business in good standing. Also review instructions for Maryland tax Form 1. Every year since 2014, Kohl’s received an extension for filing Form 1. The request for a 60 day extension must be filed no later than 16 April of the tax year. In 2017 Kohl’s filed Form 1 late on 10 Jul 2017. A penalty was assessed for late filing for that year. Looking at the amount assessed, county base, or tax years 2014 through 2017, Kohl’s has a very large tax liability, maybe for the inventory they carry not so much other taxable items, which is taxed as personal property. Reviewing instructions for tax Form 1, personal property may be depreciated. It is entirely possible that MRA has fully depreciated whatever personal property they may have, or they do not have any, and therefore do not have any tax liability. In this discussion statements should be both truthful, and factual to be credible. Please review your facts.
John P. Mallamo
What is wrong with you? This corporation hasn’t paid its PPT in four years. I’m willing to bet they haven’t paid for a lot longer than that. This corporation is NULL and VOID. You’re right, this discussion needs to be truthful and factual to be credible. The truthful fact is that this corporation probably hasn’t paid its PPT in 4 years and probably hasn’t paid it for a lot longer than that. This corporation is a fraud. That is the truthful facts and you can’t pay any PPT if you’re not filing the Assessment Summaries, which a kindergartner can see when they view the SDAT records. THERE IS A YEARLY FILING FEE FOR A BUSINESS TO EXIST. THIS CORPORATION IS NOT PAYING IT SO IT DOES NOT EXIST. I used to have to pay PPT just for having a computer I used for my business. Are you really going to tell us that this so called corporation doesn’t use a computer? Once again, what is wrong with you? Have you bumped your head?
By the way. I ran my business for over 10 years. Every year I filed it showed the filing fee and the assessed tax right on that SDAT site. Everything for these guys is blank. They just haven’t done anything and nothing you can say is going to change that.
Mr. Soul Crusher,
To both of your comments above. You are making assumptions now, that are not based on the MD SDAT database that you have selected as the source for your information. Nowhere in that database is there any information on taxes paid. Nowhere in that database is there any information on the filing fee paid. There are no blank spaces on the information MD SDAT database for this corporation. Please look at the date filed block of the annual report/personal property tax filings. Please do tell the significance of that block, if it is not to indicate that the Form 1 was filed on that date. Then look at personal property tax summary, note that the assessments are 0. It is quite possible that a corporation does have personal property with absolutely no assessed value. You should be aware of the fact that data processing equipment and canned software depreciates at the rate of 30% per year. After about 3 years and 4 months a computer would be fully depreciated, and would then have an assessed value of 0 dollars, which would result in 0 tax liability. Using the MD SDAT database as the basis for your comments will not support the positions you have extrapolated, nor will it provide you with the detailed information you require for those comments.
John P. Mallamo
I’m not assuming anything. I know from experience and have seen my own records from the past. What I’m seeing shows no tax being paid and that’s just the bottom line. The folks at MRA must have good connections within the State’s corrupt Goood Ole boy network….Just for the record, when SDAT says “No personal property assessments” that means none were filed or else there would be a ZERO there. We will just have to agree to disagree.
Mr. Soul Crusher
We have finally arrived at a point where a review of the discussion is appropriate.
Maryland Reclamation Associates is still a corporation in good standing.
Harford County still has a $50 million judgment against it for actions against MRA
You have an imperfect knowledge of the Maryland SDAT system.
Your statements about taxes, personal property taxes and the Maryland SDAT database are unsubstantiated, uncorroborated and are reduced to your personal experiences.
You have maligned the good character of MRA and the Maryland Department of Assessments and Taxation with those statements, for your own purposes/gratification.
Well done, sir.
John P. Mallamo
There is nothing good about the Character of Maryland Reclamation Associates Inc. or the State Department of Assessments and Taxation. Furthermore, since WE THE PEOPLE have none of the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights or the Maryland Declaration of Rights, I say all taxation is forfeit and an act of theft against every citizen in this State and Nation. I don’t care about your opinion. That Corporation is delinquent for paying their taxes for 4 years and probably over a decade. I did a little extra research and yes they have a complaint that may seem legit, but in the end they wanted to put a landfill near a watershed. That’s detrimental to the community and the environment. That outweighs ALL your objections and no one cares about your one sided opinion. Obviously, you haven’t been following the Dagger very long, because if you had you would know I don’t care about the treasonous Maryland government and I definitely don’t care about a corporation that doesn’t pay its taxes when I paid mine religiously for over 10 years regarding my company. What I do now is a totally different story, but during my ownership of my corporation, everything was paid on time and I never had any problem with the State Department of Assessments and Taxation. I felt an obligation to do my part and pay my taxes, now I wouldn’t pay the State on single dime for reasons that have nothing to do with what we’re talking about.
“That Corporation is delinquent for NOT paying their taxes for 4 years and probably over a decade”. – Sorry, my bad….
Sing along Soulloser:
Another Saturday night
And I ain’t got nobody
I don’t got no money ‘so I just just can’t get laid
Now, how I wish I had someone to talk to but no friend to talk to
I’m in an awful way
Let me tell you ’bout it, lookie here, I just sit in my Mommy’s basement and smoke some pot, then I just post crap on the dagger, piss off a person or two
I’m in a awful way…..
DO NOT QUIT YOUR DAY JOB. You are not a good song writer. However, it’s good to know that you just can’t get me out of your head.
Written by Sammy Cooke and covered by Car Stevens and others as a platinum hit, of course minus the personalization to fit your pitiful existence. Get some culture idiot.
* Cat Stevens
That’s not culture old man. That’s infatuating about other men and could indicate latent homosexual qualities that you have hiding within your soul. Go ahead, write me another one. I’m just so flattered, but aren’t you worried about making the “horse faced hoe” jealous from your obvious obsession for men?
That’s so funny… to bad Casey Kasem has left us, I’m sure he would have it on America Top 40…..
The only thing that’s funny is you two peter puffers playing whack a mole in the deer stand with each other every time you lie to your wives about hunting when you’re really just covering up that you just can’t stop fantasizing about raping man holes. Boys, give it up. You’re never going to sink my ship….
Now that’s funny.
Then thumbs it up….