From Harford County government:
In the interest of public safety, public health & the environment, on Saturday, October 27, 2018, Harford County will be participating in the Nationwide Prescription Drug Take-Back Day sponsored by the US Drug Enforcement Administration. You may turn in your unused/expired medications for safe disposal on Saturday, October 27th, between 10AM and 2PM at one of the following Harford County locations:
– The Harford County Office Building Parking Lot, located at 220 South Main Street, Bel Air
– Maryland State Police Barrack D, 1401 Bel Air Road, Bel Air
– The Havre de Grace Police Dept located at 715 Pennington Avenue in Havre de Grace
– Wegmans, 21 Wegmans Boulevard, Abingdon.
No questions will be asked!
Prescription Drug take-back day is a safe way for our community members to dispose of unwanted or expired medicines that they may have in their homes. Working together, we can help eliminate a source of abused prescription drugs, and reduce the hazard they pose to our families in a safe, legal, and environmentally sound way. If you would like more information regarding this program, you may contact the Office of Drug Control Policy at 410-638-3333.
Soulcrusher please take note!
Why on earth would I need to take note? I don’t live in your god forsaken county. I don’t take prescription medicine other than blood pressure medicine. Sounds more like you should take note. You’re obviously on drugs if you think a non-Harford County resident would be willing to ride into the hell known as Harford and risk his very life to throw some pills in a recycling bin. Maybe you can find some other drugs at the take-back that can make you think clearer……
Jeez, you always have so much to say about Harford County. I’m astonished that you don’t live here. Though I am somewhat relieved now. I just wonder why you spend so much time reading about us and making snarky comments. You must not have a wide range of interests, hmm?
Well, I really don’t care what you think. I don’t care about, step foot in or even travel thru your County. I don’t know what you are relieved about because I have never done anyone any harm or wrong in your County. The one time I did cause someone property damage in your County, they were paid in full, twofold. I was called to this thread by “Reality of It” and I wasn’t going to make any comments on this article at all. I have no reason to. My interests are of mine alone and are none of your business. By the way, I like the way you can leave duplicate comments. Edit much?
Sounds just like someone else we know on here, with at least a dozen different names he uses.
Never did anything wrong? Grow weed, smoked it, shared it and got busted. Hmmmmmm
Nothing wrong, huh?
He must be one of those Dagger editors too? Right?
“I have never done anyone any harm or wrong in your County.” – I do believe you have a reading comprehension problem. Name the person I have harmed. You can’t because there isn’t anybody in your County whom I have harmed. There is no crime unless there is a victim and the State can’t be the victim. That’s just the way it is. Show me who I harmed in your County. I’m not the criminal, your police, courts and prosecutors are the criminals. That’s why I don’t pay taxes. I don’t pay a tax to help fund a group of traitors enforce illegal and unconstitutional law. ALL CDS laws are unconstitutional. If something is unconstitutional it is illegal because it violates the Supreme Law of the Land. You can bask in your rules and regulations, but I don’t consent to them. Don’t like it? TOO BAD, LEARN TO LOVE IT TRAITOR…..
SSDD ….. toke on Pothead….
@ “Sounds Fishy To Me” – Well, I can’t leave duplicate comments. Can you?
Sounds Fishy To Me says
SSDD ….. toke on Pothead….
SSDD ….. toke on Pothead….
There’s your answer ….
@”Sounds Fishy To Me” – Yeah, it is and you will never change the way I look at things. Just because you believe in fascism doesn’t mean I have to believe in it. The Federal Government simply doesn’t have any authority to regulate the behavior of men and the State laws were made to conform with Federal laws, after the State received a bribe to make and enforce the laws. That’s all Federal Funding is. A bribe from the FEDS to the STATES to make and enforce unconstitutional and illegal law. I tell you what, why don’t you read Article 1 Section 4 and tell us where the Feds get the power and authority to regulate men. Tell us where the Feds get “Police Power”. The answer is there isn’t any authority to do what they are doing and it is an abomination of unconstitutional law. Do you really think the Government owns the American People? Or does the American People own the Government? They are public servants and they work for us. We don’t work for them. They have betrayed the covenants and they are traitors. That’s just the way it is….
@”Sounds Fishy To Me” – That’s not a duplicate comment moron.
ah huh, did nothing wrong? Good Night.
Sounds Fishy To Me says
October 27, 2018 at 8:00 pm
SSDD ….. toke on Pothead….
Unconstitutional law is NULL and VOID. What don’t you understand about that. Those who enforce unconstitutional law are traitors. Those who prosecute unconstitutional law are traitors. Those who cast judgement and convict thru unconstitutional law are traitors. That’s just the way it is traitor…. You will never be anything more than a stinking traitor.
That’s still not a duplicate comment traitor.
toke on …pothead…
toke on….pothead….
Those are still NOT duplicate comments BrainFart. I think you need to contribute whatever you’re taking to the takeback program….
yes they are
yes they are
Now those are duplicate comments. Edit much?
I just tried to duplicate my comments from 6:27pm and it wasn’t allowed. Edit much?
Makes them feel better about themselves if they can rag on someone else like you. Pathetic passive/aggressive behavior to hide their own short comings.
If Harford County and the DEA wanted this is available to all county residents, more locations could have been included.
Jeez, you always have so much to say about Harford County. I’m astonished that you don’t live here. Though I am somewhat relieved now. I just wonder why you spend so much time reading about us and making snarky comments. You must not have a wide range of interests, hmm?
Totally rad….referencing Reality of It with his dozens of names….sounds fishy.
And no not @ Reality of It , the true user, and look who answers up, good old Jane and company…
uh huh
yes they are
yes they are morons