From Citizens for Suzanne:
Suzanne Oshinsky, the Democratic candidate for Harford County Council (District B), says that students and teachers are being shortchanged in the way the county invests in education. She spoke to the Route 40 Business Association at their Candidates Forum on September 12th.
“Education currently accounts for only 36 percent of Harford’s total operating budget,” she points out. “This compares unfavorably to nearly 50 percent levels in most other counties and even more in some of Maryland’s highest performing counties.”
“The current administration would have you believe that the figure is actually 46 percent,” says Oshinsky. “It misled tax-paying property owners over the summer by distributing a pie chart in which the education figure miraculously rises 10 percentage points through the removal of some $162 million allocated for items ranging from highway construction to debt service.”
Inadequate funding for education has led to a number of negative results for Harford County, says Oshinsky, including student-to-teacher ratios in classrooms among the highest in Maryland.
“Meanwhile, some of our best and most experienced teachers have moved on to other counties paying higher and more equitable salaries,” she adds. “And those teachers who remain have more on their plates and less time to give individual attention to students who are struggling. Many teachers in our county have to take second jobs to get by.”
This problem is especially close to Oshinsky, who as the mother of an autistic son found it necessary to remove him from the public school system and home-school him because the Harford education system does not provide adequate funds for educating children with special needs.
“The quality of our schools is one of the key factors that families and businesses look at when relocating,” notes the District B candidate. “Unless we re-prioritize toward a greater commitment to education, the county as a whole will suffer.”
And HCEA endorses this woman’s opponent. What a joke. Gotta wonder where the HCPS unions would be if their leaders weren’t political hacks.
Very well said, Ms.Oshinsky. You get an apple. Unfortunately I have to vote for your opponent.
Harford County Education Association TEACHERS RECOMMEND Ben Jealous puts head in sand.
Dept. of Education needs to rearrange its priorities, too. Spend less higher in MANAGEMENT…spend more on kids and teachers, teachers aids, etc.
Unfortunately, Ms. Oshinsky either does not understand or has not read the budget. Page 11 of the Harford County operating budget lists general fund appropriations. Education is 46% of the budget.
What Ms. Olishinsky is erroneously referring to is the total appropriations. These numbers include enterprise funds which are not available to be spent on other purposes. This includes highway user funds, as well as, water and sewer funds. These cannot be spent except for their designed purpose. These funds are never included in the calculations of percentages allocated to various categories. Read the Overview of Maryland Local Governments.
It is exactly this kind of unadulterated ignorance that caused HCEA to endorse Mr. Woods over Ms. Olishinsky. While Ms. Olishinsky lacks fundamental knowledge of budgets and operations of both government and schools; Mr. Woods has continuously advocated for our students and teachers. He has demonstrated his understanding of local government throughout his entire tenure on the county council. Unlike Ms. Olishinsky, Mr. Woods listens to teachers, their union and his constituents.
Ms. Olishinsky also has failed to recognize a fundamental fact. Throughout his first term County Executive Glassman has increased funding for HCPS by over $20 million compared to a paltry $5 million dollar increase by the State of Maryland. It is not Mr. Glassman, Mr. Woods or the other members of the Harford County Council that have failed our county, our students, our teachers and our schools, it is Larry Hogan. Despite promises of more funding and fairness for Harford County during his first run for governor, Mr. Hogan has not increased school funding, highway user funding or any other state funding stream for Harford County by any appreciable amount. MSEA and HCEA as a local affiliate endorsed Ben Jealous. Ben Jealous will ensure that our state properly funds our schools.
Ms. Olishinsky has spent past few months besmirching HCEA any chance she got because she did not receive the HCEA endorsement. She expected HCEA to endorse her solely because she was a Democrat. She has publicly attempted to deride HCEA’s endorsement process entirely because she simply was not a knowledgeable or viable candidate.
HCEA does not make endorsements based on party lines. Every candidate endorsed by HCEA has been endorsed solely because they support public education, teachers and students. Mr. Woods has always supported our teachers, our students and our schools.
Ms. Olishinsky should be commended for running for office. However, she should focus more on earning votes through truth, credibility and innovative ideas; rather than non-sense and half truths. Hopefully, should she decided to run again in the future, after her inevitable defeat in November, she will take the time to prepare and inform herself about county finances, school finance and governmental operations.
Unfortunately, Ms. Oshinsky either does not understand or has not read the budget. Page 11 of the Harford County operating budget lists general fund appropriations. Education is 46% of the budget.
What Ms. Olishinsky is erroneously referring to is the total appropriations. These numbers include enterprise funds which are not available to be spent on other purposes. This includes highway user funds, as well as, water and sewer funds. These cannot be spent except for their designed purpose. These funds are never included in the calculations of percentages allocated to various categories. Read the Overview of Maryland Local Governments.
It is exactly this kind of unadulterated ignorance that caused HCEA to endorse Mr. Woods over Ms. Olishinsky. While Ms. Olishinsky lacks fundamental knowledge of budgets and operations of both government and schools; Mr. Woods has continuously advocated for our students and teachers. He has demonstrated his understanding of local government throughout his entire tenure on the county council. Unlike Ms. Olishinsky, Mr. Woods listens to teachers, their union and his constituents.
Ms. Olishinsky also has failed to recognize a fundamental fact. Throughout his first term County Executive Glassman has increased funding for HCPS by over $20 million compared to a paltry $5 million dollar increase by the State of Maryland. It is not Mr. Glassman, Mr. Woods or the other members of the Harford County Council that have failed our county, our students, our teachers and our schools, it is Larry Hogan. Despite promises of more funding and fairness for Harford County during his run for governor, Mr. Hogan has not increased school funding, highway user funding or any other state funding stream for Harford County by any appreciable amount. MSEA and HCEA as a local affiliate endorsed Ben Jealous. Ben Jealous will ensure that our state properly funds our schools.
Ms. Olishinsky has spent past few months besmirching HCEA any chance she got because she did not receive the HCEA endorsement. She expected HCEA to endorse her solely because she was a Democrat. She has publicly attempted to deride HCEA’s endorsement process entirely because she simply was not a knowledgeable or viable candidate.
HCEA does not make endorsements based on party lines. Every candidate endorsed by HCEA has been endorsed solely because they support public education, teachers and students. Mr. Woods has always supported our teachers our students and our schools.
Ms. Olishinsky should be commended for running for office. However, she should focus more on earning votes through truth, credibility and innovative ideas; rather than non-sense and half truths. Hopefully, should she decided to run again in the future, after her inevitable defeat in November, she will take the time to prepare and inform herself about county finances, school finance and governmental operations.
“Unadulterated ignorance”? Unadulterated arrogance!
Your HCEA is full of “unadulterated ignorance” aboutJoe Woods. Your paling around with a far right Republican gun nut who introduced legislation to “nullify” Maryland’s new commonsense gun reform. ” Nullification” is an illegal legislative tactic of white nationalists!
The ignorant HCEA also ignores that Joe Woods pushed Council legislation to give a prominent landowner a back door land deal for a quid pro quo campaign contribution! That’s just olain Joe Woods corruption that was halted by an analysis by Friends of Harford.
The HCEAs evaluation of candidates overlooks the whole candidate. They overlook unethical behavior and common sense.
Vote for Suzanne Oshinsky for County Council Distict B and Gordon Koerner for State Delegate District 7!
Well Bless Your Heart.
Mike, there is no “Commonsense Gun Reform” because it is ALL unconstitutional. What is with you and the treason you preach? You see, it’s not gun control. It’s right control. That is what you and the Democratic party want. You wish to reassign ALL of our rights into the State’s cesspool of fascism. What more of the people’s rights will you demand next? Democrats keep preaching about everyone’s civil rights are under attack when they won’t tell the truth and admit that it is the Democratic party who wants to destroy those rights. Mike, you have graduated to full blown traitor and you should realize this before you become so influenced by the DEMOSOCIONAZIO party that you can not return to being an American.
Great letter by a great candidate who cares about the students. HCEA endorses without regards to who supports them They play the political game of whom they think may win and that is whom they support. For a union their leadership under Burbey was not very good. Have to wait to see what happens under the new leadership.
Mr. Koerner,
You know that what you have said is completely untrue. Further, under my leadership I accomplished every single promise I made to our members. Likewise, we conducted multiple successful political campaigns. In fact, our last contract was arguably the best in the state. We play no political games. We endorse people who support public education, are prepared and are able to run a viable campaign. At every juncture, I have been civil to you and have explained how the endorsement process worked. HCEA had nothing to do with you not being endorsed. Apparently, the folks in Baltimore County who you interviewed with did not find you to be an appealing candidate. Since your district straddles the two counties, both locals have input. The truest test of a candidate and a human being is their honesty. Right now you are failing on both ends. Also, before anyone asks if I am working, I am on my duty free lunch. I wish you well Gordon. I am sorry that you and other Democratic candidates have not been able to compartmentalize and accept your own deficiencies. Godspeed.
Ryan Burbey is an outstanding advocate for the men and women who teach in Harford County. Heed his words.
As a former educator, I respect his intellect and his political instincts.
He is also very cute.
Gladys if you call getting in bed with people who appose the public school system as him having intellect and political instincts, maybe it’s good your a former educator.
Mr. Koerner:
Piss off.
Respectfully: Joe Stellers
Mr. Koerner,
Joe Woods is a public school graduate, a former sheriff’s deputy, a fireman and a strong advocate for our schools. Barry Glassman has given more new money in four years that any other county executive that I am aware. $20 million is nothing to sneeze at. Pat Vincenti is about the strongest advocate for our teachers and our schools that you could have. I get that you an Suzie have some unholy alliance of entitlement. I get that you want to win but how about winning on facts. The fact is that David Craig underfunded our schools to the breaking point. The fact is that Larry Hogan has broken every promise or commitment of additional funds for HCPS or Harford County that he made when he ran for governor the first time. The fact is that the state of Maryland has been habitually underfunding our schools, particularly under Hogan.
If folks want to make sure schools are funded, they should vote for Barry, Pat, Joe and Ben Jealous. These are all HCEA endorsed candidates.
But Joe woods was involved in a corrupt land deal for a $5,000 campaign contribution until the Friends of Harford pointed it out in a letter to the Dagger in Oct 2015 Bill #15-027! The FOH letter posting was removed from The Daggers backlog today when I used it as evidence of Joe Woods corruption
And Joe Woods is a Republican gun nut who supported a Harford County Council legislative effort to nullify Maryland’s most recent commonsense gun control reform!.
Friends of Harford letter to The Dagger in October 2015 exposing Harford Councilman Joe Woods attempt to make a Backdoor Land Deal for a $5,000 campaign contribution!
Ryan, you are the one with the untruths. You are the one who was endorsing candidates before they were even interviewed. As far as BC, they never sent me a request that I am aware of. Also according to one of the teachers who were in on my interview she said I was endorsed but you were the one who held up my endorsement. It was solely political with you. You know that the back and forth we did months ago, is the reason you are the one who held up my endorsement. I was told that all the teachers who interviewed me approved me for endorsement. You are totally one arregant person. Never evr have a heard someone do as you did at a Democratic meeting like the one at New Harford Democratic Club. You have the nerve to walk into a dem meeting and endorse republicans. If I were holding that meetinng I would have shut you down right away. You sir have no respect for anyone but yourself. That the bylaws of the HCEA that you could not run again. Of course the entire Democratic Party in Harford Countiy knows you have been in bed with the republicans for years. Please quite while you are ahead. You have not the slightest hint just who looks out for the teachers. Democrats have and always will. As I go thru the records of votes by the Republican establishment all I ever read is NAY when it comes to supporting teachers, students and the public school system. Then there is the part of athletes having to pay to be on a sports team or anything else of out side school activities. This is the most discusting thing I have ever read. The athlete put their bodies on the line so the school system can make money off them. Your silence on those issues speak loud and clear. Some people will sell their souls for the company store.
I did not hold up your endorsement or anyone else’s and no teacher on the committee told you that I did. That is a lie. TABCO did not vote to endorse you. Your name never came to the state committee.
As to the New Harford Democratic Club, I was serving as HCEA President. I did not endorse Republicans, I brought Apple Ballots and begged people to get out to vote for Ben Jealous and to advocate for our schools.
By the bylaws of HCEA, I can run again, however, I have served my time and made my sacrifice. I will not be running for union president again. As to the Democratic Party of Harford County, if they hold my service as HCEA President against me, where I was compelled to represent all my members Republican or Democrat, then so be it.
As to our interchange, I kept that private until today when you revealed it. As to all the other points you are making, you are absolutely and totally incorrect. I did exactly as I told you I would and did not intercede in any way with regard to your endorsement. Had it come to the state PAC, while I served on it, I would have recused myself.
It’s funny, I don’t remember seeing you advocating for teachers or marching with us or speaking at county budget hearings before you decided to run. I truly could not care less what you think, say or do but I assure you will never have my vote or my support. I believe in supporting competent candidates who understand the issues and have the character necessary to serve with integrity.
I am a proud Progressive Democrat. I have taken a lot of heat for this in Harford County but I have never acted like a petulant child or quit. I am proud of the work I have done and proud that leaders of both parties have expressed gratitude for my service. Good luck and God Bless
You are an amazing man. And you are VERY attractive.
Ryan you are trying to pass off false claims by saying the BCEA has to endorse me to get the HCEA endorsement. Each union is their own union and can endorse any candidate they so wish.
When I look at the HCEA I don’t see the name HCEA/BCEA. I see only Harford County Education Association.
When I got out of the Marines, I went to work for a telephone Line company. Our union was the International Brotherhood of Electrical workers. We could endorse any candidate we so wished.
When I was a furniture finisher and repair technician i the furniture business, we belonged to the International Teamsters Union. We could endorse any candidates we wished.
When I jouned Bethelehem Steel in Bethlehem, PA there were 2 local unions and 1 office workers union. Each of those unions could and did endorse different candidates.
When I followed Bethlehem Steel to their Burns Harbor, IN, plant we had out own steelworkers union. All the unions were under the Steelworkers Union of America and we could endorse candidates with out the endorsement of the National Union.
For you come out with your astatement I know it to be total hog wash.
There is an old saying; “you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.”, which you are trying to do.
You are wrong. Your assumptions that every union operates the way you have experienced is wrong. HCEA is a state affiliate of MSEA. TABCO is a state affiliate of MSEA. State legislative endorsements must be approved at the state level. When a legislative district is split between 2 locals, the candidate must interview with both, unless the one local chooses to just accept the other local’s recommendation. That is how it works. Period.
If you were running for a national legislative office, there would be the additional layer of the NEA.
I appreciate your hard work in your union and I have told you so. However, when you make assertions that are inaccurate and assumptions that lack any credence, you do not cast your union brothers and sisters in a good light.
I hope you can find peace with your self and be happy.
Again, in case any one is wondering, I am on my duty free lunch.
Burbey had absolutely nothing to do with fees for student athletes.
Here is Ryan’s comment when the fees were doubled. These are not the words of a union leader.
“””Ideally, they shouldn’t need to charge the fees. Unfortunately, the current budget situation is such that the money is very tight. I think there is some merit for those who participate in extracurricular activities carrying some of the cost,” said Ryan Burbey, president of the county teachers union.”””
Ryan, last year 2017 Joe woods was gone from July 2017 till November12, 2017. He did not attend 1 council meeting during that time. Sure he is a first responder and when he returned to the council I appaulded his work as a first responder at that meeting.
One has to decide whom they are going to serve the people who elected him to the county council or residents of other states.
The county council needs candidates who are willing to attend all the meetings.
I endorse Suzanne. She will serve the people well and will be the help the School system needs.
In every job and in every government office, except maybe he President, we allow folks to leave for military, national guard and other first responder service. Joe’s absence was excused, warranted and had zero impact on the functioning of the council.
It doesn’t matter if you attend every meeting if you can’t even read the budget and don’t understand the way government functions; which judging from her submission above Suzanne does not.
I honestly wish she were a better candidate. The Democrats need to build a bench of candidates to run for office in every district. However, its a little like the Orioles. You can’t build a bench of folks who don’t understand the issues or how to run a campaign.
Here’s what upsets me. During every election all of the candidate’s hold education hostage and then when they get elected they do not do a damn thing.
Can someone tell me how to get in touch with someone, anyone, on the “Fallston Advisory Board”. Their online presence is shockingly inadequate. David Williams is listed as chair, but who knows which bush to look under to find him. I can’t find any way to contact him. A “FAB Member” states that the next meeting in on Oct 20 in the Bel Air Council Chamber, but the website says their monthly meeting is the 3rd Tuesday @ the Fallston VFC. That’s what we need, transparency, but not to the point of invisibility.
No wonder Fallston/Bel Air/Forest Hill/ the rest of Harford County is in such a turmoil. You can’t get in touch with anyone who is suppose to be protecting our public interests.
Mr. Koernur owes Ryan Burbey an apology.
Ryan your own words just proved what I wrote above. “unless the one local chooses to just accept the other local’s recommendation.”
We are waiting for your apology.
Tina, Do you mean the one Ryan owes Gordon Koerner. Ryan is the one out there who has been spending untruth since before the primary election Tina, you don’t know it but this has been an on going back and forth for quite sometime. Many of us have moved on, but Ryan just wants to bring up his pettiness over and over again.
My name is posted as Koerner. The U that you inserted is 2 letters away from O on the keyboard.
Well Bless Your Heart.
Going off topic Ryan and I have been going back and forth before the primary. We even had a back and forth on the Tire Pyriolsis plant proposed on Pauls Lane. I was on the executive committee and he thought we were wrong to be fighting such a plant. I kept trying to tell him that the process is harmful with cancer causing agents. He denied my statement.
Since we have won that case, here is sworn testimony by a doctor proving my claims were correct. “”Dr. Allinson is concerned by a facility that produces potentially toxic materials, including butyl, chlorine, and chlorobutyl rubber, which is a material that . can easily produce case dioxane, which is one of the agent orange family compounds that produces cancer and can cause mutations in unborn children.” Dr. Allinson also stated that heavy metals are produced and that Auston has not responded to EPA requests for details on how these emissions are to be prevented.””
Yes Ryan wanted to put cancer causing agents in the air to over 54,000 people and 7 schools within a 1/2 to 7 mile radius. Is that looking out for children’s interest?
First of all, you entirely mischaracterized the nature of the plant and exploited people’s fear for your own political gain. The plant would emit less pollution than traffic on rt.40 does on a daily basis. Second, hazardous materials are transported on the train, rt. 95 and rt. 40 every day going right past the site. You do know what they make at the Clorox plant right? You do know that there are other industrial sites very close by and closer to the schools. The bottom line on the issue is that the process was misrepresented to gin up political outrage. It was shameful and forced the wrong decision to be made. Further, the site is not that close to any schools.
The debate we were having is not why I blocked you. I blocked you because you derided me, my leadership and the HCEA endorsement process.
To clarify, I blocked Gordon on Facebook. I did not block his endorsement. This was not a, “You can’t handle the truth moment.” Although Clearly, Gordon cannot…
Apologize. NOW.
Yes Wyatt D you are correct. Ryan needs to aplogize now.
Well Bless Your Heart.
The comments on here are churlish and despicable.
Mr. Burbey is a distinguished leader in our community who has worked for many years to improve our communities. He advocates every day for our educators, and he is clearly bipartisan.
You people can suck an egg.
Thank you.
You funny!
It’s obvious that Ben Jealous has held secret meetings with Ryan Burbey and disclosed the location of the mysterious money tree that will be used to fund all of Ben’s proposed projects. We should blindly follow him and assume that everything will be fine. #BelieveThem #UnlimitedFunds
When it comes to education most of the additional funding will come from the casino lock box. The State of MD had an overall surplus of a half a billion dollars this year.