The following speech was delivered by District 34A delegation candidate Sarahia Benn on September 4. A copy was provided to The Dagger for publication.
From Friends To Elect Sarahia Benn:
Let me express sincere thanks to all who took the time out of their lives to come out today. To all those who have supported me in the past and even in the present. We are still on a historic journey and the company on this journey I could not ask for any better. You all have been an inspiration to me. A major driving force for all my successes I have experienced in public service the past year or more. You are all in my mind champions for all Marylanders and America in general who desire that we all make it to that promised land on Earth together. Many Activists, candidates, and other concerned citizens stand out here today as the exceptional embodiment of service.
To my family whom I love dearly even though we’ve experienced such profound and deep losses in this year and recent past you give me strength to be who I am. I must admit I am quite emotional in penning this. The memories…
Running for public office has made me go deeper than I have ever gone in my life. I thank each and every one of you for pressing me in a way that has driven every ounce of excellence out of me. Know you are all more than just neighbors or friends, you are family.
8 months ago, I began this journey officially, three days after my Mom’s burial. I got to speak about something dear to me which is advocacy, economic empowerment, and activism through the words of the late great MLK. You see starting this journey without the one person, my Mom, whom I had always had on my side was tough. But she said prior to her passing “you must live your dreams, fly high because those people have no idea whom they will have to represent them but I know how great you are. And even though I don’t believe in that voting bs, if I make it you will be the first person and most likely the only person I will vote for. If God is willing.” As you all know, she never made it but those words have carried me through.
You see, I come from a strong, well known local family called the Bishop-Bond. My cousin Rev. Reggie Bishop wrote a book called the Bishop-Bond where he traced every bit of lineage of our family. He found info on our Great grandfather Augustus who made $1,435.43 as a bagman in 1937 as written on a index card as an account for his social security. In March 1815, great great great grandfather John Durbin liberated and freed all of his kids and said “you kids are related to all of Harford County.”
Now on my Benn side I must admit I wasn’t as knowledged. My Mom had left my biological father many years ago, he had been abusive to her and finally became abusive towards us children so he had cut off all communications from himself and family until 2 years ago. I received an inbox. It said I am your cousin and I have been watching you for over a year. and it took us this long before we thought we should contact you. My mom is your father’s sister which makes her you’re aunt. She would like to talk to you and see if we can move forward. So I did call and I talked to my aunt Christine and we talked and we talked and we talked. She told me the history of the Benn family and how the Benns’ had never been slaves. And that I am related to every person in America named Benn.
Do you see the connections and patterns?
So as you can see, I know where I come from so I know where I’m going.
All my life I had felt the need to advocate for my community.
Literally I was born with advocacy in my veins and fire in my soul. It is these connections that brought me here today. We are all a part of one big community family. We share common grounds, common beliefs, and common desires. It’s now time that we put our minds, bodies, and souls into action to work for the good of all. And we can do it.
Despite having busy lives and individual dreams and goals we can still come together for the good of all to make the vision of today, tomorrow, and the future a reality.
Growing up my Dad use to say the future is not tomorrow, it is today.
He’d say, Benn, (that’s what my Mom and Dad called me)I know what I have went through and what I might go through tomorrow but for you the future still is bright as the sun that is shining today. Reach your hand to the sky and move towards it. My Dad was saying to me that no matter what challenges we face today we have to change tomorrow by changing our circumstances today. We have to have an urgency if we desire for what we envision today to be our tomorrow and future for our families, and our communities. Knowing the difference between change and positive change will propel us on the right course for a better tomorrow.
It is those grand and hopeful ideals that I was brought up on and still live by.
I am passionate, like so many concerned citizens this year that we need to have a massive renewal, rebirth, a massive uprising of positive change of representation in the State of Maryland. The vision and direction must positively change now. We can no longer be satisfied with the people who represent us as being just nice. We can no longer say”they’re not that bad”, we need to be demanding that we have representation that gets the job done…and I, Sarahia Benn, am that person.
Think about it I come from a bagman who made $1400 in 1937, a man who liberated and freed his children, and a sharecropper’s son to be here being able to run in the same county. I have deep roots and connections in Harford County.
I’m going to deal with an elephant in this election briefly by saying…there were Shenanigans played in this year’s primary directly against me and others. The thing is it also happened elsewhere too. I went all the way down to PG County to testify in support. But some folks have said to me “it’s only politics.” The problem is the voters are not benefiting from this trickery. Some will say this and that about me after this decision but I don’t care. I know that my run for public office has always been about doing the work for the People. To get better representation we need everyday ordinary Marylanders contributing to our system with positive change and integrity. This does not mean I am perfect but people playing politricks is the main cause to creating massive voter distrust, apathy, and suppression which means many politicians are serving themselves instead of serving their communities. I don’t think you all are hearing me……In 2018 it can no longer politricks no more.
So…..Democrats you are my brothers and sisters.
Independence you are my brothers and sisters.
Republicans you are my brothers and sisters.
young and old you are my brothers and sisters and so on and so forth.
Because we all have too much stake in this thing called life to continue to go at each other in the fashion that we have been going at each other. This is what I want to be a part of building those links, building those bridges, through the type of public representation that makes a republican friend of democrat, Democrat friend of independent, and young and old come together alike to learn and grow with one another and community. Now I know that Some may believe that I’m being naive and being a bit too hopeful. But I say if we don’t build it today all that we complain about won’t ever be our future.
The 40 corridor has immense potential for economic growth but it will take a strong and ingenuitive representative to make it work for every citizen in District 34A. The current representation has an Effectiveness rate of around 1.6% and 22%. It means that for every Bill they’re introducing the chances of success is virtually none. So we must ask ourselves is District 34A really progressing with such dim numbers?
There are numerous environmental, Transportation, educational, health, and addictions, economic where monies are going out but are not being recycled within the district.
These challenges don’t even seem to be on the minds of many of the current representation. District 34A is a beautiful place to live but truthfully speaking the way it has been set up it is NOT economically independent the way it can be or benefitting the people the way it should be.
It shouldn’t take a grandmother 2 hours to get to the senior center in HDG because the Senior Center in Aberdeen has been destroyed that means the transportation system is deficient. It shouldn’t take a student who wants an education at Harford Comm. College 3 hours to get from Edgewood to the college. Being located on the Bay water area we should be experiencing massive tourism and our water should be clean yet both are still major concerns. As a small business proponent I want to reinvigorate this area with massive small business growth but not at the detriment of job and wage growth. It’s tough to marry these things together however I have a plan that will make what looks as diametrically opposed work. We need representation that will make positive progress and I, Sarahia Benn, am the person who will make it happen. From building a Votech to replenish our aging tradesman workforce to improving our infrastructure and transportation to providing some governmental reform from governmental corruption to healthcare by helping to create a caregivers bill & a more stable individual market to investing in higher public education for our children today so they can be the leaders of our state tomorrow. Just finding more ways to make public funding work better for the citizens of this district and State. These are some of my visions of today that I plan on making sure will be the realities of the future.
Again, think about it…I’ll repeat. I come from a man who liberated and freed his children in 1815 to a man who made $1400 bucks in 1937, and a sharecropper’s son to be here being able to run in the same county. I have deep roots in this County. And I didn’t even mention that my Aunt Geraldine Hague has been considered a Harford County Treasurer for all the great things she did. So there has been some progress but I am greedy for more progress for all.
All of what I’ve listed are challenges that we are all going to be able to overcome. But it requires some new representation. Think about it if you did your job at approximately 1.6% or less effectiveness do you think you would still have your job? Rhetorical…you wouldn’t.
So after a group of voters in my inbox, on the streets, community leaders and activists came up to me and said all of what has happened must stop. That if someone doesn’t step up this time it may take decades for progress for ourselves and our kids. I decided I would step up. It’s time for a new voice a new vision, new Strength, and ingenuity in our representation in District 34A. And that is me Sarahia Benn.
So I am announcing that I am reactivating and re-launching my candidacy in this election beginning tomorrow when I file in Annapolis(Sept 5, 2018). Know that this decision was done in the interest of the people who have inboxed me, called me, wrote me, dropped by my house, and stop me on the street stating they were writing my name in anyways. My father served on the front line in the Korean war and I admit I could never do something as heroic but I want to serve. Know that my legislative priority will always be YOU, THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE.
But I need you help and your support now whether it’s postcard writing, driving me or others somewhere, canvassing, donating, and phone banking or a little bit of all. We can win this together. We can win this for the People for once.
So on October 25th, 2018 get out and early vote by writing in S. Benn.
Thank you and Blessings to you all.
Sarahia Benn
Cdev says
Better than the guy with the tin foil hat.
PSA says
Ms. Benn is a Democrat. ( I had to look it up. )
Cdev says
Does it matter? Besides the district will elect candidates from either party.
Kevin says
I’d vote for a flaming bottle of propane over Glen Glass.
I still don’t get why anyone voted for that clown other than they happened recognize his name after watching him make a fool of himself standing in the back of his truck on Rt 24 with his name plastered all over it.
Beet says
Shame on you. Mr. Glass is widely recognized as one of the leaders in our state legislature. He is a thoughtful and intellectual legislator widely respected on both sides of the political aisle. He has been an accomplished representative for the people of Southern Harford county. I enthusiastically endorse his re election.
PS his hair is hot.
WTF? says
You are an idiot (obviously!).
Lydai Shard says
Piss off. You would not know quality or sex appeal if it hit you in the face.
Beautiful Day says
Jane is sexy, appealing and really smart too. Listen to him, oh, I meant her.
Jane says
Why yes I am….too bad for you I have no interest in those with integrity and character flaws.
I am sure someone might be interested, but not I.
Maybe Jeff or Dave will do it for you?
Reality of It says
His hair is really really hot! I wish I could stick my head up his ass as well.
just sayin says
You will have to take out of your own first.
Cdev says
You do realize he gets nothing passed
Cdev says
They confused him with Barry Glassman
June says
I am so inspired. I hope she finds a way of addressing Soul Crusher’s impotence.
Jane says
Leave Soulcrusher alone, as he is smart like me, and I hear he is handsome too. He really knows what he’s talking about. You are a Windbag as well.
Jane says
Adam, Adam, Adam…….Bored today are we? I see you still haven’t found anything better to do, but continue with your lame, old, childish behavior. Back to the drawing board for you.
BTW while were on the subject SoulCrusher has more common sense and understanding in his pinky finger than you do in your entire head. Your nothing but a puppet….a clanging gong that makes a lot of noise with no basis of fact. Easily manipulated as is demonstrated on these pages. Unable to think for yourself. That’s ok with time you may figure out how your being used. Used to extend the candidates own personal corrupt agendas as well as their lack of character and integrity. Quite shameful how easily manipulated and played by the system.
SoulCrusher says
You may have brought me to the conversation thru an insult of a personal problem that I have, but I am going to do something different this time. I am not going to even respond to your insult. Instead, I am going to say I endorse Sarahia Benn for your State Delegate’s race as being the only candidate who speaks the truth and has a message worthy of your voters, even though I am not a registered voter or live within the bounds of your county’s district. Regardless of race or political affiliation, this person seems to be the only one sharing a message of unity to your county’s voters and I believe your county should elect this person for office. The Crusher of Heads, Holes and Souls says “VOTE FOR SARAHIA BENN FOR DISTRICT 34A STATE DELEGATE VIA WIRTE IN BALLOT”.
On point says
I value SoulCrusher’s endorsement almost as much as I would an endorsement from Maxine Waters or Al Sharpton. Does Miss Benn support the breaking of the laws of MD from inside the confines of her own home also?
Jane says
Leave Soulcrusher alone, as he is smart like me, and I hear he is handsome too. He really knows what he’s talking about. You are a Windbag.
SoulCrusher says
SoulCrusher says
WTF? says
You are also an idiot (obviously!)
SoulCrusher says
SoulCrusher says
SoulCrusher says
Lydai Shard says
Still impotent?
SoulCrusher says
Harford County Education Association TEACHERS RECOMMEND Ben Jealous says
and Mary Ann Lisanti for 34A
SoulCrusher says
WTF? says
I have had the misfortune to meet the extremely rude Ms. Benn on a couple of occasions. She constantly interrupts existing conversations, and her “stump speeches” are so “black centric” that they turn most folks off. She is the black female version of Donald Trump (a divider, not a uniter).
And what’s with this long diatribe about her family? This has nothing to do with her qualifications for the position that she desires! She’s nothing but a sore loser/spoil sport, parading herself around as someone that she is definitely not!
Remember during the primary campaign how she complained about how her signs kept being stolen? Well guess what, they weren’t stolen Ms. Benn, they were removed or destroyed because you had placed many of them in illegal locations or without permission from the property owners….mine being one of them!
Vote for ABB (anybody but Benn).
SoulCrusher says
Marla L Posey-Moss says
To WTF and your “Likes” – It is odd that your engagement with S. Benn has been anything less than polite. In my witnessing of her speaking to people she has patient. On her listening tours she appreciates what all people have to say and doesn’t interrupt existing conversations. None of her speeches have been “black centric” but rather District 34A centric and she needs White Male voters just as she needs Black Female voters and EVERYONE in between. She has her finger on the pulse regarding the needs of everyday people. She clearly is a uniter and has worked with more candidates throughout the county/State and her district more than anyone else. The dividers are those Democrats who trumped around a false Team Harford “Sample Ballot”, a very very low point in Harford County Democratic politics (we are not Prince George’s or Montgomery Counties). Her qualifications are solid and it is important to know about one’s family. I hope you don’t go around criticizing the value of people’s roots because she has a lot of family here and her roots go deep. She isn’t spoiling anything because the people who are voting for her are not voting for the incumbents, “Leave Steve” or JD Russell. I really don’t believe you know her but simply don’t like the idea of her which is to bring a voice to the voiceless, disenfranchised and disgusted. She has cross over appeal to many Democrats, Independents and Republicans. If her signs were misplaced just simply take them off the property and let her know. No need to be nasty. We can all campaign civilly. There will be a trifecta of the Ben’s on the ballot – Ben Cardin, Ben Jealous and S. Benn. Continue to watch her campaign be very successful. If anyone wants to partner with her and use leverage to win this upcoming election please contact me at 410-746-2746. Those of you from Havre de Grace, Aberdeen, Belcamp/Riverside, Abingdon, Edgewood and Joppa, vote The People’s Champ for State Delegate in 34A, Write-in, S. Benn (be sure to fill in the oval too).
SoulCrusher says
Liberal Democrat says
It *is* a vote for a Democrat.
SoulCrusher says
Cleo Pence says
Delegate Glass is an accomplished legislator who, according to his Web Site, has had a significant impact on local and state history:
– Blue Ribbon Award by Maryland Businesses For Responsive Government
– 100% Perfect Roll Call Score
– Recognized as a Patriotic Employer and Supporter by office of the Secretary of Defense
– Passed a bill that gives tax breaks to small businesses who hire disabled veterans
– Passed bills to give more hunting opportunity to sportsmen
– Led the Referendum Effort in Harford County to get three bills on the Ballot
– Introduced more bills than any Harford County Delegate
– 70 Sponsored/ 387 Including Co-Sponsored, 42 passed
– Leader/Sponsor of No Cost opt-out of Smart Meter Bills
I love this man.
SoulCrusher says
George says
I’m surprised his smart meter allowed him to publish a website. The cancer rays emanating from it probably have infected his brain leading him to believe he’s the greatest mind of his generation.
Marla L Posey-Moss says
Actually in all 8 years of office, Delegate Glass has been the primary sponsor of 128 bills and only 2 have passed. That is not the record of a successful delegate.
Old Guy says
And in all that time he never got fired at a single public school!
MPM says
Old Guy – I know you think you have said something but you didn’t. Get the facts. Many of my students loved me. I don’t play politics in school and I held my students accountable. It is important to educate students so that they can produce but they all have choices. I wish you were a lover of education and before you comment again, please go get some.
Ray of Light says
Vote Glenn Glass the clear choice for the interests of this community and not the establishment fat cats.
True Ray of Light says
And the above message was brought to you courtesy of Jane, Mike Tyson, Earl, Harford Voter, concerned Voter, Earl, Hary Johns and all his other names. Funny thing about it is he’s now a Cecil County resident unable to vote for Harford County elections and uses everyone else’s pseudonym to spew his vomitous nonsense.
Paid for By Citizens to Keep Donnie out of Harford County.
Authority: Sam I AM A Butthead , Treasurer. ( He makes 6 figures) ROLMAOF
True Ray of Light says
And the above message was brought to you courtesy of Jane, Mike Tyson, Earl, Harford Voter, concerned Voter, Earl, Hary Johns and all his other names. Funny thing about it is he’s now a Cecil County resident unable to vote for Harford County elections and uses everyone else’s pseudonym to spew his vomitous nonsense.
Paid for By Citizens to Keep Donnie out of Harford County.
Authority: Sam I AM A Butthead , Treasurer. ( He makes 6 figures) ROLF
True Ray of Light says
* Thats Harry Johnson folks…and lets not forget We the People….
True Ray of Light says
Come up to Bel Air Donnie. We’ll meet you at Looneys for a drink and campaign strategy for you. Headed there now.
Jane says
I am at Loonies all the time. Watching….. see if u can figure it out.
I eat dinner there at least three nights a week.
Sorry but I don’t hang out with assholes like you. I do meet clients there some nights.
Jane says
Old and Lame….
F for effort. To be expected when you have your head up everyone’s ass. Hard for you to focus when you lack oxygen.
I will be at marathon tomorrow see if you can find me.
Jane says
Diahrea mouth still can’t come up with anything relevant. This shows his desperation.
Alas it’s funny watching him act like an ass.
On topic…. Wait what is the topic? I have no idea who Benn is. Couple other Delegated have real issues as part of Old Boy Club
Our Delegate should be independent of the Old Boy Club. That’s a fact Jack!
I won’t reveal who might endorse but they know because I wrote them a check and will vote in November contrary to rumors written here by unreliable sources who simple talk out of their asses.
Later Tater
True Ray of Light says
Change of plans Donnie boy, meet all of us @ Black Eyed Suzies. Hey I think the Good Old Boys might stop by. Come and join us!
True Ray of Light says
There are still some seats left at the kiddies tables. We’ll save one for you. You’re welcome.
Jane says
I am guessing reading comprehension is one of your strong suits. To be expected.
After all you are slow on the up take.
Jane says
Jane says
Missed you at the marathon today, or did I? Only I and you will know.
Jane says
If/when I run for an office you will be first to know. On second thought aren’t you the group that helped Ryden with his campaign strategy? Perhaps your not the best ones to provide help given the results.
Thanks for offering, but no thanks.
Ray Of Light says
I love Soulcrusher and Donnie-Jane. Both smart and good looking, too bad neither live or vote in this county. I would vote for them if only they would move back to Harford County.
Ray Of Light says
I love Soulcrusher and Donnie-Jane. Both smart and good looking. Too bad neither live in or vote in this county. I would vote for them if only they would move back to Harford County and run for office.
Jane says
Still not getting it are you? Old and Lame…..Whats that white stuff running out of the corner of your mouth? You should drink some water before you pass out from lack of Oxygen.
D for effort.
Are you a Ryden or Gahler Lackey? Maybe we will see you at the Marathon Race tomorrow?
Someone says
CC says
Vote Benn! Down with the colonizers!
Knew Harford Democrat Club says
Sarahia Benn and her selfish actions running as a write in guarantees a Republican sweep of District 34A.
Marla L Posey-Moss says
To: Knew Harford Democrat Club, S Benn is pulling people to the polls who don’t usually vote for the incumbents and won’t be voting for “Leave Steve” or JD Russell. Her base is completely different from theirs. People have to get off their butt and stop complaining and go get votes. She already has more votes than Glen Glass and the 57 she came behind on due to the illegal shenanigans of the Democrats is not a plurality – it’s an embarrassment, however, to the Democratic Party here. Besides, she was the second person to file to run for this seat, and if she and Lisanti worked together this would have been/can be the most obvious win of two delegates to the Maryland House of Delegates. The only way Republicans win is if Democrats don’t come to vote. This is a different electorate, even when considering it is the General election and not the primary. Voters want candidates who are real and take a stand, not those who are afraid to speak and take a position for fear of losing a vote. Too bad you are on the wrong side of history. Write-in S. Benn.
Marla L Posey-Moss says
I meant to say 67 votes.
Knew Harford Democrat Club says
What is the illegal shenanigans of the Democrats?
In The Corner says
This is so messy!! If you like Ms. Benn vote for her. If not, don’t. I’m also wondering how many of you truly know her, and how many of you are only speaking on what you have heard… Some of her signs may have been placed on private property, but what about the ones that weren’t, and were still stolen?
Comparing her to Trump? Well he made it to White House, so….
Being selfish for being a write-in candidate? I’ve written my horse in for years if there were people I didnt like running. Guess I’m selfish too.
Is a “stump speach” the speach that’s given after the lynching tree is chopped down? If so, I’m all for it…
Soul Crusher, Sugar you are hilarious. Actually, most of these comments were hilarious…
SoulCrusher says
I’m glad I provided you all with a good day of entertainment. There was no need to bring me into the commenting involving this article. This was done by a complete jerk going by the name of “June”, making fun of my disability regarding the sperm count in my groin. Just for the record, it still works, it just won’t make babies. So my advice to everyone is don’t bring my into a discussion you don’t want me in. I wasn’t even going to comment on these pages about local politics until your elections were over, due to the fact that I am not a factor in your county’s voting process. I feel this is the correct thing to do. However, call me out and I will stick my nose in any damn thing I feel like. If you don’t like it, too bad, learn to love it or do something about it……
Jane says
Anyone notice how absently quiet Adam multiple aliaes are when presented his character flaws? Quite remarkable I do think
That sort of behavior is how a bully acts when he had his nose bloodied. Of course I am using hyperbole to illustrate. I would never wish physical harm on anyone. Especially the weak
Jane says
Still not getting it are you? Old and Lame…..Whats that white stuff running out of the corner of your mouth? You should drink some water before you pass out from lack of Oxygen.
D for effort. Nice try though.
Are you a Ryden or Gahler Lackey? Maybe we will see you at the Marathon Race tomorrow?
Lynx Watcher says
You should consider volunteering for Sarahia Benn, she’s looking for a village idiot. OOOps I meant a spokesperson, no wait supporters, like the athletic one you are. You seem to fit the bill, just by reading your posts.
SoulCrusher says
After reading what she wrote and after watching everything you have wrote these past couple of months, I’d say she is 100 times a better person than you and I don’t think you’re good enough to lick the dirt from her feet. Her message was better than any Dumbocrat or Republicunt that your county has ever fielded. I know her chances are slim, but if she pulls it off I think she would actually be better than any of the trash that your county normally elects. Bottom line is she gave a message of unity and not partisan politics based on whatever fuknuckle that runs the local show. I’d actually vote for her. I can’t say that about the rest, with a few exceptions.
Lynx Watcher says
If you are replying to me, you haven’t a clue who I am nor what or when I posted anything. Not that it’s any of you concern, but I haven’t posted on this rag for nearly a year. And if the the two of you are replying to me, you both are nothing but crude idiots without a clue and serious problems. The person I was responding to above knows exactly whom I’m talking too and about and knows exactly what I mean. I’m sure you parents must be really proud of you too. Are you a couple or the same person posting under two names? Nevertheless you two are very rude and vulgar. I’m sure your parents are extremely proud of you.
SoulCrusher says
Your screen name might be new, but you’re not. You are a Dagger regular and anyone can tell by what you wrote. Same verbiage. Same words. Same liar. The same old same old….
Cat Woman says
Don’t know who you are, don’t care, and yes Lisa’s a bitch, but you and your friend are both fouled mouth pieces of crap. Learn some manners and respect, and try talking like someone out of the gutter, unless that’s where you are and all you’re capable of.
Jane says
“fouled mouth”….hmmmm…..pot calling the kettle black? You shouldn’t throw stones in glass houses. Just Sayin……..
SoulCrusher says
I do not respect anyone who does not deserve my respect. I don’t use manners to people who deserve no courtesy. Now you told me to “try talking like someone out of the gutter”. Is that supposed to mean the opposite of what you said? Are you dyslexic? I don’t know who you are either, but anyone using the name “cat woman” needs to realize that is an urban slang synonym for a prostitute. Are you a prostitute? Are you a woman of ill repute? Tell you what, I’ve got 3 dollars to my name and that would still be too much to waste on the likes of you.
Cat Woman says
You are no doubt an uneducated lowlife piece of crap, and yes you probably live in a gutter. You said it, urban slang, you appear to be urban trash and I won’t lose a wink of sleep, or a step if you don’t respect me or not. I don’t respect people who post language and crap like you do. I run a rescue shelter for abandoned or abused feline and I am a well known and respected person in my in my community. So go talk your urban, ghetto trash talk crap elsewhere. Try it with your girl Jane on here. You two would make a cute couple.
Cat Woman says
And go ask you momma and poppa if you know them, and they will tell you “Cat Woman” was a character on the original Batman TV series. Get some class.
Jane says
She runs a “Feral Feline Rescue.” In other words she is likely one of those that appear on the show Hoarders. 300 cats in a mobile home trailer park. She likely is a highly educated Moron with a PHD in psycho babble. She should fit in well with the crew on Dagger.
You simply cant make this stuff up.
SoulCrusher says
@Cat Woman – Damn girl, tell me how you really feel. Look, you are a piece of trash that smells like a litter box. Point blank, nothing else to say. Furthermore, I believe you to be a hoe. I bet your one of those $2 ones at that. Now you stuck your nose in a set of comments where you didn’t belong. That lilly lapping lynx looker was mine to abuse. Not yours. Your middle school wit about the “Yo Momma and Poppa” points to the education level you have achieved or that you really are a middle school child trying to engage the Crusher of Heads, Holes and Souls in textual combat. You won’t win little girl, so pet that kitty until it purrs and realize that your comments don’t mean jack to me because I say what I want, when I want and for whatever reason I want. That’s just the way it is….
Cat Woman says
Listen here Lovely Lisa, you sold your integrity the last time around and now you selling your soul as well? You talk down to me and my man like you’re the best thing since sliced bread, so your time is due as far as what you call making the right choice. So go back up to your fancy big house and don’t let your nose scrape the ceiling while doing so. Just remember the past few choices you backed aren’t down in Annapolis anymore. As far as my man, he stills fills it up all the way and needs no support, and I see you’re still jealous. Ha ha, Miss Lynx, that cat is out of the bag.
Friends of Sarahia Benn and smart people know she’s a good alternative, and yo don’t have to have some wealth to be right! Stay up in there in your ritzy neighborhood looking down at us common people all you want. And I see you’re slumming it here on the Dagger. Too much Merlot last night?
Those two other responses are pretty nasty I’ll give you that, but you’re still a snippy bitch. Be laughing at you in November, both me and my man!!
Vote Sarahia Benn for change !
Cat Woman says
*you don’t
Lynx Watcher says
Just got a text from all people your brother in law! LOL Seeing you bashing me on this rag, and I have problems? Talk about being jealous? Oh and telling everyone I’m a ‘bitch named Lisa?” And you call yourself an adult? I think you need to check your own house and family first before slinging mud, just like some of your choices. Even your family members know who the right people to vote for, even split party. You’re voting for the man who wears a tin foil hat and a self righteous arrogant woman with a chip on her shoulder. So tell me why were you at events for Mary Ann and JD as well? Spying? No, we’ll be the ones laughing and celebrating in November. I’ll carve you a sad face for your pumpkin this year. Sure your kids are proud of Mommy posting crap on this rag.
Spent enough time and wasted energy on you.
Cat Woman says
What a cretin and child you are. Blocked me on facebook so you bring it here? Your personality matches your choice in politicians as well. Go hobnob with them all you want, you won’t change a thing.Get a life, snob.
Vote Sarahia Benn for change !
Cat Woman says
What a cretin and child you are. Blocked me on facebook so you bring it here? Your personality matches your choice in politicians as well. Go hobnob with them all you want, you won’t change a thing. Get a life, snob.
Vote Sarahia Benn for change !
SoulCrusher says
Yeah, those double comment things are the sign of a Dodgy Dagger Editor.
Jane says
And yet another Adam alias…..The Association of Retarded Republican Attorneys (ARRA) must have let out of their dinner meeting.
Very good points, which is why the Dumbocrats and Republicunts will block her at every cost. They wont give up their respective swamps.
Marla L Posey-Moss says
I meant to say 67 votes.
Cat Woman says
What a cretin and child you are. Blocked me on facebook so you bring it here? Your personality matches your choice in politicians as well. Get a life, snob.
Vote Sarahia Benn for change !
Dagger Reader says
Damn@ Cat Woman, we get it you’re for Sarahia Benn, but you don’t need to hit the button three seperate times..LOL
I think your target got the message.
Dagger Reader says
Hey @cat Woman, they’re not worth your time. Go after Lynx Watcher. Who would think a political post would end up in a cat fight. Just kidding with you!. Ignore the trolls, they’re probably making each other purr right now Everyone else does. HAGN
Dagger Reader says
* Ignore the trolls, everyone else does They’re probably making each other purr right now.
SoulCrusher says
Considering Cat Woman is nothing but a Dodgy Dagger Editor, I reserve the right to abuse her anyway I feel like. Duplicate comments = Dagger Editor or maybe even a Cop, but not a real person.
Jane says
Oh I call BS on that !
Jane says
Dagger Reader your comment illustrartes your ignorance. Nice try though.
Spell Check 101 says
You are what a 4th grader? ” illustrartes”, try illustrates you moron. Keep showing all how stupid you really are.
SoulCrusher says
Sensual Duplicado momento por favor
SoulCrusher says
You see this comment of my own that I am replying to. Well, when I try to “post” the same comment twice, I get the following message “Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that!”. This is proof that the Dodgy Dagger Editors are who is responsible for much of the carnage and chaos on the Dagger. We ALL always knew that the Dagger is nothing but a Racist Republican Cop Anus Kissing Fake News Website, but to have the Dagger Editors use FAKE NAMES and openly attack readers is ridiculous. The Dagger is a vessel of TREASON against humanity and anyone who actually puts two cents into the crap found on the Dagger is just wasting their time.
Jane says
AMEN! Preach It!
Mr Reason says
Continued drug abuse leads to paranoia and delusional thoughts and statements.
SoulCrusher says
Mr Reason, are you denying that when a duplicate comment is submitted the comment is declined and the message “Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that!” is displayed? If so, you are just another Dagger liar or a Dagger editor. Anyone can do the same thing I did and you will see that you can’t put duplicate comments on here. ALL OF THESE DUPLICATE COMMENTS ARE FROM DAGGER EDITORS THEMSELVES. There is no paranoia or delusional thoughts, only the truth about a morally corrupt and ethically discounted group of Republican stool samples that run this shotty website. This is the truth and to deny that truth is to be part of a great lie. Mr Reason, do you have anything worthwhile to add other than the imaginary drug abuse you allege that I and everyone who doesn’t agree with you pathetic opinions and blatant treason against the United States that you condone. You should hang yourself for being a complete traitor to the United States and Humanity….
Mr Reason says
Nope just you, rolled up naked on the floor naked, with masked terrorists taking down the largest drug kingpin in Edgewood, and then being threatened by CO’s Lawyers and even judges. Try to regain or regrow some gray matter.
SoulCrusher says
Right…. That’s the most laughable depiction of what went down that anyone could ever come up with. How can you be a kingpin budding in two 32″ tents with the lights about 4′ high? You can only grow enough for about two people under these circumstances. Furthermore, the law is an unconstitutional regulation brought about by foreign treaties that the USA used as an arbitrary power grab to claim power and authority without the consent of we the people. The law is null and void. The Commerce Clause can not be used to enforce any manufacture of any substance banned by unconstitutional law. It’s all a contrivance to further an crime organization within the government which performs acts of terrorism, racketeering and even murder. These are all acts of treason and the declaration of war against we the people makes this undeniable. This also forfeits all taxation across the entire country until the corporate scumbags who have overthrown our Constitutional government have been removed and the Constitutional government restored unto we the people. Try to use your gray matter for purposes other than the treason you represent. You should hang yourself.
Mr Reason says
There you have it folks, once again he admits growing and smoking dope. Sit Fido, sit…..Fell asleep for the rest of the repeat nonsense…
Mr Reason says
Now that I had my laughs for the night from you two clowns, I won’t tie up this political focused story with anymore wasting of my time with you two Bozo’s. Now doubt your lover is reading this thread as well so you do know who Bozo is Einstein Jr?
Later Tater, Jane and multiple personalities.
SoulCrusher says
So what? It is an unconstitutional law. End of the discussion. There is no duty to enforce an unconstitutional law and only traitors believe that unconstitutional law is to be enforced. That’s just the way it is. Traitor. For the record, that includes any law the Federal government has passed that has given it an arbitrary power to regulate the behavior of WE THE PEOPLE, without Constitutional authority or police power, on behalf of a foreign treaty, foreign powers and the Holy SEE. I am not a Catholic and I’m not beholden to the decrees of a pompous pontiff. Nor am I beholden to the UN or any other foreign power or nation. You say my attitude is the problem, but why would I believe in a government that has literally committed treason to cause me harm? You are a traitor or just a brainwashed sheep….
SoulCrusher says
Don’t forget that these laws passed along to the States are done so to “be consistent with Federal law” and accomplished with a bribe known as Federal Funding. There isn’t supposed to be any Federal law regulating the behavior of people and police power was NOT granted to the government to prevent the tyranny of a centralized government. That’s just the way it is. ALL CDS laws are illegal and unconstitutional, brought about by a Federal bribe and carried out for foreign purposes. That’s what you really need to think about…..
Mr Reason says
So go spread your nubbin comments elsewhere in you’re not happy….now roll over Fido….
Jane says
Just checking seems like you have first hand experience….so if not then what makes you qualified to make such comments?
SoulCrusher says
He’s just a stinking traitor that has forgone his own people for a paycheck. Completely without honor or any integrity whatsoever……He should hang himself.
Jane says
Probably….. talking from personal experience are we?
Mr Reason says
Great comeback Potsie. You two done making each other purrrrrrrr?
Mr Reason says
So go spread your nubbin comments elsewhere in you’re not happy….now roll over Fido.
Jane says
You have the mental acuity of a six year old. Grow up and stop acting like the bitch you are. I realize its difficult to hear the truth, but once you admit there is a problem then it can be fixed. We started fixing the problem during the primary. Now its time to fix as much as possible during the election. The sooner you realize you cant act the way you do then the better. For example Jamming people up is not acceptable behavior that voters will put up with. Running smear campaigns is also not something voters accept.
Wild Bill from Bel Air says
Oh I get it now, you’re the other guy that ca’t vote but runs his mouth on here. You’re the one who was forced out by the corrupt system and lives in Cecil County. Still, you’re funny.
Wild Bill from Bel Air says
* can’t sorry typo
Jane says
Yes you are Sorry…..We can agree on that.
Isn’t it past your bed time? I thought old people eat dinner at 4:30 and tucked themselves in no later than 8:00. Concerned about you.
SoulCrusher says
Wild Bill is a complete liar and a scumbag. Anyone can vote after completing parole and/or probation, all they need to do is go re-register to vote. If I wanted to vote, I would go and register to vote. However, I don’t see the point in voting in Maryland or being part of politics. Always remember that politics is a game of lies, deceit and treason carried out by groups of people who wish to steal your freedoms and force you to live a life that they say is appropriate. It’s your life. They have no business telling you how you’re suppose to live and every time someone tells you how you are supposed to live they are trying to force their will on you. This isn’t freedom. Freedom means having the ability to make up your own mind and make your own choices. All these people really want to do is force you to live a life that they approve of and steal a paycheck from the people who elected them. Just for the record, the entire Maryland Legislature is treasonous. Not one of those legislators is worthy of your vote because they have all played their part in stealing your rights and have turned this country into a fascist state. If you don’t think like them, then they want to jail you or take away your property and your rights until you agree to follow their path. Once again, this isn’t freedom. It is political slavery and every person needs to know the truth. We used to encourage individuality, now we encourage everyone being the same. Human beings are individuals and your individuality is who you are. Don’t let some politician preaching treason influence your decisions in life and if they try to force you into what they want you to do, tell them they are a treasonous piece of garbage and you would be happy to help them put that noose around their necks and hang them until they’re dead. That’s what traitors are supposed to get.
Jane says
Cant vote? What qualifies you to make that statement? I am quite capable of voting and continue to vote the trash out of office in Harford County. I and many others in Harford County have and will continue to exercise that right.
You continue to run your lips and not much intelligent comes from them. Where I live, which BTW is Forrest Hills. but is none of your business nor is it relevant.
How exactly do you “Force” someone out? Please do explain what statute supports that premise. The more you talk the more ignorant you are. That’s ok its to be expected.
Do you have something productive to say, or would you like to continue with your personal baseless attacks? If the later than do it with somebody else. Maybe your grand-kids can help you out.
Come on Now says
Hey pothead, read what was written by @Wild Bill, and he’s right. Neither of you can vote in elections pertaining to Harford County because you both are not residents of Harford County. This was due in facto to the masked terrorists who arrested you for your drugs and Jane for his own actions. Both sold your properties and live outside Harford County. Seems you two weren’t playing nice with others last night. Not surprising at all.
Come on Now says
“Where I live, which BTW is Forrest Hills.” When lying Donald, the trick is to be at least able to spell it right. Try Forest Hill MD 21050 . Still the moron.
Come on Now says
And can’t wait for the Spell Check person to call you out on that. Can you spell Northeast correctly?
Jane says
Best you have?
Jane says
Once again….unsubstantiated irrelevant comments. I wont argue with you where I can or cannot vote because frankly its none of your business. Its also not relevant, but that wont stop you from trying to distract from the truth now will it?
Put up or shut up is all I will say. You make unsubstantiated allegations. The fact is you do not know who I am. As I don’t know who you are. Nor do I know who Wild Bill is, Spell Checker, and all the other ass clowns. Its quite possible they are all one and the same, but frankly that doesn’t matter either does it. Sir unless you can put up then shut your pie hole.
I will be here and there is little you can do about it. That is a Fact so get over it.
Jane says
Can you spell North East correctly? North East is a small town in Cecil County Maryland at the top of the Chesapeake Bay.
You truly need to find something to do. If all you have is correcting spelling mistakes you should throw in the towel. Unless of course you have nothing better to do and this is your outlet for your pathetic existence.
Jane says
Come On Now….aka Spell Check…..aka Wild Bill….aka Ass Wipe….aka….lets see what he comes up with next shall we?
Come on Now says
And while on the subject of lying Donnie, how can you live 5 miles from the fire in Darlington you posted about in a previous story here and at the same time live 5 miles from the White Hall fire at the same time? Explain that one and laugh it off funny boy. Google Maps are your friend, You need more practice at keeping your compulsive lying in check. Have a great day liar..
Jane says
Unhealthy infatuation we have don’t we? Again you assume that was me commenting when its quite possible it was not. We shall never now shall we? In addition if you have such a distaste for me then why do you continue to engage me?
Perhaps you have a super computer (doubt it) and are tracking everyone on here and their IP addresses. Are you part of the NSA? I don’t think so. Your just a low level nuisance. Nice try though. Now go back to your corrupt existence where you sell people out to support your buddies.
Where am I right now? Maybe I am outside your office or some other place. Can you tell me where I am? I am in your head….That is very obvious.
Jane says
*know….less the spelling Nazi feels the need to correct it.
“No Soup for You”
Come on Now says
You’re funny. No answer to the 5 mile lie?
Buh Bye
Jane says
I’m sorry if you don’t like my honesty, but to be fair, I don’t like your lies.
Jane says
Glad I provide you humor….Seems like you could use a little given your miserable existence, but if that’s all you have well what can I say. It was a likely a typo after all as you well know and have repeatedly pointed out I cant spell. So that could be 15, 25, 35, 55….well you get the idea, or not.
Back to facts now shall we?
Come on Now says
Nice try, ” you could see the flames…. ROFL you’re a sad case.
“Sam I Am says
August 27, 2018 at 3:52 pm
You could see the flames and smoke for miles…..My place is about 5 miles from it…..”
You just seem to keep digging yourself deeper in lies. Try to keep your lies in order.
What a pathetic person you are. But your very smart and attractive though…ROFL
Jane says
Yep I am digging myself in lies….whatever….You sir are a fool and a tool….
If you feel good then I have achieved my goal. Simpleton…..Again give us all a break from your nonsense. Facts about Corruption in Harford County are still there. The facts that you appear intimately involved in them are still there. As for me I sleep quite well at night. Can you say the same? I am sure you will say you can.
You and your type are what is so wrong with this country. Traitors I believe has used to describe you.
Self Important best describes it.
SoulCrusher says
@Come on Now – OK, I will concede I can’t vote in Harford County. I won’t even travel thru your county. When I have to go to Philadelphia to take care of business, I go up 83N in PA and then travel east once in PA. I refuse to step foot in your treasonous county of fascist terrorists. My property was sold by my mother because I never wanted to step foot in that vessel of treason you call a county again in my entire life. It’s a shame because Harford County is a beautiful place and could be a wonderful place to live. However, no human being should be subjugated to the treason of your county’s demented judicial department. Just for the record, Marijuana is not a crime. The enforcement of the unconstitutional CDS laws by agents of the state is the crime.
Jane says
@ComeOnNow (aka Dagger Reader)…..Oh I didn’t realize you’re an expert in my life and how I should live it. Please continue while I take notes.
Dagger Reader says
@ Jane as it matters for just about as much as your ragged ass comments and existence here I have no clue who @Come on Now is. But can tell you this. He has you pegged for the idiot you are, as have plenty of others on here see how your warped brain thinks. Do you really think they are all one person.
Use my name on here, and post the vulgar and hood talk you do, and as petty as it may seem, I’ll complain to the Dagger Editors (for what it’s worth) and hopefully they will have enough common sense to ban you and your trash. Take some time to read the acceptance of use and policy part on the homepage. Better yet, learn some respect or go somewhere else. Write that down in your notes idiot.
Don’t even bother commenting back to me as you will just embarrass yourself even more, and I’m done conversing with an idiot like you.
Jane says
@Dagger Reader…’s obvious your are easily convinced that or your a fake. In the future can you post smaller comments?
He long comment strings are putting me to sleep.
Come on Now has me pegged… Please…..
Come on Now says
“Best you have?”
Come on Now says
Northeast is also spelled correctly as a direction on a compass and so forth. Come on now genius, you’re really reaching because the spell check didn’t catch that one? So 5 miles huh? No wonder you have less than zero credibility, here and other places like Main Street. Again laugh that off happy boy Genius.
Jane says
Why yes it is, but its very obvious that is not how you were using it. Nice try though.
What is factual is your Boy is no longer in the race is he? That is certainly a fact that still burns your britches. What are his plans post November? Inquiring minds would love to know. I don’t need any credibility to make that observation now do I?
The infamous reputation Harford has is also a known fact. In fact I talked just this weekend with someone who is well aware of it. That is also a fact that I need no credibility to make. The judiciary is also a known fact. The skeletons in that closet are deep. Shall I go on? Doesn’t seem credibility means a whole lot on the Dagger now does it?
Dagger reader says
Wow !!
“Jane says
September 17, 2018 at 12:01 pm”
“What is factual is your Boy is no longer in the race is he? That is certainly a fact that still burns your britches. What are his plans post November? Inquiring minds would love to know.”
Jane says
“September 17, 2018 at 11:53 am
Unhealthy infatuation we have don’t we?”
Infatuation? Him? You need to look in your mirror. You need help. Please seek it.
Dagger reader says
Wow !!
“Jane says
September 17, 2018 at 12:01 pm”
“What is factual is your Boy is no longer in the race is he? That is certainly a fact that still burns your britches. What are his plans post November? Inquiring minds would love to know.”
Jane says
“September 17, 2018 at 11:53 am
Unhealthy infatuation we have don’t we?”
Infatuation? Him? You need to look in your mirror. You need help. Please seek it, and fast.
Jane says
Here is Dagger Reader (aka….Come on Now)….What is your qualification to assess that I need help? At least once I have asked this question and to date no answer. So you can make whatever OPINION you would like, but lets makes sure we all know its not a qualified one.
Jane says
BTW there is no infatuation with your idol….It is more so glee at his predicament. I and many others are smiling ear to ear to see him shot down in flames. Much of it his own doing I might add.
We are just curious to see if he mans up and leaves, or whether he tries to stay on staff. My money says he tries to stay because he thinks he didn’t do anything wrong. That could be so far from the truth.
Much different than Come On Now and his other 15 names…..But of course those in that community are incapable of effectively evaluating much of anything as proven many times over. It takes time to develop the infamous reputation Harford County has.
I wait anxiously to see what you come up with next. Toodles!
SoulCrusher says
By the way, notice another duplicated comment. No doubt the Dodgy Dagger Editors trying to influence the discussions into their convoluted attempts of mind control. Why can’t you guys just run a website and let the REAL public state their own opinions instead of forcing your own on the public?
Jane says
Who is Potsie?
Jane says
Quite Happy here.
. You not so much it would appear.
Mr Reason says
ROFLMAO ….proves you must be a teenager, or at least at that level in brain function capability. Try learning some culture and watch some older TV and/or some entertainment history besides the cartoons you watch or COPS or Live PD . They only prove to bolster your stupid your corruption theories and how you were forced out of Harford County are. Now doubt the Sheriff and his men had reason to lock you up.
You were making rude comments to some guy Adam above,(whoever that may be, guess it’s important to you) about reading comprehension. Learn from your own statements. I think either HCC or other places offer classes that will help you out.
Stay with the flow of the thread genius if you plan on sticking your nose and unwanted comments where they don’t belong. I was speaking to your lover and mentor Soulcrusher, the weed specialist of Harford County about how unhappy he is with the Dagger. You, on the other hand are just a moron. Perhaps ADDH or some other disability. Surely an reasonable adult doesn’t post like you do unless there is some mental issues. Operative word being reasonable, which you simply aren’t.
For someone who brags he makes 6 figures and you obviously know everything about everything Mr Einstein Jr, you would know Potsie played by Anson Williams played a moron on the show Happy Days in the mid 70’s like 1974-through 1984 just the same as you here. Had the Fonz on it as well. (Henry Winkler) Try expanding your culture besides your same old childish playground comments and attitude, and do something about your continued rantings, like everyone I read on here say about your posts about the so called corrupt criminal justice system that held you accountable for your actions, just like your weed weenie compartre’.
I’ve been reading this Dagger for about three months now, and noticed you’re the buffoon who told someone they were “West of Gahler” and blah , blah , blah from a hash tag #westandwithgahler. And why is it you keep changing your pseudonym, sometimes using the same one that some obviously just demised you from? Do your mommy and daddy know you’re on the Dagger, and for Heaven’s sake, learn how to use spell check. My God, don’t you realize what a fool you are making yourself and almost everyone here mocks you? Guess not?
What’s it you say, that everyone mocks you about: Tootles, or Buh Bye! Well Buh Bye.
Mr Reason says
* whoops see I know how to spell check… *” compadre”
Jane says
You do? What is ADDH? Guess you didn’t check your entire dribble did you? To be expected….
You and others are sure good at making allegations that have no substantiation aren’t you? You constantly complain about rude comments and yet….well read what you wrote. Therefore you are nothing but a bully who is unwilling or unable to admit what goes on in Harford County. Harford Couinty whose corruption is infamous across Maryland and even in other states. See if you can write without throwing insults…..I will bet you cant! Perhaps my bet will be wrong.
Spell Check 101 says
Hey Moron, ” Harford Couinty “, WTH? He writes a few paragraphs and makes one typo and the best you have is to jump on him? Grow up moron.
Jane says
Who keeps changing their pseudonym? Its very obvious whom this is….Same style of writing and the baseless dribble that our infamous Ryden groupie writes. Your not fooling anyone. Just so you know.
Come on Now says
Appears to be you, ah back to the Ryden infatuation. At least you’re a consistent idiot.
Jane says
What a Ninnyhammer……
Jane says
Silly Boy….I know who Potsie is from the TV show…..You certainly ramble on don’t you? Yawn…..Try to write more concisely whomever you are. I do suspect I know exactly whom you are, but I wont identify it here.
As for Harford County corruption it speaks for itself.
As for the rest of your dribble….Well its not worth my time to even answer it.
Old and Lame….more of the same…..back to the drawing board for you!
Mark Talbott says
I truly hope you acquire gonorrhea.
SoulCrusher says
Why would I be happy about the Dagger Editors using false identities on this website to try and chastise people from using the website. Racist Republicans are welcomed with open arms, yet the liars from the Democratic Party are not. Why is that? Both parties have taken in part in the destruction of the United States and have allowed the country to be practically overthrown by the corporate treason we now endure. Since their both equally responsible, why not let the stories be run without the fake identities of Dagger editors leading the comments down a path of Republican rhetoric. If you don’t like what I’m saying, I don’t care. It is the truth and that is ALL anyone should care about.
Jane says
Mr. Reason you sir are an asswipe. Did you pull your head out of Gahler’s ass yet? Obviously not. Truly you should come up with something new. The same old stuff is getting quite dry.
Wild Bill from Bel Air says
“Jane says: As for the rest of your dribble….Well its not worth my time to even answer it.”
Yeah no needas @ Mr Reason was pretty clear and bah bam, pegged you perfectly. Yup, he did. No need for a reply, it’s pretty much a perfect description of you and the truth. You need to go back to your drawing board fella, and don’t forget your crayons.
Jane says
Now your Wild Bill…….Perfect description….You sir don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground about who I am. Assuming of course this isn’t one and the same groupie, which I suspect.
I will reply when and where I want to. Any other words of wisdom you would like to rant on about?
Wild Bill from Bel Air says
Nope, don’t know, don’t care, but like everyone else love to read your laughable comments, when they’re not vulgar. But that doesn’t happen too often now does it? News flash: you need attention, well you resort to it here? Wow, you must really need a life. My Grandchildren act more mature than you. And you too as paranoid as your buddy? And just what groupie do you think I am? You need some help, and fast. Do you really think nobody else reads this site and responds?
Try the new Crayola Colors on that drawing board. Your funny!
Jane says
You can bite me……Your grandchildren really……I am never paranoid in fact quite the contrary. I need help huh……And what makes you qualified to make that suggestion?
Now that you have acted like a pompous self important wind bag you should go make your suggestions to someone who actually cares.
I’d love to see things from your perspective, but I don’t think I could shove my head that far up my ass.
Jane says
Does your ass get jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth?
Wild Bill from Bel Air says
What a class act you are.
Jane says
I think so…..Now you may go crawl back under your rock. That or change your name again.
Wild Bill from Bel Air says
Yup, only you, your lover the weed wiener and your mirror , I’m sure. Up late for school night. Don’t forget to pack your lunch and bring the crayons for that drawing board..You’re really funny…
Jane says
Old and Lame….sounds very similar to someone else on here…..hmmmmm.
Come on now….your disappointing us. Me thinks I know exactly who this is. How was dinner on Friday? Mine was quite scrumptious. Then on Saturday I met with Barry Glassman at the marathon. Color me impressed. Even after running a marathon his hair was still perfect. Not a hair out of place.
SoulCrusher says
Wild Bill is a treasonous Dagger editor trying to force Republican views upon the readers of this website. In no way does the Dagger advertise being a Republican news site, but a website delivering “Local News With An Edge”. There is no edge in treason, only a rope and a noose…
Jane says
These ass clowns don’t represent Republicans. They represent what happens when corruption is allowed to go on unchecked. The feds have been in Baltimore investigating. They should come north and look into local government in Hazzard County.
That Sir is my two cents for what it is worth.
SoulCrusher says
@ Jane – Quite frankly, the Feds should come in and occupy that corrupt little county or maybe even the whole State. Maryland had become so screwed that the Legislature passes laws to make the State a Mafiosa. This State should lose its sovereignty and be merged into the District of Columbia. I’d rather have Federal judges that at least will uphold some semblance of the Constitution than the treason Judicial Department of this corrupt State.
Come on Now says
Hey pothead, read what was written by @Wild Bill, and he’s right. Neither of you can vote in elections pertaining to Harford County because you both are not residents of Harford County. This was due in facto to the masked terrorists who arrested you for your drugs and Jane for his own actions. Both sold your properties and live outside Harford County. Seems you two weren’t playing nice with others last night. Not surprising at all.
Dagger Reader says
To fellow decent Dagger readers, please accept my apologies for straying off the topic, as I try to stay on topic and in this case it was wrong. These few idiots feel the need to stray and do their own personal and sick mudslinging to each other on this public forum. Sometimes this type of forum is more of a hindrance than a help, but it is what it is. My apologies to Ms. Benn, whether or not my political views align with yours, it doesn’t seem to fair nor respectful for their comments and other filth posted on here by some on your news story. Again whether or not a supporter I wish you luck in your venture.
Dagger Reader says
To fellow decent Dagger readers, please accept my apologies for straying off the topic, as I try to stay on topic and in this case I was wrong. These few idiots feel the need to stray and do their own personal and sick mudslinging to each other on this public forum and some were directed at me. Sometimes this type of forum is more of a hindrance than a help, but it is what it is. My apologies to Ms. Benn, whether or not my political views align with yours, it doesn’t seem to fair nor respectful for their comments and other filth to be posted on here by some on your news story. Again whether or not a supporter I wish you luck in your venture.
SoulCrusher says
This is NOT a public forum. It is the Dagger and its editors chose to make this a Republican fake news website. Furthermore, why are you apologizing? Might it be that you were one of those mudslingers under another alias? I find nothing about a Dagger Editor being genuine or honest. Your duplicate comments give you away…..
Dagger Reader says
Why am I apologizing? Because I let me self stoop to you and your cohorts low level of intelligence and or class, and strayed off topic and made some comments, albeit non vulgar or disgusting like the two of consistently post. Have at it, and I am apologizing to the people who post their opinions here with class and intelligence., not hate and vulgarity. That pretty much excludes you and you friend here. In fact the only thing in this world you and I have in common is we both use only one name on here. I need not use any alias, but several have used my name on here.
SoulCrusher says
Whatever Dagger Dog. Go “post” some more duplicate comments…. under your multiple personalities. I haven’t seen this kind of multiple personality disorder since that dog fondler Marc “Always” Eaton used to spout off from his toot. Look, pet your kitty, double click your mouse or pound your fist for all I care, I’m not going to give a crap either way and I’m always going to say what I want. You always have the option of not reading what I type…..
Mr Reason says
He’s off his meds again. Next he’ll be accusing us all of being this Marc guy, whoever that is. He should read the article on National Recovery month. Maybe they could help him.
SoulCrusher says
You’ve got to be on meds to be off of meds. Wouldn’t surprise me if multiple personality Marc was you or anyone else on this site. You should read Article 18 of the Maryland Declaration of Rights and get off my back. I am a persecuted man by a group of terrorists that claim to be the law. End of discussion. The reckoning is coming….
Voter says
Yeah purple lights should be very effective…..Effective at nothing, but thats what the twats in Bel Air do….Nothing, but keep watching the numbers go up. Very effective strategy…..
Jane says
You so good……You’re so fake, Barbie is jealous.
BTW your not convincing anyone…
Jane says
That message was for DaggerReader (aka., Come on Now, among other aliases)
Make the Call says
1-800-950-NAMI (6264) FYI
A Message for You.
Cone on Now says
Another fake alias.
Spell Check 102 says
For You Jane:
When using someone else’s name on the Dagger to hide your identity or one your own numerous aliases spell it write buffoon.
“Cone on Now says” Now Try COME ON NOW !!
Buh bye !
Jane says
Been busy and paranoid i see. Still doesn’t change facts does it.
FYSA I don’t click unknown links. Any good security engineer will tell you why. Nice try though
Another One Striper says
@ Make the Call: Ditto ! Saw what the number goes to. How appropriate for him. Do you work with @Click the Link? Simply awesome !
Click on The Link says
For You Jane:
We understand.
Click on The Link says
We Love You, Always you smart and attractive babydoll!
Jane says
Furthermore whatever your link is probably old and Lame rhetoric. The same old same old. Please try to do something original. Truly
Jane says
Yes I am smart and attractive. Smart enough to see through your game.
I am 12 steps ahead of you.
Another One Striper says
@Click on the Link whoever you are, OMG !! Those are so freaking funny and so perfect for that a$$. The so called “security engineer ” who can’t even use spell check or run an antivirus scan. My hats off to you, you’re awesome and they are simply hilarious!
Dagger Reader says
* you consistently
Spell Check 102 says
For You Jane:
When using someone else’s name on the Dagger to hide your identity or one your own numerous aliases spell it write buffoon.
“Cone on Now says” Now Try COME ON NOW !!
Buh bye !
Spell Check 102 says
Ice Cream or Snow “Cone?”
Jane says
You should follow your own advice. Now get me a beer Bitch! (That’s right you have become my bitch.).
Jane says
Simpletons….the Good Old Boys are…..if you had any intellect you would realize what was really happening. Corruption loves simpletons.
That’s probably why Glassman uses a sheep for his signs. Very accurate description of most.
When you’r largest Employer is CVS you can’t expect a whole lot.
Glenn Strobe-Cox says
You owe Mr. Glassman an apology for calling him a sheep. It’s indignant and vain.
Concerned Harford Voter says
No question in anyone’s mind, your sign is an ostrich or better still a jackass.
Concerned Harford Voter says
And moron you posted this on the wrong story. Ms Benn is not running against Barry Glassman. What a jerk you are.
Jane says
Really….try reading again….
Jane says
Better than a Sheep…….
Concerned Harford Voter says
We all know how intimate you are with sheep. LOL
Jane says
Cone up with that all on your own? ?
Jane says
I hope whoever clicked these links enjoys the associated Malware you now have. Idiots…..
In a few days you should see.
Jane says
Reading comprehension must not be taught in MD public schools. Mr Glassman would be the sheep Herder.
Jane says
Please show me where I stated Glassman was a sheep? “uses a sheep for his signs”….My inference was to voters who are like sheep blindly following and never questioning….Quite brilliant move by Mr. Glassman. Perhaps he is a sheep also, but I would not know.
MPM says
Old Guy – I know you think you have said something but you didn’t. Get the facts. Many of my students loved me. I don’t play politics in school and I held my students accountable. It is important to educate students so that they can produce but they all have choices. I wish you were a lover of education and before you comment again, please go get some.