From Christopher Boardman, candidate for Sheriff in Harford County:
On August 28th the Chris Boardman for Harford County Sheriff campaign was threatened with gun violence when a caller phoned the candidate and asked if he was running for sheriff and if he had canvassers working in the Constant Friendship area of Abingdon. When told this was true, the caller said he just missed a canvasser delivering literature at his house for Boardman and other candidates. The literature was dropped between the storm and screen doors.
The caller said he considered this action tantamount to breaking and entering and he considered this grounds for him to shoot anyone who might do this again. He said he did not have time to bring his gun to the door at that time but he might do it in the future. The incident and threat were reported to the Harford County Sheriff’s Office which is investigating.
The caller’s name and phone number were provided to the responding deputy. The candidate responded by saying that this is an election season in a democracy with free elections and that it is important that candidates of any and all persuasions be permitted to deliver information to the voters free of violence or threats of violence or intimidation.
“Our system is based on the free exchange of information especially during the election season and we need to guarantee that candidates, political workers and volunteers are not threatened with violence,” he said.
Christopher Boardman
Here we go….Ready…set….Comment!
Maybe the caller is from Cecil County and is familiar with Boardman’s distain and hate for these people. If a hateful bigot is coming and opening your door is it okay to prepare to defend yourself?
Well if you are correct and this person is from Cecil county it certainly strengthens Boardmans claim. Shooting people that open your storm door and insert flyers isn’t normal you inbred moron.
Because you know….trespassing on persons property is just fine
Seems easy enough. Don’t open the doors to other people’s homes or someone might shoot you. Good public safety information.
Harford OldTimer agrees with the candidate and the campaign was right to call his opponent to have deal with the issue property.
“I have the same faith in the current Sheriff to handle the issue as the Mr Boardman does” stated Harford OldTimer
Harford OldTimer
What are you smoking? Illegible and incoherent thoughts? Is your name Jesse?
Just wanted to refer to myself in the third person like Boardman’s press releases. Just see how it feels to be one of the elite. My days of smoking anything fun is well behind me now.
“old Timer” is Jeff Gahler’s old CB handle!
I noticed that Boardman didn’t say he actually knocked on anyone’s door. I guess that is because he is too lazy to do anything himself. Oh yeah, don’t open someone’s door.
As far as my vote will go, it won’t go to any Democrat who carries this fools campaign literature with them. Automatic disqualifer. You are judged by the company you keep. Boardmans hate has no place in politics or law enforcement.
Me. Boardman, you continue to say America is a democracy. Perhaps you failed your Civics class. America is a republic (rule of law) not a democracy (by majority rule) Running for the position of Sheriff, you should probably know the difference!
Dear Hillbilly:
America is both a democracy and a republic.
Democracy is a government by the people . We are both a direct democracy and a representative democracy.
We are technically a constitutional federal democratic republic
“Republic, not a democracy” is a false dichotomy made by mistaken libertarians and ignorant far right Republicans!
But, Joe Biden told the public on national television that it is okay to shoot somebody through the door with a shotgun. Sadly, since that idiot made that statement, it has happened several times. After all, if the Democrat’s Vice-President, at the time, said it is okay to do so, in must be so! Now, the shoe is on the other foot. Dem vs. Dem. Hmmmmm………..
Otis, oops, I mean Mr. Boardman, I would consider it a favor if you and anyone else running for office would refrain from A: trespassing on my property, and B: leaving your litter behind when doing so. I can assure you, having someone bother me about voting for you when I should be relaxing at home is only going to piss me off.
Gahler and the rest of his good old boys should follow the same advice lest you end up with a bullet in your backside ?
Sheriff Gahler is a Great leader, the polar opposite of Mr. Boardman and I have faith in all his Deputies. Spot on.
You put faith in Gahler and the rest of us will understand who Gahler really is. Granted he has no competition in this race therefore he is likely to win, but he is certainly not preferred. He is part of the corrupt Good Old Boy club in Harford County that needs to go.
Him and his Keystone Cop deputies. Fortunately other races will put people with real leadership capabilities to balance out Gahler’s short comings.
Gahler came from the state police, lost in 2010 and won in 2014. How does that make him one of the good old boys club of Harford County?
Be careful when engaging “Reality”. If he can’t come up with a reasonable response or answer he will counter by labeling you a racist. What a Tool!
Reality of it and Sick of the BS are both the same person, my cousin, and they have multiple personalities. Unlike Sam I Am and me, we are both smart and rather attractive.
That’s what they say when they don’t have an intelligent answer.
Simply look at his endorsements that tells you everything you need to know. Everyone of his endorsements in the primary were right along the Good Old Boy lines. He did not endorse the best candidates, but rather those part of he club. Even though he has no competition in the race and he could have done the right thing.
Whether he came from the State Police and lost has no relevance whatsoever.
This is Jane, Sam I Am using Reality of It pseudonym and a classic example of someone doing the same thing to him. He uses his Harry Johnson, another one of his names, but so true: his reply above is far from intelligent.
“Harry Johnson says
September 7, 2018 at 6:33 pm
That’s what they say when they don’t have an intelligent answer.”
Gahler can’t be one of the “Good Old Boys Network” if he just came over in 2014 from MSP. How foolish are you Jane, Sam, you tool? Gahler is a Good Leader and has a fine Department.
Nighty Night, hope the Bed bugs Bite….. ROFL
@Come On Now…..rather bored this weekend huh? Conspiracy theories abound in your head? One more day and you will back in preschool with all the little boys and girls on the yellow school bus.
Mommy Johnny touched me and is picking on me….I am a highly esteemed attorney and passed the bar do something about it….Please Mommy stop him/her….
No wonder your first wife divorced your ass. Your a tool and an embarrassment.
The sad reality is Come on Now and all his aliases is the demonstrative (big word I know) incompetence that can be easily found in the Court House hallways of Harford County. Narcissistic know it all who has no interest in his clients, but rather the money he can coat his wallet with by being complicit with the corrupt judges and States Attorney. Many of those same judges that were trained and mentored by the corrupt Mr. Cassilly. Thankfully Mr. Cassilly’s days are numbered and all can be hopeful that the next SA will return integrity to the office.
If only Come On Now’s and his aliases clients knew about his extra curricular activities. I would bet he would be out of business like his buddy and pal is. In time circumstances will deal with his type. They always do.
And being the Legal Scholar I am, they had technically commited a 4th Degree Burglary, once they opened the door and broke the threshold of the residence. So beware Boardman canvassers. I know it could end up being a pain in the butt if you get that bullet in the backside.
Ta Ta For Now..
Guessing that law degree didn’t pan out there Jane because this doesn’t even come close to an act of buglary, You can’t commit burglary if there was no intent to commit a crime.
@Lol That would sound really smart if you weren’t completely wrong.
Better check your facts buck-a roo: “Breaking and entering the home of another person is fourth degree burglary, even without the intent to commit another crime. Breaking and entering the storehouse of another person is a fourth degree burglary, even without the intent to commit another crime.”
Tootles for now…hit the books !
Jane is correct:
2010 Maryland Code
Subtitle 2 – Burglary and Related Crimes
Section 6-205 – Burglary in the fourth degree.
§ 6-205. Burglary in the fourth degree.
[An. Code 1957, art. 27, § 32; 2002, ch. 26, § 2.]
So even if you’re drunk…..or dumb: Breaking and entering the home of another person is fourth degree burglary, even without the intent to commit another crime. Breaking and entering the storehouse of another person is a fourth degree burglary, even without the intent to commit another crime. Drunk or drugged people who go in to the wrong building thinking it is their own often get charged with fourth degree burglary under this theory.
This is a paid actor portrayal not an actual attorney at law…. breaking the threshold means opening the door without permission and placing items inside as well.
So leave it on the outside door handle, and look for no soliciting signs as well Bozo’s, even though you are not selling anything but Boardman’s idiocy. Better yet just don’t bothersprading his hate messages.
Legal Disclaimer, please check with a practicing lawyer in MD if not sure of what I said.
Buh Bye for now !
* bother spreading his hate messages…See folks I learned how to spell check….
Ta ta !!!
Told ya , I’m smart and good looking too !!!
Hate Messages….now your funny….Telling the truth evidently is a hate message especially when its against the Good Old Boy regime in Harford County that consists of crooked attorneys, judges, sheriffs, and states attorneys. Yep they certainly are hate messages. Keep trying guys and gals you might convince someone. Maybe….Never know it could happen.
I am sure Gahler will send out his Keystone Cops to investigate. The States Attorney will bring charges even if their is no evidence and then the judges will play their part by hearing the case so that the defense attorneys can get their cut of the action. The “Actual Attorneys” are part and parcel of the corruption. They are on the take and would never disrupt their money stream by actually representing their clients interests. If they did that they wouldn’t have any business. The whole system is as perverse as things get.
The tyranny continues while real crime goes unsolved in Harford County. That is the real story.
Yup the same “Keystone Cops” who by now you should recall are Deputies, are the same ones who locked you up several times. BTW, did you make that appointment with the Sheriff and relay all your comments, thoughts , and ideas of yours, on how he can do his job better. Make that appointment or talk to him in person yet?
Let us know how that works out for you “Keyboard Cowboy” ROFL
So how’s that face to face with the Sheriff going? Won’t answer, hmmmmm, why’s that. We all know; Sheriff Gahler is doing a great job and you just can’t handle it because you were locked up by his Deputies. So why not answer? Why hide behind another’s name?
Adam you having fun having conversations with yourself? You should really get a hobby. That or figure out how to get more business as you seem to have to much time on your hands. Maybe that second wife of yours will give you a chores list to keep you out of trouble. What would clients think if they saw what you write on here? Hmmmm…..Interesting idea!!
Hey Jane, Sam I AM, Mike Tyson, Earl, Harry Johnson, Now, Reality of It,
Did I get most of hem?
“The bait was set…..Then taken Hook, Line, and Sinker…..Nice job.”
Bless Your Heart!
Ta Ta for now
Way too easy… it’s Sinful.
Who is this Adam? Adam West as Batman, (RIP), Adam Ant the group, Adam’s Ribs in Chicago, or Adam as in Adam and Eve?
Well which one dude?
Adam Sandler, 51. Movie Actor.
Adam Levine, 39. Pop Singer.
Adam Saleh, 25. YouTube Star.
Adam Dahlberg, 25. YouTube Star.
Adam Ortiz, 21. YouTube Star.
Adam Lambert, 36. Pop Singer.
Adam Driver, 34. Movie Actor.
Adam Young, 32. Pop Singer.
Forgot, sorry, Think they have enough business, they don’t need to bother with someone here like you tool !!!
What a Narcissist you are….I hear that’s typical of someone in the law profession….Its the only way you can be continually dishonest and live with yourself. Think of the things you could do if you put your energy into something worthwhile. The possibilities are immense!
Alas without you spewing your filth what else would you do with yourself? After all your hero turned out to be a zero dead ender much like you. Honesty and Integrity is something that would be worthwhile for you to look into, but then what would you do for a living? Its a complicated predicament you find yourself.
There was no law broken here. Boardman may not be running a good campaign, but there was no law broken in what was described. Do that in a limited commons of a Condominium building and you have broken the law by means of a wanton trespass. There was no trespass, nor a burglary by approaching a door to knock and leave a message because that is what your front door is meant for. Lastly, your government is not a Republic or a Democracy. It is a Corporate Terrorist Organization that has illegally overthrown our Constitutional government in favor of a system of corporate fascism. That’s just the way it is and if you think otherwise you have been brainwashed.
Another legal scholar has spoken. Has Mr Kavanaugh called and asked for your advice before his last day of confirmation hearings today? I sure would love to have you as my mouthpiece should I ever get pinched.
You’re wrong. The trespass doctrine is dependent on intent and there is nothing malicious about leaving a campaign flyer in between a storm door and the locked front door. Had the storm door been penetrated for malicious purposes you would have a case. “Laugh Out Loud” all you want but there was no law broken here.
Try reading again Perry Mason, Matlock and all wrapped up in one, no criminal intent needed. And Johnny Cochran wanna-be who is talking trespass? We’re talking 4th Degree Burglary. Look up all your cases you post, The US Code and Annotated Code Statute is right there in front of you above. I’m sure you’ll find one. You break the plane of the threshold when you open the door. Maybe some common sense and reading comprehension can penetrate your head besides something else…and we all know what that is…
You’re completely out of your mind. Read US v. Jardines (2013) and you will be enlightened. Furthermore, no threshold was crossed by opening a closure when another door exists that seals the interior of the house. That is part of your curtilage. Your pathway to your door denotes an invitation to the front door and it is common for any member of the public to approach and knock or even leave a message. There is no perceived customary invitation to use curtilage or even to not use curtilage, to investigate the goings on inside a home. Yes, criminal intent is needed unless you actually physically enter the home uninvited. When the government tries to investigate inside your home without a warrant, that is criminal intent. In this case there was no law broken. That’s what your missing and that is where you have mistaken your comprehension of the law. Believe what you want but I gave you the truth, once again.
: “Breaking and entering the home of another person is fourth degree burglary, even without the intent to commit another crime. Breaking and entering the storehouse of another person is a fourth degree burglary, even without the intent to commit another crime.”
The problem is no one broke into or entered the home of another, that’s what you’re missing. Opening an unlocked storm or screen door is not breaking into anything, nor is entering a home. I’m sorry that you think you are right, but you are just wrong on this particular case.
nor is it….
Hey Bonehead SoulCrusher, what happens when the second door to the …wait for it …big word….Curtilage is already open and someone opens it and throws Boardmans propaganda inside. That’s what the others are saying is breaking the plane, and LOL all you can do is break wind on here lately….losing a step or two Buddy?
No, they can’t do that because then you would have actually pierced the sanctity of the home. You can’t just create an opening in the door and throw something into the actual house without permission. If that is what happened then Boardman’s campaigners are wrong, should apologize and then move on. But that’s not how it happened is it? You see, it was 97F degrees on August 28th, 2018 and that was before heat indexes. Every house in Abingdon had their doors shut and Air Conditioners on and if you debate that fact you are fighting a losing battle. I am one step ahead of you……
What is your fascination about being right when you are obviously so damn wrong?
Could ask you the same question, which is more appropriate: “What is your fascination about being right when you are obviously so damn wrong?” And the weather report, my God you have issues! Every house in Abingdon? Damn you’re a smart one !! SMH Laughing..well sorta
I was just trying to tell you that 97F weather would probably mean people had to close their doors so the AC would keep the houses cool. I think the probabilities are well in my favor on that one.
Every house in Abingdon had their doors shut and Air Conditioners on and if you debate that fact you are fighting a losing battle.????
See what I mean? Every house….. you used to have a small amount of credibility in your comments….A bit over the edge here lately…..Hope you are ok
Look Wini, at 97F on a hot humid day in August, every damn house had their doors shut and the AC on. To debate this is an exercise in futility from a complete fool. Of course everyone had their doors shut and that isn’t a bit over the edge of nothing. Yes, every occupied house in Abingdon had their AC’s on that day and if the ACs were on, their front doors were closed. I stand by that comment and every reasonable person with a pea brain larger than Winifred Bonnet’s would probably agree with me on that 100%. Attacking a statement like that is what makes you lose all of your own credibility because only a fool or a tool would agree with you…..
Take a few more hits and drink some more beers…..Start your own podcast and show the world how you do it and tell them all about your condo adventures. Pea brain, that’s cute. And we all realize your circle things and there not arguments on the top of your list.
Rock on Moron…
Yawn. Remove your head from the inside of your candidate’s rectum and maybe you will be able to see the truth that surrounds you….
Speaking od Pea sized brain. This portion of the thread has nothing to do with any candidate, rather our exchanges is regarding 4th degree burglary charges and how you know every house in Abingdon had the all their doors shut and so forth. And right on course you turn to vulgar comments, so the prayers I just sent up to the Big Man above for you to seek and get help for your addictions and other issues may have been in vain.. We’re done… I’m not continuing with a vulgar person, so wish you well in seeing the real truth around you, and your need for help.
No. These comments have everything to do with Boardman’s campaign and your attempt to make it look like his campaign committed a crime. That’s the bottom line. You can say whatever you want but any reasonable person who reads these comments knows the truth. You are nothing but a perjuring scumbag. I can use any comment I want that the Dagger hasn’t censored me from using and I reserve the right to call a perjuring scumbag a perjuring scumbag. Now, your personal attacks on me from multiple aliases have never done a damn thing. Your attempt to occupy the moral high ground doesn’t matter either because everything you say is based on a lie. It is a sin to lie. Pray for yourself scumbag.
@SoulCrusher they are Narcissist….that is their infatuation with being right. Its a defense mechanism for them. They cant help it. Called self preservation so they can live with themselves as they conduct their corrupt business. The truth will prevail because it always does.
Says the pot calling the kettle black, or the two same peas in a pod. Yup folks, the same two that have been locked up by HCSO and both spent time in the Harford Hilton. Upstanding members of our great society. Yup.
I’m Jane, good looking and smart>>>ROFL
@ Winifred Bonnet, You’re right, but he’s not operating with a full deck, like his buddy. It’s them with the many “aliases” on here, and every intelligent, meaningful member of our society lasts about two-three posts with them, realize their issues and then they return to their ugliness and departs. They are so naive, they don’t realize most are mocking their stupidity, name calling, accusations of others along with their demented thoughts. If only they would express their opinion without all the drama and hatefulness around it, this would be a whole nicer forum. They just can’t help themselves not to do it. Godspeed to you and take care.
The one thing they have up on us, is that they both have been locked up by HCSO, (windbag Jane, Sam I Am and all his other names) several times and spent time in the HCDC. So, answer up with some quirky relevant responses now. Deny those facts? How about this time do it without saying how, as you call them, the big bad good old boys network of Harford County and the entire system is corrupt and you two pure innocent saints were picked on. Think Not. Second thought, don’t bother, sure everyone here is had enough of it.
You Jane and all your other names are pretty tenacious at accusing others of doing exactly what you are doing. You must really think all the readers and posters here are as stupid as yourself? In the meantime SoulCrusher uses only one name here.
Now listen to Debra below….good advise..
Not one thing said here changes the fact that Boardman’s campaign didn’t break any laws. I’m sorry, but that is what we are talking about and trying to interject my past illegal and unconstitutional convictions into the discussion doesn’t make Boardman’s campaign guilty of a crime. I have no problem stating anything I have ever said on this website to any Judge, Prosecutor, lawyer or Law Enforcement Officer and I consider it my duty to call them a traitor directly to their faces. End of story and that my friend is the real reason I only use one screen name. I want them to know it is me calling them out….For the record, having to spend time at HCDC doesn’t make you a criminal. It means you were persecuted by Joseph Cassilly’s treason and Cassilly has made everyone who does his bidding a traitor against the United States. That’s all it really means.
Once again Come On talking out his ass because he knows that the HCSO, him and his buddies, the judges, and the SA Office are exactly what has been said. Corrupt and inept is the best we can say for them.
One Striper sounds like a wiener also. If in fact it isnt just Come On (aka., numerous other aliases). Way spelling error I meant winner. Same difference.
Same old tired mantra from this group. Whats amazing is how such highly esteemed members of the community can act like a bunch of morons. It simple demonstrates what people deal with in Harford County. Does anyone else hear banjo’s when they think Harford County? Just curious because I do.
BTW I didn’t bother reading your tired dribble. Its just more of the same BS.
Come on Now….how do you know people haven’t called out the HCSO for what they are? They called out your SA Office during the primary didn’t they? Why yes they did. They solidly handed Mr. Ryden a defeat didn’t they? How short your memory is.
How is that job hunt coming for Mr. Ryden? I would hope he doesn’t plan to stick around after what he did in the primary. Then again if he does it will show exactly what he is. Maybe he will become a divorce attorney, or an ambulance chaser.
SSDD, knew you couldn’t do it. And yes they did, but no point in going any further.
But Kudos for using the same name.
You made the allegation Come On Now….Not I. Many citizens are very very pleased with that result because the truth did prevail. I always use the same name sweetheart. Unlike a number of others on here.
What a mess the new leadership will have to clean up when they get into office. Hopefully they will take the trash out pronto and turn the office around to serving the citizens rather than themselves. One can dream cant they?
So “Keyboard Cowboy” why won’t you answer my question? Going to meet with the Sheriff and tell him how to do his job better? How about telling everyone how you were locked up several times?
#westandwithGahler Not west of Gahler… still ROFL about that one Windbag.
Wait for it everyone, he’ll rant about the primary or how Big Bad Good Old Boys persecuted him, and forced him out of Harford County. LOL
Buh Bye Tough Guy….ROFL
Oh good grief. Who cares how many times someone has been locked up? It only takes one act of treason to destroy a man’s entire life. Every Federal law handed down to the States with the purpose of changing the behavior of people is illegal, unconstitutional and an act of treason. What is wrong with you? The US and Maryland Codes are NOT law. They are corporate treason against the United States. If whomever the person you keep referring to has been persecuted by these codes of corporate treason then he is not a criminal. You are the criminal for enforcing unconstitutional law upon them. There is no duty to enforce unconstitutional law and if it is a false felony, then those who have inflicted shall become afflicted. There is no immunity for treason. Quite frankly, you should be cut into little pieces. Traitor.
Really One Striper is this the best you can come up with? If I decide to spend my time meeting with your infamous Sheriff I will let you know. If I did meet with him what would he do? Beat me with a wet noodle, water board me, or worst yet lock me up in solitary confinement because I exercise my 1st amendment rights? Last I checked 1st and 2nd amendment was still law of the land even in Corrupt Harford County.
His actions (aka., endorsements and what not) and election year gimmicks tell me all I need to know about him. I am sure thru you he already knows what others think of him. How do you know that I haven’t met with him and shared what I think of him and his crew? What I shared with him is really none of your business. Fortunately for him he has no real competition in this political race. Therefore he has little to worry about. I am but one citizen.
One Striper you should go back to your drawing board and see if you can come up with something better. Perhaps you can get some help from some of your other Keystone Cop cronies like Penman or Georgiaddes to come up with something fresh and new. That or you could focus on real issues and problems in Harford County for wish you are paid for (I assume). I hear the Heroine crisis is still very much active if you need something to focus on.
Looking forward to see what you might come up with.
Keyboard Cowboy….I like that….How do you sleep at night knowing you abuse the badge and the gun you have (I assume you have one…you could just be a mall cop for all I know)? Just curious….I sleep very well at night BTW.
I can see and evaluate corruption when I see it. The fact is there are many many cases of such in Harford County under the treasonous and incompetence currently in place. The group on here illustrates just the tip of the iceberg. The iceberg that is a running joke throughout the State of Maryland and beyond.
If you took an oath you should keep it in mind. BTW I am an 8 striper…..for whatever that counts for. I generally don’t bring it up as I don’t need to.
Sam I Am A Butthead says
September 10, 2018 at 10:35 am
Never answered the part on how you were locked up by the “Keystone Cops” At best this response proves your bipolar dysfunctional personality. Seek medical help.
I love it here in Harford county if there’s a real “Heroine” problem.. Rofl. Heroine: a woman admired or idealized for her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities or a woman of superhuman qualities and often semidivine origin, in particular one whose dealings with the gods were the subject of ancient Greek myths and legends.
I bet Another Striper was one of those “Keystones” who locked you up.
Tootles for Now
8 Striper, now that’s hilarious….more like “8 Faces Have I” or more appropriately, ” 8 Aliases Have I, on the Dagger!'” Again ROFL
Like shooting fish in a barrel !!
Of course with the 2nd Amendment in which the Most Popular Sheriff in MD supports…
Buh Bye Tough Guy ..
Only stripe he has is the yellow one up his spine.
Oh your so clever….really I think you need new material. Your getting rather lame. In fact some might think your infatuation is a real problem. If you had a clue I would take you seriously, but since you do not and you insist on continuing with your nonsensical psycho babble I will assume your just a little slow. Special but nonetheless slow.
Most popular Sheriff in Maryland….Based on what statistics? Running unopposed doesn’t make you the most popular. Sorry just isn’t so. Neither will stating it over and over make it so. If you haven’t figured it out the political tactics of Ryden aren’t all that effective.
What does 1 stripe mean? Corporal right? Is there a rank lower in the HCSO? Wet behind the ears. Don’t let the department corrupt your sense of integrity and the difference between right and wrong.
Donald, you’re showing your stupidity once again. All your babble about the Sheriff and his Deputies, and you know everything about everything, right? Those one stripers weren’t so wet behind the ears when they locked you up several times, right? Then you should know that a Corporal is two stripes. And you claim to be a veteran? A Cpl cook no doubt. And just what is this infatuation with Dave Ryden?
Jane and gang : I am REALLY Smart and attractive.
Circular conversations…..uh huh…….Those dam banjos again….Are you married to your cousin or your aunt?
They even water boarded me. Gahler beat me with a wet noodle and tickled me with feathers until I gave up the information he was looking for. Yep! You seem incapable of getting off the little story in your head. Yet you believe I am the one that needs help? Hmmmm….Meanwhile back in the real world. Did you hear the Governor has declared a State of Emergency and that a hurricane may be headed this way?
Lets see if you can come up with something relevant. Shall we? Not holding my breath as I seriously doubt your capable.
You do provide a lot of comic relief. I never thought I would ever meet anyone quite as slow as you. I have seen it in the movies, but never thought they really existed. I have been proven wrong.
ROFLMAO Yet Again, :
“….Those dam banjos again…” .. What the Conowingo, Holtwood, maybe even Hoover Dam” My God you are an idiot…. once again brain surgeon …”Damn”
Make me laugh so hard I think threw up a bit in my mouth…. You go Oh Smart, (sha right) and attractive one.
Breathe now , deep breaths no coronary tonight, remember you”re needed for more comic relief…and at least you’re successful at that…
Nighty Night, hope the bed bugs bite…
Which is it your cousin or you Aunt?
Good thing we have a language / spelling professor on Dagger to make sure all is well. In reality if that’s all you got then your not so smart yourself. Nor clever. Wait you work in Harford County Court House right? No need to be clever or smart. Just crooked.
Just for the record, Kavanaugh is about as good a Judge that can possibly exist, but he is still a traitor that worked for a Bush and owes his allegiance to the government.
Someone is off his meds again…
I’ve hadn’t taken any medication other than high blood pressure medication in over 6 years. There is nothing wrong with me. There is something wrong with you.
Boardman please hand me some of your literature, I need to wipe my ass.
I’m going to probably agree with you on that.
+You’re wrong. Said the man who’s been busted and jailed…no intent needed for 4th degree. No wonder you went to the HCDC. Once again slow down the weed and booze , you are wrong.
And for “wanton Trespass” the offender musty be “properly notified, by one of several means, to include the property owner, the police or signage. Come back after you read up the correct information. Again.
There was no breaking and entering so there wasn’t any burglary, even of a 4th degree. I know all about that whole wanton trespass thing. If you think Woodbridge Condominiums was not adequately marked for everything you’re alluding to, then you would be mistaken. There was “Private Property”, “No Trespassing” and “No Solicitation” signs posted everywhere. I was busted and jailed not because of marijuana, but because of what I knew and my readiness to speak of it. It had nothing to do with me violating the law in my home because the police can’t investigate in a home without a warrant. That’s just the way it is. I don’t need to slow down on anything because I have already slowed down. I am very close to death. I will slow down then…
We’ve heard that all too many times. This isn’t a condo, nor the police involved, so why not regroup and focus on something other than your own experience. Hopefully you will let it go before you go, but once again, yes this person could be technically charged with burglary 4th. Just admit you’re mistaken and move on. Case in point, the cops use this alot to solve a drunk person coming into the wrong house and gives the police a hard time. Read your law, you seem proud of your knowledge, check the statute, NO INTENT NEEDED for 4th degree.
Tootles My Friend.
I’m not mistaken. I’m not going to talk into circles with you either. The campaigner used the marked path to the front door, as any member of the public may do. The campaigner then opened the storm door to knock on the front door of the house, as any member of the public can do. Upon knocking with no answer, the campaigner then slipped the literature in between the front door and the storm door leaving notification of their visit, as any other member of the public can do. There is no 4th degree burglary present because a person must “break” and “enter”. To “break” means use some sort of “force”, even slight force or guile, to gain entry to a building. To “enter ” means entering the residence. You must show that some force or trick was used to enter a residence and all of this is moot because there was NO ENTRY into a residence. You do NOT enter a residence until you have entered the residence. Can you understand this? You must ENTER the residence. Opening a storm door doesn’t constitute a breaking and entering when there is an implied invitation to do just that and knock on the door, while the secure front door is closed. I’m sorry, but you are just plain wrong and no crime was committed in this matter.
Poor Jane this is a textbook case of trying to save your ass after screwing the pooch on the internet. Burglary needs either criminal intent or breaking and entering neither of which is present. The post office UPS fed ex all leave packages inside storm doors with all those lawyers on staff do you really think you are right and everyone else is wrong?
Jane stop while you are behind, it’s embarrassing.
@LOL….Go screw yourself….If you had a clue you would be dangerous. As it is your just an incompetent wind bag with little to do. Please dont create. We have enough stupidity in the world.
You can break the plane of the entry point and break wind too, as it is the same smell coming off the stuff you are saying. You are wrong. I call BS….ROFLMAO
@ LOL here is an excerpt from the UPS Driver manual or general info: “Shipments that do not require a signature can be left in a safe place, out of sight and out of weather, at the driver’s discretion. This could include the front porch, side door, back porch, garage area, or with a neighbor or leasing office (which would be noted in a yellow UPS InfoNotice® left by the driver).”
The are prohibited like Fed-EX and the USPS from leaving anything in the door, in between doors or doorway , and go as far as saying it is a safety hazard in many instances like apartment hallways. Notices are to be affixed to the outermost door if delivery is not made or left somewhere else.
So who’s the one screwing the pooch now? And stop hassling me.
I am smart as well as attractive.
Buh Bye
@LOL leave Jane alone, despite her lack of sentence structure, like he/she depending on which pseudonym he/she is using, says please don’t re-create. You can create an apology to her/him, that would be nice.She wasn’t showing her stupidity….nope she wasn’t …she’s smart and attractive. So please leave him/her alone. Thank you and….
Buh Bye….
Your special aren’t you? Two more days until the special bus picks you up.
Breathe Deeply, in through the nose, exhale through the mouth, save it for your stinking breath. Don’t pop a vein or have a coronary. Must be all fired up now, posting messages within 5 minutes under new several of your pseudonyms..Legal Eagle Idiot, Reality of It, Harford Voter etc, maybe your doctors need to adjust your meds or maybe start taking them again. Whadda think Jane? Earl, Mike Tyson, come on lets get something fresh.
Remember , deep breaths… relax, everyone knows you are smart and good looking, cuz that’s what ya say here….
Buh Bye for Now, ya say that too, right? …God Bless Ya … Mean it !!
“The literature was dropped between the storm and screen doors.”
So, what’s up with this? Three doors to this house or is there some misleading “reporting” here? Assuming since most people call a screen door, also a “storm” door. Enlighten me?
Anyway, why would ANYONE open someone else’s door? LOL
How does that look, you walk around to the front of your house and see some person grab your door handle and proceed to open the door.
People open screen and storm doors to knock on the front door. Just ask you neighborhood policeman why he knocks on the front door. It’s because it ensure a person inside the house will hear you knocking. Better yet, when was the last time you saw a police officer NOT knock on the front door and use the screen or storm door instead? If the front door is closed, it is customary to open a storm or screen door to knock on the front door.
customary in who’s opinion? Yours? Lol.
But knocking on the screen door frame wouldn’t make enough noise? No?
Clearly that would have netted a better outcome in regards to this articles circumstance. Eh?
Hey dude, I don’t endorse Boardman. You guys are just jumping the gun and making a mountain out of a mole hill. I tell you what, why don’t you ask the next police officer you see if they open the storm or screen door to knock on the front door of a home. Then ask them why? Then ask him if it is legal for a citizen or a campaigner to do it? A police can only do whatever any other member of the public may do, no more and no less. That’s just the way it is, but go ahead and ask. Call 410-838-6600 and speak to the first traitor that answers the phone.
Yeah, what he said!! He’s always right, just like me. And I am very smart and good looking too.
How about we all get back on the topic and point of this story. And yes that’s what a jerk Boardman and his comments are. The rest of you, kindly grow up.
Thank you
Jane, piss off.
Debra such words from a lady….or is that lady of the night?
Rot in hell, worm.
You love me don’t you….Isn’t that special…..
Never answered the part on how you were locked up by the “Keystone Cops” At best this response proves your bipolar dysfunctional personality. Seek medical help.
I love it here in Harford county if there’s a real “Heroine” problem.. Rofl. Heroine: a woman admired or idealized for her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities or a woman of superhuman qualities and often semidivine origin, in particular one whose dealings with the gods were the subject of ancient Greek myths and legends.
I bet Another Striper was one of those “Keystones” who locked you up.
Tootles for Now
Same old Same Old….Lame and old just like your story line.
Come on clever……Think of something original….You can do it! We have the utmost confidence in your ability. You just have to put your mind to it.
Maybe Gahler and/or one of his minions can help you with it.