From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
Two teens are in custody, charged in the shooting death of an Edgewood man that occurred on August 3, 2018.
On August 3, 2018, at approximately 9:19 p.m., Deputies assigned to the Southern Precinct of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office responded to the 2400 block of Willoughby Beach Road in Edgewood for the report of a shooting. Upon arrival, deputies located a male victim within a vehicle in the parking lot of Edgewood High School suffering from a single gunshot wound to the upper body. Medics with the Abingdon Volunteer Fire Company transported the victim, identified as Thailek Jacob Willis, 19 of Edgewood, to the University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Medical Center, where he was later pronounced deceased.
The investigation was assumed by Detectives from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigation Division. Investigators from the Forensic Services Unit responded to the area to collect and preserve physical evidence in support of the investigation.
Through investigation, two male suspects were identified, Yasin Wallace Powell, 16 of Edgewood, and Jaylin Jerome Brown, 15 of Edgewood. The investigation revealed Willis drove to the parking lot at Edgewood High School to conduct a drug deal. When he arrived, Powell and Brown approached Willis’ vehicle, displayed handguns, and announced a robbery. When Willis attempted to flee the scene in his vehicle, each suspect fired a shot, with one round striking Willis, killing him.
Detectives were able to take both into custody without incident on Monday, August 6.
Both Powell and Brown were charged as adults with first degree murder, second degree murder, armed robbery, first degree assault, and other related charges.
Powell and Brown were transported to the Harford County Detention Center, where they are being held without bail.
Ahhh the rural nature of Harford county. Thank you Chad Shrodes
Drugs are all over Harford County, not just Edgewood. Sure there are drugs being sold right now in Forest Hill. No area of Harford County is immune to drug traffic. Drugs were here long before Chad Shrodes and don’t be so mug because you live in Forest Hill.
RU saying this whole keep us rural thing is a lie…… Say it aint so…..
Piss off, you freak. No one cares anymore what you say.
Just think Onion John, a few more elections and Northern Harford County will be voting Democrat Majority.
The age of the blue collar, hateful, angry conservative voter is now the age of the younger, professional, Democrat voter.
Excellent. 3 drug dealers taken off the streets of Little Baltimore.
Well, one drug dealer, 2 armed robbers with one being a murderer.
1 current + 2 future = 3 total
1 drug dealer and 2 wannabe Omars?
Thought those CDS laws and the people that enforce them and other laws in MD are committing treason. So with your constant rants about treason, there was no crime here and the only the murderers here are police and you who state it’s ok to shoot to kill one and you would to defend your so called treasonous rights?
Here you go again …..
I would like to take this time to remind everyone that the war on drugs is actually a war against WE THE PEOPLE who use drugs and those whom wage war against WE THE PEOPLE are actually waging war against the United States. This is treason as defined in Article 3 Section 3 of the US Constitution and those that claim otherwise are lying to themselves.
So you use drugs???
The CDS laws are acts of treason as there is no authority by the Federal government to create such laws. It’s not within the Fed’s jurisdiction, so the Feds have committed treason by making the law and bribing the States to enforce it thru Federal Funding, which is not in their juris. Marijuana is a drug, so the one guy is a drug dealer whether it’s legal or not. Murder is murder and you can only legally kill a cop when resisting an unlawful arrest. If you would only pay attention to what I say and stop trying to mix my words to suit your agenda, you might look like you have some sense one day. I still use Amlodipine Besylate and Lisinopril, which are drugs and I use them on a daily basis. They regulate my blood pressure so that I can live a long life, even though I’m really dead, all at your expense. How does that make you feel?
Oh you’re so silly!!
Not silly, crazy like a fox…..
Crazy from all the drugs? Why stay here in the US if you hate it so much? This reply ought to be a good one…LOL
You are so uneducated you don’t even know what you’re talking about. Marijuana is the safest intoxicating agent known to man and I have never read or been informed from any credible source that it makes you crazy. Only a stupid booze hound such as yourself would even make that accusation because you don’t have any common sense. I stay in this country because I love my country. I hate the treasonous government you worship because it is nothing but a fascist corporate government that has no legitimate claim to this country. I will stay here until the day I die. Anymore questions, traitor?
You’re still silly, and funny as well !!
Yeah one more, and i don’t have a mother, so you’re highly intelligent response won’t work, but how are the herpes doing? Never answered him…ROFL
If I had herpes then maybe I’d know about it, in the meantime ask your wife….
How comely the almost one half of a million of lawyers, judges, law professors, and JDs that are out there in the world none of them seem to want to side with you about your assessment of enacted laws. Are you smarter then all of them? You are a funny man.
Because they are all traitors that have secretly sworn to uphold the laws of the Satan and not that of God and Nature, which are Supreme. Now, let me ask you a question. If the Constitution and the State Constitutions mean so little, why is it that every one of the individuals you just listed has sworn an oath to uphold those same documents? I am NOT smarter than them. I have simply seen thru them and their charades. Do you still think I am a funny man? I can honestly say that I am a lot smarter than you think “I AM”.
Add preacher to his resume now……All us sinners should know better….
He’s funny!
Laws of the Satan doesn’t have anything to do with religion, it means adversarial law. The laws of God and Nature are superior to all and the Code of Rules and Religion aren’t law at all. Look it up for yourself.
Code of Rules and Regulations aren’t law at all.
Pretty lame, all you got? Booze hound? Now that’s funny too! Especially coming from the constitutional scholar you are? ROFL
Can you say 160 proof? You know your Daddy originally made it 190 proof, but your weak little self couldn’t handle it…..
How is the herpes, Soul Crusher?
Ask your mother….
Could be Obamas boyz…
OBama has daughters dummy
Hes simply alluding to the statement Obama made about trayvon martin saying “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon”……Dummy
Kind of an orange hue – more like Trump.
Where’s all the scared of their own shadow conservatives with their “If I could get a carry permit and have been there” innuendo?
At your mother’s house getting a hand job and a sandwich.
Learn from my mistake, Get the sandwich first
Original, use someone else’s name to hide your shame.
That is a pretty vulgar reply.
Typical, though.
truth be told, the sandwich was typical but the handjob was downright vulgar
If you are a thug i don’t want you in my county. i have met black thugs, white thugs etc. All thugs must go on either side of Route 40.
Original, use someone else’s name to hide you shame.
Yo these are someones kids , kids get into this some worst than others instead of sitting here downing and fighting wont us ADULTS come together for a solution, jail is not the only way to fix things and hate will just end up killing us all everyone always has negitive things to say and are never apart of the solution they just sit in the comfort of there homes and make mockey of others lives whom are really going thru it really on the front lines !
I’d like to assume most people’s kids in Harford County arent commiting murder. This is well beyond “making a mistake,” by the way, if you are unaware.
I’d say if the verdict is guilty, they deserve to be in jail.