From Friends of Harford:
Maryland Transportation Authority I-95 Express Toll Lanes Northbound Extension, Baltimore and Harford Counties, with Proposed Mitigation Sites in Baltimore, Harford, and Cecil Counties
Application Number: 18-NT-0086/201860368 AI# 160464
Hearing Date: July 31, 2018- 6pm
Location: Joppa-Magnolia Volunteer Fire Company Fire Hall 1403 Old Mountain Road South Joppa, Maryland 21085
The project plans will be on display beginning at 6:00 p.m. The hearing will start promptly at 7:00 p.m. and end promptly at 9:00 p.m.
The public informational hearing allows the applicant and interested persons the opportunity to make comments on the application. The Divisions will also accept written statements following the hearing, through the end-of-business on August 14, 2018.
From the Maryland Department of the Environment:
The Nontidal Wetlands Division and the Waterway Construction Division of the Water and Science Administration, Maryland Department of the Environment, have scheduled a public informational hearing for the above-referenced project.
The Maryland Transportation Authority has applied for an authorization to construct Stage 1 of the I-95 Section 200 Improvements including; adding a two-lane ETL on northbound I-95 from MD 43 to MD 152; an auxiliary lane from MD 152 to MD 24; replacement of the Bradshaw Overpass, Raphel Road Overpass, and the Old Joppa Road Overpass; reconstructing and widening the bridge decks on the Big Gunpowder, Little Gunpowder, and Winters Run bridges; two noise walls, utility relocations, and providing a new Intelligent Transportation System communication system to improve operations and incident management along both northbound and southbound I-95. The public informational hearing on this project will be held on July 31, 2018. The project plans will be on display beginning at 6:00 p.m. The hearing will start promptly at 7:00 p.m. and end promptly at 9:00 p.m. The hearing will take place at the Joppa-Magnolia Volunteer Fire Company’s Fire Hall, 1403 Old Mountain Road South, Joppa, Maryland 21085.
The public informational hearing allows the applicant and interested persons the opportunity to make comments on the application. The Divisions will also accept written statements following the hearing, through the end-of-business on August 14, 2018. If anyone planning to attend requires special consideration due to hearing or other impairment, please notify the Department in advance so that we can try to make the necessary accommodations.
The project will permanently impact 35,111 square feet of forested nontidal wetland, 728 square feet of scrub-shrub nontidal wetland, 16,930 square feet of emergent nontidal wetland, and 134,923 square feet of the 25-foot nontidal wetland buffer, 2,086 linear feet of perennial waterways, 3,800 linear feet of intermittent waterways, and 254,688 square feet of 100-year floodplain. The project will also temporarily impact 9,172 square feet of nontidal forested wetland, 4,335 square feet of the 25-foot nontidal wetland buffer, 446 linear feet of perennial waterways, and 26,655 square feet of 100-year floodplain. The project is proposed within the Bird River (Use IV), Lower Gunpowder Falls (Use I), Little Gunpowder Falls (Use II), and Lower Winters Run (Use IV-P) watersheds. The Applicant proposes to mitigate for 28,477 square feet of permanently impacted nontidal wetlands and 4,005 linear feet of waterways. The proposed mitigation will be provided both on-site and off-site at the following locations: Carsins Run Stream Mitigation Site located within MDTA right-of-way just north of the I-95 and MD 22 interchange and west if I-95 in Harford County; Whitemarsh Run Mitigation site southeast of US 40 between Ebenezer Road and Reams Road in Baltimore County; Lilly Run Mitigation site located east of Havre de Grace Middle School in Harford County; and MD 7 Fish Passage along an unnamed tributary to the North East River off of Old Philadelphia Road in Cecil County. The project is located on I-95 from MD 43 to MD 24 in Baltimore and Harford Counties, Maryland.
If you have any questions concerning the hearing, the project, or our review process, please contact Emily Dolbin at, or (410) 662-7464 extension 1653.
Joe Belair says
Please start construction tomorrow.
Thomas Braddy says
Stage 1 is a good start, but I hope Stage 2 is an ETL lane for southbound 95 from 24 to the ETL in White Marsh.
MARC Commuter says
I would prefer money spent on reliable and convenient public transportation. It works well in Europe so why not here?
Train Tax says
Geography and tradition: Our massive and wonderful landscape, combined with our respect for private property makes new rail line difficult to impossible to build. Plus, PT only does well for getting many people to the same places. It fails to get people to many different places, which is our actual problem.
Johnnie Doughe says
European countries also subsidize public transportation, without government money PT would be failing
MARC Commuter says
Roads are also subsidized by the government. It’s an American aversion to public transportation. But I still think it is were reliable and convenient more people would use it.
Duh says
“European countries also subsidize public transportation, without government money PT would be failing”
Seriously? LAst time I checked our road/highway system was built by the government with government money. Without that money I believe the system would be failing. Next time you have a thought…. don’t.
Bob says
It is not government money. It is the people’s money collected to use for the benefit of the people.
Duh says
Well Bob please tell the class how the money collected being spent on toll facilities benefits people who cannot afford a car. Next time you have a thought…. don’t
Harford Republican says
Where is Chad Shrodes when we need him to keep us rural?
ForestHill Resident says
it’s ok as long as us rural country folk can get to Starbucks for a 7 dollar coffee every morning.