From the American Civil Liberties Union:
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Maryland today filed suit in federal court in Baltimore under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) against Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to ensure that local police departments that partner with ICE in anti-immigrant 287(g) agreements can be held accountable to the communities they serve. The lawsuit seeks full information about individuals who were held for further immigration screening, as well as policies and directives about how the Harford County Sheriff’s Office identified who they would target for screening.
“While the nation has been rightfully outraged about the separation of children from their parents by ICE, victims of racially biased immigration enforcement policies exist at our front steps when local police partner with ICE, and local communities are the ones to suffer for it,” said Nick Steiner, Equal Justice Works Immigrants’ Rights Fellow at the ACLU of Maryland. “We need to know the truth. It’s a serious government accountability problem if 287(g) agreements between local police agencies and ICE mean that Maryland communities are kept in the dark about how their local sheriffs operate their police departments.”
287(g) is a program that gives a job meant for the federal government – immigration enforcement – to local law enforcement who receive little training and often use practices that amount to racial profiling. Three Maryland counties – Frederick, Anne Arundel and Harford County – are actively using local police agencies to target and cage immigrants for ICE as part of the federal 287(g) program. This is disturbing because 287(g) agreements undermine public safety, encourage racial profiling, and weaken families that make our state strong.
287(g) programs do not focus on individuals suspected of violent offenses. According to the Frederick County 2012 Annual Report, 88 percent of detainers issued by ICE were for misdemeanors, many of which were traffic violations. In fact, the majority of the over 1,400 people detained for ICE and processed for deportation in Frederick were for non-violent offenses.
On November 28, 2017, the Harford County Sheriff issued a press release touting the success of its 287(g) program, based on the number of people detained for deportation. But the press release offered scant information to allow the public to evaluate the claim. Since then, the ACLU has been fighting to get more information both from the Harford County Sheriff’s office through a Maryland Public Information Act request, and from ICE, through a FOIA request. Although the Sheriff has the data that we are asking for, he claims the data belongs to ICE, not local law enforcement, so it cannot be released under the MPIA. For its part, ICE has claimed that the Freedom of Information Act does not require them to release the requested information to the public. That is unacceptable. ICE and local police departments must be held accountable to the local communities they serve.
Added Nick Steiner: “Especially because sheriffs are elected to office, how can the public hold this elected official accountable when they don’t know whether their police officers are criminalizing people because of where they were born or profiling people based on what they look or sound like?”
The ACLU of Maryland is represented by Steven R. Johnson and Timothy F. McCormack of Ballard Spahr LLP, as well as ACLU of Maryland Equal Justice Works Fellow Nick Steiner.
From Christopher C. Boardman, Democratic nominee for sheriff of Harford County:
Christopher C. Boardman, Democratic nominee for sheriff of Harford County in this November’s election, applauded the filing of a lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union against the Harford County Sheriff’s Office regarding the agency’s concealment of information about its involvement in the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) division of the Department of Homeland Security.
“Ever since Sheriff Gahler signed an agreement with I.C.E. nearly two years ago, I have been concerned about the sheriff’s unwarranted involvement in federal law enforsement, a mandate he is not statutorily authorized to pursue as a local law enforcement officer,” said Boardman.
“In addition, Sheriff Gahler continues to use local county taxpayer resources to support his crusade against immigrants without any explicit authorization or support from either the citizen taxpayers or the county govenment including the county council.”
Boardman noted that he had requested information as to how many county tax dollars have been spent on the sheriff’s crusade, and all questions have been passed on to the Department of Homeland Security, which has refused to provide any answers.
“Until news of this lawsuit was made public, the sheriff’s agency refused to disclose that 105 people were detained for further screening and 44 were determined to be candidates for deportation from Harford County,” said Boardman.
“The sheriff has gotten this all wrong. He is intervening in a federal immigration matter without jurisdiction and the U,S. Government does not even have a clear immigration policy. Sheriff Gahler would have done better to urge his Republican friends in the Congress to pass comprehensive Immigration reform rather than to pursue a half-baked crusade with an out-of-control federal agency that has resulted in the separation of families and the compounding of the problems.
“I have spoken to members of the sheriff’s office and they insist they are fighting crime. But as a matter of fact the sheriff’s actions and policies cause people who may have immigration issues to avoid contact with law enforcement in the county out of fear that their family members may be taken from them or that their fragile livelihoods may be irretrievably disrupted. The sheriff’s policy is actually making it more difficult for the sheriff’s office to enforce the law or provide the protections that people in their communities need,” said Boardman.
“I am hopeful that this lawsuit will cause the light of day to shine on these policies and practices so the citizens of Harford County can stop and prevent the abuses that have been identified when the federal government remains gridlocked over the immigration issue. If I am elected, I will terminate the county’s agreement with I.C.E.”
MD Sheriff Getting Sued for Fighting “Sanctuary State” Scheme
From Maryland Campaign for Liberty:
News broke late yesterday that the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is suing the Harford County Sheriff’s office because of their immigration enforcement efforts.
As you likely know, Harford County is one of only three county jurisdictions in Maryland to uphold the rule of law and cooperate with federal immigration officials through the 287(g) Program.
The ACLU of Maryland is leading the cause to make Maryland a “sanctuary state” for illegal aliens and criminal thugs.
We are concerned that this ACLU lawsuit leveled against conservative Sheriff Jeff Gahler’s office is a politically-driven attempt to try to discredit and block federal immigration enforcement.
We must stand with Sheriff Jeff Gahler and the Harford County Sheriff’s office to defend the rule of law against this Open Borders Lobby assault.
The ACLU and their liberal allies in the General Assembly have been unsuccessful for back-to-back years now in passing their center-piece “Sanctuary State” legislation.
Now they are pulling out all the stops and using frivolous legal attacks to try to tear down our borders.
We need your EMERGENCY HELP right now for several reasons:
1. The Open Borders Lobby may well use this lawsuit as grounds to try to freeze or end Harford County’s cooperation with this federal immigration enforcement program.
2. Any negative outcome in Harford County could easily translate into new attacks on Frederick and Anne Arundel Counties where local law enforcement use the 287(g) Program
3. The Open Borders Lobby will use this to prepare for the 2019 General Assembly so that they can finally pass their center-piece legislation to make Maryland a “sanctuary state” for illegal aliens and criminal thugs.
Successful litigation against the Harford County Sheriff’s Office could create a “chilling effect” across our state where other local authorities become weary about cooperating with federal immigration enforcement for fear of lawsuits and legal attacks.
Sign your “I Stand with Sheriff Gahler” Pledge today so that we know you will not back down to the ACLU or anyone else when it comes to upholding the rule of law in our state!
–Dave Pridgeon
Maryland Campaign for Liberty
P.S. We don’t have a country if we don’t have borders.
So many immigrants SUPPORT Maryland Campaign for Liberty’s work against “sanctuary state” policies.
Because they respect the rule of law and worked very hard to legally become citizens of our country themselves.
We should not reward law breakers with citizenship, please help us to rally support and raise funds to fight the Open Borders Lobby.
The ACLU’s lawsuit filed this week against Sheriff Gahler is nothing more then a political power play to try to take down any local agency willing to enforce the law and fight illegal immigration.
Boardman is another in a long list of embarrassing candidates that the leftist Democrats put forth. he cannot be trusted with the county’s safety…not only would each officer be in danger but the citizens as well. My prediction is Gahler 89% of the vote Boardman 7% with 4% voting for anything else because they cannot vote for a Republican but they could not possibly pull the lever for a loose cannon like Boardman
You do realize that when Boarnman loses this suit is unaffected right?
Good God Boardman!! You just keep destroying your chances with each post you write!!!
You’re a complete idiot!!
Boardman didn’t write it are you stupid?
There are three separate sections in this article. The second section is credited as being from Christopher Boardman, democrat nominee for HC Sheriff. Essentially the entire section is attributed as direct quotes from Boardman, so yes, in essence he did write it.
Apparently you are a product of HCPS is you can read that and say he wrote it. That section refers to Boardman in the third person and has boardman quotes. That’s what these things mean “”. It appears we have multiple idiots
I would agree….multiple idiots….most of them supporters of the Harford County Goof Old Boy Club.
and a douche-bag!
Boardman has no clue about anything related to the responsibilities of a Sheriff. So, he wants even more illegal aliens in Harford County than we already have now? The news media should, but they won’t, list all persons arrested/wanted by law enforcement that are ILLEGAL ALIENS for any crimes they commit. I was glad to see that the three illegal alien MS13 gang members arrested for the brutal homicide of a young man in Maryland several weeks ago were identified as such. That is the only time I have seen anything in the media recently that identified the the criminals as illegal aliens. People better wake up in Harford County, and the USA, and realize what is taking place and being forced upon us by the Socialist Democrats in the District of Corruption and Annapolis!
Help fight the harassment of immigrants by Sheriff Gahler’s Harford County.Police’s and ICE!
Support Maryland ACLU’s investigation of Sheriff Jeff Gahler’s assisting ICE violation of civil liberty rights of Hispanic citizens and immigrants
This November vote Sheriff Jeff Gahler out of office.!
Vote For Social Justice and Honesty And Integrity! Vote Chris Boardman!
That’s pathetic! Not even a law enforcement agency from our state.
Harford County doesn’t need anymore awful non-white 3rd world invaders.
I hope the Sheriff’s Department harasses all the illegals.
ACLU Video Correction:
If you want to bed down with illegal aliens then move to pg county
Better yet, he should move south of the border, say, El Salvador, for instance.
Mike, Why didn’t you run for Sheriff? You’re the only one out there that could have made Boardman look smart.
This comment wins the Dagger today.
Sounds very reasonable to me. If HCSO has done nothing wrong then they should comply with the ACLU request and not subject Harford County Citizens to lawsuit costs that will need to be defended.
Gahler stop obstructing and abide by the FOIA law, or whatever law applies to the State of Maryland.
If your rights a violated will you still stand with him?
The rights of american citizens are being violated every day by illegal aliens. Cleary, the aclu, democrats and boardman could give a shit less.
Please elaborate on these crimes you speak of…..
Keep up the good work Gahler and ICE. Thank you for doing your part to uphold the laws of the USA.
Absolutely…and abide by the FOIA laws, which are in place for very good reasons.
The ACLU is a subversive Jewish Marxist organization that is using legal tricks to harass a local law enforcement agency. A local law enforcement agency that is defending its citizens from terrible illegal 3rd world invaders.
The people of Harford County shouldn’t have to tolerate (((ACLU))) tricks.
Boardman and the american criminal liberties union again putting rights and safety of american citizens below criminal aliens
Actually they are making sure your rights are not violated but you clearly ain’t too bright.
The ACLU has chosen to Protect the illegal aliens that are violating Americans rights. The demand voting rights and citizenship the receive benefits that should be afforded to American citizens first.
They should all be sent home and as long as we have homeless people and poor communities that need help, our resources should be utilized there.
I’m guessing either you have a reading disability or didn’t finish the 3rd grade.
I am guessing that your mother is also your sister.
Dave you didn’t really think that one through didja. LOL
The lawsuit will probably go no where. How can you sue a State agency for taking part in a Federal program that is actively trying to recruit the State agencies? This Federal program was introduced when Obama was still President, so this is NOT a Trump thing. Why not sue the Federal government instead? I also find it interesting that this “lawsuit” is occurring just before an election and believe that the ACLU is actually using its resources for a political purpose, due to the timing of the lawsuit. Did you guys know that there is a petition to halt monetary awards for the ACLU’s attacks on religious freedoms under the 1st Amendment? This petition already has 32,836 signatures since its inception in April of this year. Its goal is 50,000 signatures. I’ve included a link to the petition so you guys can look it over. If the ACLU wants to its job, it needs to start taking on unconstitutional laws that DO infringe upon the American citizens by subjecting us to law where there is no constitutional authority to enforce such laws. However, you won’t see this because they are ALL part of the corrupt legal system known as the BAR. The American and Maryland BAR Associations must be removed on the grounds of treason.
The suit asks for information to be released. Nothing more.
and what will be done with that information? Do you really expect me or anyone else to NOT believe that this information would be used for additional legal purposes, such as this frivolous law suit? Look, under FOIA they should be suing the Federal government, not a State agency. They need to use Maryland’s Public Information Act (PIA) and the use of FOIA is useless because Maryland is NOT subject to FOIA. FOIA binds the Federal government, not the State. Which brings us back to this suit being frivolous and its real intention is politically motivated.
Just goes to show you a Georgetown law degree is not proof of being educated.
Just to clarify, the ACLU needs to sue under PIA and not FOIA because the Sheriff of Harford County is NOT bound by FOIA. He is bound by PIA. I just wanted you to understand my position on this and that this suit will be dismissed for lack of jurisdiction.
After re-reading, I see that they are suing Federal agencies for the information and are just citing Harford County in the lawsuit. It’s still pointless because the information isn’t going to show anything except for what has already been delivered. Boardman says that information about 105 detainees and 44 candidates for deportation were concealed until the news of this lawsuit was made public. However, I remember reading all this on the Dagger back when Gahler was touting the efforts in 2017. So, how could this be concealing information until the announcement of this lawsuit? Am I remembering wrong? Does anyone else remember those exact same statistics being released on the Dagger about a year ago?
Yes. More Boardman lies. Surprise!
“Since then, the ACLU has been fighting to get more information both from the Harford County Sheriff’s office through a Maryland Public Information Act request, and from ICE, through a FOIA request. Although the Sheriff has the data that we are asking for, he claims the data belongs to ICE, not local law enforcement, so it cannot be released under the MPIA. For its part, ICE has claimed that the Freedom of Information Act does not require them to release the requested information to the public.”
Regardless of whether it shows anything or not simply release the information. Instead Gahler decides he will have a pissing contest with the ACLU at taxpayer expense. Tax Dollars that could be used for much more pressing issues. Why? Because Gahler thinks he is King and not an elected official. This is typical Harford County Good Old Boy Bullshit. Many of us are more than tired of it. Be accountable if you believe you are doing the right thing unless of course you have something to hide.
The ACLU is suing to make sure Gahler isn’t racial profiling. Why won’t he release the information?
@ Earl – It’s kinda hard to enforce immigration without there being some sort of profiling. However, I don’t think Gahler has a deputy at every Latino’s house checking their immigration status. I mean, if someone is pulled over and they speak broken English or none at all, well, the odds are they are of foreign origin and their immigration status will be checked. This is profiling, but I consider it allowable profiling because the conclusion is obvious. I still don’t like immigration law and think it is pointless, but if you’re going to enforce it some profiling will occur. Don’t have a Mexican or some other Latino flag depicted by graphics on your vehicle’s rear window and you might not be suspected of being a Latino whose immigration status will get checked. Some things are common sense….
@ Harford Voter – Did you or Chris Boardman file a PIA information request for what you desire? If so, I believe Gahler will answer the request in full. If he responded to the jackass from California regarding the mushroom thing, I think the probability of him answering a PIA request for the info you desire would be fulfilled.
@ Everyone – It is traditional for police to give the ACLU a hard time because the info they are requesting is presumed to be used to their detriment. There is no denying this. There is also the issue of the information being requested by a private citizen or by the ACLU. I do believe the PIA is set up for a private citizen to make the request and not a legal organization. They probably have to sue for the information. Remember, the ACLU lawyers get paid legal fees from the tax payer and even if they are not getting paid on this particular instance, you can see the dollar signs down the road.
Soul Crusher you are making the assumption that blond hair blue eyed people can’t be here illegally. Can you tell a Canadian just by looking at them?
No, but it I can make the assumption that a blond hair, blue eyed person that speaks fluent English isn’t a Latino in the US with possible immigration issues. I imagine the police would see the Canadian drivers license and check if it was flagged for something. I don’t understand your point because unless you are witnessing a different reality than I, you would understand that the Latinos are being targeted for illegal immigration status because that is what is widespread across the country. I don’t see them talking about illegal aliens from Canada seeking refuge from governmental abuse. Do you?
Hence the reason the ACLU is suing, to make sure not just Latinos are being targeted. Thanks for playing.
I disagree. The power and authority to direct immigration and its policies fall under the guide of the President of the US. If he directs agents of the government to carry out his policies then they are beholden to do it. It is very specific about this in the Constitution. The ACLU will NOT be able to make an argument that can trump the US Constitution and the authority ordained in the Presidency. The President has exclusive jurisdiction of this matter and any Judge that makes a decision that he has NO JURISDICTION to make has committed treason against the United States Constitution. If Trump wants them to target Latinos, then they will target Latinos. I don’t like the policy and repeatedly have tried to voice alternative ideas to deal with immigration issues, which you all laugh at.
“When a judge acts where he or she does not have jurisdiction to act, the judge is engaged in an act or acts of treason.” Zeller v. Rankin, 101 S.Ct. 2020, 451 U.S. 939, 68 L.Ed 2d 326-
Still going to buy him that beer or two or three, Jane, and all your other aliases on here? Still think he’s the coolest person on here? You’re not fooling anyone on here with any intelligence. Something that is somewhat lacking on your part. Why is it that nearly everyone you make a reply or post a comment to replies maybe one, or two times and realizes what a jerk you are and leaves? Do you feel proud of that? I would venture to say he just squashed you and your nonsense threads like a bloated tick. He is far superior to you in his research, reasoning and his deliverance of such than your idiotic statements and trolling. Many disagree with his views, but some respect him for being a straight shooter and not playing the childish games you play here. Grow up!
Gonna answer and back up earl with Harford Voter or make up another name to reply? If you feel so superior and correct stand up for your position with one name . MAGA is “spot on” with his assessment of you and your games here. Oh and earl, I have read some of your other posts as well, and yes I read the stories and comments. Like the nomenclature comments about the fireman story so here’s my say, add an “e” to the end of blonde.
My apologies to others reading for straying a bit off topic, but I like most express on here are tired of his games.
@JustTiredofYou what the F are you talking about? The topic has to do with Gahler and the ACLU nothing else.
Gahler needs to do his job and abide by the law. Even the laws he doesnt agree with. Simple and to the point.
As far as the rest of your dribble take it somewhere else. I would be proud to buy SoulCrusher a beer anytime I have the chance to do it.
NH Law says
July 23, 2018 at 12:35 pm
Harford Voter – There is a reason that you are a Dagger Troll and Jeff is the Sheriff!
earl, Jane, harry Johnson..and so on….LOL
Harford Voter, earl jane ; et. al
Flashback moment 2:
@ Harford Voter – Did you file a PIA information request for what you desire? If so, I believe Gahler will answer the request in full. If he responded to the jackass from California regarding the mushroom thing, I think the probability of him answering a PIA request for the info you desire would be fulfilled.
Maybe take his solid advise if you’re so worried?
Flashback Moment:
# 3 and outta here, earl, Jane, Harford Voter: et al
MAGA says
July 27, 2018 at 11:37 am
@Harford voter, SoulCrusher figured it out, why can’t you? The Sheriff’s department is not being sued, so the expense you fear is zero. Next dumb a___ liberal comment please…
Reached my sanity level dealing with you.. Go With God’s Love…tootles!!
The Sheriff did release information back last year upon request on the 287(g) program, without any lawsuits, he shut down that foolishness about the mushroom caper, and you keep getting shut down on here. Think before you write anything. Gahler is doing a great job, is one of, if not the most popular Sheriff’s in Maryland and we stand behind him.
Hey Flashback, you missed one by this clown:
Harford Voter says
July 27, 2018 at 12:28 pm
Oops. I misspoke. I love deporting criminals who are already criminals. Great job sheriff gahler!
Typical of the HCSO and now the taxpayer will get to fund the resulting Lawsuit defense. Release the data if you believe you have the authority to support Federal Immigration Laws. Unless of course you have something to hide or you are trying to obstruct because you believe you are not accountable to the taxpayers of Harford County.
Not releasing the data shows a clear lack of leadership and abuse of position by Gahler. Gahler you are accountable even if you think you are not. Public officials like Gahler are dangerous. Harford County Council where are you? Why does it take the ACLU to hold those in public office accountable? How many lawsuits will it take before Government representatives begin to do the right thing?
I wonder if Nick Steiner, Boardman, and Mike Callahan would be willing to let some undocumented illegal immigrants move in to their homes and back yards.It is easy to be a liberal from afar in the safety of their own homes. What a bunch of tools.
Why not release the information requested? If you have nothing to hide release the information. Plain and simple. Instead Gahler obstructs by making BS claims the data doesn’t belong to him. That is the real story here not the illegal immigrants.
What approval does he have from County Council to be doing what he is doing? So far I haven’t seen this approval. He has no mandate from Harford County to be using a County Level Detention Center as a Federal Level holding facility. I am neither for or against his actions, but if he were transparent to the public and requested the appropriate approvals then he would not be discussing it. Its called accountability. Its about time Public Officials begin to realize they must be accountable. When this is said and done I would love to see Gahler pay for the legals expenses out of his own pocket. Of course that wont happen. The taxpayer will get that pleasure. For what? So Gahler can have pissing contests because he doesn’t want to comply with the law, which he was sworn to uphold? He doesn’t get to pick and chose what laws he upholds and doesn’t uphold. There are checks and balances in the system for very good reasons.
Gahler do your job! Stop holding onto these petty arguments that do nobody any good! Act like a Leader and not a Dictator!
As long as Gahler puts the safety of my family over the interest of criminals who are in the country illegally, he will have my support and the support of the majority of Harford County. No amount of liberal dribble or lies from the left will change that. Gahler for America!!
There is that L word again……Are Harford County “Conservatives” incapable of thinking for themselves? Politicians being accountable is a demonic Liberal principle? I think not. This “conservative” can and will call the Bullshit Flag when it is needed.
“Interests over criminals”…..Really? How does Gahler’s obstruction help the safety of your family over the interests of criminals? You do realize that his failure to simply give the information requested is diverting tax dollars that could be used to truly help the safety of your family? Perhaps you don’t because you blindly and faithfully follow King Gahler.
Gahler for America? Lord I hope not.
You are going to have a tough time when old white guys become the minority with no power and todays minorities treat you they way you treated them.
You are going to have an impossible time when all of society is a great big blended pot and stupitidy stands out without the defense of some bs claim of bias.
The Sheriff is the top law enforcement officer in Harford County. He does not need the county council’s permission to do participate in 287g nor to turn over criminal illegal aliens to ICE. We should be proud to have a sheriff that enforces the law, protects the citizens of HarCo and upholds his oath to the Constitution and the people.
Of course this is alien to the typical libtard weasels whining on this board about the rights of illegal aliens. The illegal aliens became criminals when they illegally entered the country. Go to Mexico illegally and attempt to live off the state, that is stealing resources reserved for citizens i.e. education, public housing, food allowances, medical care, etc. and see how concerned they are about your rights. Hint, zero concern. They toss you butt out. If you are caught illegally in Mexico a 2nd time its 10 years in. Mexican prison.
This has to be the single dumbest post on the Dagger this month. Spartacus did you even bother to read the article? Gahler should deport your dumb ass for stinking up the county and the ACLU should sponsor your deportation. Now clean the booger off your reading finger and try again moron.
Release the information and abide by the law. If Gahler is the “Supreme Sheriff” and he believes he has a right to do what he is doing then release the information. Don’t take a position and then play obstructionist.
(((Nick Steiner)))
@Harford voter, SoulCrusher figured it out, why can’t you? The Sheriff’s department is not being sued, so the expense you fear is zero. Next dumb a___ liberal comment please…
That lawsuit is coming….Just a matter of time. So what if they don’t get sued. Its called doing the right thing. Follow the Law. Freedom of Information Act is there for very good reasons. Unless of course your hiding something then its a problem. I suspect Gahler may be hiding something. Otherwise why play games. He isn’t paid to play games. He is paid to do his job!
You “Conservatives” keep blindly following your King. This “Conservative” will call Bullshit when it needs to be called.
Oops. I misspoke. I love deporting criminals who are already criminals. Great job sheriff gahler!
ACLU is suing HCSO, ICE And Homeland Security for information .
Gahler is refusing to release details of what the hell they are doing to help ICE harass Hispanic citizens and immigrants.
His department is not being transparent to the public in what it is actually doing !
Abolish ICE!
Throw Gahler Out Of Office!
The Sheriffs election in Harford is now a Referendum on ICE and the Gahler/Trump racist policy of violating the civil liberties of Hispanic citizens and immigrants
Wow Mike! Even your own link proves the Sheriff’s Office is not part of the suit! You truly are dumber than Boardman!
PS. Can’t wait to see how this referendum comes out. By that I mean how big Gahler’s win will be!
Re: Republican Moron
HCSO are deputized ICE agents under the 257g program. You have to sue ICE and Homeland to get info from uncooperative Sheriff Gahler
Abolish ICE! Dump Gahler!
Chris Boardman For Harford Sheriff!
Mike already has Trump derangement syndrome and now suffering from a bad case of Gahler derangement syndrome too. Poor fella. There is no hope for him at all.
There is a cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome(TDS):
Looks like the hooked-nosed rats at the (((ACLU))) are trying to flood our great county with more third-world invaders. I know all good people of Harford County support our Sheriff’s Department 100%.
Re: Abnormal Millennial:
Did you just refer to the American Civil Liberties Union with an anti-semitic insult and then casually endorse Jeff Gahler for Sheriff in the name of the “good people”of Harford County?
Is this an official Neo- Nazi or KKK endorsement?
Mike, please move to Mexico where you can get an idea of life as a gringo in a majority minority community. I am sure you will be welcomed with open arms and you will be afforded every right and privilege from the Mexican government that you expect illegal aliens who are in America illegally to receive.
I would like to see the ACLU stand up against the hate of Chris Boardman towards Cecil County “REDNECKS” as he call them lesser folks as he sees it to our north. Think of that! If some conservative was demeaning an entire group of people with hateful comments and name calling, the world of Mike (Harford for Obama) Callahan and Harford Voter would be incensed. Can’t have it both ways you two, encourage, accept and defend it, then you are it and “it” is short for a hateful bigot.
ACLU would never make that case against Boardman. There just isn’t enough evidence everyone in Cecil county isn’t an inbred member of the KKK.
I remember reading that the HCSO was only checking the citizen status of persons brought to the Detention Center after they have been arrested for some other criminal activity. That means these people had already been observed violating the rights of actual citizens before they were asked to document their citizenship status.
How is this a violation of their rights?
I am not for open borders. We are too far in debt as a nation to suffer our entitlement programs to continue giving benefits to persons who have not paid into the system. When talking about costs to the taxpayers of this nation for immigration policies, let’s not forget to factor in the cost to our entitlement programs.
And as for who’s responsible, if a person is in this country illegally at the Federal level, isn’t that person also in the State illegally?
As a side note to @just saying; a person’s mother can be his sister if the father of his mother is also his father. Think about it.
Marty Bass.
Well Sheriff Jeffy just posted a nonsense rant on facebook. Jesus it’s a mess he needs a medical evaluation.
Good thing you called him out on his inaccuracies on Facebook instead of running over here to hide like a little ________. Oh, wait… I was wrong, only Sheriff Gahler and all those supportive comment people who are listing their names are showing what a fool you are. Sheriff Jeffy for the landslide in 2018 and 2022 and for as long as he wants!
The fact you are clueless the dept is full of vindictive aholes proves you have no idea who you are voting for. Stupid is no way to go through life voter…..
Thanks Al for letting me know. I went and checked it out. 250 favorable reactions and 80 favorable comments! You better consider putting down the crack pipe and come to terms with reality.
@Al, let’s let these readers see his comments to!
An Important Message from Sheriff Gahler:
Recently, there has been much speculation and many false statements made about our Delegation of Immigration Authority, Section 287(g) program. These deceptive comments, shared by those absent a legitimate factual argument, are meant to scare our citizens and promote an agenda that is 100% inaccurate. To clear the record and ensure everyone has accurate facts, I offer the following information related to this important public safety initiative in Harford County.
The 287(g) program, an important part of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office’s efforts to make our communities safer, is designed to give specially trained correctional deputies delegated authority for immigration enforcement in our Detention Center. Specially trained correctional deputies screen all persons charged with a crime and who are processed at the detention center. Those identified to have committed crimes in our County and who are not in the country legally are accepted for further investigation by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Those individuals who are identified by ICE as a priority for removal must first serve the sentence for the crime they have committed in Harford County prior to being turned over for deportation.
There has been, and will continue to be, no hesitation on the part of the Sheriff’s Office to share with the citizens of Harford County our involvement in the 287(g) program and to do so in a transparent manner. In fact, I have openly discussed the program and its successes locally, regionally and nationally and will continue to do so. A few short weeks ago, I held an open forum to discuss the 287(g) program with our community. The event was publicly advertised, but surprisingly none of the naysayers attended nor cared to take the opportunity to participate in meaningful discourse, but now feel it appropriate to spew negative and inaccurate information to further their deceptive agenda.
It is important to note, that the 287(g) program is operated from within the Correctional Services Bureau and solely by career correctional deputies. The program is not part of the job responsibilities for any of our law enforcement deputies. These two job classifications are separate and distinct. To mix the two would be like blaming your proctologist for a bad dental checkup. Both a doctor and a dentist are health care professionals, but their roles and functions are not interchangeable. This distinction is true of our correctional deputies and law enforcement deputies, two separate and distinct job classifications, each vital to public safety, however, not interchangeable.
Those who want to deal in fear and embrace the sanctuary community concept know this, but continue to purposefully feed false “facts.” Furthermore, those who claim this program targets or utilizes racial profiling, are unequivocally incorrect. ALL persons, who are charged with a criminal offense in Harford County are screened upon arrival at the Detention Center regardless of race, origin, appearance, or anything else for that matter. Let me reiterate, ALL are screened.
As your Sheriff, I stand by my decision to take part in the 287(g) program. Without question, adding this tool to our crime fighting tool belt helps protect Harford County residents. The ability to detain violent criminals and keep them from re-victimizing the citizens of Harford County is of paramount importance to me. As the chief constitutional law enforcement officer of the County, it is my job to provide for the safety of our citizens and I plan on doing just that through proactive policing, correctional initiatives (like the 287(g) program), and other public safety innovations.
Hold on. Let me get this straight. The whole purpose is to deport undocumented immigrants who have committed crimes. So instead of deporting them immediately you want them to serve a sentence for their crimes here in the States? What good is that? You want the taxpayers of Maryland to pay for their incarceration, for however many years, just to give them a free ticket back to Mexico or whatever other country they may hail from? Are you crazy? What good is that? You do understand that a prison stay in America is like Club Med to the people you are deporting? At this point I see NO GOOD USE for the 287(g) program and if you are NOT going to send them back immediately I say you are committing fraud against the American taxpayer! You are stealing funds from the American taxpayer in order to line your own greedy pockets and those of your Department! Do you really think WE THE PEOPLE don’t know you get paid for every damn Federal detainee you got, including ICE detainees? In order for this program NOT to cost the taxpayers any money, you MUST SHIP THEM HOME IMMEDIATELY! Find them guilty in Absentia and make them serve the sentence if they come back! What the f_ck is wrong with you people?!?!
So Soulman, You think if someone commits an assault and is facing a year in jail, it is better to forgive the year, send them home so they can sneak back in the country the next day? That would be a waste of time. Thank God Gahler is smarter than you!
That is a great point. I want anyone, citizen or not, to serve the maximum amount of time in jail. One thing is sure, they are not committing more crimes while in jail and are not sneaking back into the US while in jail.
No, you’re a dingbat too. You find them guilty in absentia and make them serve the sentence if they come back. It’s kinda like incentive to NOT come back. What is wrong with you guys? Is there something in the water up there? What sense does it make to serve a sentence? Just so the Department and DOC get paid? Every damn bit of money you guys get comes from the American taxpayer and this is nothing but another way to get paid. At taxpayer expense. Just send them home, unless of course it is a LIFE sentence.
MAGA – Mobsters Are Governing America
Mike, Just walkaway from the lies and hate.
#Walkaway is Trump and Russian Twitter/Facebook accounts posing as ex-Democrats in a deceptive propaganda campaign.
#walkaway has infected the Dodgy Dagger.! Don’t be fooled by the b.s.
@Lockem Up – So you want everyone to serve the maximum time in jail. You just admitted to being a sadomasochist. That is a problem you might want to talk with someone about. Back to your incredibly pathetic comment, you can commit a lot more crimes while incarcerated and if you think you can’t then you’re a whack job. Quite frankly, I think you have the wrong impression of jail. You get 3 square meals and free room and board. You get FREE healthcare. Hell, Bradley Manning even got hormone shots to become Chelsae Manning! Most importantly, which none of you is taking in consideration because you have the intelligence of a Labrador Retriever, criminals network in jail. Did you read that ? Do you understand? Jail is criminal college and criminals network and learn from each other in jail. So when they sneak in next time and have a whole new host of “friends” to rely on, your great idea is what caused a criminal network of undocumented immigrants and American criminals. You are truly incredible…..
Exactly….If he doesnt jail them he cant collect. The detention center is a money making operation. This has nothing to do with Law Enforcement. Whats wrong with you Silly?
How exactly does he screen ALL? I will bet if you are White being inprocessed your citizenship is not questioned. If however you are hispanic they will suddenly ask whether your a citizen. If I were not a citizen I would refuse to answer the question. Plain and simple.
Gahler is a liar. Please tell us how exactly he screens ALL. Does he ask them for their passport, which many citizens don’t have? They are undocumented moron. Any bets a majority (if not all) held are Hispanics. Racial profiling at its worst. I guarantee he is getting something out of this deal from the Federal Government.
All he has to do is release the information he has been asked to release. Plain and simple. Stop hiding behind the badge and do your job. Stop spending time justifying why you will/can not release the information. Act like a real leader.
It is not Gahler’s info to release. That is why the ACLU is suing ICE and not the Sheriffs Department. Since it is impossible to be that stupid not to know that, I think we all know who the liar here is. Now stop using my name and find something new like Lying Liberal. It might be available but with it being so perfect, it might already be in use too.
Why is it not Gahler’s information to release? It is in his detention center is it not? The same detention center owned by Harford County. Last I checked unless that has changed. Maybe they sold it to Walmart or something.
Perhaps he isn’t hiding anything. If that’s the case then release the data being requested. It is very simple and yet Gahler believes he can ignore a statute that he doesn’t want to comply with. If that wasn’t the case he would cooperate with the request.
Then why is the ACLU not suing Gahler?
Oh, good grief. You are both arguing a fact that doesn’t matter. Anyone in their right mind can see that the information is that of shared ownership between both agencies and both of these agencies are accountable to the public in that the records are in fact public record. The ACLU is initiating a frivolous lawsuit and no one, including a governmental agency is beholden to that which is frivolous. What don’t you understand about Federal immigration law including Section 1182(f), which gives the President power of profiling in immigration issues? The lawsuit is pointless and so is the 287(g) program. You are both arguing points that have absolutely NO VALUE, except for political gain under false pretenses. The ACLU, will get the info and initiate a lawsuit that is completely frivolous, all at the cost of the American taxpayer. That is the real issue here. The ACLU abusing the law to steal millions of dollars, just like they are doing in religious lawsuits that I pointed out in a previous comment. Furthermore, they are using lawsuits to expand the civil rights of minorities and foreigners, while ignoring the civil rights of the majority of American citizens who should have no question that their rights will be upheld. The ACLU is doing things that are counter to its mission statement and goals and any organization like them who is actually trying to further the rights of foreigners should be required to remove “American” from the title of their organization. They are supposed to further the rights of “Americans”, not those who are from other countries.
Ah, that’s funny… “…believes he can ignore a statute that he doesn’t want to comply with.” First off, I don’t see any truth to your accusation, but more importantly, second isn’t this the precise definition of the loony left’s sanctuary cities?
Gahler can NOT ignore statutes unless the statute is unconstitutional. He is a elected official and the Code of Rules and Regulations is meant to control or regulate the behavior of government employees and elected officials. Now, your comment got cut off, so it is unclear if you were talking about Gahler or myself. Let me be clear, there is NO private citizen that is beholden to any Code of Rules and Regulations of this State or the United States, unless the statute is derived from common law or constitutional with consent.
“The common law is the real law, the Supreme Law of the land, the code, rules, regulations, policy and statutes are “not the law”. – Self v. Rhay, 61 Wn (2d) 261
“There, every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowman without his consent.” – Cruden v. Neale, 2 N.C. 338 (1796) 2 S.E.
“The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law, is in reality no law, but is wholly void and ineffective for any purpose, since its unconstitutionality dates from the time of its enactment… In legal contemplation, it is as inoperative as if it had never been passed… Since an unconstitutional law is void, the general principles follow that it imposes no duties, confers no right, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection and justifies no acts performed under it… A void act cannot be legally consistent with a valid one. An unconstitutional law cannot operate to supersede any existing law. Indeed insofar as a statute runs counter to the fundamental law of the land, (the Constitution JTM) it is superseded thereby. No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it.” Bonnett v. Vallier, 116 N.W. 885, 136 Wis. 193 (1908); NORTON v. SHELBY COUNTY, 118 U.S. 425 (1886).
Here is the link to Gahler’s press release from November 28th, 2017. It doesn’t seem like he was trying to hide anything or prevent release of anything. At least that is my impression. Please notice that I was not for this program then and I am not for it now, but there is an insinuation that Gahler was trying to prevent release of information and I just don’t think that is the truth.
Here is a link to Gahler’s announcement that he intended his Department to be included to the 287(g) program way back on June 9th, 2015. I would like to once again remind that I was not for this program in 2015 either. It is plain as day in my statements. However, this shows that Gahler has been open and honest about his intentions from day 1 and I have to give the man credit for that. 287(g) is still a pointless program, but Gahler has shown his convictions and carried them out in full. That is an admirable quality.
I also want to make a correction to one of my previous comments that said the Constitution was where the President gets his immigration authority. The President gets his immigration authority under Federal immigration law including Section 1182(f), which states: “Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate”. This is from the US Code, not the Constitution.
Will the Sheriff be issuing photo ID for Grocery stores? I need some paper towels