From Chris Boardman, candidate for Harford County sheriff:
A correspondent notes on May 11 a Darlington resident posted on the internet some pictures of some wild morel mushrooms he collected in the woods. Several hours later, he was paid a visit by local law enforcement officers who were convinced that the mushroom hunter was collecting and possibly selling psychedelic, mind-altering mushrooms. It took the mushroom hunter a few hours to convince the deputies that morel mushrooms are perfectly legal and are not mind-altering.
In fact, morel mushrooms are fancied by cooks and gourmands. They are usually not sold because mushroom hunters go to great efforts to find them in the wild and whatever they find are usually consumed by them or their friends and families. Morels are not grown commercially and mushroom growers have been generally unable to cultivate them.
This prompted one observer to write Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler to ask why deputies were being sent out on a wild goose chase about mushrooms that are perfectly legal when there is plenty of actual crime to work on. So far the sheriff has not replied.
This incident with the Darlington mushroom hunter brings to light how, despite the popularity and legality of certain wild mushrooms like morels, confusion can arise when it comes to distinguishing between edible and potentially psychoactive species.
Morel mushrooms, prized by chefs for their delicate, earthy flavor, are a delicacy often sought by mushroom enthusiasts. However, this confusion underscores how easy it can be for people, especially those unfamiliar with mushrooms, to mistake one variety for another.
While morel mushrooms have a rich history of being enjoyed for their culinary value, the overzealous intervention by law enforcement highlights the need for proper education and awareness regarding the varieties of mushrooms found in nature.
For those who are curious about the fascinating world of fungi, the collection of mushroom spores has become increasingly popular among hobbyists and researchers alike. The Mushroom Spore Depot is an excellent resource for individuals interested in microscopy, offering a diverse array of mushroom spore syringes and strains for scientific exploration.
Whether you’re looking to study the life cycle of edible mushrooms or simply dive deeper into mycology, The Mushroom Spore Depot provides a wide selection of spores, ensuring you have access to high-quality material for all your microscopy needs.
With the right tools and education, enthusiasts can safely explore the vast world of fungi without the confusion or legal complications that sometimes arise in the field.
WTF? says
Damn, what a waste of time AND our tax dollars!
Lynne says
TruthBomb says
Something doesn’t smell right about this story. I suspect Boardman is not being honest once again.
K Quinn says
It was reported on the national news it was so embarrassing and there goes your ability to determine who is and isn’t honest. Idiot.
TruthBomb says
Are you sure it was reported on the national news as Boardman has written it? I’m betting some degree of fake news.
Mike Callahan says
Here are the facts jack from Reason Magazine, June 2018.
The story was covered up by local media The Aegis/ The Sun because it was too embarassing to report about Harford County Police incompetence under Jeff Gahlers command!
Chris Boardman For Harford County Sheriff – Honesty And Integrity
Something Smells Fishy (like a liberal) says
Don’t know. I am no expert, but something is fishy here. The article does not say it was the Harford County Sheriffs Dept and it does not say deputies? I think someone is trying to pull off some fake news and now that Mike Callahan is supporting, it gives me more reason to doubt the honesty of the post.
Harford Republican says
Well then smells fishy wouldn’t this be the perfect time for Sheriff Jeffie to debunk Boardman? Wanna bet he won’t?
Something Smells Fishy (like a liberal) says
I would bet that you are no republican and more likely a little bitter liberal yourself, maybe Jesse Bane? Anyway, I will take your bet.
Boardman's Momma says
@Mike Callahan
You write, “Chris Boardman For Harford County Sheriff – Honesty And Integrity”
Boardman showed no integrity when he lambasted the good people of Cecil County and called them all Rednecks. Let’s watch and see how his honesty holds out…
Something Smells Fishy (like a liberal) says
@Harford County Republican,
Uh oh, the HCSO just posted on their Facebook page about this and said – The incident you are referring to did not occur in Harford County, nor was it responded to or investigated by Harford County Sheriff’s Office deputies.
Who do you think is lying? Boardman or the HCSO? I think my bet just got better!
Harford Republican says
Since the last post by the HCSO facebook page was 4 days ago I’m going with Boardman.
Why would you lie about something so easy to check? What are you 8?
Something Smells Fishy (like a liberal) says
Look under the most recent review and a question from Charles Jones and you will see their response. I don’t mind helping prove you incompetent, after all, you are obviously a democrat.
Harford Republican says
Since both John and Hope live in Harford county and work in Harford county I’m going with Boardman on this one.
Harford Republican says
Oh and if you look at the pictures they posted you can clearly see a Harford County Deputy standing in their living room checking their ID’s. But maybe it’s a witch hunt yea that’s it no collusion…..
Something Smells Fishy (like a liberal) says
You are saying the blurry picture is clear? I wonder if you could even admit you were wrong if the guy with the mushrooms himself said it was false? I’m betting no. Bane’s lies hurt him against Gahler and Boardman’s lies will define him too.
Harford Republican says
His facebook page is public, I’d happily admit being wrong but there is zero evidence this didn’t happen.
Mike Callahan says
Re: Something Smells Fishy.
Something smells like a Testi-Lying Cop!
Sad Sack Watcher says
@Mike Callahan and Charles Jones and Harford for Obama guy,
Congrats on being so busy spreading false news. Boardman is an inventor of facts and you are a liberal puppet.
Something Smells Fishy (like a liberal) says
Thought so! Boardman doubling down on hate without a clue. He owes the Sheriff and the HCSO an apology!
Get a life says
Mr. Boardman,
Thank you for undermining those officers you hope to lead.
Most likely, some Facebook user saw the mushrooms, thought they were psychedelic, and then called them in to the Sheriff’s Office. At that point, the deputies had to respond and investigate. End of story.
Do you think Gahler is running the phones at dispatch? Is he running interference on all the calls? Do you think he even knew about the call? You’re a dope, Boardman.
Lurky says
….can you imagine the letter that would be written if someone was killed by those mushrooms and the police HADN’T investigated?
Deer God says
Morel mushrooms can’t kill you Maybe you can get a job the sheriffs office is hiring and you appear to be dumb enough to qualify.
Get a life says
Deer God – The hypothetical of Lurky is that the mushrooms were misidentified by the picker, they ate them and died. The HCSO ignored a call to investigate, because “Sheriff Boardman” is apparently a foodie with a taste for wild shrooms.
Deer God says
The reality is the morel pickers knew exactly what they were doing. They were so proud of their find they posted it on social media and the sheriffs dept in a clear over reach decided to crash he party with what they thought was going to be a drug bust. What is lucky is the HCSO didn’t shoot someone. Your implication that Sheriff Gahlers job is to protect people from eating food that may be bad for them is pathetic, there are real law enforcement issues that need attention before he polices the drive thru line at chick fil a to see who’s overweight……
SMH says
This is typical big brother Gahler eves dropping on the citizens. Instead of making Harford county safer lets harass taxpayers choice in dinner items.
Edward Decker says
Thank You Sheriff Gahler and your Team of dedicated Deputies.
Criminally delicious says
This is groundbreaking stuff. Just imagine if that criminal bastard had posted pictures of truffles. They would have had to send the SWAT team.
SoulCrusher says
Everyone knows I feel that CDS laws are unconstitutional. However, proper arguments of law have not been made to confirm my beliefs. These officers are convinced that they are enforcing law and that they have the power to enforce the law on private citizens. Apparently, the officers got the suspect’s consent to investigate. End of story, as no where in the article does it say otherwise. It would be a dereliction of duty to not investigate a reported suspected crime. It’s called due diligence. Now, before any of you call me a hypocrite due to my own past experiences, know this, I never gave consent and consent was forced from me by extortion, coercion and imprisonment. This man’s situation and my own are not the same. It was a faux pas, but a consented faux pas and I don’t think this is unacceptable in this situation. Had the suspect not cooperated and the police forced entry into his home, it would be a different story. This is what happened in my story, but not this situation. All in all, this was not unacceptable behavior by the police due to consent, cooperation and due diligence. Boardman is right, it was a waste of time, but this is not the constitutional crimes that I have had to live thru. I will not respond to any replies to my comments here, so have fun trashing me like you guys always do.
Sam I am says
As usual you are spot on!
Mr. Wickwire says
I think Boardman ate some mushrooms before submitting this letter.
Mr. Wickwire says
Boardman what you don’t understand is that if you get a Call for Service you go and you investigate. You can’t just say that call sounds dumb so I’m just going to ignore it.
Even if you won (which there is NO way you will) not one Deputy will respect you and I will double down and say many of us will turn our back when we see you. You are calling the men and women of this agency “Keystone Cops” and you don’t even have the qualifications to be a mall cop.
Freddy K says
They are Keystone Cops……I can see this and I am not even a politician.
Freddy K says
This is great! Based on my experience this is typical MO of the HCSO. If this surprises folks its what they do day in and day out. I am sure they sent multiple officers to the call who stood around for hours on end “investigating”. Meanwhile real drug dealers continue to sell their product pretty much unimpeded.
Good work HCSO.
This article should cause a flurry of cantankerous ignorant discussion from Good Old Boy supporters on here.
Sam I am says
They sell Morels in Wegmans…..HCSO can set up a sting in the vegetable department. Have an undercover stand and watch to see who buys them. Then just after they get to their car you can have 4 or 5 squad cars swarm in and take them down.
Don’t forget to do a full cavity search for added effect.
You should be able to waste hours doing this! Plus Wegmans has plenty of good donuts. How can you beat it?
Resident says
Anything from this clown is garbage, Although it seems this is all the Dagger puts out there.
Sword of Light says
Well, Kreamer hasn’t posted in a few days, so they have to put something out to satisfy the lunacy quota.
earl says
An article and a face book post by the mushroom hunter.
What a joke
Reallysad says
And it states. . . An RA was with him. Isn’t that term used for University and college dorms. Last I checked neither of those live in locations exist in haeford county. .
MAGA says
Wow! Thank God! Someone actually can read and think! A skillset above Krist who makes it up as he sees fit.
The Waco Kid says
I would like to petition the dagger to stop publishing anything more from the canidate who has yet to apologize for his repugnant remarks about Cecil County residents.
Duh says
Oh the remarks that the sheriff came into possession of under suspect circumstance? Damn kinda like the police state felt by morel mushroom hunters.
Harford Voter says
That is an awfully blurry picture, but it doesn’t look like a Harford Sheriff’s uniform. I think Boardman is up to something questionable.
MAGA says
HCSO says did not occur here and that no deputies involved. Looks like Boardman got some explaining to do!
Mike Callahan says
No ! It looks like the HCSO has some explaining to do!
The HCSO claims the police mishap did not occur in Harford County.
John Garrison says it happen at his home in Darlington, Md
. . Thats in Harford.
Cops say it didnt happen .therefore it was covered up or not reported because it was embarrassing to every cop on the force
. The mushroom mishap was never reported thus it never happen in Harford County.
Thus newspapers never reported it. Only report is from Garrison Facebook
At the moment John Garrison can not be contacted or will not respond!
Krist the Clown says
Mike, Will you apologize to Sheriff Gahler and the deputies if proven wrong? Maybe even put it on your Harford for Obama site? That would be the conservative thing to do!
Krist the Clown says
Not an apology and one heck of a long headline, but it is something (I guess). I am sure it was painful to admit you screwed up all the same: Munchies -Police Investigation Of Mushroom Mishap Did Not Take Place in Darlington , Maryland – Instead Took Place At Frostburg State University By University Police – Harford County Police And Sheriff Gahler Refused To Clear Matter Up By Referring Questions To Frostbrg Police Dept. Instead Prefered To Game The Situation By Answering Questions Or Inquiries With Obfuscating Information! Confuse Rather Than Clarify! !
LOL says
excellent detective work Sheriff Gahler….
Jane says
And we wonder why they can’t get Heroine off the streets? They are to busy trying to make mushroom busts. They should sit outside Shop Rite. Think of the bad guys they could catch.
MAGA says
Why would we want to get a heroine off the street? Are you that learning impaired Jane that you don’t know the difference between heroin and heroine? I have seen you use the spelling many time in this blog and although you come off as pretty mentally impaired, getting the spelling right, might make you look a little more intelligent. If I were you, I would just come up with a new name because you have made Jane a JOKE.
Jane says
Anyone reading knows what it means….Plus it gives schmucks like you a chance to comment. Doing my part to give you a sense of purpose.
Harford Republican says
Gahler can put a check point on rt 1 catching all the people returning from Kennet Square.
Miss Print says
Are they still busting people for buying Benedryl?
Golf Clap says
You all should probably reread the article taking great care to note exactly where Boardman accuses Gahler of anything. Boardman should get an award for this it’s brilliant work.
Krist the Clown says
Look here, the liberal retreat has begun! The lie failed to hold up (or fake news failed to stick) and now it is time to set the stage for the defense. Sorry Krist. You don’t get to question the integrity of the sheriff and deputies and then back out.
Golf Clap says
Liberal retreat? HAHAHA Boardman suckered the Gahler supporters and they went down hard.
Jane says
Exactly! Just the Good Old Boys……
Krist the Clown says
As stupid as your position is, it would be something you could hang onto if it was just the article, but since he titled it, “Gahler’s ‘Keystone Kops’ Investigate Legal Mushrooms,” he owns the falsity in its entirety. Another complete s__ ing the bed by Boardman!
Mary Baumiller says
Good thing they aren’t policing in Indiana! Morel hunting is a family event! So STUPID!
Jane says
I was going to put some of this in my garden. Do I risk the jack booted thugs coming to my door demanding entry? If I post pictures of big Tomatoes will they lock me in solitary confinement in the detention center?
Sam I am says
FROM the news:
It is a travesty enough when the drug war lays waste to the rights and lives of entirely decent people who’ve harmed no one simply because they choose to ingest a substance deemed illegal by the state. However, because the drug war is such an immoral and barbaric practice, entirely innocent people are also swept up in the dragnet of tyranny and ignorance. Case in point: a couple in Maryland were raided by cops for posting photos of legal morel mushrooms they picked and ate.
Mike Callahan says
Now the Harford County cops are denying the mushroom mishap occurred in Harford County because Darlington “Is out of our jurisdiction”.
Harford County Police deny the mushroom mishap ever happen because they cant find the corroborating report evidence. .
Maybe the evidence has been destroyed out of embarrassment in a critical election year?
Maybe the evidence was never properly reported out of embarrassment in an election year?
The only evidence that the County Police investigated the crime of “mushroom cooking” in Darlington is a Facebook post by Darlington resident John Garrison!
Vote For Chris Boardman For Sheriff Of Harford Cointy – Lets Put Honesty And Integrity Back In Policing!
Jeff says
An idiot supporting an idiot
NeverCease2BeAmazed says
No, they said the incident occurred outside of their jurisdiction, which it certainly did. Did their Frostburg RA travel to Darlington to confront them? Seriously….reading comprehension is becoming a lost art. They can find no report of HCSO responding because THEY NEVER DID!
Concerned Voter says
What is more scary is these jokers continue in government. Meadows, Penman, Georgiades, etc. If they are forced into retirement like Cpl Edward Keplin (once a SGT) they are later charged with felonies.
Then the judges with checkered backgrounds. Some with DWI’s among other things.
Then Delegates who get DWI and then are supported by HCSO and its Unions.
Sad Sad State of Affairs in Harford County.
Brian Goodman says
Harford Sheriff Gahler: “Boardman has Consciously and Deliberately Tried to Make Our Deputies and Me Look Bad Using Inaccurate Information”
U R Crazy says
I cannot believe how so many people have jumped on HCSO. I am no Gahler fan but everyone is so ready to crucify the HCSO. I’m not going to say where this happened because that would be up to John and Hope but I have never seen so many people jump to conclusions. There is a BIG clue in there. He mentions the RA. Do some research people. Good lord.
Jim says
You people are a bunch of f’in morons, especially Boardman. This happened at Frostburg University. They found the mushrooms in Darlington. The original post even says that a cop along with their RA knocked on their door. RA is a resident assistant in a university dorm building. Considering there are no universities with dorms in Harford County that should’ve been a pretty big clue.
The officer in the picture isn’t even wearing an HCSO uniform either.
Captian Obvious says
If you want to be Sheriff than you should know that the Deputies are to respond to all calls for service. Also, people have been known to grow illegal plants in the woods, cornfields and some on their back decks. Please read Serpico before posting any more #fakenews reports. If this is the best you have then it is a good idea that you’re not spending a lot of money on this run for Sheriff. Hope to see you at the Farm Fair, do you at least have a T-shirt with your name on it so we can recognize you? Stupidity is hard to recognize without a name tag.
Captain Obvious says
Hey Boardman, calling the men and women you’re never going to be in charge of names is not helpful. Then again, you’re never going to be Sheriff so I guess it doesn’t matter you goober.
Harford Dem says
Please don’t make fun of Krist. In every group there is that one person that everyone knows is crazy and doesn’t like in the least, but they tolerate that person just trying to be nice. In our little circle of crazy liberal democrats, Krist is the weird one that even we think is crazy!