From the New Harford Democratic Club:
Minutes of the New Harford Democratic Club
Wednesday, June 6, 2018 at the Aberdeen Holiday Inn Express
President Steve Johnson opened the meeting at 7:05 pm
Johnson greeted those attending, noting it is the 74th anniversary of D-Day. He then introduced Bob Greene, who lead everyone in a pledge to the flag.
Johnson asked those present to stand and identify themselves. Candidates attending were: Mike Pullen-US House District 1; Mary Dulaney-James; Mary Ann Lisanti-Maryland House District 34A; Frank Hines-County Council President; Jowanda Lucas, Adam Hiob, and Mike Bracknell-all running for Democratic Central Committee [DCC]. Steve asked each to limit remarks to 10 minutes + questions and for all to be polite listeners.
Treasurer George Harrison submitted the financial report.
Johnson asked for and received unanimous approval.
Steve asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the May meeting. Approved unanimously.
Chair asked for a motion to approve a $500 sponsorship of the June 9 DCC event at Bulle Rock. Moved, seconded and approved w/o further discussion.
Candidate Forum:
Mike Pullen-Congressional District 1: Mike is a longtime Eastern Shore resident; Graduate of UMES and Salisbury U. His credentials include: Public Defender in Easton and County Attorney. He developed Bay Protection policy and is endorsed by the Sierra Club. He kept a hospital in the Mid-shore region. He was on the 2016 ballot as a delegate. He organized a grass roots town hall with Andy Harris, after which he decided to run. He supports-Universal Health Care [e.g., Medicare for all] because Medicare is one of the true successes of our government. He wants to lower drug costs, presently 43% of $$ go to admin and profit for drug manufacturers. He will protect Medicare and Social Security and fight cuts to social safety net to cover deficits from Trump tax cuts. “The Promise of America is drowning” under Trump administration policies.
Mary Dulaney-James-Maryland Senate District 34: She served 4 terms in Maryland House with no “D” Senator to work with. She aims to be that person. Helped pass “Thornton” funding for which used to be a priority but is falling now. She worked to expand healthcare for children; sponsored anti-gang legislation. She has a record of support for Chesapeake Bay cleanup, going from an “F” to a passing grade. She is a Harford County native with a legacy of public service and success and will resist the current policy direction of administration. She supports the Kirwin Study findings on higher education. She sees that the economy, jobs, education and health care are all related to a better quality of life. Need to create the right jobs; e.g., by leveraging the technology jobs at APG. She would create an Additive Manufacturing Council [RAMP MD} to facilitate Technology Transfer from gov’t to private sector. Her vision is to “Move Harford County and Maryland forward.”
Mary Ann Lisanti-Maryland House District 34A: Mary Ann started by congratulating our membership for an SRO turnout and noted that she is the lone “D” in our 38 to1 “R” to “D” state delegation. One of the key issues she sees coming up for Maryland “D’s” is Green Energy. She sees most issues facing our district/state crossing federal, state and local levels of gov’t. We must work together to fix these problems-cannot work in isolation. She passed 10 bill this session, most in the House, all without a “D” senator. She was blocked frequently by Senate. D’s have only a 5 seat majority in House; need to help with that. Paid sick leave was a key override of Hogan veto. Sees 2018 as the most important election of our lives and she needs your vote and support to help. We have an exceptional Democrat ticket this time. “Democracy is NOT a spectator sport.”
Frank “Bud” Hines-President, Harford County Council: VP for Technology for ADP and Broadridge Tech. Has strong business background and experience. Why is he running? Dates to several years ago Jones Junction bought out Hinder and expanded. Joe Woods/council was no help. He sued Harford zoning et. al and won. He saw that Council was NOT listening. He will listen; wants to bring greater transparency to local government. E.G., tire pyrolysis plant approved for Rt.152 at Rt. 7. Now it can burn tires to extract gas. This is an ill considered location for this but Harford zoning approved with little “fanfare” of, apparently, discussion. Also, why is teacher pay an issue in our community? What happens to the County Exec’s budgeted raise? Need the council to explain to us all. They need us.
Jowanda Lucas-DCC: The DCC mission is to promote the “D” agenda and candidates. She wants to take the DCC back to this core mission. Sees transportation, jobs, the economy, education, civil rights and proliferation of guns as key issues for us. She wants to assist FDCC with organizing and structure to achieve this. A prior DCC member; has chaired local campaigns for Obama, Kwiesi Mfume and others. A local candidate; Aberdeen’s H.S., U of NC and Howard U. A long-time activist who will fight for Democrats and democratic issues.
Adam Hiob-DCC: A lifetime county resident, Aberdeen H.S. student leadership, currently Legislative Director for Del. Lisanti. Young but has years of experience. He will stand up to “R” majority. DCC plan needs new faces and strategic plan for 2018. “He has carried a lot of water for the donkey.”
Mike Bracknell-DCC: Working for the Saturday DCC event. Glad to be able to attend NHDC meeting. He “gets” the challenges faced by working families in our community. Hails from a small town in N.C. – a poor and “red” mill town. This gives him insight and understanding of working class issues-“that’s me.” Works in Baltimore County office of special education. Sees access to good, affordable education, K-12 & beyond, as key.
Thanks to NHDC for the forum and the sponsorship of DCC event.
Events and Announcements:
Chris Boardman, Chair, DCC endorsed a Precinct organization for 2018 to drive voter turnout and registration and coordinate Precinct volunteers. Goal is to cover entire county, not just Rt. 40 corridor. Will have a get out the vote drive. Steve has signup sheet.
Ryan Burbey, outgoing Harford County Education Accusation President. The teachers need your help. The issue is not so much county funding but the Board of Education inability to get the money to teachers. Vote for Ben Jealous, he is the only one to beat Hogan. He passed around the HCEA candidates endorsement list.
Donna Kahoe, DCC: Has tickets for June 9 event at Bulle Rock
June 30th; Unity and Community multi-cultural event, noon at Aberdeen Centennial; Park.
Johnson thanked candidates and noted that we need to support all our candidates and get out the vote in the primaries. The club endorses after the primaries and may with funds and outreach on a 50% match basis in the General. Also does voter registration and has a candidate’s corner on the website.
Announcements: Central Committee Dinner June 7, 6-10pm at Bulle Rock;. Get your announcements to the Club to post on our website
Meeting adjourned at 8:22pm.
Submitted by Secretary Barney Michel
Bunch of clowns. Hiob is fresh and a nice young man….too bad he went to the wrong side of politics.
Vote against Jeff Gahler’s re-election for Sheriff of Harford County and his support for the 287G Program that assists ICE gestapo police harass Hispanic immigrants.
Instead vote for Democrat Chris Boardman who opposes the violation of the civil liberties of all citizens and undocumented immigrants.
If it were not so sad to see how out of touch you are, it would make me chuckle. Instead I just have to pity the stupidity of the source of your comments. Worry, not, Sheriff Gahler will win big over Boardman, and that victory will reaffirm that the county (minus a few social media warrior libtards) put safety and security over criminals. 2018 is over! Gahler for Sheriff in 2022!
Now Mike’s just being an ass (not that this is anything new).
I understand most of them “took a knee” during the pledge to the flag.
Didn’t Boardman take any time to call people offensive names with his hate speech?
He wasn’t even there. Go figure.
Oh! My mistake. I thought since they listed him under making announcements, that he was there. Did he wire in his comments? That too would have given him an opportunity to spread his hateful beliefs just as cruely as in person.
They didn’t list anyone “making announcements” his name along with many others was listed under “Events and Announcements:” Had you made it through the sixth grade you would have understood. Do Cecil county schools even go up to sixth grade?
So they listed him under Events and Announcments as follows:
Chris Boardman, Chair, DCC endorsed a Precinct organization for 2018 to drive …, but he wasn’t there? You said he wasn’t there, implying he couldn’t share his derogatory beliefs. I am confused but not surprised, after all it is coming from a group of Democrats.
Maybe he was, my mistake, I didn’t see him, but then again I walked out early in disgust with what was going on. Boardman= Loser and racist, among Bigot come to mind right away.
Everyone has rights in their community and in the streets!
Maybe he was, my mistake, I didn’t see him, but then again I walked out early in disgust with what was going on. Boardman= Loser and racist, among Bigot come to mind.
Why do people from Cecil county always want to know who has the best hate speech? Klan meetings too dull?
If you run into trouble with any police force violating your freedom, liberty or human rights contact the ACLU
President Steve Johnson should have resigned this position since he is also running and has a vested interest. But that would require ethics and we know that the socialist party has none of those.
How did Steve Johnson get elected anyway? Was there an election? Or was he appointed by Art Helton?
The vote to elect him was 1 to nothing.
If you are arrested by ICE or any other police you have rights!
Is this the meeting notes of a month and 6 days ago? Please tell me that is a typo and not really the case of just how screwed up the Democratic Party is?
This is probably an election where focusing on a “D” or an “R” may be more powerful than the message.
Most running have a history they would like us to forget.
I have been away for a while but I’m back and I truly believe that “People generally get the governments they deserve”.
“People generally get the governments they deserve”.
Wow, does anyone really think that electing Ben Jealous won’t return us to the O’Malley age? Once he’s in the taxation will begin. Maryland is one of the most over taxed States around, except for California and a few States up north. Does anyone know what all these over taxed States have in common? It is a legislature ruled by the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is well known for being tax happy and injecting unconstitutional rule of law over their citizens they claim to be serving. You can’t serve those whom you are oppressing from over taxation. You can’t serve those whom you are oppressing by use of unconstitutional rule of law. You just can’t serve those whom you seek to control thru oppression. It doesn’t work that way….
California is doing pretty good with all that taxation, their economy is booming and business is thriving, compare that to Brownbacks Kansas conservative tax cutting disaster where they can’t even afford to fund public schools. Sell your crazy somewhere else you brainwashed gop lackey you have been exposed for the moron you are.
You’ve bumped your head. California is NOT doing good and if there is one State in the Union that could possibly go bankrupt, it is California. They have millions, yes millions of homeless people throughout that entire State and they have literally turned once beautiful cities into a cesspool. There are parts of San Francisco where it is more common to see human feces on the sidewalk than dog feces. That’s a REAL problem. Housing is so expensive that it is on par or even greater than NEW YORK CITY. California does have a lot of money in it from the large pool of actors and technology giants that call that State home. However, all that money is in the hands of few and the majority of the population is struggling day to day to make ends meat. Before you call me a crazy, why don’t you ask any American citizen or citizens from right here in Maryland what is the one thing they don’t want their government to do? The answer will be increase taxation and only a stooge for the Democratic Party would say otherwise….
Cali moved from the worlds 7th to 5th largest economy. They have a surplus tax revenue and pay more into federal tax coffers than they take which is the exact opposite of any of your utopia run GOP states. If you love tax cuts so much move to Kansas Brownback has a plan…… Ohhhh I’m so afraid someone took a poop on the sidewalk gimme a tax break…. yer a freakin looney. LOL
5th largest economy and 1st in the nation’s debt amongst States. There is no surplus tax because they owe so much money in debt and if the note on that debt gets pulled they are bankrupt. 14 other States pay in more than they receive, yet none of them owe the debt of the Democratic Colony of feces on the sidewalk. Why is it so important for you Demo’s to make everybody MOVE. It’s because you are a bunch of clowns that want everyone to be and think like the treasonous party you worship and if they don’t you think you can just shout them down and they will go away. Wrong. This is everybody else’s home too and people like you are acting like the Brown Shirts.
By the way, I resent being called a GOP lackey as I don’t claim any allegiance to the two party system of treason sponsored by both the Republicans and the Democrats.