From Christopher C. Boardman, candidate for Harford County Sheriff:
Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey R. Gahler tried to recruit the late Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz to participate
in Gahler’s effort to round up immigrants for deportation back to their countries of origin, according to a letter obtained that
Sheriff Gahler wrote in November 2016, shortly after the election of Donald Trump.
Gahler was quick to point out that the program was initiated under President Barack Obama, adding that the program is one that “crosses old and tiresome political lines.”
Gahler told the late Baltimore County executive that he “was pleased to add our jurisdiction to a list of counties embracing the Delegation of Authority Program” directed by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The Harford Sheriff touted the county’s effort “to identify those individuals who have committed crimes within Harford County and who are in this Country illegally for possible deportation, once they fulfill their obligation to the State of Maryland.
“As the Baltimore County Department of Corrections falls under your Office, I invite you to join the effort to identify those non-law abiding individuals who are in our Country illegally and those who pose a real and credible threat to public safety and even to our national security…criminals do not recognize our jurisdictional boundaries and making Baltimore County safer makes Harford County safer,” reasoned Gahler.
Since signing an agreement with I.C.E. , Harford County correctional deputies have been doing I.C.E.’s work in the detention center at local taxpayers’ expense without approval by the Harford County Council. A spokeswoman for the sheriff referred all questions about I.C.E. detainees to the Office of Public Affairs in Washington D.C. When called as suggested , the I.C.E. office refused to answer and did not return a message requesting information.
I.C.E. and the Trump Administration recently came under fire for the forceful separation of more than 2,500 children from parents applying for entry as immigrants. More than 2,000 of these children still remain separated from their parents a week after Trump reversed his order for separation. Some of the parents have already returned to their homes in Central America without reuniting with their children while other parents remain in detention facilities (jail) in the U.S. while their children remain alone in other facilities In most cases the parents don’t know where their children are housed. The new task force at the Dept. of Health and Human Services formed to reunite the immigrant children with their parents has not accomplished much since the forced separations were not initiated with any plans to reverse them.
So far Sheriff Gahler has not apologized for getting Harford residents or correctional deputies involved in such a poorly planned exercise that promises to have such detrimental effects on young children and their parents. Nor has the sheriff offered any solutions on how to correct the problems caused by his friend, Acting I.C.E. Director Thomas Homan and others in the Trump Administration such as Stephen Miller and Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen, the latter of whom is forcing Homan out of his position. Sheriff Gahler has insisted that Acting Director Homan is retiring and was not ousted.
Some Members of Congress are so disgusted with I.C.E. that they want to do away with the agency altogether. Rep. Marc Pocan (D.-Wis.) announced after a return from a trip to inspect facilities in Texas that he is now looking into abolishing I.C.E.
Are you that stupid really Boardman. What irritates me the most is that Gahler goes after Chief Moore from BAPD. Chief Moore is no threat but Gahler doesn’t get it. Chief Moore isn’t running for Sheriff. Jeff can you get that through your thick head. You really should support him and not beat him down. Jesse Bane= idiot everyone knows that. Boardman for the love of everybody involved just shut your mouth you idiot. The Sheriff is a very good choice compared to you. Your dagger posts are frankly disturbing. I’m just hoping the Police Chief in Bel Air and the Sheriff can get along that is getting old. As for Boardman (see you later fool)
As a deputy that is stuck in between.i think he is ok with Chuck. Ok is the key, who trusts Chuck with Jesse. That is the key
As someone who is very familiar, the problem with the chief of Bel Air is that he is not able to be the chief of police because of the administrator’s incompetence. This leads to incompetence in the chief and a degradation in the police department. Sure, everyone knows Chuck sold his soul to Bane for a paycheck in Bane’s effort to stop Gahler and that Gahler fired Moore from the Warden’s job that he was not qualified for in the first place. That doesn’t make Moore a bad guy, just a guy with a price tag.
The funniest thing with the hiring of Chief Moore by Jesse Bane is the fact that Bane kept saying that a former Trooper could not do local policing. Not only has Sheriff Gahler proved that a complete false Jesse narrative, so did Bane himself. Out of all the candidates who applied for the Belair chiefs job, many with that local experience and several from Bane’s own former command staff no less (taught by Bane for eight years), Bane picks a different Trooper as the best person for the job. You have to wonder if they (liberals like Bane) remember the dumb stuff they say or is it so voluminous that they just can’t keep it straight.
I know both of these guys and it is a shame what became of a close friendship, but don’t be mistaken, Chuck lost it somewhere along the way. It is especially sad that once everyone knows you have a price and can be bought, it is a brand that you have to live with.
I’m confused. This reads like a letter complimenting the Sheriff until it goes off the tracks with the crazy liberal narrative about “the children.” This Boardman guy doesn’t know the difference between ICE and Customs and Border Patrol. ICE has nothing to do with the long running issue with what to do about children whose parents are arrested at the border. That is a Customs and Border Patrol issue.
Mr. Boardman,
You have yet to apologize and explain your hate filled comments about those of us who live in Cecil County. The good news is we have friends and relatives who live in Harford who will not forget and who will also never consider you for any office.
OMG! This Boardman guy is a PIG! What kind of public official would make such a hateful comment?
Does Boardman do anything except use current Democratic talking points in his pointless campaign? Tell you what Krist, why don’t you use all the power of the resources you have available to you while campaigning and calculate exactly how many children Gahler’s office is responsible for separating from their parents? Once you are done you can get on here and tell us all about the thousands of children Gahler has wronged. However, I don’t think that number will be very big at all. You can’t use Democratic talking points to win an election if it doesn’t apply to your opponent. I have never heard of anyone running a campaign that is just not trying to win, but that is exactly what we are seeing. I was originally against a former MSP officer running for an elected position of a Constitutional Officer, yet I really think Gahler improved the operations of your County. At least the rash of mysterious deaths at the HCDC ended and that is a testament for the improvement I have mentioned. I have no love for the MSP or the HCSO and I’m sure they all hate my guts as well, but when a man shows his true character and displays honor in his position, you have to him the credit he deserves. If I still lived in Harford County and took part in the charade known as elections, I’d probably vote for Gahler because he is the only man running that is fit for the job.
Boreman you are really off your rocker, but thanks for pointing out all the great things that the Sheriff is doing here in Harford County to keep us safe from criminals. Oh and by the way, if you enter this Country illegally you are a criminal. That’s kinda the definition. If you do not want to separated from your children then enter the Country at a legal entry point.
Do us all a favor Boreman, try and cross our southern or northern border. I am sure you will get a lesson on how people should be handled there. Then you can write another poorly written letter from jail.
So…you are trying to connect when a person commits a crime, and is then found it be eligible for deportation that its the sheriff’s office seperating children from parents.
That’s a stretch to say the least.
Let me get this right… you want to be Sheriff but you believe illegal immigrants who have committed crimes – against your own constituency – should not be deported. That’s what I don’t get about you liberals – why is it that no amount of suffering by innocent victims will ever seem like anything more than the price someone else has to pay so you and your liberal friends can feel good about yourselves? Do yourself a favor and stop only associating with people who think exactly like you. Try to get out of your bubble and get other viewpoints. Not that you’d ever actually listen.
The only reason Gahler and the good old boy network is working this angle is because there is money to be made. If/when Gahler fills a bed in that lovely detention center of his then he gets paid by the FEDS. Those invested in the detention center make money. The downside is every immigrant in the area will not deal with the HCSO because they fear getting caught up in there charade. Rightfully so. As far as the drama between Belair and HCSO it just demonstrates more of the Good Old Boy network and the corruption that comes with it.
Its a disgusting proposition to see people who make 6 figure incomes use their positions to play petty personal battles. Do your job and focus your energy on real issues. Like maybe acting on the Heroin Crisis and not just running around providing talking points with signs and billboards and hoping it will somewhere resolve itself.
Lest the voters show Gahler the door like they just did with Mr. Ryden and Mr. Penman.
There is no housing agreement in Harford County with ICE so you have just kindly demonstrated what is wrong with the liberal sjw domination of the Democrats. Facts and reason are unheard of and rumor, lies, fear and hate rule the conversation. That is why Boardman (sjw extreme) has no hope and Gahler is basically unchallenged for a second term.
BS….there is no way in hell Gahler is doing this out of the goodness of his own heart. There is money to be made and they are on the hunt. Don’t you kid yourself. If not money then its something else tangible that Gahler gets in return for “Cooperating”. Local Sheriff is not here to enforce Federal Immigration Law. The local Sheriff is her to protect the local citizens and when they support things like this they make that job extremely hard in the immigrant community who end up getting the short end of the stick. What the hey lets not worry about them because the HCSO is there to protect the Lilly Whites in Harford County and not the rest of the population.
Soon the knock will come and HCSO will be asking for your papers unless of course if your White.
“Soon the knock will come and HCSO will be asking for your papers unless of course if your White.”
EXACTLY AS I SAID: you have just kindly demonstrated what is wrong with the liberal sjw domination of the Democrats. Facts and reason are unheard of and rumor, lies, fear and hate rule the conversation.
If you say so….As for this citizen I will be prepared for these kinds of knocks as I don’t believe they are far fetched and its a slope we could very easily found ourselves. This is why local Law Enforcement need to stay out of Federal Law enforcement. Same reason why the Military is not used to do Law Enforcement. They keep a clear separation for very good reasons.
Also a clear reason why Police Departments should not be militarized with Heavy equipment and military assault gear. Its a different relationship/job they have to do with the citizens.
If you believe Local Law Enforcement should be involved then perhaps we should task the military with the duty of rounding up Illegals? What could possibly go wrong with that? Lets put up DRONES over the US to hunt them down and use missiles to take out the worst of them. Very slippery slope you suggest and it all begins with what Gahler is unilaterally doing without approval. If people believe this OK then put it to a vote. Place the question on the Ballot.
So you’re one of those who feel that an illegal immigrant who commits a crime should not be deported. I get it. What is your advice for the folks who are victims of those crimes? F#ck you? Maybe you were robbed, maybe beaten, maybe a loved one was murdered… sad for you but I feel good about myself? It’s easy to sacrifice the safety of strangers for your own self satisfaction.
Did I say that? Tell u what if u let US Citizens who commit crimes be deported I am on board with your logic.
Gahler’s office gets additional Federal funding for being part of the ICE program you keep alluding to. I don’t know what his office is using the money for, but I do believe the funds have to be used in conjunction with the ICE program. Look, if a person is illegally or legally here in this country with an immigrant status and commits a capital offense or a high crime, they should be deported. It’s all in a case by case basis to determine if the crime is serious enough to warrant deportation. When you are a guest in someone else’s house, do you not feel obligated to follow the rules of that house? If you are hosting a guest in your house, don’t you think that guest should follow your rules or leave your house? Just for the record, a Sheriff can be considered a Constitutional Officer that is a duly elected representative of WE THE PEOPLE. So, yes, he is in your County to enforce Federal Immigration law as it applies to the duties of any Constitutional Officer in this land, even in the State of Maryland where the line between law and statute has become blurred by both the State Constitution and regulatory code.
Mr Boardman, it seems to me you have a problem with enforcing the law. Why is that?
“Soon the knock will come and HCSO will be asking for your papers unless of course if your White.”
God, I hope so.
Harford County is a nice place to live because it is super-majority White.
We should all work together to keep it that way.
If you want vibrant diversity go live in West Baltimore….surely it is a crime free paradise.
Wow… it is true. Racist Harford County. Do you speak for everyone?
Where are the Klan meetings held? Nice place to live? That’s your opinion. I think MEH.
I can think of many better places that Harford
The real victims in this ICE witch-hunt are the children of these illegal immigrants.
Can you imagine what it must be like to be 9 years old. In the dead of night, your parents take you to some holding facility to await a “coyote” to take then across the border. Then, you wade across a cold river in the dark. You with about 20 other people are shoved into the back of a van and transported across dark, bumpy roads.
Suddenly, there are all these bright lights and people hollering commands and banging on the side of the van. You are jerked out of the van and loaded into a bus and taken to a cold, florescent-lit center where you are separated from your parents. You are then loaded into another bus where you are taken to another cold, antiseptic building and put in a room with another 4 children, who, just like you, have been separated from their parents.
You ask where your Mom is and you no one will tell you. You are adequately provided for but there is no real love and you are lonely for your folks and friends.
I would be terrified.
I understand there are children who have been separated from their parents at the border that are being housed in Maryland. If I could find out where they are, I would do whatever I could to help them find their families. Does anyone have a contact?
By the way, I think Boardman is an a**, and I will not be voting for him in November. The liberals are responsible for all these multiple-language goings-on that waste paper and taxpayer money. When my grandparents came to America in the early 1900’s, a requirement of citizenship was learning to read and speak English. It was a b***h too, because they spoke one of those Slavic languages.
Try reading for understanding.
Never said that…I said let the Feds handle it. Keep local law enforcement local. The consequences of doing otherwise are worse.
Don’t put words in my mouth.
A vote for Boardman is a vote against ICE’s government sponsored “child abuse”!!!
Boardman calls Cecil County children Rednecks, I wonder what kind of offensive names he uses for other demographics? I hate to imagine, but I know I would trust my kinds with ICE long before I would trust them with a hateful person like Boardman!
It’s Border Patrol and not ICE by the way.
A vote for Chris Boardman for Harford County Sheriff is a vote against ICE And Border Patrols government sponsored “Child abuse”!!!
I will vote Boardmen simply because the Good Old Boy club in Harford County needs to go. The first one was David Ryden. Now it’s time to take Gahler out. Penman was knocked out of race. Who else is part of the Good Old Boy establishment?
That shows a real level of intelligence. I will shoot myself in the foot to spite my face. I will vote for someone with zero public safety experience over, likenit or not, a sheriff who has had the world thrown at him in just one term and is a proven and successful leader. Thank God Gahler will win in a landslide without such stupidity mattering.
You have a right to your opinion. We can agree to disagree. How bout that.
If you get arrested with kids in the car, they go to social services. Don’t want to be separated from your kids, don’t break the law and come into this country illegally
It is easy to keep the children with their parents and absolutely no reason to separate them. The fact you are trying to justify the practice makes you an asshole. The fact you are not enraged there was no provision to return the children makes you a racist asshole..
How about this you get arrested in the car and the police ship your car to California and have no way of telling you where it is or how to get it back… you would go freakin nuts.
Dear WTF, i’m no Enraged. You are a typical liberal. You can’t justify your argument so you result to name calling. Straight out of the liberal handbook
Argument to justify? WTF are you talking about snowflake… there is no argument to justify. Yea I called you a “snowflake” a name straight out of the liberal handbook….. LOL I thought I saw your name on the Dunning–Kruger studies. Congrats.
Cry me crocodile tears , still resorting to name calling. That’s all you got
So, just out of curiosity, are we to believe that if the children were NOT separated from their parents during incarceration, that there would NOT be outrage that children are being incarcerated with their parents? I mean, I saw video at the border where the guy was screaming, “Your locking up babies!”. If you’re incarcerating children with their parents you are still locking up babies. What is a reasonable person to think? You’re damned if you do, but you’re damned if you don’t. Just for the record, I am against the policy myself but was wondering what kind of solution you got in mind. I say let them all in, give them jobs, but don’t let them get a tax refund. You keep the tax refund dollars, even from those that are here legally and use the funds to help Americans. They can work 9-5 just like everyone else, but the government keeps ALL their taxes and it becomes tax payer money. That’s the price for living in America. By the way, when I say let them all in, I don’t mean those from the countries that Trump banned from entry. Those immigrants are highly at risk for being Muslim extremists and their children even higher. I was against O’Bama letting them in and I flat out accused the government of allowing potential terrorists to enter our Country back during his administration. I liked O’bama, but I disagreed with this whole heartedly.
Soulcrusher you truly are an idiot
That’s your opinion, but I’m truly looking for a permanent solution that will aid the American citizen and silence both parties on this subject forever. Right now, legal immigrants are getting more assistance than American citizens, even from the Federal government. My idea can be tweaked one way or the other, but non citizens should not be receiving more benefits than any American citizen can. Interest free loans from the Federal government to come here and start a business, available ONLY to foreign nationals makes NO SENSE, when an American citizen isn’t afforded the same opportunity. Just who the hell does this government work for, us or the rest of the world? This is why you see so many foreign owned businesses and the next time you stop at a 7 Eleven, think about why you don’t see Americans owning or working at that business. I don’t think my idea is idiotic at all…..
Interest free loans to immigrants… dear god man fox news has destroyed your brain. The reason you see so may foreign owned business is because they will do what it takes to be successful, often working 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
You are a bigger idiot than I previously imagined. – Sources at the bottom of the article can be read for yourself. It goes on to show that it all starts with “The MBDA’s Organizational Chart begins with the “Office of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders”. Aside from Affirmative Action, this is the most blatant form of discrimination I can name”. Yes it is ALL Federally funded, it is just covered up thru the use of different corporations and organizations. Quite frankly, you should apply your last sentence to yourself…..
Wtf does any of that have to do with trumps policy of separating children from their parents with no plan to reunite them?
I’ll wait.
It has nothing to do with the policy. Why didn’t you ask that in your first response? It does have something to do with how immigrants that come to this country in the legal manner getting more assistance than the American citizen. That’s not right and changing that is part of the solution that I would implement to take care of American citizens first and foremost, instead of putting any foreign national on a pedestal receiving tax payer funding.
Can someone please deport Boardman out of Harford County. I grow tired of his
“The rights of illegal aliens who chose to break our laws supersede the rights of American citizens and our children”
Do you think Boardman realizes this crap does nothing to help him at all. It only helps Gahler more!!
This Boardman character is a joke but I tend to agree with the person that said the Bel Air Colonel and the Sheriff need to get along. That relationship is key if we are going to solve this Heroin problem.
You believe they want to solve the Heroin problem? The war on drugs is a financial boom for them. They have no interest in actually solving it.
I think it’s a headache for them. I know the Chief (even though the previous poster called him a colonel) and Sheriff do both care and aren’t lining their pockets with drug money, maybe if they got along it would be easier. I do believe in defense of them that they both have good intentions of
Solving the drug problem. It’s a full scale battle not just a little fight. I wish them luck.
Call me a Pessimist, but I watch what they do and scratch my head. The only thing I can think of is the Money behind this problem is too large to give up. Therefore they do just enough to make it look like they are doing something. Not quite enough however to actually fix it. Because if they fix it then they will need to find a new line of funding.
Wally, the war on drugs is unconstitutional and an act of treason because everyone enforcing the law has no juris over the matter. Every rule and regulation in the US code and the Maryland code is subject to constitutionality and if they are unconstitutional the Court must have your consent in the matter. The mere fact that you were breaking the law, rule or regulation but knew it was a law, rule or regulation of such codes is enough to say you didn’t consent to the law, rule or regulation. The fact that these codes are also being used to enforce a declared war against the United States citizens also makes it treason. ALL involved in the enforcement, prosecution and conviction of such are guilty of treason, breach of contract, conspiracy and intrinsic fraud, including the defendants lawyers who aided the government in the conviction. The drug problem is undeniable, but the government and its agents literally committing treason to enforce fraudulent law is a greater issue and the consequences to these and any other law being enforced that is repugnant to the constitution invalidates our entire government and forfeits taxation across the entire nation. These aren’t issues that can be invalidated on an individual basis because the offense is happening on such a grand scale and effects masses of people. This is literally mass treason against WE THE PEOPLE and makes everyone involved in the enforcement a criminal and a traitor.
SoulCrusher is right –the war on drugs is unconstitutional. But why does he support Jeff Gahler the candidate for Sheriff that supports the war on drugs when Chris Boardman sees the drug problem as essentially a medical problem and opposes the war on drugs?
Good question. Why doesn’t Krist run on that instead of National Democratic talking points? It’s because the policies and procedures that are abhorrent to the Constitution have all been passed by the Democratic Party in a Democratically controlled legislature of this State. There is your answer. Every unconstitutional law has been literally forced onto this State by the Party you are supporting. Boardman is a Democrat and he isn’t going to get support unless he supports the treason sponsored by the Democratic party of the State of Maryland. It’s just that simple. Neither Krist nor Jeff can end the war on drugs in Maryland. It takes the cooperation of ALL departments of Maryland government to end it, but that means a decrease in Federal funding harming the law enforcement officers that any Sheriff or Chief commands. If it wasn’t for the Federal bribe that the State receives each year, known as Federal funding, we probably wouldn’t be having this conversation. Think about it. The Federal government is bribing the States, whether they are Democratic or Republican controlled, to fraudulently enforce law amongst the masses nationwide. Both parties are responsible for treason. Jeff Gahler is the only man fit running for this office and it doesn’t take a lot of thought to see this one. However, Krist’s view on the drug problem we are currently discussing is correct.
I see your add-on here, and I would like to know what experience you have in Law Enforcement? Am I assuming you have some, which makes an ass out of you and me? Snotty letters on an open forum are not going to get you elected; they just make you look like a fool.
Oh one more thing, please make a lip sync video and maybe, just maybe you will be taken seriously. Nothing more enjoyable than watching a fat bald headed man sweat Crisco as he dances and lip syncs.
While you’re all talking about this ridiculous child separation argument, nobody has actually stated the facts. One of the main problems of our fluid southern border is human trafficking, specifically sex trafficking of children. The children must be separated to verify the person they are with is actually a relative and not intending to harm them or just a random person taking them across. Since these illegal aliens are undocumented, its very difficult to verify and takes time.
Dont want family separation and law enforcement intervention? Dont break the laq and enter legally like millions of other families have managed to do and have no law enforcement interaction.