From Congressman Andy Harris:
As we continue working towards victory in November, I thank all supporters and volunteers dedicated to ensuring my continued conservative leadership that has strengthened our economy, brought more funding to fight opioids, increased protection from crime, and improved our quality of life in the First Congressional District. We have done great things together, and I look forward to continuing to bring more jobs, lower taxes, and strong constituent service to the district for the next two years.
While working to make laws to benefit CD-01 families, I strive to be a role model in observing and obeying our laws. It is only appropriate that ALL candidates for Congress demonstrate the utmost ethical behavior and be held to the highest standards of abiding by the law.
As I welcome Jesse Colvin to the congressional race, perhaps now would be a good time for him to focus on upholding U.S. laws, starting with campaign regulations. According to public documents, Mr. Colvin failed to file the required Financial Disclosure Statement (under the Ethics in Government Act) that was due November 2017 to the U.S. federal government . I call on Mr. Colvin to file the required documents immediately and pay the penalties for violating the law.
Sounds like Andy is afraid of his competition
Oh please!! Harris supports Trump who hasn’t shown us his taxes, only his ignorance of the constitution and laws. It’s time for Harris to go!
You do know Presidents are not required to show taxes, right? Just disclosure statements. Trump has filed all the papers required by law.
Andy Harris claiming ethics violations.
A quick search of the Financial Disclosures Database at
Shows ONLY elected house members submitted disclosures for 2017. No candidates for Congress submitted them.
1st Paragraph
What are Financial Disclosure Reports?
Financial Disclosure Reports include information about the source, type, amount, or value of the incomes of Members, officers, certain employees of the U.S. House of Representatives and related offices, and candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives.
Whoops. Please make your apology to Rep. Harris as public as your criticism.
The disclosures we’re not due yet for candidates. And the deadlines vary by candidate and circumstance.
It also appears that Andy doesn’t know the law either. Disclosures are due in May of the year they qualify to report.
What would you expect of Andy? He has just as clear an understanding of the USC as any Trump apparatchik.
Please support and vote for Mr. Colvin , a veteran who would be a change for the better. Mr. Harris has shown himself to be arrogant and at times childish – Joppa-Magnolia open forum he verbally belittles the 15 year daughter of a constituent. Not cool Andy. A bunch of Colvin signs going up in Harford County.
Where were you when Jared didn’t file documents and changed them multiple times?
Piss off.
Those two words speak volumes about the person who said them
Civility is non existent in a government that has become repugnant to the Constitution. Why would you expect civility in the words of those subjected to that government?
I picture Andy having a free lunch at the Trump hotel while breathlessly drafting a press release that his Russian hacker friends unearthed the ethical concern that Colvin didn’t file a financial disclosure statement from 6 weeks after he decided on Twitter to run and long before anyone knew of him to give him money.
I picture you confused on Father’s Day.
Or it could be that you don’t understand what the disclosure statement is for. It is not campaign reporting, it is a reporting of your general financial condition, so that it can be tracked to see if someone is gaining wealth from their position. Did you get a home you didn’t pay for? Did someone gift you 1,000 shares of stock. But the candidate filing gives a baseline of where you are starting at, easier to see if someone is taking money or gifts in exchange for favors.
See and I can deduce that without Russian hackers or going to a Trump hotel or whatever.
You are probable one of the people who moved to Forest Hill in 2015 and complain about everyone who moved in after you, because it was nice then
Re Elect Andy along with Trump they will make abortions illegal again and start locking up women for getting one. Yet another step in making America great again.
That is nothing but a scare tactic being implemented by the Democratic Party to manipulate the American people to join their cause. The subject has already been litigated and I don’t see the Supreme Court taking it up again to reverse the decision of Roe v. Wade. One way to make America great again would be to stop perpetuating myths and lies to achieve votes. Another way would be to confront unresolved issues in the best interest of the American people….
Trump said he will do what ever it takes to reverse Roe vs Wade and punish women. I’m praying that Andy being the good Catholic he is will support the President 1000%. We need God back in charge and to cull the herd of people with low morals. They put Paul Manafort who did nothing in jail it’s time to lock women up for killing babies.
I remember that interview and I will bow to Chris Matthews being a hell of a manipulator. However, a President doesn’t have the authority to over ride law unless it is a specifically listed subject in the Constitution. He has power over immigration because that is what the Constitution says. Recently, the Supreme Court made a decision allowing a specific substance being banned in a specific State that caused an abortion. The “Day After Pill”. That law didn’t make ALL abortion illegal, but did make it harder to get one. As far as Trumps reasoning to make abortion illegal, well, that is a religious point of view and we all know that there is a separation of religion from the law and government. I am NOT Catholic, so why would I or any other non Catholic be subjected to a law of Catholicism? The answer is non Catholics are NOT subject to the moral views of a Catholic view point. If you think the Supreme Court will reverse Roe v. Wade on a reasoning such as this, then you’re crazier than Trump.
President Trump has the power to do what ever he wants. He is the most popular President ever who has gotten more done in 500 days than any other President in history. Cry all you want Trump will correctly punish woman who murder unborn babies.
Uh huh, and the cow jumped over the moon….See how nonsensical statement mean the exact same thing. Nothing.
When your a Democrat/Liberal, you’ll believe EVERYTHING a Republican says, and only what you want to hear , when a Democrat says it. You think Dems hate Trump? Wait till their Socialistic Super Star gets her heels dug in,(One “BIG” or should I say “UGE” Dem already taken down).
By the way, that interview strengthened Trumps hold over the Evangelistic communities of America and aided him in winning an election. Just ask Hillary…..
Hillary? Hillary who?
Ironically Paul Manafort didn’t file required paperwork, exactly what Harris accuses this guy of. Additionally Manafort failed to report his income and pay taxes. I guess Harris feels Manafort belongs in Jail?
You actually used the name God and low morals to support an actual heathen in the White House. Someone who has committed every single sin. He said you were stupid and that is the only thing he hasn’t lied about.
Go Andy! Lots of nonsense and blither spouting filling the pages of the Dagger replying to candidate’s comments. Good to have so much time on hand.
There is NO such thing as ethics in government. The government is unethical. You have a bunch of legally trained criminals running our government, most of whom are chosen by two treasonous political factions called Republicans and Democrats. The fact that our population has been manipulated by these two political parties into believing that as a society we must move the direction of either party is a misnomer. Both parties have made law violating the rights of Americans. Both parties have individuals that have become rich from their political associations directly achieved by defrauding and stealing from the people they are supposed to represent. WE THE PEOPLE are tired of being slaves to a two party system that has and is trying to control the population thru passage of law that the legislative branch has absolutely no authority to do. It is time to realize that the government has overstepped all bounds and has become more tyrannical than any monarch we have been subjected to in the past. WE THE PEOPLE withdraw our consent to any law repugnant to the Constitution and WE THE PEOPLE demand that all laws created be subject to Constitutional scrutiny before they are enacted. It must be this way because the bi-lateral political system has turned government into an abomination. You now speak of campaign law involving financial disclosure and that is remarkable when we all know that there isn’t any financial responsibility or credible disclosure of what the government does with the finances of this country to begin with. Where were these ethics when Congress stole the Social Security funds and made a system where people that don’t pay in get a piece of the pie? Where were these ethics when a declared war against the American citizens was and has been levied for almost 5 decades? Where were the ethics when approved government funding of contractors listed hammers as costing $100, toilet seats costing $600 and coffee makers costing $3,000? Were any of these ethically questionable practices ever corrected? NO. I consider the question of financial statements under the Ethics in Government Act a moot point because there is no such thing as ethics or financial responsibility involving our government in the first place. Stop stealing from the American people and make our government ethically and financially responsible before acting like there is a shred of moral or fiscal responsibility involving the government or that treasonous code of rules and regulations you call law.
I think it is important to point out that no one is suggesting the prosecution of women who seek an abortion. Legally or otherwise.
I am pro-life, and I vote for life first.
Having a more conservative SCOTUS will only help the pro-life movement.
Ideally, we will then be able to put our time,energy,money and votes to work to help the children we have helped live.
I often see it stated that pro-lifers don’t care after the child is born. This couldn’t be farther than the truth. There is only so much time We can’t adopt aborted children. We want to help.
I am against all abortion,but I am also realistic. Most likely,the best we cm do is stop abortion on demand. Encourage adoption. Make it easier to adopt domestically. Breaking from my conservative views,I think a loving family can be made many ways. I don’t disagree with single or gay people adopting. I think having people that love them,along with both female and male role models is important. Having somewhere to call home should not be a dream,it should be a reality.
Anyway, I can’t speak for all pro-life Republicans and Independents. Just myself and the people I know in real life. We don’t hate anyone,and we don’t want to punish women. We ARE women,and we want to help other women who are facing unexpected pregnancies.
Trump may be an ass, but he is helping us accomplish just that.
trump said he want s to punish women, are you stupid?
Trump can say anything he wants too. It doesn’t make it law. Congress would have to literally enact law banning abortion and put a penalty on it. That’s not going to happen and if you think otherwise you’re not being honest about the topic. What is really stupid is thinking that what Donald Trump says is a law or even a precursor to a law. He just doesn’t have that kind of power or authority. Remember, it is already been declared unconstitutional to make law criminalizing or restricting access to abortion. If it is unconstitutional, it is, was, never a law and never will be because it is null and void before it was even enacted. Furthermore, unless it is a constitutional amendment, ALL laws of the Codes of rules and regulations that are contrary to the constitution are moot unless a person gives consent to the statute. If you give no consent then it is NOT your law and any enforcement of such a law without consent is an act of treason. “When a judge acts where he or she does not have jurisdiction to act, the judge is engaged in an act or acts of treason.” Zeller v. Rankin, 101 S.Ct. 2020, 451 U.S. 939, 68 L.Ed 2d 326-
Executive order BABY!!!!!
Making America Great Again!!!!
Executive orders do not apply in this case. All executive orders from the President of the United States must be supported by the Constitution. If not, they may be blocked by suit and overturned by Judicial Review. Roe v. Wade is an already litigated case and he has no power to Executive Order a change to caselaw whose constitutionality has already been determined by the Supreme Court. C’mon guys, this is a given.
Perhaps you missed the memo, We own Congress and the courts we are going to own the supreme court for the next 50 years. No one will challenge us we will not allow it.Now go sit in the corner and eat your chit sandwich and enjoy it while we MAGA!
Whatever, I’ve played along long enough. Making America great again doesn’t have anything to do with restricting abortion rights. Making America great again isn’t about stacking the courts with a certain political ideology either. SCOTUS is supposed to interpret the constitution in a manner that our forefathers intended. The fact that many cases are won by a narrow margin is proof that the Judicial system is failing. If Supreme Court justices were doing their jobs correctly, most cases would be settled in a 9-0 fashion. It’s not that hard to interpret what our forefathers intended and they were very specific in their intentions. Hell, the whole system has become so flawed I’m not sure this government is even salvageable.
Did someone try and force you to have an abortion? No one is pro abortion. I have two daughters and when they were teenagers we had discussions about sex and responsibility. I told them that if they became pregnant that the child is instantly a member of this family and we as a family will do everything to take care of the child. I told them that I was telling them that so they would not think that abortion was the only option, but it was their bodies and ultimately their CHOICE. what happens to a woman’s body is between her, the doctor and God. No one else has a right to an opinion. All this fake rage over abortions and as soon as the child is born you don’t want to feed, take care of them or allow them to seek a better life. Not just hypocrisy; pure ignorance.
If that was how I felt it would be hypocritical.
No one I know in real life, who is pro-life, ignores the needs of children and mothers after birth.
I realize that public policy may seem this way. In my experience, it does not apply.
Drives for food and clothing, helping individual families, including housing, are not unusual.
It is not enough to talk the talk without walking the walk.
Rep Harris, I will not be voting for you. and I will be actively campaigning to see that Jesse Colvin is sitting in your seat in the House of Representatives come January, 2019. You are a knee jerk politician who thinks with his popularity polls and not with what is best for the people he represents.
The imminent retirement of SCOTUS Justice Kennedy puts Roe v Wade in jeopardy. Even though Roe v Wade is the law of the land according to the provision of privacy guaranteed by the Constitution, if enough misogynists get into office, the law and the constitution can be changed.
Just as a note: In the 1990’s the justice system was holding it’s collective breath waiting for an increase in crime. That increase in crime didn’t happen.
Everyone wondered why. Someone opined that most crime was committed by young males, between the ages of 16 and 24, most of them from disadvantaged homes. They also noticed that since around 1972 there was a decrease in the birth of male children to poor homes.
The correlation was that because of abortion, unwanted male children who could have grown up to be criminals were not born, and therefore weren’t around to commit crimes against society. This meant that relatively more wanted children (disadvantaged or otherwise) were born and more resources were available to raise these wanted children. (whether it was spent on them or not).
Unwanted children are a burden to society Why would any intelligent person expect a woman, pregnant with a child she cannot afford for whatever reason, to bring this child to term? If someone comes forward and wants to raise that child, then it may be in the best interest of society for that woman to go ahead and have the child.
But if a woman isn’t prepared to raise a child, or if she is medically unfit to become a mother, then why force the issue? Do we need more premature dope-addicted babies born? Do we need more children roaming the streets because they don’t want to go home? Is it fair to the child when the family cannot see to its up-bringing? Isn’t there a quality of life issue here that needs to be addressed?
This abortion witch-hunt needs to come to an end. This issue needs some careful thought with the eyes to the future as well as the future welfare of the children. Why would anyone force a life of poverty and misery on someone just because “it’s the right thing to do?” (Poverty: read the state of being inferior in quality or insufficient in amount – Oxford American Dictionary)
Wow. At least you aren’t hiding your true views. So by your own words, society is better if disadvantaged people have abortions because the children are more likely to be criminals? I would assume you are for eugenics as well?
Leftists are truly a special breed. Given the advances in science, it is clear that you are terminating a human life. In two hundred years from now, abortion will be seen as an abomination on par with other despicable acts in human history.
I disagree. In two hundred years society will probably see abortion as a necessity in preventing over population. The world already has trouble providing enough food for its population and at the rate we are going we probably will have damaged the planet so badly that this planet will not sustain us. I fore see abortion still being around and even some law made by those traitors you call government that will limit the people in the amount of children they are allowed to have. It’s already happened in China and the way the Democratic party is leaning I expect to see us on par with that of China. One last thing, to the Dagger editors, when are you going to stop censoring my use of the word “s-o-c-i-a-l-i-s-t”? It’s going to get annoying having to hyphenate that word when speaking of Ocasio-Cortez and her like…..
No one care what you disagree with you POS. Get a job and do something with your pathetic life.
Freak. PIss off.
It is illegal for me to work by order of William Carr. If I illegally go to work, I’d lose my free health insurance, that you help pay for, thanks to William Carr. Besides, why would I help to pay the salary of traitors to the United States? Why would I pay a tax to help fund illegal law dogs so they can come and commit treason against me and the rest of WE THE PEOPLE? Why don’t you ask William Carr to reverse his treasonous decision that Elizabeth Bowen illegally validated? I’m totally happy with the record showing your County’s court system is a perjuring bunch of swine that isn’t capable of making a just decision of law. Why aren’t you? Oh, that’s right, you’re good with that because you are the real POS that advocates treason against the US by enforcement of fraudulent law thru use of the gun and the bullet. Right?
Oh will all of you just leave my friend and confidant SoulCrusher alone. He has been through enough of the treasonous actions of the Harford county SOA and Courts. There’s going to be a new SA in town soon. I got your back Dude!
I’ll believe that when Lebron James becomes a Los Angeles Laker.
You really have been my inspiration for standing up to those treasonous lawyers and his and others in Bel Air. You are my friend and my hero. I stand with you brother.
*friends and others
There is an easier answer to stop abortions. Let’s develop a pill that keeps men from having erections and enact laws that force all men to take the pill. Not forever of course, just until they are of legal age to handle those dangerous weapons. Let’s say 18 or so? Literally cutting off the head off the snake.
Just let their wife or mother handle the boner pills.
All women from every class have had abortions. I’m positive that trump has paid for a few himself. The issue is that if made illegal AGAIN only the poverty stricken will be relegated to back alleys, hangers and unqualified doctors AGAIN. The middle and up always had access to family doctors/friends to take care of their issues.
Has no one else found it laughable to see the word “leadership” in a statement supposedly describing Andy Harris? Only one person could have written that sentence.
I hope Mr. Harris shows the same level of moral outrage over cabinet members such as:
Wilbur Ross – lied about selling assets that conflicted with his duties and short selling stock.
Zinke – met with developers in his government office to discuss land projects in his hometown that would gave an effort on land owned by his wife’s foundation. He was also investigated for threatening to retaliate against Alaskan Senators for no votes on the ACA repeal, but the investigation ended when the Dept. of Interior refused to cooperate.
Kushner – has had to “update” financial disclosure forms more than 40 times. And although this isn’t an ethical issue, I find it astonishing that he was the gatekeeper that let a prank caller reach the president. The potential security issues with that one are mind boggling.
Pruitt – don’t know where to start with him, We have using his staff to try to find jobs for his wife (either with a Chick fil a franchise or with think tanks) and daughter (internship) Also using them to help find lodging, fancy lotion and an old Trump Hotel mattress. Inappropriate use of travel funds. Getting a sweetheart deal on rent from a lobbyist then lying about his ties to the same lobbyist. An incredibly expensive office makeover. Attempts to retaliate against staff when the staff talked about any of the above while testifying before Congress.
All of it is just an outwardly obvious symptom of the most corrupt administration to ever hold the office. He made his golf resorts the alternative white houses and then raised the membership costs $100k. He made his “donated” presidential salary back with just four memberships and did it braisenly and then traveled to every single one to give unprecedented access to the highest office in the country to the 1%. The GOP has no moral high ground, no ethics. They have destroyed this country for at least a generation. Actually openly supported an admitted child molester.
I am not for eugenics. Pro-choice is not the same as killing children after they are born. Pro-choice is about a woman’s right to determine her future. People make mistakes. Why should their children pay for them?
I just think that this whole abortion issue needs to be re-examined in light of the child’s interests. If you read my definition of poverty, you will recall that poverty is about the lack of that which is necessary for life.
Do you really think it is humane to bring a child into an environment where it is not wanted and/or will not have it’s basic needs met on a daily basis? (Basic needs: love, warmth, food, clothing, shelter, a sense of safety, just to name a few.)
An unwanted child can happen to any woman no matter her social or economic status. If a woman truly believes she is unable to care for her child, shouldn’t she have options? One option that no one ever mentions is finding a couple who want to raise her child in a loving and secure home. ( Do any of your “pro-life clinics” have a database of couples looking to adopt a child?) A woman deserves to know ahead of time that her child will be wanted and cared for if she is unable.
Forcing a woman to have a baby she does not want or can not care for is slavery, pure and simple. People make mistakes. So until there is universal availability to reliable birth-control and easy access to couples who are willing to provide a loving and secure home when the mother is unable to do so, there must be other options. I hope that in 200 years, there will be no need for abortions.