From Barbara Osborn Kreamer, Democratic candidate for MD Senate, District 34:
Barbara Osborn Kreamer, Democratic candidate for MD Senate, District 34, has filed a complaint with the State noting that her opponent Mary-Dulany James used campaign funds to purchase a Silver Lifetime Membership in the local branch of a national charity.
The Seven Hundred and Fifty dollar donation is prohibited under MD state regulations.
The MD State Board of Elections received Kreamer’s complaint on May 21st. On May 31st it notified Kreamer that it had referred the matter of the improper 2014 expenditure to the Division of Candidacy and Campaign Finance.
Maryland regulations prohibit the use of campaign funds for charitable donations because “Maryland requires campaign funds to be used for the purpose of supporting or opposing a candidate, question or political committee.”1 The manual of regulations governing candidates provides an exception: “a candidate may permissibly use campaign funds to attend a charitable event since attending the event increases the candidate’s visibility and allows the candidate to network with potential voters and donors.”2 The Harford Branch NAACP Freedom Fund Banquet costs $60.
The James Campaign Fund is an ongoing entity that filed reports covering 2015 through the present day. So the gift is not permissible under the other exception, that is, the distribution of funds when filing a report to close down the fund.
Kreamer notes that James’ reports contain 2014 loans claimed to be from her personal funds totaling in $157,000. “So it seems that Mary-Dulany James could have afforded to make a personal tax deductible contribution to the local NAACP in a legal manner if she had lent a bit less to her campaign. As one of her donors, I thought all contributions would be targeted to her election effort.”
There is no notation of enforcement of the campaign finance laws in the intervening years. The burden of enforcement seems to be left to competitors like Kreamer or other interested persons. The Division has 30 days to provide a ruling to Senate hopeful Kreamer.
1. Summary Guide: Maryland Candidacy and Campaign Finance Laws, Maryland State Board of Elections, Revised March 2017, p 59.
2. Ibid, p 60.
Good lord who owes Kreamer a favor at the Dagger?
Using campaign funds to give a gift to a public interest group is Political corruption
Political corruption is news,brother!
So you are saying the Dems choices are between corruption and lunacy for the privilege of getting blasted by 25 points in the general?
This woman is SOOO annoying!!! Mow your jungle and take care of your personal instead of wasting time on stupid stuff Barbara.
Chris, you are correct sir. When her place on the corner of Maxa and Beards Hill Road looks so bad (grass needs mowed and her bush needs trimmed!), why would anyone vote for that old witch? Obviously she can’t take care of her place OR herself!
She really just needs to go away for good!
Calling a woman a witch is a classic example of male misogyny –hatred , contempt, or prejudice of women!
I think it is commendable that Babs has broken the glass ceiling and proven that women candidates can be equally nutty as their male counterparts.
Just for the record, many men were accused of witchcraft as well. Even though they would be a warlock most still called them witches by the common folk. However, we all now know that it was nothing but an excuse to have someone murdered by public execution in the old days….
What if me, a woman calls her a witch? Or how about the children in the neighborhood that think her house looks like a witch must live there?
Sorry Local. I’m not a sir…lol
Dear Christine Kim, if a woman calls another woman a witch they are abetting male hatred,contempt and prejudice of women. Have fun supporting misogyny! You must be a young knownothing Independent!
So, she is a know nothing. Isn’t that kinda like name calling? So an Independent is a know nothing and in order for them to be informed they must be a Democrat, right? So if I use a word, that is NOT profane, to describe an old, ugly woman who lives in a scary looking unkept house, I’m a misogynist? Uh huh. Using the term “witch” does not abet male hatred, contempt and prejudice of women because that isn’t what the word means. “Witch” means 1. a woman claiming or popularly believed to possess magical powers and practice sorcery 2. a believer or follower of Wicca; a Wiccan or 3. a hag. Nothing in the definition has a misogynistic meaning and if someone is an ugly, old hag then the word has been properly used.
I didn’t know the Know Nothings we’re still around- they haven’t run a candidate since 1856. It’s fitting the revival is here though, since Maryland is the only state Fillmore carried.
Hey Mike Callahan, I love women. I wasn’t generalizing when I called Blabs Kreamer a witch (and you know it fool!). It was aimed directly at her only!
So since I called you a fool, are you going to accuse me of hating men?
You are an idiot!
By any chance, is Local Yocal Local’s first name “Steve”?
Men who fear powerful women call them “witches” Now a misogynist corrupt President cries “witch hunt” when he is investigsted!
I already gave you the definition of “witch” and you know you are wrong. Now I must define “witch hunt” for you, buy a dictionary. “Witch Hunt” means 1.a searching out for persecution of persons accused of witchcraft 2.the searching out and deliberate harassment of those (such as political opponents) with unpopular views. We must also consider the definition – the act of unfairly looking for and punishing people who are accused of having opinions that are believed to be dangerous or evil. In no way is Trump’s use of “witch hunt” a misogynistic term. He is a misogynist and there is no doubt about that, but he is a selective misogynist and believes that tawdry tramps like a porn star or a Playboy model should be treated like the tramps that they are, yet women who are proper should be considered as equals in society. In some cases, he believes women that agree with him are “smart people” and those that don’t, well, “just look at that face”. I find it all pretty amusing and I find your condemnation of him for misogynistic behavior just as amusing. There is no law that says a man can’t have a misogynistic opinion and none can ever be made that wouldn’t be a violation of the Constitution because there is no Constitutional authority to regulate our behaviors, just that of government employees. Since he is a government employee that leads our nation, I guess you could pass a law to govern his behavior, but you can’t govern the behavior of WE THE PEOPLE and you definitely can’t persecute him for behavior that came before he was President of the United States.
Lol are we calling disbarred Blabs a “powerful” woman? Reality check, please…
Blabs Osborn Kreamer, as Local Yocal said “PLEASE GO AWAY FOR GOOD” (and for the good of the party in Harford County!)
James and Kreamer – blasts from the past – that’s where they need to stay.
The democrats must be really proud with these two running and then have that wife beating POS running for the house. Christ, they make Glass look good.
My dog would make Glass look good.
Speaking as a person who was formerly a member of a Wiccan Circle, I resent your use and application of the term “witch”. If you had magical powers, would you be a “hag” or would you be a beautiful young woman of great power and wealth? I don’t think Barbara has any magical powers.
I believe the term you are looking for rhymes with “witch” but begins with a “B”.
Blessed Bea,
Sorry for my confusion.
You are probably correct.
Not only does it rhyme with witch,
It’s spelled exactly the same
(But it does start with a “B”!)
I stand corrected! 🙂
Hey Mike Callahan, or whoever you really are. Thanks for reminding us that the first district gets a chance to send another version of Nancy Pelosi to congress. If you love whacky send another down to DC.
You once used your campaign funds to have your hair done before a campaign event.
On behalf of all Democrats in Harford County,
Shut. The. Hell. Up.
You can pick you friends. You can pick you nose. But you cants pick your friends nose.
No one. Not even Boss Helton can speak on behalf of ALL Harford County Democrats!
Who died and made you king?
The unmitigated gall!
A real Democrat would never tell anyone to shut up! I think all good Republicans believe in Free Speech. Independents live the life of free speech.!
How dare you call yourself a Democrat and tell anyone….ANYONE to shut the hell up!
I can see why you did not fit into the Democratic Central Committee!
Committee decorum does not allow “Shut the hell up!” as a debating response!
Mike is Maxine Waters “ a real Democrat”? I have been reading your racist labeling post for a long time. Whenever someone holds a person of color accountable for improper behavior you label them a racist. Do you think she is a racist who is bad for our country or do you feel that only white people can be a racist? I’m just trying to figure you out
Maxine Waters is a bitter, nasty, vile, angry old lady and her race does nothing to explain, or justify her hatred for anyone who disagrees with her views. If she’d invested one tenth the effort into helping her constituents that she’s spent on hating the president, they’d be living every day as though they were at Disney World. She is a poster child for term limits. The only reason anyone is listening to her now is because the left is frothing mad and they delight in hearing any and all insults she can throw at the president, his family and staff. The more personal, vile and degrading the better.
If you knew anything about the Democrats of Harford County, then you would know that most of them share my sentiment about Barbara Kreamer. Since you know nothing, you should probably say nothing further and avoid making more of an embarrassment of yourself.
Most Democrats do not share your opinion to tell anyone to “to shut the hell up”!
Your are certified hysterical in your gossip. rumors , innuendo , abd b.s.smear campaign that just happens to arise after two law suits came out against Helton’s backed candidate MD James. .
Instead of apologizing for your anti- democratic comments demanding someone you disagree with should “shut the hell up”. you double down and suggest I probably should “say nothing” because I “know nothing”.
You don’t speak for all Democrats in the County .!
You only speak for yourself and maybe you speak for Helton if you are his political puppet.
The Democrats will speak tomorrow with there vote !
“The Democrats will speak tomorrow with there vote!”? That would be “their,” Goober. Take it from someone who was actually elected by Democrats to do something. Not someone who runs a blog using posts of a TV screen taken with a cheap phone camera.
Wrong again T.Myers!
.Everything you say is pure b.s.!
Your not only an anti free speech Democrat.
Your a crooked dirt bag.
Making up political lies to serve Boss Helton for his ethically and racially challenged candidate Mary D.James!
You make things up like Boss Tweet.
I take photographic images with a Cannon
Power Shot SX130.
That must be the shittiest Cannon they make.
I has something similar, but it was called a Canon Power Shot SX130.
Hey, Mike. Are you lying now? Or were you lying then? #Crooked
That title is hilarious!
You are no longer on the Central Committee!
Remember, you quit half way through the job for more comedy gigs and because you couldn’t get along with B Kreamer !
Sorry, T Myers your not the funniest man on the Central Committee anymore.!
Gordon.Koernner, is now the funniest man on the HDCC !
But Gordy won’t quit because he cant get along with others!
By the way, do you know that your political boss Helton put out a phony sample ballot that urged Democrats to vote against B. Kreamer, S. Benn, Gordy Koerner and Allison Galbraith.?
This entire thread highlights the hilarity that is the local Democrat party. Enjoy your participation- the victories will end tomorrow.
Jessie Colvin Democrat candidate for Congress in First District tomorrow is a complete political fraud!
He is an outsider carpetbagger from Pikesville, with large amounts of outsider funding and outsider connections including the Republican FDD, ,Maryland Republican Party CIA/DOD. and DCCC.
This is the Jake Burdette Report on all the details of Colvins alliance with Right-Wing Republican political forces to attempt to put a neo-conservative Democrat in power.
Jake Burdett uncovers Colvin’s campaign manager to be Marina Hardy, former finance director of Larry Hogans campaign
Hopefully Babs has time to cut her lawn now.