From Barbara Osborn Kreamer, Democratic candidate for MD Senate, District 34:
Former District 34 Delegate Barbara Osborn Kreamer, who is a candidate for MD Senate in District 34, has challenged her opponent’s qualification to run for the same office. She notes that her opponent may not meet the constitutional requirement to have resided in the district for six months immediately preceding filing for office.
Originally filed timely in the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County, Kreamer sued the State Board of Elections challenging the residence of former Delegate Mary-Dulany James. The Circuit Court dismissed the matter, and Kreamer timely appealed to the MD Court of Appeals. Challenges to candidates’ qualifications by-pass the middle Court of Special Appeals.
Instead of scheduling oral arguments, the MD Court of Appeals has notified the Assistant Attorney General representing the Board of Elections that he has three days to file an answer and hinted at grounds for an effective reply. Kreamer seeks a ruling before voting in the Democratic Primary concludes. If the nominee is disqualified, the Democratic Central Committee will appoint a candidate for the General Election to face incumbent Republican Bob Cassilly.
See the notification below and the attachments for the complainant’s pleadings at the circuit and appeal levels.
Democrat = who cares waste of taxpayer dollars in this county, no chance to win
Ms Kreamer,
How do you have time to run for office while your deralic home is overrun with weeds and your grass is so high it impedes ones ability to turn onto Beards Hill Rd from Maxa Rd? Wish I could post pictures.
I know, it’s a small thing, but…..if you can’t keep your own home in order how could you handle public office?
Your home has been an eyesore and jungle of a mess forever!!
Indeed, Sir Chris, and it’s the same thing every year! Barbara Kreamer is an embarrassment to the City of Aberdeen, Harford County and beyond. She’s been disbarred from her profession, escorted out of meetings and even thrown off of her church council where she used to attend.
She’s certainly whacked, and should probably be committed to a facility.
You are completely wrong. I drive by her home every day and it is immaculate. SHAME ON YOU.
Judy Boyton, you are either blind or delusional (obviously)!
Judy, You are a liar. I live in the neighborhood behind. Never have I seen that house mowed or cleared. It looks horrible.
It’s the voters choice, now! Not the political boss Helton’s choice ! Not the Annapolis political boss Mike Miller’s choice!
Barbara Kreamer is the Progressive energetic work horse ! She’s won election five times in a row on the Harford Democratic Central Committee .! She is the peoples choice!
James is the Conservative lazy ethically and racially challenged show horse who demands the bosses get her elected! Ruppersberger and Miller asked Kreamer to withdrawal from the primary. and let James have a free ride!
Its up to the voters ,now!
Not the political boss’s
Blind allegiance to a complete loon is disconcerting, no matter what the party.
And blind allegiance to misogyny and moronic name calling is the sad state of Republican philosophy that gave us the authoritarian nightmare of Trumpism!
My post apparently flew over your head. Maybe you can post some crappy YouTube links instead.
“Mike Callahan”, you are an idiot (obviously).
Mike Callahan probably is Barbara Kreamer…
And George Willbury is probably M.D. James!
More moronic name calling
!And more moronic user names!
Ms. Kreamer is a thoughtful, independent woman who always worked across the aisle in a bipartisan manner. I support her candidacy.
Barbara Kreamer is selfish; she only thinks of what is best for herself. Having served with her on the Democratic Central Committee, I can attest that the sooner she is out of Harford County Democratic Party activities/politics, the better off Democrats in this county will be.
And Tom Myers couldn’t even finish the one term he was elected to serve.on th HDCC!
He got bored and his jokes got stale!
He quit in the middle of his elected term. Now that.s freaking dedication to the Democratic Central; Committee!
Maybe a little self-serving behavior there. Just maybe?
Bottom line everybody knows Tom Myers is tight as a tick with Arty Helton-
—And B. Kreamer is Helton’s worst nightmare. She can’t be bought!
This shit is whack. She put her starz. This she pulls all the time.
Her attempts to foil elections are like tits on a bull!
Kreamer’s going to take the Democratic primary next Tuesday and then knock out the Neanderthal
Republican that MD James lost to four years ago due to her ethical and racially challenged behavior!
Someone has been smoking SoulCrusher’s stash maaaaaaan
Yeah, well, that’s like your opinion, maaaaaannnn
I didn’t give an opinion. I gave an expression.
Isn’t she disbarred?
For real? She filed everything “Pros Se”, meaning she is doing everything herself and without a lawyer. It doesn’t matter if she is disbarred because she can represent herself, just like every other person in the country.
The defense rests, SoulCusher has testified!
Furthermore, THE REAL LAW: “The common law is the real law, the Supreme Law of the land, the code, rules, regulations, policy and statutes are “not the law,” — Self v. Rhay, 61 Wn (2d) 261 (1968). Legislated statutes enforced upon the people in the name of law are a fraud. They have no authority and are without mercy. Justice without mercy is Godless and therefore, repugnant to our United States Constitution. Lawmakers were given authority by the people to legislate codes, rules, regulations, and statutes which are policies, procedures, and “law” to control the behavior of bureaucrats, elected and appointed officials, municipalities and agencies. However, they were never given authority to control the behavior of the people as we read in the US Supreme court decision, “All laws, rules and practices which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void.” Marbury -v-Madison, 5th US (2 Cranch)
137, 174, 176, (1803).. Everything I’ve been telling all of you for the last 6 years is true. There is no law in the corporate codes and all laws of the corporate codes are NULL and VOID!
This aggression will not stand, maaaaannn
You might think everything is a joke, but more than 50% of people incarcerated in your glorious Harford Hilton are being held illegally and/or have been convicted illegally by the terrorists that run your Courts. This isn’t a joke, it’s a fact. The real question is do the Sheriff’s Deputies that are guarding the courthouse know that they are aiding and abetting terroristic traitors that should be executed and do they know that they are committing treason as well? Remember, you lose all immunity when you willingly break the law and that includes the Supreme Law of the Land. Consider yourselves informed.
Yup, it’s Friday, he must have got paid, bought his treasonous drugs and they must be kicking in. Call the Hilton tell all the COs’ and Warden to let them all out !!! Klike it was said before, the defense has spoken, case closed. We are all doomed. I’m afraid, very afraid.
Well, you are doomed. Doomed to live a life of ignorance….
It wasn’t just me who left. Half the elected Committee members ended up leaving and the rest only serve one term because they were/are sick and tired of her bullshit. The few meetings that she did miss were some of the most productive and agenda items were accomplished as they were not fraught with disruptions and ways to accommodate her own selfish wants and continuous stories about how she was all but stalking various state party officials, former office holders, etc. Not Kreamer. Not Ever!
Yeah right, Tom. Did she have a bong hit transplant or something?
I thought Tom Myers quit the HDCC because he made some financial contacts with the Demoratic lumberjacks and got his restaurant off the ground!
You were selfish and thinking what was best for you. Right! OK!
You were part of the Art Helton wing of the HDCC so you were trained to hate/trash the other political faction on the committee which is led by B,Kreamer.
Now your political guru has a problem , a big problem , selling a compromised candidate that he “hated” and “trashed” four years ago.
. Helton literally lost badly to MD James four years ago in the same primary
And now Arty Helton calls in T. Myers to do him a favor and asks him to trash B.Kreamer for old times sake! Make some b.s, up! Help out an old pal. Do you need another loan?
Isn’t that the real story?
It’s just Helton smash mouth politics!
Am I right? Or am I bullseye right?
You are wrong and off the dartboard wrong. If anything, I am in the mainstream of the Harford County Democratic Party. Barbara Kreamer is an embarrassment to the Party and even Democrats I know who helped Mary-Dulany James in her race against Art Helton knew there was something wrong with Kreamer. She was even kicked off the Central Committee in the late 2000s. Her own kids have taken restraining orders out on her, she has been barred from her church and she even used campaign funds to get her hair done before an event. If anything, Kreamer is the one who apparently needs the money.
And why would I need to do Art Helton a favor? He is not running for anything. Seriously, put further consideration into your theories before you post and embarrass yourself further.
Vote for Barbara Kreamer for State Senate District- Unbought And Unbossed!
Unhinged and unintelligible?
On Jan 27,2017 T. Myers was censured ( for behavior that focused on the detriment of other Democrats) by the Harford County Democratic Party..
.On May , 2017 T.Myers resigned from the HDCC to take care of his increase stand up comedy work and pursue a cable miniseries opportunity..
Good luck on your comedy/acting career.
But stop blaming B, Kreamer for your being censured as a HDCC member!
Hysterical rumor/gossip mongering, innuendo, lies , and smearing b.s, tactics that you spew are probably the reason you were censured. .
I was not censured by the Committee. Watch what you type and quadruple-check your sources.
Video evidence of Tom Myers and Art Helton plotting against other candidates:
Ouch. My sides hurt from laughing.
The best part was right after his bit when the host had to tell the audience that Tom is a comedian. And misspelling his name in the credits was a nice touch.
Wasn’t it a formal statement of disapproval saying you were the worst central committee member ever?
That’s the rumor and gossip I heard!
But I could not find any innuendo or b.s. on you!
Charles, No such statement exists. We did vote to censure a member, but it was not me.
If one does exist, then I would like to see it.
We poor folks of Aberdeen. We are lead by McGrady, Robertson, Helton, Kreamer. Not to mention McGrady’s 2 puppet clowns on the council. Can you imagine how crushing it is to the spirit to wake up every morning and realize this. No wonder the town is riddled with incompetence, insincerity and failure. We still keep expecting to hear from McGrady that his hiring of Randy Robertson was a joke, just to see how long it would take us to notice.