From the New Harford Democratic Club:
Minutes of the New Harford Democratic Club
Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at the Aberdeen Holiday Inn Express
President Steve Johnson opened the meeting at 7:03 pm
Johnson greeted those attending and lead everyone in a pledge to the flag.
Johnson asked those present to stand and identify themselves. Candidates attending were: Larry DelPrete, Denise Perry, Haley MacDonald, Donna Kahoe, and Adam Hiob-all running for Central Committee; Chris Boardman-Sherriff; Allison Galbraith-1st Congressional District; Sarahia Ben-MD 34A; Winnie Roche-District F; Steve Johnson-MD34A; Barbara Kreamer-Senate 34. Steve noted very few “D” primaries vs. “R’s” and predicted a “blue wave” in October.
Treasurer report was approved.
Steve asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the April meeting. Approved unanimously.
Candidate Forum:
Alison Galbraith-Congressional District 1: Alison wants to replace Andy Harris; she supports workers issues; e.g., affordable health care for singles-Andy Harris is “OK” with gender-biased insurance rates. She has a public policy background and is an acquisition program management professional. She has a strong Federal/Dept of Defense background-she knows the system. She is fighting the assumption that Andy is “…unbeatable in District 1. He needs to be held to account.” She has made it a competitive primary and is seeing down ballot growth too.
Barbarea Kreamer-MD District 34 senate: Local, a lifetime resident of Aberdeen, farm family background with three generations in local politics. She is running against Bob Cassilly as he is “Too out of touch.” She supports school funding “equalized based on our county’s wealth”. Of the state’s 24 subdivisions Harford County is 3rd from the bottom in local funding. Supports the Kirwan Commission findings. The challenges she sees for the next term are: Education for tomorrow; 34% of our suburban students are on FRLP; finding new sources of funds beyond property taxes for schools; what about casino dollars? Need better MARC service. Supports: comparable worth pay-women still at 80% of men; FML for state/county workers; pro-choice.
Larry DelPrete-Democratic Central Committee: PolySci graduate of U Delaware, MS from TU. Running to “energize” the committee”. A “D” activist for 50 years; RFK, McGovern, Has a “bias for action” that he will bring to the committee. Committee seems disengaged, need more activism and he will be first to start. This is his first race since college. Power to the people!
Johnson thanked candidates and noted that we need to support all our candidates and get out the vote in the primaries. The club endorses after the primaries with funds and outreach on a 50% match basis in the General. Also does voter registration and has a candidate’s corner on the website. Johnson then discussed club plan for targeting voter turnout in key districts vs. individual candidates at this time.
Announcements: Central Committee Dinner June 7, 6-10pm at Bulle Rock; a Fish Fry this Friday for Sarahia Benn at 123 Mt. Calvary Church Rd., Aberdeen. Steve Johnson Fundraiser Friday, May 18, 6-8:30 at Holiday Inn Express. Get your announcements to the Club to post on our website
Next meeting June 6
Meeting was adjourned at 8:12pm.
Submitted by Secretary Barney Michel
I wonder why Amy Jahnigen missed the meeting?
Because she was hanging out with big Dem Jesse Bane getting advice
“We are watching” and “Republican Voter” — If you have any questions for me, go ahead, I am not hiding behind a fake name. I AM AMY JAHNIGEN.
If you think I am am the only Republican that was once a Democrat then go do your homework. If you are the same person at 18 when you register to vote for the first time as you are at age 41 then you need to grow up.
I am a hard-working, TAX PAYING citizen of Harford County. My opponent can’t say that…. he starts every speech with “I am a life-long republican”. He can’t say that he is a Harford County native or hard-working TAX PAYING citizen…. do your HOMEWORK before you start spreading rumors.
The last word in democrat is RAT!
Looking forward to graduating third grade Dave?
And strange as it seems, you can find the word Republican in the dictionary between Reptile and Repugnant!
Yes Dave!!! Defiantly applies in this county.
I love the way that partisan politics drives you guys. Let me remind you that FDR stole our gold and sold our souls, while Richard Nixon made us conform to laws of foreign origin thru the UN. Both parties are guilty of treason against the United States at some point in time or another. Drop your partisan loyalty and do what is right by making up your own mind without letting a political affiliation influence you. Both parties are after the same thing. They just have different paths in getting there…..
“Alison Galbraith–Congressional District 1: Andy Harris is OK with gender-biased insurance rates.”
He should be – they’re based on math and science, which is like witchcraft to liberals if it’s something that goes against their agenda.
No he shouldn’t be., Andy Harris is wrong, prejudice, ignorant and stupid!
Mike, you are completely correct about Harris and his views. However, if the insurance companies were to be eliminated from the equation all together we wouldn’t be talking about rates at all. Socialized medicine can only work if the government works directly with the health care providers and can control the costs of the health care without a middle man profiting from the system. The whole point of socialized medicine is to remove as much profit from the system to make everything affordable to everyone. Besides, the insurance industry is nothing but a scam and is an exercise in what it means to be incompetent and untrustworthy. Let me once again remind you that one of my former employees and I actually were instructed by William Donahue of the Maryland Insurance Administration to lie about the actual amount of money collected on a bail bond and state the whole 10% fee was collected, when in reality a portion of the fee was collected and the remainder was being collected in payments. We were being told to lie and act discretely as a finance company, even though we had no license to do such. Nowadays, ALL bail bondsmen are financing payments and each and every one of them is illegally acting as an unlicensed finance company, except for a small few like Big Boyz Bail Bonds. Big Boyz actually has a licensed finance company, created by its owners, to specifically finance the payments of bail bond premiums to the consumer. The majority of bail bonding companies in the State of Maryland could be shut down for this reason, yet it doesn’t happen because the law picks and chooses those whom it wishes to persecute and it is normally for some other purpose than actually enforcing the law.
Soul Crusher, you are one to speak. You speak of progressive activism but seem to not care one iota about our Constitution. It is the foundation of our republic. You do not care AT ALL about the establishment clause or the moral underpinings of the document.
I am reminded of Pliny the Elder:
“For my part I deem those blessed to whom, by favour of the gods, it has been granted either to do what is worth writing of, or to write what is worth reading; above measure blessed those on whom both gifts have been conferred. In the latter number will be my uncle, by virtue of his own and of your compositions.”
And he was always constipated, I feared.
You are rambling on about nothing at all. The establishment clause is part of the 1st Amendment and basically means you can’t put religion in the framework of government and their is NO moral whatever because those whom founded this country were in fact criminals and despots who had just committed treason against the King of England. We won the war, therefore they could not be traitors as we were then our own country and our allegiance was to our new country. The rest of your drivel I won’t even comment on and quite frankly don’t care about it either….
My God, I admire you.
I’m sure I admire you just as much….
Is this the same Soul Crusher people mentioned had a sexual ailment a few weeks ago?
I tell you what, if you can find any record of me ever having an STD or any other ailment other than impotency caused by an SSRI and “Jock Itch”, I’ll never comment on anything on the Dagger again and I will eat a live hand grenade on national TV. You also have my permission to look at my records and I waive ALL HIPAA records for this purpose. I haven’t taken an SSRI since 2014 and everything works just fine. That’s how confident I am of the truth. The name is Jon Adam McCarty born 11/13/1972 and the invitation of looking into my records for this purpose is extended to every branch of government and every citizen of the United States. So, do you have anything else you’d like to discuss?
and Paulie, I only mean sexual ailment. Let me clear that up before you start claiming I’m a liar. You said sexual ailment and that is the permission that I grant to everyone to check out for themselves.