From the Harford County Education Association:
The Harford County Education Association (HCEA) proudly announced their endorsement of Councilman Joe Woods for re-election as Council member for District B.
Councilman Woods is the consummate community leader. The challenges that he has faced throughout his life have informed his adroit leadership and sensitivity to the diverse needs of his community. Throughout his service on the Harford County Council, Mr. Woods has served his community well; balancing the needs of divergent interests while fostering the common good. His leadership as Harford County’s MACO designee, work on the education subcommittee, taxation subcommittee and legislative initiatives subcommittee benefit our entire county.
Joe has served our community as a Sheriff’s Deputy, fireman and rescue volunteer. He is supportive of businessmen and working people. “Joe is an outstanding council member and leader. He is always available to address the concerns of his constituents. He has supported our teachers and students throughout his time on the council. He has my support and the support of our educators. The voters in District B could not ask for a better representative on the Harford County Council,” said HCEA President Ryan Burbey. HCEA calls on all voters in District B to cast their vote to re-elect Councilman Joe Woods.
HCEA vets all candidates for endorsement through a careful selection process, which includes completion of a questionnaire and interviews with educators. All candidates are given the opportunity to participate in the HCEA endorsement process.
Oh, no! Not another stupid endorsement from the HCEA.
Joe Woods is A Far Right Republican gun not who supported illegal “nullification” of Maryland’ s common sense gun reform.
Was this “YouTube clip” made by holding what looks like literally holding a “smart phone” two feet or so away from a television screen? LOL
Re: LaughOutLoud:
Sorry, wrong guess.
I was actually holding a Cannon Power Shot SX130 6ft away from a Sony flat screen. Did you like the high definition?
I really don’t care what particular recording device and distance you were using it’s just hilarious you filmed a television screen.
It’s obvious you have some technical knowledge as you can upload on YouTube.
Just not quite there with video editing software, tho?
Don’t know how to capture it off cable, amirite? Yeah.
So to answer my question, that means you don’t like the high definition!
Mike, any gun control that falls under the authorities provided by the Brady Bill is unconstitutional and an act of treason against the United States. The Federal government was prohibited from gun legislation by the 2nd Amendment and the laws created by the Brady Bill are NULL and VOID. The disarmament of WE THE PEOPLE thru these laws by the States was to make the States conform to Federal law, but the Federal Government has no authority to do such and is prohibited by the 2nd Amendment. The Federal Government can only regulate guns in US territories which is a separate entity in law than that of a State. When Bill Clinton signed this legislation brought on by the US Congress, he committed treason against the US. When WE THE PEOPLE become disarmed we become vulnerable to the centralized government and foreign invasion. The biggest deterrent from foreign occupation is the armed American patriot willing to sacrifice ALL for the United States. The laws you endorse leave WE THE PEOPLE at the mercy of everyone else and if you think this government will “protect” you then you have forgotten that the government is your enemy.
The act of governance is a continual process of balancing two opposing , but necessary ideas: order and freedom…The freedom to speak is a virtue, but the freedom to kill ones neighbor is not.
“The State has ‘the power of promoting the public welfare by restraining and regulating the use of liberty and property'”–Herman Finer, the Theory And Practice Of Government, page 15)
Herman Finer was a Romanian-born British political scientist and Fabian s0cialist. I don’t think he had the credentials to speak on behalf of the United States citizens. We have our own rules and are not subject to the ruling authority of Kings and Queens and Guillotines that have subdued the rest of the world. We are American citizens and we are the United States. Foreign laws and idealism mean nothing here unless WE THE PEOPLE choose to follow this path. As of right now we are dangerously close to what people like you want. However, there are some of us that will not let this happen and will defend our country with our dying breath.
I had a better response, but the Dagger censored it. You are quoting the idealism of a Romanian born English national whose ideals are on par with that of what Bernie Sanders says he is. Even more, his ideas were cutting edge in the 1930’s and I’m sure Hitler himself read his literature. Mike, you and the Democratic Party are determined to destroy the United States in search of the fourth Reich. It is the job of every freedom loving American to not let you accomplish this.
Whom ever this is trying to make me look like little Hitler better stop.
As Carl Jung would say—You are projecting your true personality on to others in order to deny it. Trump does the same thing. Look in the mirror….
I already said what I needed to say. My Doppleganger and Mike Callahan can talk amongst themselves now. Or is it that my Doppleganger is Mike Callahan? America might end up having social medicine, but it will not become a S0cial1st state as long as I live and breathe. Count on it…..
I’m not your Doppleganger!
I try to persuade you with rational facts not by mocking you with a “fake double” routine
The moderator of the Dagger should put a halt to the”fake double”
. Thats why we log in to prevent idenity theft.
Believe it or not,it ain’t me!
Fair enough, even though I don’t think providing me or anyone else with lessons on foreign psychologists and quotes by Herman Finer as rational facts or rational anything for that matter. I’ll take your word that your not my Doppleganger, even though I really don’t care who it is……
HCEA does not make endorsement determinations based on Second Amendment litmus tests. The focus of our endorsement is a candidates support of students, teachers and public education.
Re: Ryan Burbey
Joe Woods is also known for being politically corrupt
I know . I know. If it doesn’t help teachers get a raise, it doesn’t matter
How does trying to assist his constituents make him politically corrupt? Why would you want to just smear Joe without any substance to your claims?
Re: Ryan “Burgundy” Burbey
Your pal Joe was withdrawing a bill to give well connected developer special zoning favors. The bill was known as The Back Door Land Deal Bill 15029 ! The Friends of Harford exposed his corruption and he backed down,
I suggest that the public ignore the endorsements of Burbey and the HCEA. There narrow self interest ignores the overall value of a candidate’
. Consider instead the FOH questionaire answers of Council District B Democratic candidate Suzanne Oshinsky.’
Do you want an honest broker or a corrupt one?
Mike, re-read what you typed, “Your pal Joe was withdrawing a bill to give well connected developer special zoning favors”. Mike, Do you know what “withdrawing” means? If he was “withdrawing” a bill to give special zoning favors it means he was taking it off the table. What planet are you from? Buy a dictionary or stop typing…..
Hey Soul Crusher. your pal Joe Woods got caught by the Friends of Harford stealing the publiv trust!
The video was of Joe trying to restore the public trust,
. Your pal Joe introduced the Back Door Land Deal .
Got caught by FOH.
He tried to erase the corruption by withdrawing the bill.
The corruption of a politician still took place.
Joe Woods cant be trusted!
Mike, Joe Woods is NOT my pal. I don’t know the man, nor do I have anything to do with the Harford County Educational Association. With that being said, any person who tries to withdraw a bill that would allow or perceive to allow corruption isn’t trying to cover anything up, they’re trying to correct a mistake. When the bill was introduced, it became a public record and there is NO WAY to cover that up. The withdraw is part of the public record too, so your idea that some sort of secret cover up is complete nonsense. What I’m saying is completely in your face and you have the nerve to call me a conspiracy theorist even though all I’m ever trying to do is make the public aware of the truth that they are missing, even though the truth is right in everyone’s face as well. I don’t have any dog in this fight, but I read a lot of the articles on the Dagger and the comments as well. When someone like you, ranting on about the greatness of the DemoSocio machine that you worship, makes a stupid comment, I let you know about it. Consider yourself informed that you made yet another one….