From Congressman Andy Harris:
WASHINGTON, DC: On May 17, the House Committee on Appropriations marked up the FY19 Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations bill. Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) offered, and the committee passed, an amendment urging the Drug Enforcement Agency to expeditiously process the several pending applications for research-related marijuana production. Congressman Harris released the following statement lauding its passage:
“For decades, bureaucratic red tape has obstructed legitimate clinical research into the potential medical use of marijuana. Currently, the University of Mississippi possesses the only license in the country to grow marijuana for research purposes. Nearly 30 other manufacturer applications are pending approval by the Drug Enforcement Agency.
It’s just not right to prescribe marijuana as medicine without subjecting it to the same safety, purity, and efficacy approval process that every other medicine undergoes. My amendment, passed today with wide bipartisan support, facilitates legitimate medical marijuana research by urging the DEA to process those pending applications for research-related marijuana production. America’s patients deserve safe and proven medication. I commend my colleagues on the Appropriations Committee for supporting this pro-science, pro-research amendment.”
It is laughable that Andy Harris is making this claim when he himself has been part of the “Red Tape” regarding Marijuana and said research. This is the same man who tried to not allow residents of Washington D.C. to have legalized Marijuana even though the people of D.C. voted for its legalization. Luckily, the Courts upheld the will of the people and disregarding Harris’ complaints and objections. Andy, there is no Constitutional Authority to regulate the people regarding any CDS and the laws being enforced in this country are in fact the result of a international treaty brought to us by the criminal and traitor, Richard Nixon. The State you represent has had a “medical marijuana defense” for a very long time and the minute it was passed meant that the State of Maryland has acknowledged that Marijuana did NOT fit the Schedule 1 classification of a narcotic. Furthermore, the US Government has known since 1972 that Marijuana is practically harmless when compared to other drugs, including alcohol which is allowed and taxed by our corrupt government. Andy Harris, if you want to truly do something worthy of recognition, call for the Commission on Psychotropic Substances to reevaluate Cannabis and remove it from the international treaty that makes the substance illegal in the first place. We already know it has Medical uses and is safer than any other regulated substance for recreational usage. Get it removed and the DEA won’t be hamstrung by international law imposed on American citizens from past and present traitors to the American people….
I thought it must be a mistake when I saw the headline. Andy Harris, desperately trying to save his seat by jumping on the medical marijuana bandwagon. It’s laughable and ridiculous and somewhat disturbing. Bye Andy. #FlipTheFirst
He wants it only so the Pharmaceutical Industry can profit from it. Big Pharma wants to put it in pills so they can rape the public for more money, even though a person can easily grow the plant and get the same benefits for next to nothing. It’s all about money and will never be about what is right.
I agree with SoulCrusher assessment….The reason its not legalized is Big Pharma. Plain and simple. I have observed alternative treatments to cancer that work, but of course they will never make it into the US because of Big Pharma in the pockets of our politicians.
Do not be fooled by Andy. This is just another step he thinks is needed to outlaw marijuana once and for all. He believes there is no value in marijuana and once “the government” and pharmaceutical companies prove this the better.
The sooner Andy is gone the better for America
In case anyone has doubts,
thanks for sharing that. #FlipTheFirst
In related news to the topic of Marijuana Legalization in the State of Maryland, the proposed measure to put Marijuana Legalization on the ballot was NOT even brought to the floor in the Maryland legislature, even though 64% of Marylander’s have said they would support the measure. This is a perfect example of the Maryland legislature denying the will of the people and acting like Mafia that they are. The Maryland legislature needs to realize that law is supposed to be about what society perceives as acceptable and not what the elected criminals want to impose upon the public. The Maryland legislature is a useless organization of governmental corruption and measures should be taken to take some of their authority away and put it in the hands of the people. Let them draft and propose laws, but let the people vote on the laws themselves via the internet. The age of political persecution of society based on the opinions of a few partisan criminals forced upon us by the two political gangs needs to be ended. We can only vote to elect what the political gangs allow us to choose from and the R’s and the D’s don’t care about the will of the people. This issue I allude to is all the proof any citizen needs to realize that their government is in fact their enemy and not their friend.
DC Marijuana activist Adam Eidinger has moved to Salisbury with the goal of getting as many possible votes (10,000?) for Democratic challenger Allison Galbraith in the June 26th primary.
This is Allison Galbraith in Aberdeen, Md on May 3, 2018 at the New Harford Democratic Club meeting—
She looks high! Must be some good weed, oops, I mean medicine, she is on!
Thanks for introducing us to Nancy Pelosi junior. What’s her fatal flaw? you dems have a wife beater, a disbarred lawyer and a has been who did absolutely nothing while a member of the house. I can hardly wait for the next whack-a-doodle. Maybe you can get Art or his wife to run some more.
Who’s the wife beater?
I’m betting you don’t have the balls to answer and just crawl back into your bunker cluching your little gun while watching fox news….
Why is this such an issue? I do believe he is talking about Steve Johnson who allegedly beat his wife. I read this right here on the Dagger and it is nothing but an allegation. Still, why would anybody be afraid to answer your question?
You would have to ask the Old Guy why he is so afraid. Maybe he actually read the Dagger TOS.
I read it on the Dagger and then I repeated it on the Dagger. There is NO foul to repeat what one reads on the same website. If it were an issue the Dagger would have removed it…..
Well it’s pretty clear why you spent a year in prison.
No, not from my last comment. Nothing I typed could possibly tell you why I went to jail for a year. I did time for a non existent crime because the State is an 0rganized Crime Syndicate and a terrorist organization. Plain and simple. I was convicted because of perjury, coercion and extortion by the State of Maryland, not because of the crimes listed in Case Search. The State picks and chooses whom they wish to crucify. They are our “satans”. We must become their “ha-satans” and inflict ten times more punishment to the State, if WE THE PEOPLE are to ever be free again…..
It is Steve Johnson. No alleged about it, public record.
There seems to be a lot of confusion about the difference between Medical Marijuana and Recreational Marijuana. Medical Marijuana contains mostly CHC which will not give the “high” aspects associated with marijuana. Recreational Marijuana contains mostly THC, the more the merrier.
Please stop confusing medical marijuana with recreational marijuana. And medical marijuana does have side effects. One in particular relates to persons on blood thinners. And there are other concerns as well but none so severe that marijuana in either form should be illegal.
Wrong. THC has a plethora of uses such as stimulating appetite, preventing nausea, anti-depression ,Anorexia, Cachexia, Parkinson Disease, Asthma, Spasticity, etc. The CBD plants that don’t give the “high” effect you are speaking of do absolutely nothing for these ailments. You really have no clue about what you’re talking about. Either educate yourself before you type or continue to look like an ignorant fool.
THC does not do all these things. Most are done by CBD. THC is the psychoactive agent!
Well, we have another person who doesn’t know what they are talking about. Cdev, they have already had THC pills on the market for a very long time. The illnesses I just mentioned, along with many others, have been treated with THC pills. It is called “Marinol” and has been specifically used to treat cancer and AIDS patients for decades, but the pills have been used to treat the diseases I already mentioned as well.
The interesting part of that link is the side effects and precautions of this schedule 1 drug. Tylenol is more dangerous.
Not to mention WebMD is hamstrung by the FDA to only include certain conditions as treatable with THC. This is because of their affiliation with the Medical Community which is regulated by the FDA. Here is a better list from a site that doesn’t care about the FDA and their bogus regulations……
Now, I have depression that manifests itself in panic attacks. I have used cannabis in the past to treat this disorder. I rarely have the attacks anymore, but if I do I can always go and smoke some weed to get rid of the attacks. I was persecuted by your county because of this reason and was NOT allowed to use a Medical Marijuana defense because the Judges of your County are only interested in destroying human beings and NOT helping them. I have no respect for the Harford County Judiciary and will forever think of your County’s law enforcement, prosecutors and Judges as my mortal enemy. I have no reason to ever forgive them and will always have a burning hatred for all of them. They have levied war against the United States and I was a victim of this war known as the “War on Drugs”. This is treason as defined by section 3 of the US Constitution and everyone of them is guilty of treason. To this day I await justice and hope that they ALL suffer the full penalty of the treason they committed.
Soul Crusher, no one cares about your prattle.
Well, you are a complete illiterate fool. In order for their to be “prattle” we have to be speaking. You can NOT type “prattle”. It must be spoken. You need to find a dictionary and figure out what you want to say, then look up all the meanings of the words you want to use. Do it twice because right now you look like an illiterate fool.
If no one cares about the SoulCrusher’s “prattle,” why do they keep egging him on? Someone commented with their apparent interest in SoulCrusher’s backside on an article commending one of our schools…
Are you really so idiotic that you have no clue what you are talking about and bold enough to prove it to the world? What next you gonna tell us about your family member that died from an overdose from main lining the pot?