From Congressman Andy Harris:
Rep. Harris Applauds Decision to Seek New Iran Nuclear Agreement
WASHINGTON, DC: On May 8, President Trump announced his intention to withdraw from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, commonly referred to as the Iran nuclear deal, and seek a new agreement. Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) released the following statement in support of President Trump’s decision:
“The Iranian government sponsors terrorism, oppresses its own people, and has repeatedly threatened the United States and its allies. Without the consent of the United States Senate, the Obama Administration made a bad deal with Iran that has not made the American people or our allies any safer.
I applaud President Trump’s decision to reevaluate our nation’s strategy on Iran and seek a new, stronger Iran nuclear agreement. Any new deal with Iran must provide adequate accountability measures and cannot include a sunset date – two fronts on which the previous administration failed. The Iranian regime, and the terrorists it sponsors, must never obtain a nuclear weapon.”
Rep. Harris: President Trump’s Rescissions are Positive Progress
WASHINGTON, DC: On May 8, President Trump submitted to Congress a $15.4 billion rescissions request. The proposed rescissions package targets spending that is no longer necessary, has gone unused for a significant period of time, or has been diverted from its originally intended program. Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) issued the following statement in support of the proposal:
“President Trump’s proposed spending rescissions are positive progress toward reining in our out-of-control federal debt and deficit. Most of these proposed rescissions address unused funds from previous years – dollars that are no longer authorized to be spent. As these funds sit idly in various government accounts, it only makes sense to trim that excess spending from our budget. As Congress attempts to get our nation’s finances in order, we must ensure that taxpayer dollars are spent efficiently and effectively.”
Andy is so far up Trump’s a** that he would applaud him for starting a nuclear war. It’s shameful and embarrassing. Give it up, Andy. He doesn’t even know who you are. Your groveling makes you look weak and ineffectual. You ave got to go. #FliptheFirst. #TeamAllison
Andy with drawl isn’t possible trump is going to violate the agreement and just like healthcare he has zero plan to replace it with.
Please people stop voting for this idiot he’s going to get us all killed.
How come Andy has not commented about the lack of crab pickers that is hurting the crab industry on the Eastern shore? I guess he supported Trump on his immigration plan as well. Look where that has us now here in Maryland. Thanks least you have your health care.
When the crab industry is gone, will Andy then try to get it back? How many hits must this industry take? Trump was so shortsighted in his immigration plan that he forgot several industries…..right Andy?
They said only half the crab houses got pickers. I’m guessing the 1/2 that didn’t aren’t friends of Andy’s.
Nearly half!
40%of temporary workers in visa lottery!
I never liked the Iran Nuclear Deal and always thought this to be one of Obama’s low points. However, I don’t know if pulling out of a deal like this will upset our Nato coalition and other allies. Clearly a lot of European nations wish we would stay in it. I don’t see the point except for diplomacy, but Trump has made progress with North Korea when no one else could for the last 60 years.
You mean a deal where you give the trustworthy Iranians a pallet load of cash and in exchange you get their promise to be good and “snap” inspections only need a 30 day advance notice isn’t a good deal? I liked John Kerry better as the scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz… unfortunately his head is still full of straw.
Dumb ass the money we “gave them” was theirs. Jesus stop watching fox news already it’s rotting your brain
Wow, calling me a dumb ass completely changed my outlook. Gee, thanks mister. I’m sure glad liberals know how to explain things with insults so I can understand. I know the money was theirs… I also know they wanted it back. I also know that after months of “negotiations” they worked out a deal that is as dickless and toothless as the people that worked it out from “our” side. But of course, since I’m a dumb ass I guess I’m wrong and that was the best deal we could have gotten in exchange for returning their billions so they can fund terror throughout the Middle East.
Saudi Arabia is the biggest funder of terrorism, Christ you really are a dumbass and now with zero agreements with Iran they can rebuild their stockpiles of enriched uranium and get new centrifuges that they couldn’t under the old agreement that cadet bone spurs just violated.
On second thought keep watching fox news stupid is a good look for you.
You know both of you guys are right. Both Iran and Saudi Arabia fund terrorism. They do it because they hate us. Iran actually has some justification for our past interference in their country. Saudi Arabia on the other hand has received quite a bit from us. We give them money and sell them arms with the money we give them, so we basically give them armaments. The truth is both of them would love to see us wiped from the earth, along with most of the rest of the world. Our government has done some very bad things all over this globe and I don’t think we really have any true friends anymore. We are actually in an economic war with the rest of the world and they have been winning. The world couldn’t beat America with force, but they might just be able to destroy us with economics. This is where Trump might actually shine and this business man may make the moves a politician could never comprehend.
Does anyone else see Armageddon taking shape in the Middle East? This whole terrorist business with Iran (and Saudi Arabia) and Uranium and centrifuges scares the willies out of me.
We need another sneaky internet computer virus.
According to the texts, Armageddon will take place in the valley of Megiddo, which is in Israel. We should always be worried by any battle occurring in Israel because of these prophecies. I am actually more concerned about the happenings of earthquakes and volcanoes. Hawaii and Yellowstone are prime examples and if Yellowstone blows, it may bring the end of this world. It would vaporize a lot of area around it and would send us into an ice age that modern man can’t comprehend. We have become addicted and complacent to luxury and electronics. We have been desensitized to reality and anything offends us. I doubt most Americans would survive a new Ice Age as men are not men anymore, nor are women. We have become too weak and stupid to survive in a wilderness or apocalyptic environment. This is what really concerns me….