From Del. Glen Glass:
Delegate Glen Glass plans to address the topic of Smart Meters and Digital ERT Meters being forced on Maryland citizens. He wants to expose the method of operation of BGE’s Smart Meter Program and their agenda. It appears they are doing this deceptively and misleading the Maryland citizens. They have used this method on a resident of Harford County Mrs. Linda Dolan. Delegate Glen Glass said, “Mrs. Dolan is a 67 year old senior citizen who has opted out and BGE replaced a gas meter that wasn’t broken. They turned off her gas resulting in her having no way to cook and no air conditioning in excess of 90 degree temperatures. This type of behavior has been a pattern with BGE and I’ve gotten many complaints all over the state and this has been going on for years. This is outrageous that BGE is forcing these meters on customers who have opted out and don’t want or need a meter!”
In order to convince Mrs Dolan to replace her gas meter, they have mislead with her with several excuses. They threatened to disconnect her service and charge her a $70.00 reconnection fee. However, without her knowledge, BGE recently installed the “Bubble ERT Meter” and turned off her gas.
This appears to be the method of operation to move BGE’s agenda forward which puts the consumers health in jeopardy thus leaving them between a “Rock and a Hard Place”.
Smart Meters are bad because they cause fires, health risks, high bills and are a big brother invasion of privacy. Delegate Glass says “Nobody should have to pay to opt out of a smart meter and Governor Hogan cut the opt out fee in half.”
Delegate Glen Glass is a leader in the fight against Smart Meters and is working with to pass legislation and protect the citizens of Maryland from the many dangers of smart meters.
With a couple of exceptions, the Harford County delegation as a whole embarrassing. Glass is also paranoid.
So, it’s been going on for years? What have you done about it besides feeling outraged? Nothing!!! You will not get my vote.
You guys are so mean. Delegate Glass is a dreamboat.
His locks of curly red hair sit atop one of the shrewdest minds in Annapolis. Did you know he received the Best Teacher Award, Northeast Middle School in 2000?
He is smart as a whip, a statesman in the highest sense of the word.
I love Delegate Glass.
Tongue firmly in cheek Bernie?
Or you an idiot like your lover boy?
I imagine Glens life of living in the 60’s without WiFI or blue tooth, no cell or cordless phones no car key fob or tv remote must be interesting.
I didn’t realize I used gas to run my house’s A/C. Also, I need to go visit his site to learn of “the many dangers” of smart meters.
Great point! this lady must of really been pissed that she couldn’t boil some hot soup or run her furnace with out her natural gas being hooked up.
The single best reason for them to install smart meters is as a cost saving measure. Otherwise they wouldn’t bother. That would be fine by me if they’d pass just a little bit of the savings on to the consumer and pay the guys in the field better instead of just adding it to bonuses for a bunch of chair polishing d-bag executives.
Pay the guys in the field better? Seriously? It is easy to make 6 figures working in the field for BGE with only a high school education. Tell me what other employersmae that possible?
Yes. I’ll stand by that. The guy in the freezing cold bucket at 3 in the morning getting my power back on deserves the money far more than the arrogant, pencil pushing, college grad desk eagle. So your vote is to give the savings as bonuses to the chair polishers – because you can bet its not coming back to you. I understand. Oh, and there are fields (plumbers, electricians, IT, etc) where someone can earn 6 figures without a degree – you simply have to be good at what you do or better yet, open your own business. From what I’ve seen myself and what recent studies have shown, the average college grad isn’t learning anything much anyway. They’re spending most of their time being indoctrinated.
Please, Elect someone who actually do some useful work!