From Harford Community College:
Harford Community College is hosting an Imagination Fair on May 3 from 10 a.m. to 3 PM in Darlington Hall, Room 202. The event is free and open to the public. Food and beverages will be served, and there will be a drawing for a SurfacePro. Students are encouraged to wear school gear and memorabilia including Clemson accessories.
The Imagination Fair is a campus-wide event focusing on innovative and collaborative projects by HCC faculty, staff and students that are creative, interdisciplinary and use technology. Next-generation methods and approaches currently enhancing the lives of students at HCC will be highlighted during the fair.
From 10 AM to 3 PM, interactive table showcases will include information on the Digital Media Library; Online Internal Quality Assurance of Online Classes; the Live Chat Advising Program; and Makerspace, collaborative spaces where people gather to get creative with DIY projects, invent new ones, and share ideas. Information about digital restoration of old negatives and slides will be shared from noon to 3 PM, and A STEAM Learning Approach will be on display from noon to 1 PM.
7x7x7 Faculty Showcase will take place from 12:30 to 1:30 PM on topics including Owl Magazine; Learning Environment Modeling; HIV Education in Narva, Estonia; Undergraduate Oral History; and Undergraduate Research PL 204 Constitutional Law.
From 10 AM to 3 PM, table showcase/poster presentations will highlight the Residence in Scholar Project, Volunteering Program, the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918, Memories of Anne – A New Opera, and Spirit Day. From 10 AM to 1 PM, there will be information available on the Makerspace Taskforce; from 11 AM to 2 PM, Application of Happiness Activities; and from 2 to 3 PM, there will be a Baltimore Clipper Exhibition.
Throughout the day, a video presentation on Mass Casualty Simulation and 3D Camera as well as information about the College’s 60th Anniversary Celebration will be shown. A formal presentation on Procaffinating or Daily Grind: Cognitive Response and Coffee Consumption is scheduled from noon to 1 PM.
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