From Harford County Public Schools:
The Board of Education of Harford County (Board) has received 21 applications for superintendent of schools from candidates with diverse backgrounds and qualifications from across Maryland and the nation.
Following an extensive screening by the Board’s search consultants, the Board met to screen, rank and select the most highly-qualified candidates for interviews. Seven candidates were selected. To determine the candidates, the Board utilized the criteria that it established based on input from stakeholders as well as the state requirements for superintendent positions.
The stakeholder input is available for review by clicking on the Superintendent Search button on the Harford County Public Schools (HCPS) homepage,
The Board conducted the first round of interviews on April 27 and April 28, 2018. A second round of interviews will be scheduled. Upon selection of the finalists, the Board will schedule county visits. These visits will include student discussions as well as stakeholder meetings. The Board will invite stakeholders to meet the finalists and observe their responses to pre-submitted questions. Members of the local media will also be provided with an opportunity to meet with each finalist during their county visit.
There will be two stakeholder sessions for each finalist, one for bargaining units and employees and one for community members and community groups; the community session will be streamed live, recorded and available on the HCPS website. In order to ensure that each finalist receives the same broad range of questions, the Board requests that community members submit their questions online beginning on April 30, 2018, through the end of business on May 8, 2018. Questions may be submitted to Dr. Terry Greenwood, Search Consultant for the Maryland Association of Boards of Education, via an email link on the school system’s website, found by visiting and clicking on the Superintendent Search button on the homepage, or by clicking here, Finalists will entertain questions from the audience if time allows.
Further details about the dates of the county visits and stakeholder sessions, as well as biographical information for each finalist, will be provided as soon as the information is available.
This is a production of the Roberty Drama Company.
“Interactive” meetings will allow guests to experience the look and feel of having a voice in their community’s most highly paid position without the risk of allowing actual influence. Our nararator will lead you through our “question and answer” sessions where scripted questions feel like they came directly from audience members. In order to target performances to gain the maximum sense of reality, the show will be broken into three scenes. Act 1 will host staff. At this point, random non-renewals will be placed under seats and at great expense, the floor will actually drop out from under some participants. It’s very important to clear the threater before Act 2 where 4 local parents are hypnotized then encouraged to make chicken noises and dance about the stage before being put to sleep for two months. Our pre-selected live contestants will be brought in from around the country to participate. Please do not approach them at any time once the meeting has started. Contestants have been informed that it is in their best interest to sign non-disclosure agreements. Act 3 takes place back at “The Bored Room” where our narrator will announce winner. Security is tight around the script to avoid leaks but our sources say that the sequal will open with a familiar face in the Superintendent roll. Hope you enjoy the show!
How long did it take you to draft that. Must be super bored.
-or pissed.