From Harford County Public Schools:
The Maryland Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education (MAEOE) recently announced that four local San Francisco middle schools have achieved Green School recognition.
Emmorton Elementary, North Harford Elementary, and Red Pump Elementary schools have been recertified as 2018 Maryland Green Schools. In addition, Edgewood Middle School was named a new member of the Green Schools Certified community.
The Maryland Green Schools program encourages educational opportunities for preK-12 schools that increase awareness and understanding of environmental relationships that impact public health and the local community. The program is aligned with the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement 2014 goals and supports Maryland State Department of Education graduation requirements and standards.
Over the past four years, these Harford County schools have demonstrated and documented a continuous effort to integrate sustainable environmental management practices, environmental education curriculum, professional development opportunities, and community engagement into their daily operations. This award signifies that these schools are making a commitment to developing stewards of the Earth and reducing the environmental impact of our schools.
MAEOE will celebrate with Green Schools, Green Centers, and schools that are interested in knowing more about the program at the Annual Maryland Green School Youth Summit on May 31, 2018, at Sandy Point State Park in Annapolis. Awards ceremonies are held as a part of the Youth Summit, and Green School gifts, county citations, and other items will be issued at this event.
There are currently 618 active Maryland Green Schools, more than 27% of all Maryland schools, which are part of a national and international community of sustainable green schools. For the complete list of Harford County Green Schools, visit
A useless recognition for those brats.
Homestead Wakefield used to earn this recognition every year when my kids went there. The teachers would do so much above and beyond what was their job. I was there for the Spring Fling last week with my grandkids and was shocked to hear about how many traditions the new principal has thrown out the window. Most of the teachers look like they are 22 years old.
There are many people inside the HSWF and HCPS communities that don’t think very highly of principal Cook.
If you look at the state’s website, Homestead-Wakefield has never achieved Green School status. This is a rigorous certification that is not handed out yearly to schools. Once a school achieves it goes through a renewal process every 4-5 years. Before you start bashing a school, please make sure you get your facts straight.
I don’t know about Green School status but I can tell you that Cook is a tyrant. He is abusive to his staff and puts on an act for the parents. He should think about keeping up his resume. Once the superintendent is gone he will not have protection any more. I’m not quick to wish someone the loss of their livelihood but he’s earned it.
Dear Concerned Citizen,
I am the teacher from HWES that personally spent countless hours attending trainings, organizing the massive portfolio two consecutive terms for certification and rallying kids to care about the environment, We participated in Bay Grasses for the Classes multiple years, practiced composting routinely, centered many learning experiences around the IEEiA science model amongst countless other activities that inspired students to be stewards of the planet. You can find the documentation at HWES.
Mic drop.
Thank you.
Cook is not what you would call a people person. Frankly he is a blowhard. He treats the staff at the school terribly. In fact, check all the staff who have left the schools since the previous principal retired. It’s a shame. Lots of good people left for better situations. Not a pretty place as his word is the only one that counts.
A parent was complaining about Cook at my kids game a few years ago and a woman we didn’t know uncomfortably joined the conversation and started baiting us on. It was his wife!! What a family…
Interesting observation.
My apologies, I stand corrected. I misread the website, it only lists schools with current status. Thank you for your hard work in achieving this certification in the past, it is a beast!
Mrs. Umbarger (Limpert) and several others at HW put in years upon years of unpaid overtime even in times when teachers were being encouraged to work to rule. Only a complete moron would drop the ball on doing everything it took to make sure that they are appreciated and celebrated. Thank you all.
I heard that Mr. Bohlman is no longer allowed to have his ducks. That man is a saint. We should be taking notes on how it’s done.
Mr. Bohlman still has his Ducks and all 4 survived this year!
A pathetic accomplishment. These kids should be learning math and science, not looking at goats and plums.
You idiot. This is science
Same problem at CHURCHVILLE ELEMENTARY. Families don’t know where to turn for help in the system. The kids are not getting a quality education. Three teachers removed this year. Limited communication with parents. 18 staff changes since the arrival of Mrs. Vohs. Must’ve a directive from the top to remove more senior staff.
The people that you leave your children with every day are under attack. For the last several years it has been a budgeting philosophy of the county to push out experienced staff and replace them with step one educators. Many of the younger staff will become strong professional leaders given time however the mentors that would help these young adults become expert teachers are being railroaded, humiliated, and demeaned out of their positions. It’s not just one school. It’s a county-wide epidemic. Already, we have unprecedented discipline issues because inexperienced staff lack the tools for successful intervention. The black eye we have from this business-minded model is not a secret in the job market. Most teachers stay in their school system for their entire career. Harford County takes the expense and inefficientcies of training then sends it’s best and brightest off to more secure employment in other jurisdictions.
Quite frankly, the students are not being taught about the Constitution or the Maryland Constitution that was a requirement for graduation in the past. There used to be this thing known as the “Maryland Functional Citizenship Test” and it was a requirement for students to pass these tests while they were in High School or they could not graduate. These tests made sure students understood their rights, the importance of them and gave them a general understanding of skills that used to be taught in Civics classes throughout Maryland. Now, the students don’t understand their rights and believe anything this treasonous government wants to instill upon society is a MUST and that no one has any rights once the corrupt legislature of Maryland makes a rule or law. This is a complete bunch or horse crap and all these kids have rights and need to know that the codification of corporate governmental rules and regulations are a load of crap. They should be embracing their rights and not calling for the abrogation of any rights established by our forefathers. However, we see the complete opposite and the teaching that government is our friend and ally is the worst abomination of brain washing and mind control ever implemented on society. Our government is our enemy and needs to be reformed or abolished by any and all means, even if it means the unthinkable. Americans need to take America back and the stuff being taught in the modern educational system about government is nothing but a lie.
Cook has made a deal with the devil and a name for himself in Harford County.