From The Committee to Elect Jeff Gahler:
The Committee to Elect Jeff Gahler is proud to announce that Sheriff Jeffrey R. Gahler has received the endorsement of the Harford County Deputy Sheriff’s Union in this year’s election. The Deputy Sheriff’s Union, whose membership of over 300 active and retired law enforcement deputies, overwhelmingly voted to endorse Sheriff Gahler for a second term. The endorsement was announced by the Union’s President, Mike Montalvo, on Thursday.
Sheriff Gahler spoke about the endorsement this week and touted the open and productive working relationship between the Office of the Sheriff and the Deputy Sheriff’s Union. Sheriff Gahler highlighted the recent collective bargaining legislation and the restoration of a fair and equitable salary plan for the men and women on the street keeping our community safe. Nearly 10 years of neglect prior to Sheriff Gahler taking office resulted in a compression of pay scale and salaries that had also become no longer competitive with surrounding agencies. These issues resulted in recruiting challenges and the loss of tenured employees.
Sheriff Gahler initiated a salary study in his first year in Office that resulted in the framework used to correct the salary issues paralyzing progress. Working with County Executive Glassman and the employee groups, all employees of the Sheriff’s Office have seen significant relief in each of the last four budget years, inclusive of what has been included in this year’s budget submission from the County Executive. Notably, Sheriff Gahler’s support of employees rights to be a formal part of the negotiations related to their salaries and benefits, now ensures the employees and their representatives have a voice in maintaining the positive steps taken during Sheriff Gahler’s first term.
Although Sheriff Gahler indicated the salary issues and collective bargaining were at the forefront of the valuable working relationship, the Deputy Sheriff’s Union has also been instrumental in issues of policy, planning and public safety as a whole.
Jeff Gahler is a 40 year resident of Harford County and resides in the Forest Hill Community with his wife, Sonya, and their two daughters, Shelby and Sydney. He is a North Harford High School and Harford Community College graduate and obtained both his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Management from Johns Hopkins University. Sheriff Gahler is a past member of the adjunct faculty within the Public Safety Leadership Program at the Johns Hopkins University and is a former operating partner with the Advanced Leadership Consortium, a company committed to providing quality training and consulting services to public safety organizations and private businesses. Prior to being elected as Harford County’s Sheriff in 2014, Jeff Gahler had served 28 years as a sworn member of the Maryland State Police, retiring as a command member in 2012.
To learn more about Jeff Gahler and his campaign, please visit or follow him on Twitter@JeffGahler
I question some of their endorsements but I am sure this was a no brainer. Best Sheriff we have ever had!
Did what he said he would do if elected and has the support of his deputies. Too bad all politicians can’t manage the same. Thank you Sheriff. Four more and then four more.
He also got himself a 30% pay raise. You stand up for your deputies first and then you get yourself a fat raise. Deputy’s have gotten an every four year keep your mouth shut and endorse me raise. Gahler got a 30k raise.
Been going on for decades, why stop now, although this Sheriff seems to have his act together a bit more than some of our past ones….
Where did you read and believe that lie from? Democrat Boardman? Gahler makes $117,000 as sheriff. Since the legislature sets his salary and it can only increase at the start of a new term, he got himself nothing guaranteed. He got the position of sheriff a raise to $136,000. That is $19,000 and doesn’t even make the position the highest paid in the office. And of course it is only his if he wins re-election. I wonder why tons of people didn’t come running for the chance at such a great increase? Because Gahler has done a great job and the position is still underpaid for the responsibilities that comes with it.
Lying Jesse replaced by lying and hate spewing Chris Boardman. Hey Mr. Writer and Researcher Boardman, let’s see you refute Factman and prove you weren’t making crap up. If not, the try to hold the smallest amount of dignity and apologize to our good sheriff and maybe the citizens of Cecil County too while you are at it. Bane wasn’t smart enough to apologize when he espoused crap. Can you do better Boardman?
Isn’t Gahler collecting a pension from the State Police? Seriously people…..If he is to be paid private sector wages then get an education and skills that are commensurate.
@Bill Walker
Looks like you got your ass handed to you by Factman. Can you enlighten us all how $19k is the same as 30k or were you just misinformed due to laziness or were you just lying outright? Inquiring conservatives want to know.
I question all the Deputy Sheriff’s Union endorsements.
It seems the only qualifications for endorsement are 1, being a republican candidate and 2. being a police officer.
Two endorsements are comical. The HCDSU endorsed dog killer Jerry Scarborough, but hell he is an ex-State Trooper. And the Deputy union endorsed a politician who last year was arrested for drunk driving– Republican Rick Impallaria
What happen to pride, integitry and guts!
Not to mention the slap in the face message they sent to our Governor Hogan who has been nothing more than spectacular in supporting them, by failing to endorse both of the appointed Judges and leave Judge Kries out for a whining and tamper tantrum throwing when she doesn’t get her way unqualified Diane Tobin?
Shouldn’t the Sheriff look into Scarborough’s mental health. Does Scarborough still have weapons? He may be a threat to the community.
Not only did he admit & was charged with killing his neighbors dogs, he also put his hands on a child. More recently had a restraining order for another confrontation. The order stated he needed to turn over his weapons.
Keep in mind, this is NOT an endorsement from the Sheriffs Office or Sheriff Gahler. This is a union, which is usually a high paying liberal group.
Just sad to see any form of law enforcement supporting such despicable behavior.
I believe Uncle Jerry’s guns were confiscatated last year after a domestic violence case and a restraining order,
So was Obama’s ability to practice law I believe. Your point?
Ask Uncle Jerry to show you his retired ID card and retirement Badge some time? They won’t give him one.
Someone needs to look into a senior staff member and double dipping. A birdie tells me this isn’t the first time he’s been in trouble but he weasled out last time by getting immunity. The truth will come out. Today, tomorrow, next month or a few years from now but it will come out. I’m watching and I’m not the only one.
Uncle Jesse? Damn it, get back in your soft room.
Like most libs you operate in the shadows because you fear the light.
The biggest question I have is that if Aaron Penman gets elected why should I as a county taxpayer have to pay for him to take 4 months of paid leave a year. If he is given leave with pay as he’s earning a 40k salary in Annapolis, why isn’t every Officer given the same leave. The Sheriff shouldn’t be able to dictate who gets free leave so that person can go try to pass through “Gahler Bills” in Annapolis. If you give that leave to Penman you need to do the same for the rest of your 500 deputy’s who work hard everyday.
It’s a slap in the face to deputies like the one that takes care of his handicapped son but still comes to work and busts his butt everyday. It’s a slap in the face to male/female deputies that want to spend as much as much time as they can with their newborn child but run out of their own vacation/sick leave. If Penman wants to go to Annapolis it should be leave without pay. He will be making 10,000 a month in Annapolis while he is gone. The same 13 people like Gahlers posts, so I expect a crappy rebuttal with about 13 likes from his command staff and their spouses.
Penman is another one who needs to be shown the door…..
Where has Gahler said he would give Penman a paid leave of absence to attend the session if he is elected?
Gahler will probably follow the precedent that was sent when it happened last time. Not new territory here. Harkins was a sergeant at the sheriffs office and elected delegate.
Just because a so called “precedent” was created 20 years ago doesn’t make it right. Gahler seems like a guy who does the right thing most of the time. In this case he shouldn’t give someone he is supporting 4 months off a year at the taxpayers expense. Penman wasn’t forced to run he chose to run. He should use any leave he has and when it runs out he goes on leave without pay. Harkins being allowed to be on leave with pay was a political favor at that time and so is Penman being allowed.
He will because he already has Committed to it privately and if he can confirm different, please by all means do so. He’s on here so if he wanted to he could but he won’t. Any other stupid questions you already know the answer to? I think Sheriff Gahler just didn’t expect or want the public to know that.
What are you talkin bout? You make assumptions and turn them into accusations. Crawl back in your hole of hate and wait and see how things turn out. Also, did you not see that the deputies support Penman too. You stink of desperation and fear.
Well Matt, that good old boy system keeps chugging away here in Harford County all the way to Annapolis. And I’m sure many of the hard working Deputies are probably asking themselves the same thing. And in the solitude of their private space for fear of the repercussions they may face if they openly ask…..
That’s the key. Most deputies won’t say anything to anyone because they are scared. But if I worked hard everyday and someone with the same amount of time in got 4 months off and got paid, I would be mad. This won’t stand up in court if someone sued the county. HCSO and the County will pay big time when a jury agrees.
I can’t imagine them endorsing Ryden, unless of course, they’ve never looked him in the eyes and had a real discussion with him.
Anybody but Ryden!
Can I just ask why? I thought I liked him but I am always looking to educate myself.
This is no real surprise. From what limited information I have about your Sheriff race, it seems that Gahler and Boardman are the only candidates running. Boardman isn’t even trying to win and is just repeating a bunch of Democratic talking points that really have nothing to do with operations of the office of Sheriff. The endorsement of Gahler seemed to be guaranteed at this point in the game. Now someone mentioned the Penman issue and I’m not so sure Penman can be an elected official and be an employee of the Sheriff’s Office at the same time, but that is something you residents of Harford County need to look into. I agree that a 4 month hiatus every year while session is in would probably not be good for the morale of the other Deputies if he is getting paid by some sort of special leave. However, corruption runs deep in Harford County and more than likely will continue to do so….
Who wouldn’t support a person that controls your salary? Give me more money and I’ll follow you home like a puppy. Have a raffle for an assault weapon and I’ll talk nice about you, if I win the assault weapon I’ll never leave your side.
There was never a raffle for an assault weapon. What was raffled was a version of a semi-automatic AR-15 that is legal to own in the State of Maryland. I have my own personal gripe against Penman, but I won’t agree to that fiction. If you will follow someone just because of money, then you are what you are….
The last 2 elections the union endorsed a sheriff who did nothing for them in his entire 8 years in office. He managed through fear and favors for those who supported him and gave him money. Just look at how some of the past union presidents ended up in premier positions when they should have been fired. Gahler has been a leader who brought stability and fairness to the office and he has fought tooth and nail to get the deputies raises and benefits. That is why the union supports him, period.
For sure. Typical lying Democrat Jesse Bane. Remember the lie about 70 troopers being fired? Remember the lie about the number of jail deaths? Wonder why he didn’t make a run for it again since many libs see him as their strongest Dem candidate? How downright pathetic is that! My bet is because Gahler fixed most of the stuff in three years that Bane spent 30+ years screwing up! Now he is too busy destroying BAPD with his Howdy Doody Chief head nodder. How worthless must you feel after two terms as sheriff and a whole career to see an outsider come in an succeed and win the support of the deputies? My guess is pretty worthless and explains why he is such an angry little man.
Hard truth but truth all the same. Well said. Jesse probably is sobbing in Chief Howdy Doody’s (Lol!) arms right now.