From the Aberdeen Police Department:
On Monday, April 23, 2018 at approximately 5:44 AM, a man entered the Aberdeen Police station suffering from gunshot wounds to the upper body. Officers provided the victim immediate assistance and summonsed Aberdeen Fire and EMS. Once on the scene the victim, 62, was transported to John’s Hopkins Bayview where he is currently in critical condition.
Preliminary investigation revealed the victim was shot while seated inside his parked vehicle outside of his residence in the 200 block of Angus Road. After the shooting, the victim immediately drove to the police station to seek assistance.
Investigators do not believe this shooting was a random act of violence. In August of 2016, police investigated a similar shooting involving the same victim who was shot while sitting inside his residence. That incident remains unsolved.
Anyone with information about this incident is asked to please call Detective Sergeant Tomlinson of the Aberdeen Police Department Criminal Investigation Division at 410-272-2121.
This whole situation seems strange to me. Guy gets shot in his house 2 years ago and now in his car in a neighborhood at 6 am? Not sure why he would do this but I wonder if it’s not self inflicted?
If it’s not start with angry neighbor, angry co worker or angry family. This isn’t your typical Aberdeen thug drive by shooting. Hopefully APD gets to the bottom of this.
Sounds more like this guy pissed off the wrong person or owes someone money.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he knows who the shooter, but isn’t cooperating.
I agree
This is a prime example of why people should stop thinking that police can protect you. They can deter and they can respond, but no one can prevent crime. Odds are that if this man survives and returns home he will be shot again. There is no such thing as protection provided by the state. They can patrol. They can respond. They can not provide protection from someone who is determined to kill you. You MUST protect yourself, hence the 2nd Amendment. If this man was armed he might have shot his attacker and the story would read differently. However, he would have needed a carry permit to possess a gun on his person. The law has been written to eliminate a person’s ability to protect themselves unless they are in their home or can meet the standards set by your treasonous government allowing you to carry on your person. Your government has no concern for you or your rights and this is because your government is treasonous against WE THE PEOPLE, whom are the United States. You ALL need to watch the accompanied video and ask yourselves the question contained. We have no one but ourselves to blame…..
If a person shoots you from ambush, a concealed carry permit isn’t going to do you any good.
Wouldn’t be the first time an ambush didn’t work out as planned. Just because you think you got the drop on someone doesn’t mean they didn’t see you coming. Sometimes things don’t go as planned.
Really? Because I think instead of just bleeding while he walked to the police station he could have maybe put a few rounds into the POS that shot him first… hopefully killing him so society won’t have to deal with him any more.
@Pamela, I see you are a “glass half-empty” person.
I suspect in 50 years or less a majority of Americans will want gun control similar to that of the United Kingdom. America has millions of guns but the generational shift towards gun control is way above those who want less gun control.
Although this is a parody video, this is what I expect most fellow Americans to think about guns in a few decades from now:
You’re right as long as the Democratic party’s propaganda keeps being taught in schools. This is because it is a Democrat’s dream to have every right and all individuality removed from the world in conformity with what their treasonous party wants everyone to be. The Democrats want everyone to be unarmed and rely on police and security forces for protection and safety. A centralized government can easily take over the whole nation if WE THE PEOPLE are unarmed and the 2nd Amendment was created to prevent this. We need legislation banning politics from being taught in school. You’re definitely right though, if education remains as it is now everyone’s children will be brainwashed into believing what the Democratic party wants them to and that is disarmament is vital to security. This is wrong and the reality is vice versa. This country needs weapons in the hands of citizens to keep it free.
Soul Cusher, I like an intelligent man. Are you single?
Someone is a terrible shot, ambushed for the second time and they still can’t get the job done. Guess us taxpayers are going to be paying the medical expenses this time around also.