From Christopher C. Boardman, candidate for Harford County Sheriff:
Last year the incumbent sheriff Jeffrey Gahler persuaded the legislature to grant him an annual pay raise of approximately $30,000 starting with the next term
of office.
As one of those who opposed the raise, and who is running for sheriff this year, I have decided to donate the pay raise to Harford Community College for fifteen $2,000 annual scholarships for tuition for students based on need, if I am elected.
I have already spoken to officials at the college about this plan and they are amenable to it. I am also hopeful that others who wish to contribute to the new Harford County Sheriff’s Scholarship Fund will do so. Funding for higher education is both necessary and important.
My wife and I are very comfortable and we do not need the additional funds that would be in the raise. At the same time, we build a better community and future when we help our young people
advance their educations.
Harford Community College is the perfect organization to coordinate this effort and I know this from personal experience as I have studied and taken courses there in the past.
Christopher C. Boardman
Candidate for Harford Co. Sheriff
Easy to make a promise you won’t ever have to keep.
Boardman convienently leave out the great job the sheriff has done bringing about the restoration of a fair pay plan for all employees. He is now a little less that the #2 person in the office. Not event he top. How is that fair. All the same the sheriff agreed to it in fixing all the salaries. Boardman wouldn’t be able to carry Gahlers bunion much less get so much accomplished. Keep writing your hateful crap Mr. Boardman and people will keep hating you.
Last year, the sheriff was paid $117,000. The bill that passed last year takes the annual salary to $136,000. Not only is Boardman a joke of a candidate, he can’t do math or research or both. Maybe just easier for him to lie?
That is not a $30,000 raise and it took me 5 minutes to find the truth. I believe this doesn’t even make the sheriff the highest paid person at the sheriff’s department.
Let’s see, with a little tool called the internet, I found this article that totally discredits Boardman’s claims. Look like the sheriff’s salary is about $117,500 and going to $136,000. That amounts to $18,500. $18,500 is not $30,000. Not a bad raise and open to anyone who wanted the job that our great sheriff does. Not one legitimate candidate stepped up. Only this 70 some year old guy with zero law enforcement experience, with hateful comments like calling all Cecil County residents REDNECKS and now caught lying, saying the raise is $30,000. Boardman claims to be a writer and really, he is this bad at facts and research? Krist, can you do anything right?
I am not so sure Boardmans offer is legal. Maryland law says:
Campaigns often give out small items, such as buttons, stickers, refrigerator magnets, and emery
boards, to help advertise their campaign. While such traditional campaign memorabilia are not
prohibited, it should be noted that certain non-traditional giveaway items (regardless of their cost)
may cross the line from mere advertising to being a gift to induce a vote, which is prohibited.
Furthermore, a giveaway may never be cash or a gift card with a cash value.
Isn’t he offering cash to induce a bunch of votes???
Good job Mr. Boardman, I hope Sheriff Gahler decides to do the same. Elected officials shouldn’t be doing it for the pay.
Not likely Gaher would do it. Remember when he wanted to keep his consulting business while also being sheriff?
So I guess you are doing your job for free, Sheriff Gahler is the hardest working elected official in the State and deserves to be paid for it. What good job did boardman do? Saying your going to donate something you don’t have is easy. A good job would be to donate the same amount now. Put your money where your mouth is old man.
I am offended by your use of the term “old man.”
Without one word about how he could actually accomplish anything related to keeping us all safe, there are idiots like PenGirl who say good job! Liberals trying to run the world. Thank God they are just too dumb to do it
Didn’t Jesse Bane give away his pay and authority to Fred Visnaw?
You won’t and you won’t.
Sounds like a desperate candidate to me. Gahler is loved in HC and should get paid for all that does.
He is not uniformly “loved” in Harford County.
Of course isn’t. No one is., however regardless of Gahler’s many faults is loads better than this joker
Why aren’t donating the same amount to the college now? You saying you are going to donate a raise that you will never have is like me saying I will donate my lotto winning and never buying a ticket. I want my sheriff to be paid good and we have the best sheriff in the State.
Why don’t you offer to donate you whole salary to the young rednecks of Cecil County. Make them better citizens since you think so little of them all. You are an embarrassment to the political process and an embarrassment in all. Great job hate monger.
You forgot ugly, lazy and disrespectful.
Well, if you were elected Sheriff and you donated their raises to the Community College I think you wouldn’t be a very well liked Sheriff by your own employees. They would more than likely seek employment elsewhere. However, I don’t think you would have the authority to donate money allocated for the HCSO to the College and it would wind up costing you. Anyway, are you trying to give people even more reasons to dislike you? No Sheriff would give away his Deputies’ raises and I believe you aren’t even tying to run a campaign at this point.
Oh, you mean you want to donate your own raise. So, you want to be just like Donald Trump. I didn’t know you admired him…..
Isn’t this the same idiot who wanted the Sheriff to do a gun buy back but wouldn’t find it? Liar and hater. Better luck in your next life you old coot.
Fund it.
Chris, Wslk over to a mirror and take a long look. That is what a failed life looks like. A sad little hate filled man who has accomplished nothing. A sad statement and a sad life. Bye Mr. Boringnmman.
I noticed a sign at the local wawa hiring. I suggest boardman apply there, at least he could break his 0-6 streak.
If he’s lucky. Wawa does have standards.
A partisan hack.
Breaking news: If elected Boardman plans to adopt all the puppies in Harford county. Plant 12 trees per day in office, personally clean snow off every Sheriffs deputy vehicle in the fleet during the winter, and buy snowballs for every deputy on hot days.
That’s funny. Unfortunately you just took away Boardman’s next four letter topics. Now he has to start all over again.
If Jerry Scarborough is elected what is going to happen to all the puppies???
There won’t be any more puppies! I am still in shocker he is running with all that is on his record. He must have a huge ego to think he should win.
That and an extremely low IQ
LOL! Believe that comment, and you’ll have Soul Crusher barking in yellow tinsel until the moon becomes Sinclair Lewis!
No. We all know that comment is soaked in sarcasm. What we also know is the Democrats are treasonous and Boardman isn’t running a legitimate campaign. How’s that for yellow tinsel?
Soul Crusher, I miss Joanne Parrott. She was pretty.
I never met her, nor did I know her politics. I saw her picture in the Maryland archives and she wasn’t an ugly woman, so I can agree with your statement. However, I don’t know what that has to do with what we’re talking about.
She was gorgeous. Shame on you for attacking a dead woman. You are filth.
You’re just a whack job.
This Boardman guy is insufferable. Why does the Dagger keep giving him press?
Probably because thousands of American Citizens have fought and died for Mr. Boardman’s right to make his insufferable comments.
I doubt people would have given there lives if they had gotten a look at boardmans mindless drivel beforehand.
Entertainment. It’s hard to look away from a train wreck. Just look at all the comments s/he generates.
Just call me almighty. Jesus “Christ” Almighty. JC for short.
Excuse me Mr. Boardman, but Jack the janitor would make a far more qualified candidate than you. I think many at the Office would agree with me.