From the Harford County Education Association:
The Harford County Education Association (HCEA) and Harford Educational Services Council (HCESC) proudly announced their endorsement of Delegate Mary Ann Lisanti for re-election as Delegate to the Maryland House of Delegates for District 34A.
Delegate Lisanti has strong record of supporting public education during her first term in the Maryland Legislature. Her votes in favor of The Protect Our Schools Act and The Fix the Fund Act will help position Maryland to have the best public schools in our nation. Her vote for SB 639 will reduce teacher churn by helping to ensure teachers have the right to a fair dismissal process. Delegate Lisanti has also been an ardent supporter of working families. Her votes for The Maryland Healthy Working Families Act and income tax relief for retired military, law enforcement and first responders stand as a testament of her commitment to working people throughout Harford County.
“Delegate Lisanti has been a strong voice for educators in Annapolis. Her record speaks for itself. HCEA is pleased that she has sought and earned our endorsement through her strong support of our children and our schools,” said HCEA Vice President Chrystie Crawford-Smick.
Donna Woodfield, President of the Harford County Educational Services Council said, “Harford County Educational Services Council (HCESC)proudly endorses Mary Ann Lisanti for Delegate. Her voting record on education issues makes her a great choice for the children of Harford County.”
Throughout her first term, Delegate Lisanti has proven to be among the hardest working legislators in Annapolis and the most effective member of the Harford County Delegation. Her efforts to find bi-partisan solutions to the problems faced by community members, businesses, workers and educators is unparalleled in the Maryland Legislature. HCEA and HCESC call on all voters in District 34A to cast their vote to re-elect Delgate Mary Ann Lisanti.
HCEA and HCESC vet all candidates for endorsement through a careful selection process, which includes completion of a questionnaire and interviews with educators. All candidates are given the opportunity to participate in the HCEA endorsement process.
Teachers support Lisanti? Good to know.
I see no harm in the HCEA’s endorsement of Lisanti. The real problem that needs to be addressed is politics being taught in schools and the participation in Common Core. The Democratic Party should not be in control of the schools, nor should any other political party. This is harmful to the country and under Common Core the Gates Foundation controls which schools stay open and curriculum changes. The Gates Foundation is basically owned and operated by the Democratic Party and this is NO GOOD. Delegate Lisanti, WE THE PEOPLE demand that no political party controls the educational system and that politics should NOT be taught in schools by teachers or administrators. If the kids want to talk politics, let them, but any teacher or administrator that is found to be pushing a political agenda should be terminated immediately.
Politics is not taught in our schools. The CCSS is not a political curriculum. In fact, it is not a curriculum and it was not created by the Gates Foundation. The CCSS is a set of standards which set benchmarks for students.
The state-led effort to develop the Common Core State Standards was launched in 2009 by state leaders, including governors and state commissioners of education from 48 states, two territories and the District of Columbia, through their membership in the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). State school chiefs and governors recognized the value of consistent, real-world learning goals and launched this effort to ensure all students, regardless of where they live, are graduating high school prepared for college, career, and life.
The standards are informed by:
The best state standards already in existence
The experience of teachers, content experts, states, and leading thinkers
Feedback from the public
Ryan, you are a decent person and I don’t want to get your goad, but I disagree with your beliefs in the Common Core system. The Gates Foundation is owned by the Democratic party. I am opposed to any national system of education and believe it’s nothing but a Democratic workaround allowing the government to control the educational system on a national level, even though government control of the educational system is forbidden. I know you support this system and I don’t blame you being part of it and all. However, it is detrimental to the good of the people and their children. What I have seen recently, especially the Parkland incident, has led me to believe Democratic politics are being taught in schools across this nation and I believe the Common Core system has something to do with it. I can agree to disagree with you, but this policy set up by Obama, controlled by a Democratic ruling body and the disgraceful teaching of the abrogation of the US Constitution regarding the 2nd Amendment is an act of treason in my book. Sorry, but I don’t trust my government and it needs to be either reformed or we need to get rid of it at all costs even if that means the unthinkable.
“Goad”? fitting use in a discussion on education. Baahahahahahaha
Well, they are prodding the children into believing the treasonous views of the Democratic party….
You idiot you can’t even admit you used a common phrase incorrectly.
It’s not ” get your goad”
If you get someone’s goad, you’re basically spurring them to action or into an argument, often without any real point to the argument. However, I have a few common phrases I would like to use on you, but the Dagger will censor me for once again telling the truth….
Wow I along with the entire internet had never heard of Getting someones goad. Thanks for sharing your new made up phrase with the world.
Really? I can’t believe what your saying and I don’t believe what your saying. However, it’s pointless to argue the matter and if I did use it incorrectly then my mistake. But, I’m not going to apologize to a oversensitive panty wearing man who is obviously a member of a treasonous political party. Having an argument about “goat” or “goad” is just as frivolous as the Democratic suit against Trump. It just doesn’t matter and both ways of using the phrase is acceptable……
We are going to have to agree to disagree. Read the CCSS. Ask yourself if there is anything there that you would not want your child to be able to do at those benchmarks. Thank you for your decency.
You are an outstanding public servant, Mr. Burbey. I want to thank you for your service.
I would want my child to be as equal to any other, yet allow that same child to excel at what it was gifted to do. I have no children. I can not father children. I am alarmed at the recent teachings to our students the Democratic party’s treasonous views of politics. The Democratic party has been on a path of treason since FDR stole our gold and sold us to the Federal Reserve. I used to lean Democratic though, thinking people and the social reforms were probably best for our nation. The recent Democratic propaganda that was spewed from the survivors of the Parkland incident firmly changed that view altogether. The Democratic party is the enemy and I see that now. I am against any reform by any Democrat now and I believe that to be a Democrat is to be a traitor. That’s my concern. The children should not be taught by treasonous scum and nothing will change my opinion regardless of what carrot you may dangle in front of me. I now believe that the total destruction of the Democratic party is what is best for this nation.
Soul crusher please cite which standard is teaching Democratic Party views. Specifically what standard.
It’s whatever unwritten standards that a controlling body of Democrat hierarchy has implemented. We are not blind. We saw those kids acting like the 2nd Amendment was a bad thing and not the unalienable right that is supposed to be taught. Maybe, it’s about what is not being taught and I believe that whatever is going on is deliberate. Besides, do you really think the treason would be listed in the standards?
@Burbey. You’re correct, Politics is not “taught” in our schools. With the overwhelming majority of teachers adamant liberals and many of those militant about it, politics is not “taught” rather the goal is to indoctrinate to a captive audience who are dependent on a passing grade. My kids report back what takes place in class and my only advice has been to keep quiet and NEVER express any political opinion – certainly not one in opposition to the teacher (or any other liberal for that matter). We don’t need some liberal teacher failing my kids or singling them out for ridicule because of their conservative views. Common core dumbs the whole system down to the slowest kid and holds back anyone with the potential to excel. I’ve seen what a bunch of chair polishers that probably never set foot in a classroom came up with and my kids have had to work extra hard to learn the very real necessary stuff common core ignores. The public education system is a monopoly and therefore suffers from the absence of any real competition. Count on a monopoly to invent something as absurd as tenure.
OMG i’s another SC conspiracy Fox news will be covering it with Alex Jones stay tuned….
If you can’t see what is going on around you then you are the looney one. Just because you advocate treason and the rule of foreign law on American soil doesn’t mean that REAL Americans agree with you. I have no regard for a traitorous piece of garbage calling me a conspiracy theorist, especially when the truth is right in front of your eyes. You are either blind, an idiot or a traitor. Which one are you?
Go away. No one respects you and your sanctimonius comments. You are foul.
@ Larry Childer – I am foul because I don’t agree with the treason you believe in? Please explain Traitor…..
Ryan Burbey says politics aren’t taught in our schools. Kind of hard to believe coming from the President of Harford County Teachers Union. This is the same person who supposedly joked about a train wreck full of Republican members of Congress.
Soul Crusher is an ignorant sop.
Like I care what you say. The fact is any centralized education system is dangerous and can be used as a tool to spread political propaganda into the young minds of students. We have all seen it first hand and it was a disgrace. The Democrats showed their cards already and now that aware people saw the fiasco I’m sure it will take a lot of time and reform to get people thinking that the Common Core standard is really about education and not political control of the youth.
Yawn…..your remark still doesn’t change the truth.