From Congressman Andy Harris:
On April 11, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (WI-01) announced his plans to retire from Congress. Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) released the following statement after Speaker Ryan’s announcement:
“Under Speaker Ryan’s leadership, the House passed our nation’s largest tax reform plan since 1986 and reignited the American economy. Paul Ryan has honorably served the people of Wisconsin and the United States as a whole, and I am thankful for his nearly 20 years of service in Congress. I have full confidence that our next Speaker will share Paul’s commitment to the American people.”
fed up says
Yeah. Ryan only exploded the deficit by passing tax cuts that benefit the rich. You are such as asshole Andy Harris!
? says
Quite an accomplishment, record deficits adding to record debt and cutting taxes when the economy is booming. What does Andy propose we do economically when this blows up and are faced with another recession/depression?
Dr No needs to go says
Andy….. Ryan conducted polls and knew he would not win in November and facing a humiliating loss he decided to not run.
You’re facing the same outcome in November Andy, do yourself a favor and quit now
FedUp says
Bye Andy, but one question, before you go. Will you continue to follow Trump, even during the impeachment proceedings? And will you visit him in prison and put money on his books? Because your allegiance to him is nothing short of creepy. #FlipTheFirst
hodor for president says
Impeached for what? I know this is the hope that helps liberals face another on this Earth, but do you honestly think that if there was something really damaging IT WOULDN’T HAVE BEEN LEAKED ALREADY? There can’t be more than half a dozen people inside the DC beltway who could be trusted to keep their oath and none of them are in Congress. Even when Feds get caught leaking or freely admit it nothing happens to them. Comey admitted he is a leaker and nothing was done. Put a special prosecutor on Mueller and eventually you’ll dig up something that would put him behind bars. The idea that anyone in DC is trustworthy enough to fairly investigate ANYTHING is pure fantasy. Sticking “Honorable” in front of their names in all these hearings is laughable. As if just writing it could make it so. DC is truly a melting pot and all the scum floats to the top. Firing the top four levels of every federal agency would be a good start – it’s not like they actually perform any function that would be missed.
Just the facts says
If you were paying attention you would have noticed virtually noting is leaking from Meullers investigation. The biggest leakers are trump and conway, it’s their attempt to deflect. The whole lot of them are going to jail for a very long time.
hodor for president says
If they’re guilty, good… but while we’re at it let’s clear out all the criminals. Let’s quit being hyper partisan and claiming anyone in our own party is a God d@mned saint and really call for blind justice. If YOU did the things HRC did YOU would be in prison right now. We all know it’s true but all the people who think the sun shines out her a$$ will deny it. Bill is a rapist. He belongs in prison too. HRC stayed with him when he humiliated her in front of the whole world – for the political connections which makes her in my book, a political whore. Oh, and I have been paying attention and there is stuff leaking out of Mueller’s investigation all the time… or do you think CNN and the NYT are just making it up the stuff they report?
Just the facts says
Bawahahahaha HRC has been under investigation for 30+ years and nothing has ever been found…. Yea lets stop the partisan bs. LOL…..
SoulCrusher says
@Just the facts – I think it’s pretty obvious that James Comey was warded off investigating HRC. Once again, let’s stop the partisan BS. No one said Trump was a role model. We all know who and what he is, but he hasn’t done anything wrong in office and all these past fiascos are a decade old and are not crimes. How come nobody wants to talk about why these women were paid off? Twice? It sounds like extortion to me and I believe Mueller isn’t being impartial because he was hired to go after his target. I’ve said it once and I’ve said it a dozen times, the government picks and chooses who they want to destroy.
Just the facts says
If trump has done nothing wrong just like with HRC they will find nothing.
If Comey was “warded off” please explain his opening an investigation days before the election and trumps subsequent claim he fired Comey for his mishandling of the Clinton investigation.
You are entitled to your opinion but please stop making up facts.
SoulCrusher says
From Comey’s own mouth he claimed that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch warded him off the investigation and you got the nerve to claim I’m making facts up?
Just the facts says
LOL no where did she “ward him off” reread that article again and keep this in mind while reading it. trump has a flock of investigators combing though millions of documents looking for this “classified” information that will damn Comey and the FBI. Jesus the man should get an award for trolling up the moron.
Stop being sucker for the right man it makes you look dumber.
Drain the swamp says
I wouldn’t consider radaronline a valid source of information. It is under the AMI umbrella which is run by David Pecker, a friend of Trump who has been popping up in the news lately over the playmate bunny catch and kill campaign. I guess we will all see in a few days when the book is released.
SoulCrusher says
OK, here’s another
SoulCrusher says
Look, there is no doubt that Hillary did commit crimes that are being overlooked by the DOJ. There is no doubt that Trump has issues of moral turpitude. However, the FBI is trying to convict Trump of moral turpitude and is letting Hillary off from legitimate crimes. We all know that the Clinton Foundation took millions of dollars in order to meet with the Clintons by foreign countries and their leaders. The sex scandals of a 70+ year old degenerate are nothing compared to using the office of Secretary of State as a racketeering enterprise. I can’t see where it gets foggy for you other than your party allegiance. It’s a shame you have sacrificed being an American for being a member of the Democratic party.
hodor for president says
I’ve been in IT over 25 years. I’ve done plenty of new employee orientations. HRC was brought in and the rules were clearly outlined to her regarding what she was permitted to do and what was strictly forbidden. The import of these rules was emphasized by FBI agents. The rules are in place to protect national security. She signed the form that stated that she clearly understood what she’d been told. She was given her assigned IT equipment and sent on her way. However, she then immediately contacted an IT person who would get her set up in a way that was more convenient for her. Screw national security because after all, she’s fu@king HRC and she can do whatever she likes. So she had her illegal server set up and rolled on… and when BHO claimed he never knew about it I about pissed myself. Mr. savvy, tuned in to the kids and the latest high tech everything never noticed her emails weren’t coming from a .gov account? Liar or idiot… nothing else is possible. One thing about HRC… she learned from past mistakes and didn’t want to have some clown shoving documents down his trousers to clean up after her and her accomplice again.
Drain the swamp says
Ben Shapiro really isn’t much better than radaronline. And why don’t the triggered deplorables understand that it isn’t the repugnant, morally bankrupt behavior of Trump that is the problem. It is FEC violations and bank fraud that may have been committed in the attempts to hide the fact that Trump cheated on his wife with a playmate bunny and/or a porn star.
SoulCrusher says
Trump cheated on his wife with some high dollar whores. Plain and simple. They got paid after they serviced him and got paid again when they extorted him, then again in 2016.. When did extortion become legal? Oh and I’m sure Melania didn’t mind because she didn’t have to lay with a man old enough to be her father. Better a high priced hoe than me. Furthermore, I don’t believe the people voted Trump into office because he was a saint. I think they thought he was a better choice than the Democratic lilly lapper he ran against…..
Drain the swamp says
You just demonstrated my point, it’s all about campaign finance violation and possible bank and wire fraud. Why do you keep glossing over that nice little fact.
WSJ just dropped another payoff story, seems Broidy, a RNC deputy finance chairs paid off another playmate to the tune of 1.6 million dollars. He had been paying her to have an exclusive, extramarital affair with him. She ended up getting pregnant. This one is just a fun little anecdote about the family values GOP. not about any lawbreaking. Another fun little twist, this settlement was handled by his RNC finance co chair, none other than Michael Cohen, Trump’s fixer.
LOL says
Hooker blackmailing the President is ok, it’s not like Putin had a peepee tape of him….. Trump is way to smart for that…. he’s paying 4d chess.
hodor for president says
I’m still trying to figure out where the left wants to go with this… I guess since DT is a reprehensible pig I’m supposed to abandon my conservative viewpoints and start voting for Dems because they’re all such moral paragons. I’m sorry but I disagree with most of the planks in the liberal platform. I despised having BHO as president but I never whined and cried about it like the left is doing over losing this election. I turn on any MSM coverage and its nonstop vitriol. Some of these “news” people – and many others on the left – are so angry and hate filled that I’d hesitate to even mention that I voted for DT for fear of being physically attacked. If BHO had cheated (just like when WJC did) the left wouldn’t care about any of this. It’s far past the time that the left needs to put on their big boy and girl panties and just deal with not being in charge. You had 8 years. HRC lost. Get over it already.
LOL says
Who knows where the left is going with this…..
Mueller- Republican
Rosenstein – Republican
Comey – Republican
McCabe – Republican
Tectonic Titanic says
Re:Hodor For Dog Catcher
Jerome Byer says
Soul Crusher: Get lost.
SoulCrusher says
Jerome Byer : Not even in your wettest wildest ones will I get lost.
just sayin says
SoulCrusher you are in the tank for the Trump Republican Party and Trump. You true to form with your bloviating leader. Hey Soul remember that little vow you posted? Was that just more of your BS?
Your conditions:
1. gun
2. sold to public
3. fires on its own without a human pulling the trigger
I think your claim and vow is full of BS.
SoulCrusher says
It’s not a vow, it’s a fact. I am not registered Republican or Democrat, nor do I owe any allegiance to either. Both parties are playing stupid little games as well as the total treasonous corruption of the FBI. If you can’t see that then your blind….. As far as your 2nd Amendment argument crap that guns kill people and people don’t, that is the most ludicrous bunch of garbage to come out of a Democratic traitor’s mouth. The Republicans are playing dirty politics, the Democrats are preaching treason, it’s just that simple. I won’t side with treason. Sorry, can’t do it.
for the record says
Not “garbage” just a fact. I thought you were familiar with firearms. Oh that is right – you can’t have one. As a gun owner I at least knew that there are 2 models that have fired without a human pulling the trigger. I am very familiar with the one.
“Thousands of gun owners claim rifles have fired without the trigger being pulled.”
” did its own tests in bitter cold: four out of 10 rifles went off.”
-CBS news
Are your words worth about as much as the words of your leader? Probably less.
Why not google it and read the report of the tests yourself? Oh I guess that would be a bunch of “garbage”. I guess you will be calling the firearms company and gun owners “Democratic traitors”?
If you decide to keep any of your vow, I will settle for the part with you being off this site and not ever returning. Oh by the way, I don’t like either party, don’t belong to either party and own plenty of guns. I just get sick of people who come on here and spout BS, throw the “treason” word around and wrap themselves in The Constitution of the United States of America like a blanket with little to back it up.
SoulCrusher says
Well, that isn’t happening. I’m staying right here and I don’t care what you say. You are putting a bunch of garbage on here and your nothing but a Democrat playing games. Not one of these mass shootings had anything to do with a rifle being left out in the bitter cold. What is wrong with you? Why are you supporting Treason against the United States? Is your political party that important that you would betray the American people? Anyway, I’m staying right here on the Dagger and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it. Traitor….
Mike Callahan says
Guns dont kill people. Its the bullets!
Not all rats are leaving Trump Titanic!
Bannon and SoulCrusher will stick around to try to subvert justice!
SoulCrusher says
Mike, you’re a clown. Let’s see, the party you are blindly supporting has recently tried to use kids as a tool to implement gun control because it has taken over the American education system in an effort to abrogate the Constitution. They literally control which schools stay open by the Gates Foundation’s complete control of Common Core. Your party is using the DOJ and the FBI as a political tool to allege imaginary crimes of collusion with Russia interfering in a Presidential election and Obstruction of Justice for wanting to end an investigation that has yielded absolutely none of the alleged collusion it was tasked to find. Who’s justice are we talking about? The justice of the Democratic Party whose policies of treason are becoming so offensive that a reasonable person would want nothing to do with them. Robert Mueller is a traitor to the American people and a complete piece of garbage for doing your party’s dirty work and I hope he ends up getting what he deserves. Regardless of everything I just typed, I still think Trump is a nut. I just think he’s better than you.
Just the facts says
The congressional committee found collusion between Carter Paige and the Russians just because nothing has leaked from Meuller doesn’t mean they have found nothing. This is without even getting into the multiple incidents of trump obstructing justice. The only traitors are trump and his family but don’t worry they are all going to jail.
SoulCrusher says
More false facts from “Just the facts”. I will be shocked if Trump or any member of his family actually goes to jail.
SoulCrusher says
Just the facts says
Sam Nunberg is not the congressional panel that investigated collusion. It was the group headed by Nunes the moron. You have a good swing SC it’s just too bad you never connect witth the ball. Keep swinging you are bound to get lucky sooner or later. hehehehe….
SoulCrusher says
“Just the facts” there was NO COLLUSION. I don’t know how many times it has to be thrown in your face, but it just doesn’t exist. You’re not spreading facts, you’re spreading lies concocted by the Democratic party. What is wrong with you? Just a pathological liar? I tell you what, please post your source for what you’re saying. From what I’ve heard and read, it seems there was some collusion, but it was with Russia and Clinton.
Just the facts says
And in breaking news trumps attorney didn’t go to Prague to meet with Russians for the trump campaign oh damn nevermind…. Jesus man between Assange, Paige ,Akhmetshin,Veselnitskaya, Gucifer… it would be easier to list what Russians trump didn’t collude with.
Perhaps you could quote Alex Jones next oof proof nothing happened…. hahahahaha….
It’s amazing what length an innocent man will go to in order to discredit an investigation that would prove his innocents.
Keep swinging SC. LOL
SoulCrusher says
If Page had colluded, Mueller would have already indicted him. Your naz1 pitbull has already had others indicted, yet none of them were indicted for collusion with Russia. You can play the Demosocionazi card all you want, but there isn’t anything there. In the end we will find out Donald was unfaithful to his wife and had affairs with some high dollar hoes. I will say I could’ve told you that before the investigation began. This whole thing is nothing but a waste of tax payer money and time. By the way, Assange is Australian and Page is an American and you are just wrong.
Mike Callahan says
Just the bloody facts:
SoulCrusher says
What facts? None of this had anything to do with Trump’s campaign. Paul Manafort’s connection to the pro-Russian Ukrainians was between 2006 – 2015. He didn’t report the income he made off the deals and got charged with money laundering and tax evasion. Doesn’t say anything about the TRUMP CAMPAIGN. I wonder how much money Hillary and Bill got for pimping the Secretary of State position? That’s a REAL crime of collusion with everybody including the Russian’s to fill their pocketbooks. Don’t want to talk about that do you? Oh and I purposely used the FOX NEWS website just to let you know where your treasonous party is leading those of us who claim no allegiance to either party.
SoulCrusher says
Just to be fair and clear, here is the actual indictment so you don’t have to hurt your eyes reading a Fox News website. These are the REAL facts.
Just the facts says
OK SC when you posted this:
If Page had colluded, Mueller would have already indicted him.”
You really have no clue what is going on beyond what Fox news has fed you on their fake news. You really don’t understand what Meullers job is and what Rosenstein will do once Meuller hands over the investigation to him.
Until you educate yourself we are done here.
SoulCrusher says
No, I understand exactly what Mueller’s job is. It is the same as Ken Starr’s job was. Keep going until you find a crime that has nothing to do with what the original purpose was meant to be. It is about humiliation and harm. You can not deny this. Ken Starr was a piece of garbage and so is Robert Mueller. Normal prosecutors don’t have this type of power, why does Mueller or Starr? It’s because a political party demands the DOJ and the FBI do their dirty work. How many people lost their lives because of the “White Water” investigation? How many people will end up losing their lives because of this investigation. Remember, Clinton was impeached and never had to leave office. Let’s see if the same courtesy is extended to Trump. During these exchanges I’ve listed multiple websites and even though a few may not have pleased your pickle, there is no doubt that I use a variety of sources because you can’t get the truth from a purely partisan source or sources. You might do that, but I like to see what all the sides are saying and make up my own mind. I think the biggest difference between us is you think the system works and the government is great, while I understand that our government and our political parties are criminal enterprises that are treasonous to the United States. Once YOU educate yourself, then you’ll be done here. Not me.
Just the facts says
If investigations work the way your conspiracy theory mind does a Republican run government for the last 7 years would have had Hillary hung for treason…. But that hasn’t happened has it?
Care to conjecture why?
You don’t understand what Meullers job is or Rosensteins either educate yourself or remain the wacky guy on the internets….
You believe in lizard people don’t you…..
SoulCrusher says
Hillary didn’t commit treason. That’s the problem. You are so uneducated you don’t understand what treason is. I understand what is going on, but you are lacking. Ok, please tell the readers of the Dagger what you feel is the purpose of the Mueller investigation. Then tell us why all these other issues are within Mueller’s scope. I can’t wait to hear this… You know how I feel about it, let’s see if you have a clue about what you’re talking about. Either state what Mueller and Rosenstein’s job is or shut up.
SoulCrusher says
From your silence I assume you still haven’t figured stuff out yet. Let me help you. I will answer what Rod Rosenstein’s job is as a Deputy Attorney General. Rosenstein was appointed by Jeff Sessions, to act on behalf of Jeff Sessions, regarding the Trump Campaign/Russian Collusion allegations because Sessions recused himself from the investigation. Sessions recused himself because he didn’t disclose meetings with a Russian Ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, during his confirmation hearings for Attorney General. It should be noted that Sessions did make appearances for the Trump Campaign and did endorse Donald Trump as a candidate for the US Presidency. Rosenstein serves Jeff Sessions, not anyone else, nor the people of the United States, in the matters of the Trump Collusion with Russia allegations. That is his job description. He serves Jeff Sessions and any extension of his authorities into matters other than the Russia Collusion allegations must be approved by Attorney General Jeff Sessions. One could easily make the argument that Rosenstein is protecting Sessions from Sessions’ own collusion with the Russian government that occurred during Trump’s campaign, that Trump may or may not have known about. Now, C’mon, let’s hear what Mueller’s job description is oh mighty all informed and educated master. I just answered half the question for you, let’s see you do the rest.
Just the facts says
Well yo got Rods function completely wrong so why bother?
SoulCrusher says
Wow, you are so whacked. When Trump nominated Rosenstein it was at Jeff Sessions’ bequest and anyone that thinks otherwise, should rethink. Jeff Sessions was fresh out of the Senate, into the role of Attorney General and had plenty of influence with the Senate he had just parted from. Rosenstein was overwhelmingly confirmed and in hindsight people should see why. I don’t believe in coincidences and believe everything happens for a reason. You put way too much trust into your government, especially when the US Justice Department was taken over by Senator like Jeff Sessions. If you think that this is a conspiracy theory and that these events didn’t take place as a plan, I don’t know what else to tell you. The bureaucracy will protect one another…and that’s “Just the facts”.
Just the facts says
Yo dumbass, you are ranting on nonsensically. If Sessions hadn’t recused himself he would be Meullers boss now concentrate real hard and try to imagine what his function in the process would be. Jesus people say you go off topic but damn ….
SoulCrusher says
Really? It seems to me he now has plausible deniability by recusing himself in the fiasco. What better way to claim zero responsibility for something you can’t control, when in reality you really are controlling it. Furthermore, I’m not the one who steered these threads this way. I believe you and Mike Callahan steered it this way and I’m still waiting for an answer to what you think Robert Mueller’s job is….
Just the facts says
Your last post was all about Sessions now you are deflecting to Meuller, you need serious help.
I’m done here.
SoulCrusher says
That’s right, because it was the topic we were talking about. I’m still waiting for your educated wisdom of what you think Mueller’s job is and you can’t seem to answer the question. Son, you are the one in need. Just answer the question so everyone can see how educated you really are.
Juliann Morse-Jennings says
Soul Crusher, you may not be a Democrat or a Republican, but I consider you a turd.
SoulCrusher says
Then I consider you an eater of turds. So why don’t you eat M-E.
Bertha Kidd says
What a creep.
SoulCrusher says
Better a creep than a traitor.
hodor for president says
This is one of the problems with the whole social media generation… you’re calling someone names but the only way it matters is if the receiver actually values your opinion. This is why people kneeling, celebrities sharing their opinions, athletes behaving as if their opinions should be important, none of that bothers me. It’s just background noise. I think it’s a sad situation that the US is in where these people, most of whom don’t even live like regular people live, are revered for their opinions.
Harford Republican says
Where is the $4000 Ryan promised I’d get from the tax cut?
Md sucks says
Building that fence around his property to keep himself safe but refuses to fund the wall to keep the country safe. Ryan is a douche.
Judy says
Soul Crusher is a horrid woman who personifies the worst of the Left.
SoulCrusher says