From Harford County government:
Harford County Executive Barry Glassman today announced plans to strengthen security in local public schools with nearly $1.2 million in new funding to be included in his proposed FY 2019 county budget. In a joint press conference with the Harford County Sheriff’s Office, Harford County Public Schools, and the Town of Bel Air, the county executive said that $773K of the total would be dedicated to expanding the school resource officer program. The remainder would fund the school system’s FY19 requests for security camera upgrades and bi-directional amplifiers to improve radio communications in schools. Identifying these plans as an initial step, County Executive Glassman said that they were the result of local officials working together in response to school violence and the national mental health crisis.
In light of recent efforts to enhance school security, the implementation of advanced CCTV security cameras represents a crucial investment in safeguarding our students and staff. These systems provide next-level eyes and ears 24/7, ensuring that every corner of the school is monitored and that potential threats are detected swiftly. By integrating high-quality surveillance technology, schools can not only deter criminal activity but also create a safer environment for learning and growth. To make sure that you are secure and protected, contact Port Washington emergency locksmith service for any security concerns or lock-related issues you may encounter. Their expert team is dedicated to providing prompt assistance, ensuring that students and staff feel safe at all times.
For instance, utilizing Security Cameras Brisbane can enhance the overall security infrastructure, offering reliable monitoring solutions tailored to educational settings. The presence of these cameras can significantly improve incident response times and provide law enforcement with valuable evidence when necessary. As County Executive Glassman noted, strengthening our schools is a collaborative effort that requires comprehensive strategies and resources; investing in modern surveillance systems is a vital step towards fostering a secure atmosphere where students can thrive without fear.
All of the county’s public high schools and four middle schools currently have school resource officers, which are funded by either Harford County government or the municipalities of Aberdeen, Bel Air and Havre de Grace. Plans announced Tuesday would result in SROs in all nine of the county’s public middle schools. The new positions would bring the total county funding for SROs to over $2.1 million annually.
The Harford County Sheriff’s Office screens, hires, and trains the county-funded SROs, a process estimated in this case to take nine months. Once the process is complete, the new county-funded SROs would be assigned to Fallston MS, North Harford MS, Patterson Mill MS and Southampton MS, in addition to the Alternative Education Program at the Center for Educational Opportunity. The Town of Bel Air announced Tuesday that it plans to fund the SRO for Bel Air MS.
In elementary schools, the Glassman administration has funded more than $7 million toward enclosing classrooms designed decades ago as “open classrooms” that now raise safety concerns. Most recently, the administration contributed nearly $4 million in FY 2018 to enclose classrooms at Bel Air Elementary School, the last such school in the county. That project is now underway. Prior funding was for William Paca/Old Post Road, William S. James, and Prospect Mill elementary schools. The county executive said Tuesday that he will continue to work with the school system and law enforcement on additional security measures for elementary schools.
Responding to the national mental health crisis, the county executive previously announced that $250K would be included in his proposed FY 19 budget for a 24-Hour Crisis Center for mental health and addiction. That project is planned in partnership with University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health, the Harford County Health Department, and Healthy Harford.
Video of Tuesday’s announcement is available here:
Thank you Mr. Glassman, Sheriff Gahler and Superintendent Canavan! I attended the town hall you had and glad to see such positive and fast follow up to the concerns expressed there.
I just posted this on another story where someone was complaining that nothing would come from the safety meeting they had – Gahler has another accomplishment under his belt! Glassman, Canavan, and Gahler, all stated this is a result of the John Carroll event and listening to the parents. Haters gonna hate, but Gahler is a get r done Sheriff!
where’s the money coming from? 2.1 for the full SRO program every year? How did teachers get their raises – by contracting out public works programs and getting rid of county employees? tax increases, etc? Is the same kind of action going to be required to fund this?
This wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t an election year
Gahler didn’t do anything this was all Barry Glassman.
Nope. Not a thing. He just put everyone together, planned and hosted the town halll, put a plan together for staffing and the court executive found the money. Keep being sad while Gahler keeps on working!
I live in Bel Air Town and don’t think my tax dollars should go to this. Why is the Town paying for it. The board of Ed or County should be paying for it. I pay county tax and want to know where it’s going?? Time for Barry to go
Agree. Town resident and Bel air shouldn’t be funding it.
I good bit is going for the rises for county council 18 % remember them voting for their rise why can’t the teacher vote for there rise
Much better than the Boardman’s plan to shelter in place and wait to be killed.
I definitely agree with you on this statement. Lock the door, pull the shade and usher them out the fire window……
An NRA tax…
That’s awesome, both Parkland and Great mills had armed officers, How did that work out?
Just more spreading of taxpayers dollars around the good old boys network while doing absolutely nothing, How about we put a religious figurehead in each school and they can preemptively pray for the students not to get mowed down in a bullet storm, that should work…. right?
Well, in Parkland they stuck some cowardly ROD in there as an SRO and he hid outside.
In Great Mills, the SRO immediately confronted the shooter and put a stop to it.
Knowing who the SRO’s currently are, who would likely be added as new ones under this program, and the type of active shooter training everyone within the HCSO regularly gets I feel confident in saying that should something like that happen here the result would not be Parkland.
The SRO in Great Mills did nothing to stop the shooting that had already occurred. The point you… as a sheep do not comprehend, is the thought of an armed officer stationed at the school who’s sole purpose is to deter a shooter from even considering it as a target DOES NOT WORK. If it did work the Parkland shooter would have gone to a school that didn’t have an officer.. This isn’t about safety, this is about spreading 1.2 million dollars to friends and families. JFC look at the millions just Harford county has spent under the guise that people think schools are some how safer with zero accountability. They have you in the corner and crapping your pants scared while you throw cash at them to make it all better.
Wake up.
What do you suggest they do then?
Well, at least the SRO in Great Mills had the testicular fortitude to confront the shooter and gun him down. You can not prevent crime from happening, but you can deter and respond in a vigilant fashion. The SRO in Parkland was a cowardly failure. The SRO in Great Mills did his job. End of the story….
“Well, at least the SRO in Great Mills had the testicular fortitude to confront the shooter and gun him down”
WTF world do you live in where that is even close to what happened? Let me guess,,,,, Fox news… LOL. I hate to break it to you but the shooter killed himself.
Well, I guess I’ll have to give you that one, but the SRO’s actions is what I expect an SRO to do. He didn’t hesitate and his bullet actually struck the boy’s gun. Initial reports were inconclusive. However, the situation may have turned out different if the SRO had not been there. The SRO’s intent was to end the situation and that boy had no where to go. I still say good job and I am in complete amazement that todays kids are actually doing this crap at the schools. Something is wrong with the upbringing process for these types of incidents to keep happening. It didn’t happen in my day…
And just for the record, I got my news from WBAL channel 11 on that day.
Where you are getting confused and trying once again to derail the conversation is the officers are not there to engage shooters. They are placed there as a deterrent so a shooter will go some where else and not engage a known armed professional. The last 2 shooting proves that is flawed thinking, the shooters didn’t care and in the case of Parkland even if the officer did engage he was clearly out gunned which was easily done at the local Wal Mat with a credit card.
What is happening here is elected officials are redistributing your money to their friends while telling people their children are some how be made safer with nothing to back up their claims. Ask the parents of the dead children how it’s working out so far…..
I know what you are saying. Still, what is a better deterrent than knowing that an SRO will actually do his job if called upon. I’m sure there is someone out there thinking that SROs are going to be like bank security guards and never draw their gun. Well, we all know that in Great Mills the SRO will do his job. How’s that for a future deterrent? You don’t think the next guy will remember what happened?
@LMAO – By the way, Walmart stopped selling AR-15s in late 2015 thru early 2016. They did the same thing with semi automatic shotguns that hold 7 rounds or more. If you’re going to criticize, at least get your criticism right….
You need to wake up. The vast majority of active shooters will continue killing until confronted by armed police officers. Once confronted, most will then kill themselves and if they don’t do that they at least are focused on the officer, not unarmed civilians.
Maybe that killer at Great Mills would’ve shot himself right after shooting his ex or maybe he would’ve kept shooting his classmates. By immediately confronting him, the SRO took away his choice and the coward decided to shoot himself. The SRO did shoot him, by the way, he just didn’t deliver the killing shot.
And yes, among many other things, SRO’s are there to engage active shooters which beats giving the bad guys several minutes to kill at will while the closest officers arrive, find their way into the school, and then hunt down the killer.
Some of the officers in schools are there because they get that overtime at the school events in high schools. I guess that is the perks of the job. Barney Fife at PMHS should find another place to go. He’s not very school friendly about doing his job.
It shouldn’t take an election year to get this done.
I am happy that RSO officers will be placed in schools if they do all schools and not just High and Middle Schools. Remember Sandy Hook was an elementary school!!!
I also think they need the right people to be in the schools .. Trained Officers .. Maybe this can help some Veterans find employment .. unfortunately in this world today all Grades K-12 need and deserve the same protection.. you are leaving our elementary school children vulnerable!
I agree with you for the most part, but I would rather a career law man be an SRO or at least a veteran with 10 years of stateside law enforcement experience. Being in situations that our military men endure is not the same as situations here in the states. Let them have experience in policing civilians here in America before putting them in a school situation.
The mental health part of this program is important. They should add parenting classes so that parents that need assistance with understanding and addressing potential signs of illness with their kids or friend of their kids.
The SRO confronted the shooter, which forced the shooter into a decision to either fight, or end his own life. Therefore, the SRO helped end the incident and is given due credit for having done so. These cowards usually off themselves as soon as they meet armed resistance. I don’t care if they do it to themselves or the police do it for them, so long as a LEO makes contact with them, it is usually game over. The St Mary’s Co Deputy Sheriff did his job appropriately and his rapid response helped minimize the damage done.
You are just making some wild assed guess of what you think might have happened. The reality is the boyfriend went to school with a pistol to shoot his girlfriend and kill himself. He accomplished the mission flawlessly.
If the officers mission was to protect the children and stop a shooting he failed, miserably.
Sorry, facts don’t lie and they don’t make up stories that never happened.
Ummm, you can not stop crime from happening. You can deter. Deter means to discourage someone from doing something by instilling doubt or fear of the consequences. That’s it. Nothing else. You can expect a certain reaction to an event and the SRO did what I expected. I wouldn’t call this a failure on the SROs part because he did what he could in a horrible situation and the situation was over…..
Screw your Second Amendment.
It’s your Amendment too and it saddens me that you don’t wish to preserve something that is your god given right, while I have none of the rights that all of you have.
God did not give you the right to have guns. In fact, one of the 10 big ones is “Thou shall not kill”. God given is the biggest hogwash comment ever.
SC, How did the deter factor work out for your weed growing operation?
It didn’t work at all and it wasn’t an operation, it was a small scale grow that your county used to condemn a man who is innocent due to an illegal search and seizure. It was an illegal, unconstitutional and treasonous act of enforcement of laws made by foreign governments and imposed upon the people of the United States by the traitor Richard Nixon. The Controlled Substance Act of the US CODE is an act of treason and is not American law, it is the law of traitors and foreign influence. So, “ouch”, how does being a traitor to the United States been working out for you? Even better, how does it feel knowing you are a traitor that should be hung by your neck until dead? Read section (d) and realize that you are a traitor that enforces the law of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances and not the United States.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on how deterrents do not work.
Thanks for confirming that you have multiple personality disorder and use multiple aliases to promote the drivel from your finger tips, traitor…..
@LMAO – By the way, your thoughts on SROs and my past have nothing to do with whether deterrents such as SROs work or not. I was originally against putting police in schools and I still am. The reality is SROs are already in schools and they are not going away. Legislation and decisions have already been made by legitimate processes. That SRO in Great Mills did his job. The LEOs that invaded my home and life were doing there job as well, except I don’t think they realized that treason was part of their job description and if they did they deserve the full penalty of law.
You just admitted deterrents do not work and now you are going down your paranoid change the subject road again. Lets recap,… deterrents don’t work politicians are spending millions lining their friends pockets.
We’re done here, thanks for your participation.
There is a big difference from laws being on the books and an armed SRO being in a school. If you can’t understand the difference between a legal deterrent and an actual deterrent of a physical presence on a premises, then we’ll never be done here. Think of it like a room full of flies. With no fly swatter, the flies buzz around almost taunting you as you shoo them away from your area. However, when you’ve got that swatter and drop a few of them, they magically seem to find places to land and hide. It’s the same thing and I wish you could see that…..
Ok, what’s your solution, then? Banning guns is a non-starter for many reasons and there are already over 300 million guns in civilian hands in the US so they aren’t going away.
What a moronic comment. Exactly what I have come to expect from you, Hank.
How is his comment moronic?
What’s moronic about it? Guns are not going to be banned in the US and the 2nd Amendment is not going to be repealed. That’s just reality whether you like it or not.
There are also over 300 million guns already in the hands of civilians in the US and they aren’t going to magically disappear.
I’m not against changing some gun laws, but if they’re going to be changed then the changes need to have some chance of actually reducing gun crimes, be enforceable, and be constitutional. Assault weapons are already essentially banned unless you have a ridiculous amount of money to spend on the proper federal licenses to buy one as well as the money to actually buy one. Gun crimes involving rifles are an incredibly small percentage of gun crimes across the US. Most gun crime involves handguns (frequently by criminals already prohibited from possessing firearms or ammunition.) Judges and parole boards routinely put violent offenders back on the street after serving only a fraction of their sentence, assuming their entire sentence isn’t suspended to begin with. A large percentage of those criminals go right back to committing violent crimes.
So what’s your solution? Or least some ideas? There’s not a simple answer (or even a single answer) and I’m not pretending to know what it is/they are. I’m honestly asking, and if you don’t have an answer, that’s ok, but just calling people morons or calling their statements moronic because you disagree isn’t helpful.
This is the dumbest comment I have ever read on the Dagger. What a tool.
SRO officers have been at almost every school with a shooting. Haven’t stopped a shooter yet. Many have been killed. Hope you aren’t holding on to the one at Great Mills. Kid died of self inflicted gunshot to the head. His target already shot in the head. Yeah he got a shot off that hit the kid’s hand AFTER it was over.
“SRO officers have been at almost every school with a shooting. Haven’t stopped a shooter yet.” Huh. Well, Police are present in any city or town of any size and crime still occurs… in your version of the world we should eliminate the police since they haven’t deterred bad people from committing crimes? I think we understand your thought process well enough… you think the government is a benevolent, kindly group that can take care of you if only we disarm – by force if necessary – everyone so only the government is armed. Only then will they be free to take care of us properly. You probably have wet dreams about your compassionate government sending jackbooted thugs to search house to house for weapons and anyone that resists seizure is summarily executed – thus eliminating the dreaded NRA members. Hallelujah, sunshine and butterflies with unicorns farting rainbows.
And this is a fine example of what a crazy person posting on the internet who shouldn’t be allowed to own a gun looks like.
Yes, the famous “I know you are, but what am I?” response from the left… just how many handles are you using on here?
The 2Aer’s will never agree to common sense gun legislation. They seem to think God gave them the right to own guns, any gun, anytime, anywhere. Screw those losing their lives. These keyboard warriors are too scared of anything that moves to agree to:
1). Assault weapon ban
2). Age limits on everything else
3). Intense background checks and psychological tests.
4). Periodic renewals of these checks/tests
5). No guns to anyone previously convicted of a gun related crime.
6). Close gun show/private sale loopholes
7). No bump stocks or altering devices to make guns automatic.
8). Negligence and other charges for leaving a gun accessible.
Can they still get them? Yes, but we don’t have to make it easy. It’s the same reason we have all laws. As deterrents. Got a problem? You probably don’t qualify.
1. Could you please share with us your definition of an assault weapon?
2. Age limits are in place. I’d be open to common sense changes.
3. Background checks are in place. Psychological… well if someone like you is doing the evaluation, no one will ever be granted a weapon again so I have an issue.
4. Ditto
5. Is that not already the case? See, unlike your side, I’d make a gun related crime life in prison no parole. Prison isn’t overcrowded until you can’t shut the door. Your side just wants to give out hugs.
6. I don’t care. I don’t mind buying from a dealer. Incidentally, was one of these tragedies perpetrated by such a weapon?
7. Sure. Bump stock is stupid. Ruins your aim.
8. OK, but I’ve seen people prosecuted for that now.
Now, please, you’re obviously on the liberal side of this… why don’t you want to see incompetent people in the FBI, Sheriff’s office and school system punished? Why won’t you push back on the very students that are paraded by the left on why they never reached out to this kid or worse, helped to torment and bully him until he snapped and came back to shoot them up? Your side always wants to talk tough but never hold anyone accountable.