From State Sen. Bob Cassilly:
Next week is the last week of the 2018 Legislative Session for the Maryland General Assembly and a lot of important work remains unfinished. Key provisions of the Governor’s crime fighting legislation remain in limbo along with school safety bills, employment initiatives, and more. Unfortunately, this being an election year, the legislative process tends to become locked in mortal combat with the political process. As a result, good bills that have been in development for months and even years risk being hijacked to support or oppose purely political agendas. It is a struggle at this stage of the session for legislators to rise above the political rancor and simply do the peoples work in Maryland. Hopefully, the events of this holy season will inspire us onward to success.
Bob Cassilly
Senator, District 34
Republicans will be represented as SubZero and Democrats would be represented as Glass Joe.
Cassilly voted against banning the overuse of antibiotics on farm animals
Cassilly voted against protecting consumers from predatory loans.
Cassilly voted against election day voter registration.
Cassilly voted against internet consumer privacy protection.
Cassilly voted against protecting consumers from corporate price gouging.
Cassilly voted against the ban on Lead and Mercury wheel weights.
Bad Bob Cassilly is Bad News for Maryland consumer and voter protection!
Vote Bad Bob Out!
Vote Good Barb In!.
Both Cassilly’s as well as the Harford County States Attorney Cassilly hand selected replacement (Dave Ryden) are bad for Maryland. Anybody but this crooked family and their cronies from the good old boy club!
Thank God the Democrats have a candidate to replace the Right Wing reactionary train-wreck of a politician Bob Cassilly !
Bob Cassilly is the problem in Annapolis.. Barbara Kreamer is the solution!
It doesn’t matter who you put in Annapolis because the entirety of our government has become corrupt and treasonous over the last 50 years. The creation of unconstitutional laws, over taxation and double taxation, the following of treasonous law of the US Code and the zeal of enforcing the laws created by the international law of treaties is our true enemy. Maryland is the most corrupt and treasonous state in this country. It should be the mission of the Maryland citizens to elect people that will destroy the corruption and treason, end the rule of foreign law in our land and tell the Federal government we will no longer follow you down the path of the one world government that is currently taking place. You will not find candidates here in Maryland that are willing to do this because everyone has been brainwashed into thinking that the system is right, when it is really treasonous. End the Maryland Mafia that inhabits our government, end the enforcement of law by use of racketeering and terrorism and end the creation of laws that further diminish our rights from over regulation. Once you see that the US and Maryland Codes are really acts of treason then you will realize what we must do.
To ALL of you out there that doubts the Crusher of Souls, please scroll down to section d under International Treaties, etc. and then read and research the organizations responsible for our CDS laws. Realize that the FDA can NOT remove Marijuana from the Class 1 Schedule because of the treaties signed that makes us beholden to a foreign law of an international treaty. Realize that many countries and organizations are involved like the WHO and even the HOLY SEE. There is no constitutional authority given to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA that makes us beholden to any foreign law of an international treaty and we demand that this process be eliminated and laws instated in a proper fashion that WE THE PEOPLE approve of. The war on drugs is a treasonous war brought on by our participation in the international community, specifically the UNITED NATIONS. These are NOT our laws and our laws are being written and controlled by the Convention on Psychotropic Substances. The state of Maryland never voted on these laws and only implemented them to be in compliance with a Federal law of international origin and this is treason all for the sake of a Federal bribe known as FEDERAL FUNDING. Once again I give you the truth. Do with it what you will……
I think it is hilarious that you believe Bob Cassilly is the problem in Annapolis. The Democratic Party is run by the “the two mikes”, and all the rest are only mind numbed robots who do what they are told. They don’t care about harford county and only want to obstruct any chance of trying to work with any Republicans. If you ever took the time to really know about Bob Cassilly, you would see a tireless public servant on all levels he served in the army as a Major , the Bel Air town council,Mayor of Bel Air Harford County council, worked at the Us. State Dept. Bob has been a public servant his entire life. To suggest that Barbara Kreamer, or Mary James would be better is a joke.
I know you guys up in Harford County believe that the Cassilly’s are the best thing since white on rice, but I do believe he was introducing way too much legislation on behalf of his brother and I believe that a lot of that legislation was in fact unconstitutional. Don’t get me wrong, it took the cooperation of Democrat’s to get a lot of this legislation thru a General Assembly dominated by the Democratic Party, but legislation that was concerned about public statements causing emotional distress to judges is just ridiculous. The judges know they are committing unconstitutional acts everyday and in a lot of cases are committing treason as well. Those judges deserve emotional distress and in some cases they deserve the full penalty of law for the treason they are committing. These judges do all of this, knowingly and willingly, with the excuse that they have to follow case law handed down from above, but this is false. Article 33 of the Maryland Declaration of Rights means a judge can disregard case law and make a just decision of law without following the treason of the Maryland Court of Appeals. It just doesn’t happen….
Re: Farmer
I in no way think that Democrat Mary Dulaney-James would be better than Bob Cassilly.
James is ethically challenged (hotel tax/CCR blackmail) and racially challenged (No apology for her racist chief of staff 2014)!
James and Cassilly are definitely political jokes. Part of Cassillys name even says he is “silly”!
Casilly is crooked….Time to drain the swamp!
Barbara Kreamer was a terrible teacher, and then She became a lawyer, and then she lost her law license and then disbarred I believe. Of course as long as she is a liberal that is perfectly fine. Ethics are certainly not very important to Kreamer. As for Soulcrushers comments, just remember he was held accountable by Joe Cassilly, so he has plenty of bias, and he has been claiming that Bob Cassilly was helping his brother get a raise. The fact was that harford states attorney was paid less than most of the other counties. Bob Cassilly knew that the raise would not effect his brother, because he knew that Joe was going to retire.
You’re right, I do have a bias about Joe, not Bob. Joe has a way of becoming unretired as quickly as he retires. Joe does not believe that the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land. Joe believes that every member of society must be held accountable for their actions, unless they are under cloak of law or the family of someone who works at his office. Joe believes in enforcing law by breaking the law, making Joe not the law at all. Joe believes in waging war against his fellow man to enforce laws that he has no constitutional authority to do. Joe believes in waging war against his fellow man whilst they lay asleep in their bed. Joe believes in being a man’s adversary or “Satan”. Bob is just a politician, Joe is an adversary….Just for the record, that legislation for the pay raise occurred well before Joe announced his retirement and a reasonable man, as well as a unreasonable man, may have came to the same conclusion.
The pay raise was corruption….plain and simple….I don’t care if the Harford County States Attorney makes less then everybody else in the state or the country for that matter. I also dont care if crooked Joe is retiring. He should have done so years ago. He has been retired in place for years now. The Harford County States Attorney office is a disaster. Employee morale is thru the floor. He would like to hand appoint his successor (David Ryden) who is inept, lacks leadership ability, and is bad for Harford County. Its time to fix the SA office. Vote anybody for States Attorney, but David Ryden one of Joe Cassilly’s boys.