From Del. Glen Glass:
State Delegate Glen Glass Continues to fight for the Second amendment and the Right for those who use Medical Cannabis to continue to own firearms.
Delegate Glen Glass has introduced a Bill that would keep a Maryland citizen from being denied the right to purchase, posses, or carry a firearm solely on the basis that the person is authorized to use medical cannabis.
Delegate Glen Glass says “someone should not lose their right to bear arms because they are using medical cannabis, they have the same right to protect their family as anyone else; Maryland is the Free State and someone who is not breaking Maryland State Law should not lose their Second Amendment Rights”.
These bills will be heard in the Judiciary Committee today at 1:00pm. The press conference will be in front of Judiciary Committee today at 11:30pm March 6, 2018.
First of all, the Judiciary Committee and the entire Judicial Department is guilty of treason. ALL laws of Maryland that interfere with any right enumerated in the Constitution of the United States brought about by a declared war on the United States is an act of treason. WE THE PEOPLE are the United States and when the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and the STATE OF MARYLAND declared war on the people of the United States that use marijuana, these non living entities of greed and corruption have utilized others employed by them to commit acts of treason and a multitude of other crimes under the color of law, while refusing to prosecute the terrorists they employ under a cloak of unconstitutional immunity. There is NO immunity for treason, nor is there any immunity for deprivation of our rights under color of law involving acts of treason and damages incurred under these acts are NOT subject to any statute of limitations. Now that I have cleared the air in that matter, I now claim that the substantive due process doctrine invalidates ALL laws involving CDS, even though the Supreme Court declined to make a ruling on this issue because it was never addressed by the appellate court before it. There was no constitutional grant of authority given to the Federal government to control our behaviors, the authority the government claims to possess is void of ANY constitutional muster and the states adoption of these unconstitutional laws was and is only accomplished by a bribe known as Federal funding. That being said, CDS laws are all illegal and actually acts of treason. As for the Medical Marijuana issue, to deny and disparage any individual of a fundamental right because of a legitimate medicinal cause of use by a supposedly banned substance, is unreasonable under the same principals I’ve already discussed and must be allowable by law, regardless of any legislation passed or declined. If an alcoholic can possess and use firearms, why should not a marijuana user be allowed the same privilege? Alcohol is far more dangerous as it is physically addictive and potentiates violence in its users 100% of the time, yet those who use alcohol are not prohibited from firearms, while those using marijuana are subject to an unconstitutional prohibition. Delegate Glass is completely correct in his proposed legislation, but he is not tackling the REAL issue at hand. The REAL issue is TREASON committed against the United States by those whom reside in legislature and government, that was brought about by an act of war declared against the United States by the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and THE STATE OF MARYLAND. Until this issued is addressed and the CDS laws are revised to remove Marijuana from the Schedule 1 classification of a narcotic, any legislation passed is nothing but a Band-Aid covering the wound of thousands of Marylanders whom have been victimized by the treasonous acts of our illegal government and the terrorists they employ in these matters. We have fought a war, oceans away, to prevent the spread of terrorism across our world and our country has become practically bankrupt from the costs of this war. Yet, here at home, our government still uses State Terrorism to enforce laws it has illegally assumed and acquired by legislation from men just like Delegate Glass and now he wants your support to give unto medical marijuana users an unalienable right that could NOT be taken from them to begin with. End the marijuana prohibition and the war on drugs, so you can make sensible and reasonable legislation involving substances that actually threaten the people of the United States, due to a REAL health crisis.
Cliff npte version please.
Sorry, a lot needed to be said.
SoulCrusher continues with her idiocy and rhetoric.
The First Anendment clearly says that guns are only allowed as part.of a militia, hence the National Guard or an army.
Learn your Constitution.
I do think Glen Glass is hot.
The Bill of Rights was written to ensure the Rights of the People. “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Karen, I have to agree with “The Communicator” as the right to bear arms is foremost to prevent tyranny from the government then to protect the home and family. It does NOT only refer to the militia, only that a well regulated militia is to be kept by the states. You need to read the Supreme Court decisions District of Columbia v. Heller and Caetano v. Massachusetts. These rulings define the 2nd Amendment in the modern age. Karen, you need to learn the Constitution because you are the one who is lacking……
Karen, you gotta’ be trolling. If not, you unfortunately don’t even have the 1st amendment of the US Constitution correct.
Then change federal law, because that’s where the prohibition comes from.
Agreed, 100%. However, Maryland or any other State was NOT forced to follow this law, but a State could lose Federal Funding if they don’t. Loss of this funding could hurt Law Enforcement drastically. This leads us back to changing the Federal law, which is the only logical answer. Kharn is 100% correct……
Uhhh, as a gun nut myself…I would say, “False.” Any person, under the influence of any type of mind-altering substance, should not be armed.
Oh and those that hunt while drinking are excused for their idiocy. Look man, I’ve known a lot of rednecks in my day and they all drank and did a multitude of other drugs before, during and after they went hunting. I’m talking about reality and the reality is that cannabis doesn’t make you angry or angrier when you smoke it. Alcohol does and even though I know people are NOT supposed to get blasted while hunting, many of them do. If you are unaware of this, then more power to you. However, most of my friends hunt and believe it or not, they all get wasted while they’re hunting. Some are on prescribed opioids. Some smoke pot, One even hits the greens while he’s hunting. That’s really dangerous as PCP is probably not a good mix with guns. Anyway, if someone is in their home using medicinal cannabis and an intruder breaks in to threaten or harm his family, I don’t think use of marijuana should hinder his right to protect his home from invasion by using a weapon.
SoulCrusher, do you like Oil of Olay?
Elaine, do you like Ben Wa Balls?
Glen Glass is dreamy. That lock of hair is beautiful. And smart too!