From Friends of Harford:
Development Advisory Committee
Meeting Notice
Meeting Time: Wednesday, March 7, 2018 9:00am
Meeting Place: 220 South Main Street, Belair MD- First Floor Conference Room
Roberts Crossing Located on the east side of Fountain Green Road (Route 543); north of East Wheel Road.Tax Map 50; Parcels 4 & 99. Third Election District. Council District E.
Revises previously approved plan by creating four additional residential lots for a total of 21 lots./15.68 acres/R2/R1. Received 02-07-18 Patricia Roberts/Michael & Marion Gullivan/South Fountain Green, LLC Bay State Land Services, Inc. Proposed Plan:
Charles Lotz says
I am happy to see this development. Harford County needs more development.
Harford County Critizen says
It’s supposed to be an inroad for low income housing along the 543 corridor.
Darla says
I am very happy to see fields, farms, and woods being destroyed for more housing. I am happy the propertyowners are getting the money they deserve so they can, in all likelihood, move away.
The Central Scrutinizer says
I thought we abandoned the Virginia models of growth. From HOV lanes to over development we seem to be going down the path. Soon the contiguous residential retail zone known as “Jersingia” will stretch from Camden New Jersey through Culpepper Va…contiguously.