From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
In the wake of the tragic school shooting in Florida, and in light of numerous recent unfounded threats to school safety in Harford County, the Harford County Sheriff’s Office is hosting a Public Discussion on School Safety. Sheriff Jeffrey R. Gahler will be joined by County Executive Barry Glassman, Superintendent of Schools Barbara Canavan, and other public officials to discuss safety within our public schools with members of the public and to hear ideas and concerns from the public.
The forum will be held Thursday night at The John Carroll School, however, this ticketed event sold out of nearly 1,000 tickets in just over 24 hours.
Everyone has a vested interest in the security of our school facilities. I encourage everyone who is able to attend.
Perhaps a former School Board member would care about grammar and accuracy in his postings. SHAME.
Frisch is an idiot. It says it is completely sold out and he is encouraging everyone to attend. Maybe he is not much into reading either.
Wait Jeff Gahler who was a speaker and major supporter of the Penman gun bingo? A bingo in which an AR-15 was given away? Now he wants to talk school security?? You can tell it’s almost election time.
I heard the guy running against Gahler has a top notch Chief Deputy who is currently a Maryland State Police Trooper and that he will announce it closer to the General Election. Things are about to get interesting!
Boardman is such a joke. This goof is the best the dems can put up against the most popular sheriff in the state. I am sure Gahler is already planning out his third term.
Who’s the team trying to unseat Mr Gahler?
Boardman is classless, he handed out campaign flyers to attendees as they waited in line. It was in such poor taste, as was the woman that used her speaking opportunity to announce that she was running for council. This was about our school, and our children’s safety….. check your agenda at the door.
I thought that was a homeless guy? You have got to be kidding me. This is the Dems best candidate and strategy? I was going to offer to buy the poor guy some food. What a truly classless act from what I guess is a classless hack.
Gahler condones A15 as Republican bingo fundraising prize. I dont trust his judgement. He’s extreme right wing. Will probably support arming teachers (stupidest idea ever…). We need much stronger gun control in this nation.
You are an idiot. There are kids right now in attending Harford County schools who have threatened gun violence in their school. Harford County gives these kids a slap on the wrist and allows them back into the schools in less than a week. It is the schools responsibility to REMOVE THESE DANGEROUS KIDS FROM THE SYSTEM COMPLETELY. They should be permanently expelled and banished from ever attending public school as these kids pose a clear and present danger to all students and faculty. These kids should be forced to attend a paid private school at their parents expense or be forced to be educated via home schooling by their parents.
My kid knows exactly who these kids are and so does the school system yet Harford County refuses to do a damn thing about it. In my opinion the school system is failing to protect our students and they are the first line of defense. I assure you that should an act of violence break out and my child is harmed, I will be contacting a lawyer to sue the school system for negligence and dereliction of duty for failing to protect our children.
Shame on you Harford County schools.
You can thank the laws for that. If they haven’t broken the law they deserve to sit right next to your kid in every class. Remember Cruz did nothing illegal till he started mowing down innocent children and you can thank a republican for that. What party does Sheriff Gahler belong to ….. I hear he’s a big supporter of the second amendment and assault weapons.
You flatter yourself with “Ignorance” Typical “Liberal ” who states facts as you see them. Maybe one might suggest you read or at the least watch the news, this isn’t a Liberal or conservative issue . Cruz has a long history of police incidences. Wise up , your Liberal is showing.
“police incidence” Bawahahahaa yea lets use that as a measure of second amendment rights.
Your ignorance is showing.
So, you think you should thank a Republican for Cruz shooting innocent kids in a school. You have been politically brainwashed. If anything, you can thank the FBI and the local law enforcement for the tragedy and by the way you may want to thank Cruz for the acts as well. Everyone’s answer to every problem anymore seems to be more restriction of the Constitution. You are falling for the propaganda of one of the two major political cults that rule this country. Everyone’s non-answer to every problem anymore seems to be blame the other guy and that’s not fixing or even discussing the real problem. Cruz fell thru the cracks of the current system and the warnings that were not heeded. However, when you step back and really look at the situation, you have to realize that Cruz is just psychotic. No sane person would want to go and kill 17 people, most of whom he probably didn’t even know. If you don’t know a person and they didn’t harm you, why would you want to harm them? Stuff like this is plain evil…
Let’s just hope that AR-15 Gahler gave away at the gun bingo ended up in the right hands. Gahlers solution is to arm everyone. He’s ok if 16 year old little Johnny Jr has an AR-15, he ok if Mrs Johnson the untrained second grade teacher is packing heat in school, and he’s ok if Mark the untrained accountant is packing heat in church. Just arm em all.
It is better than your “shelter in place and wait to be killed” logic.
I think a better course of action would be to lock the classroom door, open the fire window in the classroom and get the kids out of the school. I know there are many variables but if anyone thinks I would wait in a classroom to get shot, then they’re just as crazy as the shooter. I would’ve had the fire window opened before the teacher could get to the classroom door to lock it….
What is your practical proposal for gun control? Do you advocate forcibly disarming Americans? How do you expect that this will be accomplished?
These are questions that gun control advocates need to answer in order to be taken seriously.
Those advocates will never take the issue seriously because they don’t actually understand what the 2nd Amendment is about. Everyone thinks its about hunting and protecting your home, which is partially the reasoning of our forefathers. The real reason was when they created the government they foresaw that in the future the government may become as tyrannical as the one they fought for their freedom from and WE THE PEOPLE may have to take up arms to free ourselves again. You can’t take up arms to free yourself if there is no guns in the hands of the people. That is what the 2nd Amendment is really about and those advocates are actually a danger to WE THE PEOPLE. Just imagine if the government can actually convince the majority of citizens that guns are unnecessary and are actually a danger and an evil to the population. That is what you are seeing right before your eyes as masses of young Americans are preaching gun control that is unreasonable. This is why they don’t teach about the constitution in schools anymore and strangely enough have got the next generation believing the lie that guns kill people. Guns only kill people when a person’s finger pulls the trigger and that means that people kill people.
Guns don’t kill people? Huh? So those 17 folks in Florida weren’t killed as a result of gunfire? Did I miss part of the story?
No, you missed the part where someone pulled the trigger. Guns don’t go off by themselves. People kill people.
Guns dont kill people, its the bullets!
And the bullet did explode from its shell casing and sought its target only after a human finger pulled the trigger and the firing pin made contact with the cartridge. It is STILL the action of a person that killed another, via that bullet. Don’t forget it took a person to also aim that gun so the bullet could fly. Any way you look at it Mike, it was the act of a person killing another person….
Guns don’t kill people but lawn darts did. Thank god they were banned.
Lets make murder illegal…that will stop all murders.
The roots of the Second Amendment and our obsession with guns comes from our colonial history of racist vigilantism, militarism and white nationalism.
See -
Wow, you really believe that gun rights originate from racism? I suggest you get your history from another source because the right to bear arms is laden in law and theory throughout history, as far back as Aristotle and Cicero. In this country, our right to bear arms is firmly declared in the 2nd Amendment and it was not to establish racism. If the 2nd Amendment was in fact of a racist vigilante or white nationalist origin, don’t you think the Amendment would have excluded anyone but whites from ownership? Do you not think they would’ve revised the Amendment to state that gun ownership is forbidden to those of color? I don’t know what more to tell you, but if you believe that gun ownership is what you think it is then you should start campaigning to all the men and women of color in this country to turn in their firearms because only white racists and white nationalist own them. Let’s see how that goes for you…..
Will Gahler announce the winner of the AR-15 giveaway at this event?
There are some pressing and unanswered questions surrounding arming teachers. The problems with arming teachers are legion. But the most problematic one for me is that to be effective, an armed staff member must have police level training. That takes 16 to 18 weeks with retraining every few months. An armed person working for a municipality must have the training to satisfy insurance requirements. Moreover, there must be a police level certification as this person will need to make life or death choices.
Add to that the cost of a weapon and the training that must be mandated. There also is a requirement that time must be spent on the shooting range at least once a month to pass proficiency requirements. Since school districts cannot even afford to pay for paper, ink, retirements or even adequate salaries it would be ludicrous to think they could afford arming teachers or that the state would pay for it.
• There are 9,948 school based staff. At least a fourth of them would need to be armed as an effective deterrent to a school invasion: that would be 2,487 staff total.
• Teachers make $58,000 median salary which is $305.00 daily
• These teachers would need to be paid a bonus as suggested by Trump. A fair bonus would be $10,000 in order to put your life on the line. But just for argument’s sake let’s say $5,000 x 2,487 = $12,435,000 (annually cost)
• 16 weeks training at (112 days) $5,264 = $84,955,920 (one time cost but assuming 25% drop out every year that would be $21,268,980 annually)
• 10 days shooting range plus 10 days substitutes ($89.92+$305 daily= $389) = $9,674,430 (annually)
• Glock 26 9mm $ $500 x 2,487= $1,243,500 (one time cost) There will be upkeep and repair costs that I will not figure in for now.
• 9mm ammo 1000 rounds Federal Fussion MSR 147 grain or Speer gold dot 147 grain $23.00/50 $460 =$1,144,020 (annual cost)
• The first year will cost Harford County citizens about $109,452,870 and $44,522,430 every year thereafter.
• Add to that each school will need to buy insurance to cover accidents, loses of guns, etc. That will be astronomical to say the least.
• And I am not counting the cost of hardening a school with bullet proof doors and windows either, but I think you get my point.
So my question to you citizens of Harford is; will you pay for that?
To protect students, schools need:
• School psychologists who has time to work with troubled students rather than concentrate on tests,
• School counselors to help build skills to prevent vionce and have meaningful discussions with students about their futures.
• Social workers who can help students and their families in times of crises.
• School nurses that are accessible to every student.
• Provide smaller class sizes that allow teachers time to get to know individual students and their familes.
• Provide teachers with more time for teaching and less time for meaningless standardized testing.
• Provide community schools that are hubs of educational, cultural, social, medical and civic partnerships that improve the entire community.
You make a valid point as to cost of arming schools, Then you end up pushing the “Counselor” remedy. Explain that to the “Counselor” with a gun to his head. Whats a child’s life worth to you?
……..but if you arm all teachers in the schools do the librarians need to have silencers?
According to Gary , that would be too expensive
I bet there are concerned staffers who would be willing to supply their own firearm, ammo, and training, if given the opportunity.
They should not do it for free. If we want expert shooters guarding our kids, we should be willing to pay them for it. That would be one tax increase I’d vote for in a heartbeat.
So the teachers who sacrifice so much would volunteer for training to protect their students? Or is that sacrifice only good if its about coddling a gender confused child amongst LGBTQ teachers at any cost?
Wait, you argument against arming teachers is based on cost we can not afford, then your solution is so easy it does not need a cost break down. And what do you base 25% of teachers would need to be armed? You have an officer who is or is assigned to each school already. With 4 teachers per school armed, that would be 5 on 1 if someone came into the school. Those are good odds without needing 25%, which I doubt you would find 25% who are comfortable being armed. Now how many former military or police/deputies are teaching? Do we have competitive sport shooters already teaching? We have three colleges that have competitive shooting programs, so there could be some teachers who participated.
Remember this parents, Sheriff Gahler thinks the solution to heroin is to ban it and lock your children up with maximum sentences if they are caught. He also thinks banning a gun doesn’t work because people will still get them and the real answer is more guns. Remember the snake poem? enjoy the bite.
Guess what…. A “blind” man can get “bit” also.
I like this plan.
The schools,police and courts do nothing. All 3 have rules and laws they choose not to follow. I pressed charges on students who threatened to kill my child even had texts all I got was a handful of excuses. Schools, police and courts want you to understand their feelings and they are worried showing the real numbers of problems. These arrogant criminals laugh at police, judges and schools the whole time rubbing it in they will never be held responsible. What good are more laws if the ones that can be enforced now are not used. Look at the guy who robbed the pizza guy at gunpoint right after getting out of jail he had pages of gun charges.There are no gun laws already on the books to hold him accountable? The people I have dealt with are well known to courts and have used guns to rob and they walk our streets.
I’ll bet those kids could grow up and shoot someone in the face in Time square and no one would care….
I take exception to Mr. Frisch’s language. Foul.
Whether you like guns or not, “gun control” will never be the end all solution. Guns are here in America, and they’re here to stay forever. It’s time to deal with that fact and move on.
Regardless of what’s “banned”, these items are simply not going to vanish from Earth never to be seen again.
When the state passes a law that takes away people’s guns, sharp sticks, chainsaws et al because they feel “depressed” you’re only going to end up with thousands and thousands of people who won’t seek medical help.
Children are uncontrollable because laws were passed that took severe discipline out of the parents hands. Lawsuits and laws have given teachers little control over students in schools. Teachers tell children that parents are NOT allowed to touch them and if they do tell on their own parents to send them to jail. This is why you are having the current discussion. The government and yourselves have brought this situation upon the schools. All of this is our own doing. When you realize that State interference with the parental rights and the child rearing process is what has led us to these types of situations, you can then see what has led us to these horrific school shootings. Quite honestly, my generation had some very bad elements in it. We fought. We lied. We bullied and were bullied. We stole. We did drugs. We cheated on girlfriends and stole our friends girlfriends, even if it were for just one night. However, in my time there were no mass shootings and we always feared our parents when we did something wrong. We had just as much access to guns and we played video and computer games that had just as much violence as today, minus the real cool graphics. The point I’m making is that the creation of laws to deter inappropriate behavior by the adults in these children’s lives went way too far and we now have an epidemic of spoiled panty wastes growing up that have no fear or respect for anything except themselves. When you try to tell them differently they all run to their “Safe Zones” crying about emotional distress. There are too many laws prohibiting the correct upbringing of children even when the children are bad apples and this is undeniable. So in hindsight, we must all realize that this is an upbringing issue that has led to behaviors that are psychotic. The real problem is the law. The real problem is the government putting its nose where it doesn’t belong. This is the problem and the epidemic is the government and its laws that wish to control people in a way that WE THE PEOPLE never gave them authority to do. This control is what has led to the epidemics we see today.
The SoulCrusher has been making a lot of sense lately.
Totally agree,,,
Banning guns will stop school shootings just as effectively as banning drugs has stopped addiction.
The second amendment is meant to stop the tyrant…from winning. Its not about hunting, targets, or paintball.
Lets not forget today’s current battle with the Stasi’esque paranoid surveillance state that is currently raging.
If we are going to take on the US military I’m gunna need more than a semi-auto plastic gun and a 30 round clip
Well, if the US military and its personnel adhere to their oath, then you wouldn’t be fighting them. Remember, an order against the United States Constitution does not need to be upheld, regardless of the Commander that issued the order, especially if it is determined that the one whom has issued the order is acting as an enemy of the United States…..
The only sure way to solve all these problems/controversial issues with school, is to not have schools.
Regardless of age of these mentally ill killers of shooting innocent children/young adults/teachers and most of all any human being needed to be immediately taken serious at all levels of school institutions and places of intent.
Not until it is out of control and the hurt, pain, loss and anguish has taken a toll feet have been flat, no action. Now how do we move forward in providing safety of the sacred grounds of our American schools and the safety for all.
Guns have saved lives in the right places and times – fighting our enemies, protecting ourselves and loved ones, providing food for our families. Guns have a place in society, however not in the hands of inhuman individuals with an intent to kill another for thrills and hatred in their heart regardless of age.
ONLY the TRUTH can set you FREE…John 8:32
Truth is Jeff Gahler is a politician who only cares because it’s election time. Hopefully that sets things free you brainwashed idiots
Yes, a politician who actually does the things he said he would do and so much more. Crystal clear. A great Sheriff.
Sheriff Gahlrer thinks the answer is “more guns, not less”.
. He supports guns in churches,
He supports Reciprocity for concealed weapons.
He supports raising campaign funds by raffling off an assault weapon (AR15).
Gahler is a far right “gun nut”
. He is running a political campaign now to get current and retired “gun nut” cops elected to the Maryland state legislature to loosen gun controls.
Sheriff Gahlers gun policies and campaigns are dangerous to the public safety. of Harford citizens
Gahler, great sheriff. So was Bane, Mele, Coomes, Moyer, Kunkel, Meadows, etc, etc. Sheriff = politician.
Take the politics out of law enforcement – we need to pay the piper and install a county police force. We need law enforcement accountable to the public, not politicians that have the potential to divide loyalties of the deputies, etc. etc be concerned with re-election every four years.
Yeah! We need someone appointed and non political like Comey! Oops. That’s right appointed chiefs are just as political. Accountable to the people is exactly what we have with our sheriff.
not like Comey – like Jim Johnson and Terry Sheridan – Baltimore county has had it for years. Deputies don’t have to worry about which side of an election they end up on. Civilian oversight. Who oversees the sheriff and the sheriff dept on a day to day basis. it’s an island unto itself . Accountable once every four years? accountability and popularity not the same thing.
Great examples. Jokes like Johnson and Sheridan who “aren’t political” just the best a__ kissers of Kamenitz. Our Sheriff answers to all the people and doesnt get his or her job by sucking up.
BelAir Fed should be BelAir Lib. Are you kidding me. The oldest and constitutional Office of Sheriff not beholding or runnng the liberal mission of the likes of Kaminitz or Pugh. No more civilian oversight is possible that having the people choose.
I could’t agree more Comey being a republican and announcing the Hillary BS days before the election was clearly political.
Sorry Fed, the County already tried to do that in the 90s. The county police force did not get voted into reality. I do not see it ever coming up again.
I know my personal stalkers here can’t wait to tell me how many cars I own or how many acres I live on in North Harford.
More guns equals more crime. End of discussion.
I think buying any firearm should involve a background INVESTIGATION, similar to the process of people being hired by Police agencies.
If you read all the online discussion message boards that firearm enthusiasts partake in, they can never unite and argue amongst themselves on a single issue. VERY weak arguments for Pro “2nd amendment.”
More guns = More crime. End of discussion. Not factual in anyway whatsoever, but end of discussion
Imagine a utopia without guns, there would be no gun crime.
With guns, with crime. More guns, more crime.
I know it’s impossible to have firearms vanish from world history.
Again, all the second amendment arguments are extremely weak, hence, why most “gun” cases have lost since Heller decision.
You honestly believe your Heller decision won’t ever be reversed?
To disarm the people of the United States is something the government wants. Remember, WE THE PEOPLE are the United States. It isn’t a land mass with a bunch of borders, it is the people. If there is no people, then there is no United States. If the people become disarmed, the government can do anything it wants because the government will stay armed with guns. When you suggest to disarm WE THE PEOPLE, you are actually suggesting putting the United States in harm’s way as WE THE PEOPLE won’t be able to defend ourselves from tyranny or terrorism. The 2nd Amendment means much more than you perceive it to mean. Quite frankly, suggesting WE THE PEOPLE be disarmed during a time of war, such as the war on terror, is actual a suggestion of treason. Read Article 3 of the Constitution and you will see what I’m talking about. You put way too much trust in your government…..
No one cares what you say, SoulCrusher. Your rantings are antithetical to modern day thought.
I’ll admit, the SoulCrusher loses me a little bit when he goes on about his unique situation…but that’s a whole other matter. As long as he’s on other topics like this, I’m definitely digging what he is saying.
@Joe Fay – I’m not ranting. I’m giving you the truth. What you do with it is your own business. If you think I’m “antithetical”, then so be it, but I believe there is a lot of people that know what I’m talking about.
@minion – It is my belief that my personal situation and the problems with this country are interrelated topics. If not for the actions of our government, specifically the actions that occurred in Harford County, I wouldn’t be who I am today. If not for the actions of our government regulating our behaviors, speech, and in time, our thoughts, I wouldn’t have to say the things I say about all these topics, including my own. Remember, the government is still beholden to the Constitution and they have betrayed it over and over……
Yeah but we can make a fairly strong argument for why your parents should have used birth control.
Let me guess, proud conservative?
Do you have a “Moron I am” sticker on the rear window of your automobile like the rest of the gun nuts have?
Soo…any reports from the meeting?
Why are you so evil?
Many thanks to our REPUBLICAN elected officials for their STRONG ACTION. I love ya!
Minion, why are you so evil?