From Congressman Andy Harris:
Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) will host a town hall meeting to answer constituent questions about the various immigration reform issues that have been raised by President Trump and Members of Congress. All residents of Maryland’s First District are welcome to attend the event and ask questions.
Date: March 1, 2018
Time: 6:30 – 7:30 PM
Location: Joppa-Magnolia VFC
1403 Old Mountain Road S, Joppa, MD 21085
You call an 1 hour meeting with pre-screened softball questions a town hall meeting? I call it political malfeasance for a politician cowering before his west shore constituents. Why are you afraid of an open mike Andy? We want to talk about guns and your support of the NRA.
Although Joppa is mostly in another CD. I applaud Andy Harris for having a meeting at hours works ng people can make for once and offering more than 24 hours notice. I guess this is progress for him.
Will it only be immigration? There are so many other things to discuss as well. I think he is afraid to take questions on other topics and just going for red meat topics that his base supporters will rally behind. How about off shore drilling or the heroin epidemic, two topics that are very relevant to the county. Or with the nationwide school shootings, how about mental health? He can talk about how votes on health care last year would have lead to less people being covered for mental health issues.
I guess the congressman is not attending the town hall on school safety also taking place tonight over at John Carroll – with the full house.