From Friends of Harford:
Community Input Meeting for Dollar General
Meeting Time: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 at 6:00 pm
Meeting Place: Holy Cross Episcopal Church, Parish Hall, 4603 Rocks Road, Street, MD 21154
Location of proposed development- Located on the northeast corner of MD Route 24 (Rocks Road) at the intersection of MD Route 165 (Pylesville Road), Pylesville, MD 21132
Description of proposed development- Dollar General
What the hell do they need another damn dollar general for? There are literally 6 within 5 miles of there! God damn monopolies!!
Awesome another mini walmart.
I love Dollar General.
Too expensive. I think they need a Chinese owned Dollar Store.
Everything in the sore comes from china! Including the toxic chemicals and hazardous materials on the products 😉 But you already knew that..
Most things you buy anymore come from China. No matter where you shop. Even if the product is assembled somewhere else, rest assured that some part of it was made in China. Now, if you want to be challenged, try to find things made in the US.
Hehe :•}
This is sorely needed. There are not enough retail options in Harford County.
I think you meant to put this in another article… That or youre a troll.
Build Build Build,, Soon to be called Harford City, MTA needs to expand in Harford City. Need more section 8, Harford City needs to be more inclusive.
Ron, I completely agree. This county needs to be FAR more welcoming of diversity and sophistication. The “charm” wears thin….
Ron, I completely agree. MTA Transit Light Rail straight to Bel Air!! That was the downfall of Owings Mills. The moat was opened with a bridge. If you want to destroy your town…look at Randallstown and Owings Mills as an example.
You have no clue what you are talking about. If Bel Air become like Owings Mills because of mass transit only an idiot would be against it/ Clearly you know zero about Owings Mills. Idiot.
Name calling… you must not have much of an argument.
Maroon, should your name be Moron?
Owings Mills has BENEFITED from the access provided by transit. Less crime, more mobility, more diversity. SO WILL HARFORD.
Pass a regional sales tax at 20 cents on the dollar and build the damn system.
Charlotte, are you even aware that the nickname for the Light Rail system is “Crime Rail”? Less crime with transit?
Really? I’ve lived in areas near the light rail since 1997 and never once did I hear it called the “Crime Rail”. I know that the Anne Arundel County Police used to call it the “Plight Rail”, but never the “Crime Rail”……
Crime rail? never heard of 50 years living and working in he area. Why do people feel he need to make shit up to fit an agenda?
“The Sun article also cited police statistics stating stated areas in Baltimore County that were accessible by light rail had increased crime rates. This was a concern of many business owners and mall employees.”
Read more at Carrol County Times
Without the Sun article you and the Carroll county times are citing your comments are useless.
Dear Charlotte Pine I’m so sorry your lack of reading comprehension has been made public. Darlin please go back and reread my statement and you will find no where did I say it was a bad thing. As a matter of fact I said only an idiot would be against it do you know what that means? Honey next time mouth the words while you use your reading finger maybe it will help.
Bless your heart
Its called the loot rail
Every great civilization needs mass transportation. Our Harford County cities need sleek, metal subway lines for the future.
A recent study showed that a doubling of the Harford County property tax rate would provide enough funding in Fiscal Year 2019 to complete planning for a subway system, with future payments from some form of tax increment financing system.
Furthermore, if we deconcentrated poverty from the city to Harford County, we would greatly alleviate Baltimore’s regional problems.
DREAM BIG, Harford!
You really are a special kind of stupid
I am progressive and enlightened, unlike you, pisser.
You are living in a fantasy world in your ivory tower. Unaware of what’s really happening in “your” county. You have no clue about life outside your mummy and daddy care. Sucking on the teet until they drop dead leaving you with your trust fund
Right on! Shut this crazy wacko lady down!
You forgot the progressive agenda of the Browning of America.
And how many people who own their home in Harford County will lose their home when they can not afford to pay twice as much property tax? I could for one year, maybe two, by then I would have to be out. An extra $3500 a year would send me out of the county. Real progressives would worry about the low side of middle class too.
You are so mean!!!!!