From Del. Mary Ann Lisanti:
Dear Friends,
This week I will be presenting multiple pieces of legislation that are intended to support residents and businesses in our community. I would like to take this opportunity to give you a rundown of what is on the docket for the days ahead.
Supporting Those Who Care For Us
On Tuesday, HB 614 will be heard before the Heath and Government Operations Committee. If enacted, this bill will require hospitals that close or downsize to fund hospital retraining and placement as the result of a lost job. This retraining will insure that health care professionals in rural communities (such as the closure of Harford Memorial Hospital) are better prepared for career advancement in an ever changing industry. The $1.5 million in training will come from .01% of the Maryland Hospital Association’s $15 Billion in revenues.
Supporting Those Who Protect Us
Also on Tuesday I will once again be presenting on HB 15 that would set procedures for the Harford County Sheriff’s Deputies Union to bargain collectively with the Harford County Sheriff and County Executive. Our men and women in uniform deserve the right to negotiate for the best possible pay and benefits package they can with the people who control the budget, and I am hopeful that this legislation gets enacted this session.
Supporting Harford County Businesses
As a member of the Alcoholic Beverages Subcommittee, I work with industry stakeholders, small businesses, breweries, and wineries in order to craft legislation that supports the economic growth of our state. This week, local alcohol and statewide bills will be heard today and Friday. I am happy to sponsor HB 270 that will include the Harford County Farm Fair as a location for sampling of local beer and wine. This bill has strong support among local breweries and wineries, and the Harford County Delegation. In addition, I will be presenting HB 1343 that expands the sale of beer in Ripken Stadium as well as the sale of liquor on the lower concourse. Currently, a mixed drink can only be purchased on the Club level which is unfair to the general admission fans. This will put Ripken Stadium on par with all other stadiums in the State of Maryland. Lastly, I am sponsoring HB 1498 that will allow social clubs that collect dues and meet a strict set of criteria, to sell alcohol in their facilities. All these alcohol bills support the business community and I am optimistic that they will be enacted.
Please don’t hesitate to contact my office if you have any questions or concerns regarding legislation or how I can assist you. It’s a great privilege to serve the people of Harford County and I always appreciate hearing from you while serving in Annapolis.
Mary Ann Lisanti
Delegate, District 34A
Sweet jesus this is what the important stuff is down to?