From Del. Mary Ann Lisanti:
Dear Friends,
As many of you know, I have the great privilege to sit on the House Economic Matters Committee (ECM) while serving in the Maryland General Assembly. My committee deals with a large scope of issues including economic development, alcoholic beverages, public utilities, insurance and business regulation, consumer protection, bankingm science and technology.
I would like to take this opportunity to update you on some important legislation ECM heard this past week. On Thursday hearings were held on HB 656 & 657 regarding motor vehicle insurance discrimination. These two bills would prohibit an auto insurance company from setting rates based on gender, marital status or level of education. Rate surveys show that single or divorced women pay more than single or divorced men. Is that fair? Or should we focus rates on individual driving records?
You may also want to know about drink driving insurance at, a certified website that allows you to understand what type of coverage you need when you run into a bad situation such as drunk driving.
Bond Bill Legislation
This session I’m pleased to have filed 1.046 Million dollars in Bond Bill requests for outstanding capital projects in Harford County. These projects support a diverse spectrum of community interests and I’m proud to be working with these great organizations.
– $500,000 for the Sexual Assault Resource Center (SARC)
– $250,000 for the Aberdeen Proving Ground Discovery Education Center
– $200,000 for the Historical Society
– $96,000 for the Historic Colored School Foundation.
Over the past three years, I have worked vigorously to bring an additional $850,000 back to Harford County through the bond bill process. Past project funding includes $500,000 for renovations to Ripken Stadium in Aberdeen, $100,000 towards the Fire & Rescue boat in Havre de Grace, $100,000 to the American Indian First Contact Heritage Park, $100,000 to the development of the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences at Aberdeen Proving Ground, and $50,000 to The Epicenter at Edgewood. I look forward to continue working with our community partners and the House Appropriations Committee in seeking additional funds in Fiscal Year 2019.
As always, please don’t hesitate to contact my office if you have any questions or concerns regarding legislation or how I can assist you. It’s a great privilege to serve the people of Harford County and I appreciate hearing from you while serving in Annapolis.
Mary Ann Lisanti
Delegate, District 34A
Socialism does not work. Government control does not work. Companies set rates based on the facts assed by risk. Does anyone really believe an INS company would single out a single mom to get $ 18 more per month. This is the deranged syndrome. Politicians using data interpreted to help[ them.
If socialism doesn’t work then get off my public roads!
Isn’t than cute! Someone who thinks he knows what socialism means. Bless his heart.
Another totally idiotic statement form Helton!
Leave this alone you left wing whack a doodle. Any and every time that government gets involved in matters like this, everybody ends up on the short end of the stick. Insurance companies hire people called actuaries. The actuaries analyze data and provide guidance in order for the company to price their products so that the groups that are creating the greatest risk pay the higher prices. Lisanti would have you think that the companies price it more for the girls because they want to screw over that group. This progressive has never been in a business environment and wouldn’t know good business practices if you smacked her with them.
Insurance company premiums are based on sound actuarial studies. Low credit scores vs. high credit scores, young males vs. young females, where you live, single or married and many other factors determine the risk and statistical probability that you are a good risk or a bad risk for an insurance company. What’s next? Are you going to say it’s discriminatory that an insurance company charges more or denies a life insurance policy to someone with a pre-existing medical condition? Stay out of the private sector. This is a classic example of another liberal do-gooder hair brained idea that will have many unintended consequences.
I understand the insurance company’s algorithm for setting insurance premiums, however your credit does NOT reflect if you are a good driver or not. Credit should NOT be a factor in calculating insurance rates as your credit score isn’t the business of the insurance companies. Your driving record is all that should be considered. I can possibly understand checking credit for paying payments on a policy, but an insurance company can always cancel you if you don’t pay. Using credit in determining rates is financial discrimination and I thought they wanted to take discrimination out of insurance.
Drivers with a poor credit score statistically have more accidents and claims than drivers with a high credit score. You may not like it, or think it’s “unfair” but it is fact.
Oh, I believe that about as much as I think Trump colluded with Russia. It’s just not true. It is nothing but an excuse for giving you a higher rate that isn’t really reflective on the task you are being insured for. Financial discrimination is all it really is and that is why it is banned in 3 states. From what I understand they adopted it from a study done by the Federal Trade Commission that found credit scores to be a good determiner of risk. If your credit is good you are probably a more responsible driver. However, what does the Federal Trade Commission know about car insurance and there is no conclusive studies that show this practice actually works. It’s nothing but another way to make the poor man poorer and an excuse to give a more fortunate man another financial gain. Car insurance should be based upon your record, age, sex, type of vehicle and address. Your credit report is none of their business.
That legislation sounds like making men pay more even though they wreck less… Thanks for the social engineering.
Actually, men are at higher risk for having a serious accident, especially when they are just starting to drive.
and rates for young men reflect that. Men in their 40s are less likely to get into a serious accident and the rates reflect that as well.
Men tend to have high/low speed drunken accidents that are deadly and expensive. I had a drunken uncle who never could admit he was too drunk to drive. At night he said he would drive by pointing his car at the next telephone poll.
As usual your comment has absolutely no relevance.
Mary Ann. By the logic you use here, you should have been on this years ago to oppose the discrimination against young MEN who are consistently charged higher rates. And rightly so. They are involved in more and more serious accidents at a higher rate. There is a science to the insurance industry that government meddlers should understand before they create another victim class to appeal to their voter base. Should we charge younger, healthier people more for life insurance to make things more fair? How about doing the same for health insurance? Oh, I forgot. We did that. It was called Obamacare, A failure on most accounts. I suspect you mean well but this is a solution looking for a problem. It will succeed only in creating new problems.
First of all, you ALL need to realize that the business of insurance is an exercise in incompetence and untrustworthiness. You then need to realize that insurance is nothing but a doomed pyramid scheme that is destined to fail when any large scale event causes an unanticipated amount of legitimate claims. I was an insurance agent licensed in Maryland for 10 years. During that time, I was instructed by William Donohue to lie on affidavits to the court about the amounts of money my company was receiving for the purchase of insurance bond related products. William Donohue was at that time the chief enforcement officer for the Maryland Insurance Administration and is now head of licensing for that same administration. What I’m getting at is if the Maryland Insurance Administration condones and advocates lies given to the courts, what good is it. The Maryland Insurance Administration has changed this policy and now requires the TRUTH on the affidavits to the courts, but that doesn’t mean that at one time they did NOT advocate lying directly to the courts about the fees we were receiving and they are still employing the same man that ordered us to lie. I have already stated multiple times that in order for Health Insurance to work under ObamaCare, the insurance companies must be eliminated from the equation all together and the government must deal with the medical industry directly to make it work. Auto insurance only works because of the ridiculously high premiums given to the public and will fail if an event occurs that causes thousands of accidents under legitimate circumstances. With our decaying roads and bridges, this type of event will occur and the auto insurance industry in Maryland will be wiped out. It’s just a matter of time. All allegations about William Donohue can be verified by a local resident of Harford County that was present at the time I/we were directed to lie to the courts. That man is Steven N. Bullock of Edgewood and I’m sure he will have no problem verifying the allegations I have made. Insurance is a business of calculated risk, but there is no formula to calculate the state of neglect that our roads and bridges have endured. Unless infrastructure issues are attended to, you will see the demise of most auto insurance companies in Maryland because it is doomed to fail……
But government is easily as corrupt and more incompetent than the insurance industry and they mandate that we have these products. The man you are making public allegations against is and was a public official working in a government position. And yet it seems you advocate giving government even more control. I say get the busy bodies with their personal and political party agendas are far from us as possible.
I advocate giving them more control in the Health industry alone. If you’re going to make Health Care a right, you must take the profit out of it so it can be sustainable. You can’t allow a bunch a old drunks sitting in offices raping the country of their wealth for being a middle man in a service they don’t actually provide. Its unsustainable. Hold on a minute, am I talking about insurance or congress…….
The legislation is supported by the Maryland Consumer Rights Coalition. Its a good bill supported by a great Harford legislator.
You saved us from the trouble of reading it.
Rule #1 – If Callahan is for it, we all should be against it.
Rule #2 – See Rule #1.
Hope this helps.
You owe him an apology. That was a horrific thing to say.
You, sir, are pond scum.
Mike isn’t a bad guy. A little too Democratic leaning, but to each of us his own. Once again I urge everyone to consider ALL candidates by the message they present and not for their party affiliation…..
HB 655 and 657 will make auto insurance fairer . Read the study made by the Maryland Consumer Coalition.–Taking The Low Road: How Auto Insurers Drove Up Unfair Rates
Seems like this will transfer the burden of payment from those more likely to wreck to those less likely to wreck. Progressive make a profit of less than 5% in 2016 (2017 not out yet). Do you think they are going to cut their profit to 2%? Seriously, you want to legislate how someone cuts their pie up? All these charts tell me is switch to GEICO no matter who you are.
Thanks for lookin at the charts. Joe Logic is afraid to look at the date. Fear of learning he is wrong.
Ma’am, with all due respect, you can kiss my ass.
Hope this helps..