From teh New Harford Democratic Club:
Minutes of the New Harford Democratic Club
Wednesday, January 3, at the Aberdeen Holiday Inn Express
President Steve Johnson opened the meeting at 7:03 pm
Johnson led those present in a pledge to the flag.
Johnson welcomed, Circuit Court Judge Paul Ishak and former Aberdeen Mayor Mike Bennett. He then asked others present to stand and identify themselves
Treasurer George Harrison submitted the financial report. Johnson asked for and received unanimous approval.
He also asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the December meeting. Approved unanimously.
Johnson then asked for reports for any other clubs. None was presented.
Submitted by George Harrison, Acting Secretary.
Committee reports: The voter registration effort will begin as soon as the weather improves.
Issues and legislation will be observing the education budget proceedings and the upcoming county budget discussions.
Johnson introduced the first of the night’s speaker, Jesse Colvin who is running for the Democratic nomination in the 1st congressional district. He is a former Army Ranger who served in Afghanistan and holds a Masters degree in international studies from Columbia. He said his major concerns are the failure to deal with the opioid epidemic, environmental issues and employment issues in the 1st District. He said he is a serious candidate who can raise the necessary funds to unseat Andy Harris. He believes he has the cross-over appeal that will be needed in the first District. He then took questions from the floor.
Johnson then introduced Allison Berkowitz who has filed to run for House of Delegates in District 7. She said she is a social worker, doctoral student, professor and legislative advocate. She currently teaches classes in non-partisan civic engagement and works to pass legislation that would benefit working class families. Her interests are public education, ensuring access to quality healthcare and improving local economies. She advocates expansion of trade schools in the state and more emphasis on special education needs. She then took questions from the audience.
Johnson then introduced the third speaker of the evening, Andre Johnson, who is seeking the nomination for the District A council seat. He is long time Harford resident and a graduate of Edgewood High school. He is a former member of the U.S Army, a former police officer. Athletic coach and community activist. He is a current member of the Harford County Democratic Central Committee and currently heads the community police relations committee for Voices for Racial Change. He considers himself an advocate for those who are struggling and will work to improve their lives. He promises to fight for his constituents if elected. He then took questions from the audience.
Johnson thank the evening’s speakers for making the effort to seek public office.
He then adjourned the meeting at 8:58 p.m.
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