From Harford Students Count on Us:
The 2018 Maryland General Assembly Legislative Session has just begun and already members of the Harford County Delegation have signed on to co-sponsor legislation which will hurt teachers and schools. Delegate Rick Impallaria is co-sponsoring “Right to Work” legislation. If HB 264 were enacted it would severely hamper teachers’ ability to organize and enforce their contracts. Please email Delegate Impallaria urging him to withdraw his support for this harmful legislation.
Delgate Andrew Cassilly, Delegate Teresa Reilly, Delegate Glen Glass, Delegate Rick Impallaria, Delegate Susan McComas, Delegate Pat McDonough, Delegate Kathy Szeliga, Senator Robert Cassilly and Senator J. B. Jennings have all signed on to sponsor legislation initiated by Governor Hogan erroneously dubbed the Protect Our Students Act of 2018 (HB0351/SB0301).
This deceptive legislation will roll back many of the important protections we worked so hard to enact last year with the Protect Our Schools Act. It will increase the weight “Academic Indicators” play in school performance evaluation to 80%. This would represent a return to the test and punish regime of No Child Left Behind.
This legislation will ultimately result in more testing, more ineffectual remediation classes, as well as, fewer arts, humanities, physical education and elective classes. It will also increase the burden of standardized tests upon our students and our schools. Most importantly, it will open the door to private charter take-overs of our public schools and will prevent schools from addressing the needs of our most needy students by reducing their complicated lives to test scores, graduation rates and grades.
We cannot allow devastating legislation like this to pass. Email all the members of the Harford County Delegation who co-sponsored this terrible and short sighted legislation demanding they withdraw their support.
This legislation was introduced without the input of educators, solely to support Governor Hogan’s anti-union privatization agenda. We must tell our legislators in the most strident terms that we will not tolerate this kind of attack on our teachers, our students and our public schools.
Harford Students Count on US editorials are written by Ryan Burbey.
Since when is accountability a bad thing?
Public Sector unions were such a terrible idea that even the great socialist FDR opposed them. Paying good teachers has never been an issue, but often times we have to pay bad ones too because they are protected by the union.
When you say “bad” ones? Please explain? As in, poor performance? In that case, you don’t need some shit ass union to “protect” them, it’s very difficult to terminate the employment of a local .gov employee unless it’s criminal in nature.
This statement is categorically false. HCEA and other teacher unions do not defend “Bad” teachers. We defend their right to due process and we defend our negotiated agreement. HCEA supports quality instruction and teacher empowerment.
Mr. Burbey, thank you for setting the record straight. You are an amazing man, a gifted leader and advocate for our kids.
You have more support than you know. Keep holding your head high and know that there are many people behind you.
My very best.
Doesn’t HCEA also advocate for the elimination of positions under the guise of saving money so as to pay other teachers their “fair share”? And not to mention the ploy that the union is there to defend them in court cases when you know all to well the school system already provides that benefit to all teachers, good or “bad”.
Again, this statement is false. HCEA has advocated for a sustainable budget. We have advocated for cutting positions in central office and administration and other areas of bureaucracy. HCPS does not protect teachers against professional liability claims or provide legal assistance to teachers who are falsely accused in the line of duty.
You are incorrect sir. They most certainly do provide assistance. And furthermore, to your first statement, I am curious as to how you expect to eliminate central office positions and administration positions all the while bringing in more classroom staff? Are they just supposed to go unchecked and the county has no way to hold these teachers to any kind of standards? Who’s going to be left to decide who is a “good” or “bad” teacher?
How can you advocate for a sustainable budget and multiple expenditures at the same time? Contradictory? If you ask for higher pay for teachers and are awarded this desire then every year after that the budget must be that much higher. Juts to maintain that level of pay. If you want more every year the budget must reflect and be raised each and every year. Simple math, no? And how much do you get compensated for your role in all this Mr. Burbey? The public deserves to know. The teachers want to know.
Salary budgeting is not simple math. You can read about how to model the cost here
The paper was written by Harold Breaux. Before he retired Mr. Breaux engineered super computers on APG.
If you look at the salary cost for teachers, the annual increases are entirely offset by turnover savings in the form of retirements and departures. This is illustrated on pg 91 of the FY16 HCPS budget. HCPS no longer publicizes this graph in the budget.
If you look at the expenditures for salaries each year, they are less than the amount budgeted.
I am paid the same salary I that every other teacher with my experience and education is paid according to the salary scale. This cost is entirely paid by our members’ dues while I am on release time. I am on step 14 of the Masters +30 scale. I work 210 Days. Effective July 1, 2017 this is $80,443. We will receive a 2% COLA in February. Since this is roughly half the year, it will amount to approximately an additional $804.
Why do you want to cut positions in central office and administration? It sounds like you have an unhealthy hatred of them. Maybe its jealousy? You could never do what they do so you want to eliminate them and “share the wealth” of their newly freed up salary. Is their hatred for your superiors Ryan? Do you still hold them responsible for your failed first marriage?
So he makes almost $50 an hour. 260 working days in a year = 2080 hours. He said he works 210 = 1680 hours. $81,000 / 1680 = 48.21
Read the contract Burbey. They do cover all of what you said they don’t. Its there in black and white.
Who wrote this article??? What is the source of these statements
The “us” refers to HCEA, which unto itself is a joke. My three kids do not count on HCEA and never would I want that. HCEA rails against the very people who are important for accountability in the system.
My 5 kids do. 5-3=2 That’s 2 up on you.
Well the millions of kids that have died on your face don’t so….
No you would be the expert sort of like an all pro receiver.
What is wrong with right to work? Joining the union should be optional…this sounds like Obamacare…you have to force people to join because the product stinks.
Hahahaha! I know right?! Its crazy to think someone has to work so hard to defend their organization that is “loved” by so many teachers. Honestly burbeys tenure at the helm has been lackluster to say the least. But by all means teachers keep paying your dues! Hey heres a novel thought… maybe you could get more pay if you stopped having money drained from your paycheck by greedy power hungry unions. Think about that on your ice delay. lol
No one is forced to join HCEA.
But you wont let them leave! And if im wrong please explain how they must do so here and now.
He’s afraid to answer your question because he knows everyone would leave and he would have to actually work again! hahahaha
Short version of this article:
“Members of the Harford County Delegation back legislation that will stop forcing teachers to give union money. Burbey outraged that gravy train may end, concedes that the union cannot survive without mandatory payments. Cannot believe that they would be forced to prove their worth to employees who would be able to choose whether or not to financially support them.
Its almost eerily reminiscent of the social security debacle. Offering workers the ability to take their contributions and put them in their own account. The establishment flips out because once enough workers see the benefit of leaving the system dies and they are out of a job
HCEA receives no mandatory payments. Only HCEA members pay dues.
Ho are the dues calculated? How much do you receive in compensation? How much of their dues goes into to paying the “administrative costs” of HCEA?
The HCEA is a non profit that filed a 990, which can be found Googling 990 Finder. His HCEA salary can be found there.
OH! So it says here Mr. Burney that you make almost twice what you claimed to make. I’ll post a link to a past filing so everyone can find it easier.
Our 990 reflects our total salaries. We have a staff member who we pay. It also reflects our reimbursement to HCPS for my benefits and our staff member’s benefits.
From what I see the most recent report claims one employee. So who is providing you benefits? And if its not your organization or yourself then why?
Hey Burbey, If you really want to clear everything up why don’t you just post your taxes! Lol almost like Trump. But seriously, nobody believes you without proof.
While on release time, HCEA reimburses HCPS for the cost of my salary and benefits. My benefits and salary are processed through HCPS payroll. However, HCEA pays all the costs. I make the same as I would were I teaching. I have the same benefits as any other teacher.
Why would HCPS pay your salary and benefits? You are not working for them, you are working against them. Also you are reaping the “benefit” of group healthcare costs while not being a part of the organization. Shouldn’t you have to find your own healthcare?
We can’t work in the heat.
We can’t work in the snow.
We can’t work in the cold.
We want a raise every year.
We want free medical benefits.
We want summers off.
We want to be paid regardless of performance.
We want more from taxpayers whose salaries do not increase as quickly as ours.
Says the teachers of Harford County.
Little Joey,
To have standing as a taxpayer you first have to get a job. Why don’t you leave the basement and try a little honest labor or is that too much to ask.
Taxation is theft
I doubt very seriously you work in the private sector. Most private sector employees have no pensions, no summers off, no contracts, no foul weather policy and are compensated based on performance.
Unlike most of you posting here, I respected my teachers and credit them and my parents for much of my success today. I am sorry most of those posting here perhaps including yourself are so consumed by your own socioeconomic disappointment and/or hatred that you try to find some group to scapegoat.Teachers are just easy targets especially in this county. If you think teaching is such a good deal and cake job then why aren’t you a teacher? Of course, with an attitude like yours and most on this site, I’m glad my kids don’t go to school in Harford County.
We are too. They would only be that much worse.
Rickett, You forgot the most disgusting of all.
Don’t kid yourself.
In today’s climate, when a student is suspended et al – it has nothing to do with disciplinary correction for the student, it’s a penalty to the parents to be inconvenienced (in their schedule) for their kids bad behavior.
You’re one of those LIBS who wants everybody to get a trophy. Your type of thinking is destroying AMERICA.
Nah, not a LIB just a LUNATIC.
Joseph Ricketts, that was an undignified comment. Try teaching in some of these schools.
I had a hernia operation yesterday. I have diarrhea now.
The students are often abusive, disruptive, and openly contemptful of authority. You owe the educators of this county an apology.
Lacey, if you feel this way about your students then you have failed them already. I think it you who owe us a refund and an apology.
The kids wouldn’t be that way if more men were in schools. Just sayin.
What rock have you been living under?
lets use the staff diversity logic( that ryan burbey is begging for) for a second shall we…
“I think you need to hire more teachers and staff of color so that all of my friends can see grown-ups just like them, doing all kinds of jobs so that way they know that they can do anything when they grow up,” Now this is all well and good right? Ok so, percentage of students of color ratio to teachers should be equal. Now im willing to bet that the percentage of students that are male is higher than the students that are of color. So lets force the county to hire more male teachers. The logic is sound. Oh unless you are Rachel and demand that if you show up to a hearing your words go into to law, lol, just by showing up . hahaHa
What do you think that you’re going to do – MANhandle the youth of today? They’re going to tell you to go f#%* yourself and the parents will then sue you @$$. You will be terminated by the HR department before the year is out. Then, you will be thrown in jail for abusing children. On the bright side, you will no longer be an anonymous butthole posting on THE DAGGER. Instead you will be the identity known MALE with a feature story dedicated to just to you. Of course, all the wonderfully kind individuals like yourself will rip you apart each and every hour until their bitterness is somewhat quenched or a better target appears. hahahah………….
Oh I guess you women will just continue to have sex with your students until it all goes away. Or maybe you will complain about how their behavior is so bad its giving you diarrhea and you cant handle them. Or maybe you will protest in the streets with pink pussy hats on. Or maybe you will have wet dreams about Donald trump. LOL sorry that s funny! But really…do you think the male students don’t deserve to see people like them in roles of authority? The advocates for diversity seem to think the black students need more black teachers….
Fuck you Lacey!
Lacey paine you seem to have some serious mommy and/or maybe daddy issues. What did your mother do to you? Past time to seek some professional help.
Mr. Rickitts, some perspective.
My students are so disruptive that I have had bowel movements all day. And no, Ex-Lax DOES NOT help stop the diarrhea. I get upset and can barely sleep.
So don’t lecture us on whether we are bad educators or not!
Then quit so they can hire a more effective teacher. There are many more fish in the sea, so to speak.
Ms. Paine, for some of us, that is financially impossible.
I just had another spell.
So youre saying you would rather keep raping the county’s taxpayers out of their money. And support your habit of abuse of the children.
@lacey paine
You obviously could stand to go back to school because your grammar sucks!
im just curious “just a thought” where you think laceys grammar is incorrect? Please enlighten us oh omniscient one.
Yeah I have to agree with just a joke. Her opinion aside, she made no grammatical errors in her statement. Maybe just a thought should stick to thinking and limit her speaking. lol
Again, you are blaming your students for your problems. It sounds like you had an expectation of a bunch of kids sitting quietly and allowing you to live your stress-free existance. If I chose the profession of an educator, I would make damn sure that I could handle the stress of the position beforehand. You have resources to deal with unruly students. Try parent teacher conferences or learn to keep your kids attention in the classroom. You could evn seek a position at the college lever or private sector. The fact is we all have stress in our chosen profession but it is apparent that you cannot effectively manage yours.
This comment made me laugh so hard! Spoken as truth by someone obviously not in the classroom! “Learn to keep their attention” OMG that’s hysterical. You haven’t a clue what goes on in a classroom…unless…I know, you’re one of those parents who believe every word their child says about school is true. HaHa.
Over the years, I’ve had the parents of some of my worst behaved students tell me “not to call them again, they don’t have time for this”, “they’re your problem there and mine at home”, and my favorite “I don’t know what to do with them either”. These are also the parents that don’t bother to show up for scheduled conferences after I’ve made a return trip to school at night to meet them.
Schools are graded on the number of student referrals/suspensions/expulsions. Disruptive students are frequently sent right back to class because the numbers have to be kept down. The reality is there is very little disciplining tools available these days. Tell them they have detention? They don’t show up. Office finally suspends them as a repeated no-show…exactly what they want-not to be in school. But don’t forget that I am now required to make up a packet of the work they will miss to send home…that they won’t do anyway.
Most of our teaching is now data driven curriculum with a mandated percentage of summative grades. Some courses are so regimented that every teacher in the county is supposed to be on the same lesson the same day. There’s no room or time for the fun, creative teaching if you want to do well on your evaluation. It’s all about the numbers. Teach for the test, no matter what. That’s our county and state mandate in a nutshell.
Put your money where your mouth is…come and teach in Harford County.
It’ll change your life. 😀
It is your elected officials that have implemented the policies. Teachers and their unions have voted for democrats time and time again. You voted for them, you can deal with the consequences. It is comforting to know our children are in your “about the numbers” hands. You made the choice to become a teacher, clearly that was a mistake.
Cold and snow flurrys tomorrow, at least you’ll get the day off.
Last time I looked Vincenti and Glassman had an R after their names.
Just as I predicted, teachers get another paid day off for a little rain and cold while the rest of the working public have to go to work. Maybe Lacey will have an additional day to clear out her bowels and reflect on her unruly students. Oh what a tough job the teachers have.
What is the HCPS policy on employee medical marijuana?
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Im going out on a limb here but, don’t most teachers already smoke marijuana? I mean the county cannot drug test them. That would be unethical 😮 I know numerous teachers that smoke marijuana regularly and brag about not being tested.
I guess really is the question is there mechanism that will “alert” HCPS when an employee receives an active medical marijuana card (?) / ‘prescription’ / or whatever it is called facing possible employment penalties or does it make more sense for these people to keep smoking marijuana illegally as far as state law is concerned?
I’m not interested in hearing the response of a “public information employee” reading off a document.
I was interested in what teachers have received in their email/mailboxes/et Al as far as guidance to this state legal medical marijuana.
I don’t think it would be public knowledge. It is a “medical” card and medical records are kept confidential. I don’t see why they should know. Do they know when a teacher is prescribed a opioid/narcotic painkiller?
Having your primary care doctor fill out a prescription for Percocet is not against Federal law.
Think for a moment. Is the local government going to allow it’s employees to have a prescription for an federal illegal substance?
Absolutely. It is legal in this state with a prescription. If they have less than 10 grams it is a civil violation, not a criminal violation. If they are a Federal employee, then there is the gray area of legality, but not with a state employee. However, please read my response to “hmmm”….it’s not illegal to begin with. It is a statute, not a law. There is no Constitutional authority to govern in this manner. The Maryland Code mirrors the US Code because of a bribe our state receives each year to keep Marijuana illegal. This bribe is called Federal funding. The mere existence of a Medical Marijuana law means that the state already knows that Marijuana doesn’t fit the schedule 1 classification of a CDS. Heroin and other physically addictive drugs that kill should be illegal because of the threat of a public health crisis. Marijuana doesn’t fit that bill. Yet, Constitutionally speaking, I believe ALL drug laws are unconstitutional. This is overlooked because of the potential health crisis involved with their use. You don’t hear of people dying from Marijuana use. You do hear of people dying because of Heroin and Cocaine use.
Furthermore, if they have a Medical Marijuana Card then it isn’t illegal. Once that card is issued it is no longer against any statute that the Maryland Code has mandated. But even then, it is a mere statute and a statute is nothing but the law of a corporation, not the law of flesh and blood people. A corporation can NOT own or rule flesh and blood human beings. This is one of the reasons I have previously said that there is no such thing as the law and that the government has lost its way and is waging war against those whom it is supposed to serve. We do NOT serve the government, the government serves the people. Even an employee of the government is a flesh and blood person and a urine test is a 4th Amendment search that is unreasonable without a warrant. Our government has committed treason against the American people by waging a declared war against drugs because it’s NOT a war against drugs. It is a war against the people who use them. This is treason as defined in the United States Constitution, yet our government does anything it feels like because it is a treasonous government of pirates, terrorists and thieves. Don’t trust your government. It doesn’t deserve you trust…..
The reality is that HCEA has become a powerful union in Harford County. Many politicians in Harford County in both parties have tripped over each other trying to get HCEA’s endorsement. Several politicians have also advertised an endorsement by HCEA in their campaign materials.
Harford County Public School’s “Facebook” page always amuses me when there are delays/school closings. I purposely read the comments for my own personal amusement.
The grandstanding and extreme elaboration of non issue weather events is hilarious.