From the Aberdeen Police Department:
A review of the 2017 year-end crime statistics indicates the consistent downward trend of reportable crimes in the City of Aberdeen. While reportable crime has consistently dropped since 2013, in 2017 alone citizens and community leaders saw over a 17% decline of the same reportable crimes from the year before. Reportable crimes, also referred to as “Part 1” consist of the “Big 7” crimes reported to the Federal Bureau of Investigation each year: Homicide, Rape, Robbery, Aggravated Assault, Burglary, Larceny (Theft), and Auto Theft.
Specifically, total Part 1 crime in Aberdeen dropped 17.5 % in 2017; which included a 100% reduction in Homicide (there were no homicides in our City last year), a 30% decrease in Rape, a 10% decrease in Aggravated Assaults, a 7.5% decrease in Burglaries, a 23% reduction in Larcenies, and a 23% decrease in Auto Theft. The only increase in reportable crimes for 2017 was robberies which went from 24 in 2016 to 29 last year.
Chief Henry Trabert, a thirty-plus year veteran of the Aberdeen PD stated: “While we aim for no crime; that’s an unreasonable expectation in our society in 2017. I am extraordinarily proud of the crime reduction efforts put forth in Aberdeen these last few years. These results are a testament to the hard work of a highly motivated police force using a data driven police approach. Placing our highly trained officers in locations of high visibility promotes an atmosphere of safety and accessibility. Transparent to the public was the fact that our APD Officers achieved these remarkable decreases in reportable crime while dealing with sizeable manpower challenges due to retirement, injury, and other personnel issues.”
The Aberdeen Police Department aggressively seeks and continues to identify innovative methods to strengthen and build relationships with the members of our community. In 2017 the Department achieved its goal of attracting over 10,000 Facebook followers; and that number continues to grow. Social media is tremendous tool used by the Department to bring transparency along with community-wide awareness and education in combatting criminal activity. Public safety events tailored to various sections of the Aberdeen community are and will continue being conducted throughout the City. Each event is designed to focus and unite diverse elements of our own municipal government with local and regional Public Safety members, community leaders and other critical resources used by the PD.
Chief Trabert reiterated, “The rock-solid foundation of the Aberdeen Police Department rests on exceeding the expectations of our entire community. We are dedicated to ensuring and maintaining Aberdeen is a safe place to live, shop, work and play.”
Come to aberdeen, you are 17% less likely to be raped than last year.
No one around to read the entire article to you ?
Remember Mom said it’s ok to use your reading finger if you have too.
@”harford county constitutionalist” – That’s hilarious. Don’t you all feel 17% safer?
Get some perspective. There were 353 total serious crimes. Aberdeen has a population of 15,000. That is 2.4% of the population. It is likely that there are overlaps in the cases. Aberdeen is safe by any measure.
Is this why Randy Robertson got a raise to over $150,000? Or is Randy’s brilliant handling of the stadium mess, the reason for the raise? Nice job Aberdeen City Council. Is there anything that you WON’T do that McGrady and Robertson tell you to do??? Do any of you care at all about how much you’re being misled and bullied? Are any of you even a little ashamed of your lack of understanding about what you’re being told? What kind of self-delusion must you engage in, to even fall asleep at night? Well, one of you gets it, and hats off to you; And one of you is McGrady’s minion and will never go against him (poor soul). But the other two of you…….. wow. Nice legacy of keeping the public’s trust that you’re creating there….
I’ve always loved and fully supported Aberdeen. But this crew is making that harder and harder to do as each day goes by
Come on, Randy (the Colonel) Robertson deserves a raise. His cheap threat of a $50 a day fine on the homeless drove them deeper into the woods. Problem solved. Out of sight, outta mind! Good old military pacification. And everybody gets two new expensive garbage cans, (Who got the contract for that? Another McGrady crony?)
Thank you Aberdeen Police Dept.
Uncle Jerry must not be around murdering dogs
Are you talkin about old potty mouth Jerry Scarborough?
I don’t know who’s worse: Randy, or Garden Gnome McGrady for hiring him? Or maybe Tom Fidler hired him (he’s seems to be making many of the decisions at Aberdeen City Hall these days).I wonder what Mackenzie’s conflict of interest policy is? Do you think they’re even aware what one of their senior executives is up to? Inquiring minds…….
Welcome to aberdeen the armpit of harford county
Soul Crusher, that was a despicable post. SHAME.
I feel 17% worse now.