From Congressman Andy Harris:
Reps. Harris, LaMalfa File Amicus Brief to Protect Pro-Life Free Speech
Congressmen Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) and Doug LaMalfa (CA-01) have filed an Amicus Curiae brief on behalf of 128 members of the House of Representatives and 16 Senators in support of pro-life pregnancy centers in the Supreme Court case National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA) v. Becerra. This case challenges the Reproductive FACT Act (AB 775), a California state law that requires pro-life licensed medical centers to post advertisements for free or low cost abortions subsidized by the state. The Supreme Court will consider whether the disclosures required by the law violate the free speech clause of the First Amendment. Congressmen Harris and LaMalfa released the following statements after filing the brief:
“California’s continued attack on the sanctity of life and complete disregard for the First Amendment can no longer go unchecked. The Reproductive FACT Act clearly violates the Constitutional freedom of speech and freedom of religion guaranteed to all Americans. Forcing an individual or private entity to act in a manner that conflicts with their religious beliefs directly contradicts our nation’s core values. I am proud to stand with my colleagues in defense of unborn children.”
–Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01)
“The very nature of the Reproductive FACT Act is a blatant violation of the First Amendment, and is representative of the moral degradation of California’s state government. The sole mission of many of these pregnancy centers is to help foster life, not to advertise abortions. No person or entity can be required by the government to say or promote ideas they do not believe. That’s exactly what’s happening here, and it’s wrong. We’re sending a message to the Supreme Court that they must set a precedent by not allowing liberal elites to bully anyone into sacrificing their constitutionally protected freedoms.”
— Congressman Doug LaMalfa (CA-01)
“Our state should honor and respect those who offer hope and assistance to our friends and neighbors. Instead, the State of California is targeting pro-life pregnancy centers and forcing them to promote state-funded abortions. This is cruel, unconstitutional, and contrary to our values as a nation. I am grateful that the U.S. Supreme Court will hear this important case. Nobody should be targeted and punished simply for helping expecting mothers with their pregnancy.”
— Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23), signatory of the amicus brief
First off Andy I’ll go out on a limb and say no one really wants to have an abortion except maybe a married republican politician that knocked up his 20 year old intern. Second abortions are legal making them illegal will not make them go away if you don’t like abortions don’t get one it’s not difficult. Third this is a state issue not federal, stop messing with state right you freedom caucus hypocrite.
Well said “Just the facts”.
One additional comment, for the betterment of our society, hypocrite Andy should have been aborted when he was still an “unborn child”!
Andy Harris is a political hack who in no way is responsive to the needs of Marylands First District. Time for a change. Time for Allison Galbraith!
Now there is a case of the pot calling the kettle black. The Mike Callahan creature, of new democrat fame, trying to call someone else a hack! Holy bat shitman.
Congressman Harris is a Zombie Corporate Republican , dead from the neck up! A political ” meat head” Daddy Wabbit is a cult follower of the Zombie Republicans.
Two things can be true at one time. Abortion should be legal at the federal level. The constitution doesn’t cover it, it was an option when the constitution was written, and it has nothing to do with interstate commerce or national defense. Abortion is also murder and a terrible substitute for individual reproductive responsibility. It is an issue that needs to be taken care of on a state level. I do find it amusing that the left has framed this as nasty republicans who only care about kids till they are born. If you have a kid it is your responsibility, not someone else’s. Planned parenthood is basically a eugenics program for poor people, that is morally reprehensible to me and many others. Finally make sure you understand that if you have an abortion after 6 weeks, you are basically using a vacuum cleaner to suck out and kill someone with a heartbeat.
Out of all of Planned Parenthood’s services, only 3% of these services are dedicated to abortion and absolutely no Federal Funding is permitted to be used on abortions. Of all the clients Planned Parenthood has, only 10% actually have abortions and 90% DO go thru with the child birth. That is 1 out of 10 women who decide to have abortions and they do it within the guidelines of perceived law. Most of Planned Parenthood’s services go toward making sure pregnant women’s pregnancy is successful and providing birth control to those who could NOT afford it by conventional means. This is where the Federal Funding goes within Planned Parenthood, not where you claim it goes. Stop spreading far right Republican lies and maybe the Republican Party will gain support by those of us who realize that is a woman’s right to decide if they want to go thru with the birth process or not. As for your morality issues, the laws of old were clear that unless the “quickening” had occurred there was NO FOUL if an abortion takes place. The Supreme Court has already heard Roe v. Wade and made their decision in favor of the woman’s right to choose, if it is done within the guidelines of their ruling. The State’s must follow SCOTUS’ rulings as they are the highest court in the land and that means that abortion is not a State’s Right to decide and is the woman’s right to decide that is guaranteed by the 9th Amendment. I’m tired of these illegitimate arguments by a bunch of people who think they should be allowed to make decisions for everyone else and force people to do what they think should be done. This is how the Republican Party loses people and is no better than the Democrat’s and their diluted views on other topics.
If one federal dollar pays the electricity bill, then it went to support abortion. I never made any claim about where those dollars went. I was very clear that I don’t want to make a decision for anyone, but I do believe that abortion is terrible. I merely want to ensure that tax dollars are not used for it in any way. Let private charity take care of it and stop forcing it on the taxpayer. Maybe 10% seems low to you, but for me 1 in 10 seems a little high. I guess its all about perspective. Just because you don’t agree with the argument does not make it illegitimate. When does the baby get it’s rights? My morality has absolutely nothing to do with ye laws of olde, sucking a fetus out with a vacuum is terrible. If you think differently than fine but don’t try and shout down opposing views. I believe that abortion has been a net benefit for the country, it has reduced crime rates significantly, but it is still killing a baby not matter what the law says.
Well, then we will just have to disagree on this one. I believe it is a woman’s right to choose and I believe that it was properly litigated in Federal Court under the protection of the 9th Amendment. I don’t buy into the electric bill thing, I don’t buy into the taxpayers being forced to fund it thing and I definitely don’t buy into 10% being a higher number. The fact is that when a woman seeks to have an abortion it is because that woman doesn’t want the baby and it is their reasoning and not the reason of anybody else to do such. I will agree with you on the vacuum thing and I have seen videos of the process. Not a pretty picture, but that does not mean I think that a woman shouldn’t be able to choose this path as it is allowed by the laws of this day.
I think that is why this issue is so hard, there isn’t an answer people can coalesce around. I agree that the laws of the day should prevail, I just wish they were done on a state level. That way if you didn’t like how your state did it, you could move. Not the best solution, but the best one I can think of.
The misogynist GOP/Tea Party rides again. The fact that a living sperm penetrates a living ovum resulting in the formation of a living fetus does not mean that the fetus is a living human being.
Of course, every living sperm has the potential of becoming a human being although not one in a million will make it; the rest are aborted.” Natural and spontaneous miscarriage in early pregnancy is common…the actual rate of miscarriage is even higher since many women have very early miscarriages without ever realizing that they are pregnant.
One study that followed women’s hormone levels every day to detect very early pregnancy found a total miscarriage rate of 31 percent.” Since there were 4,316,000 2007 births in the US in 2007, that equals to 1,333,960 miscarriages that year.
You men should also picket a church as many more children are “aborted” by God.
Moreover, I find it interesting that many “Conservative Christians” think that a human being is created at the time of conception but this belief is not supported by the bible. According to the bible, a fetus is not a living person with a soul until after drawing its first breath. “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”. Gen 2:7 “Again, to quote Ezekiel 37:5&6, “Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live. And I will lay sinews upon you, and will cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live….” According to the bible, destroying a living fetus does not equate to killing a living human being even though the fetus has the potential of becoming a human being. One cannot kill something that has not been born and taken a breath.
That’s right. It has to get sprinkled with the magic vagina dust to become a human. Science, of course!
If it’s dusty you’re not doing it right…
Before you quote and misdirect God’s word. First KNOW his word.
Ecclesiastes 11:5
Just as you do not know the path of the wind and how bones are formed in the womb of the pregnant woman, so you do not know the activity of God who makes all things.
Isaiah 49:1
Listen to Me, O islands, And pay attention, you peoples from afar. The LORD called Me from the womb; From the body of My mother He named Me.
Jeremiah 1:5
“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.”
Psalm 139:13-16
For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb.
Whatever happened to just say “no” to sex? Say No then no unwanted pregnancy, no problem.
Jus’ sayin’ …
As a mother who has lost five children before viability, I am offended.
Our son Cameron was still born at 16 weeks. He was born,was given a name, was picked up by McComas funeral home, had a funeral,was buried,and has a full gravestone.
He has a death certificate.
You are wrong that he was never living.
He died. Before birth. That means that at some point he was living.
Our other lost children were at a younger gestation. Three of them had visible heartbeats and were alive at some point.
What you are talking about,that miscarriage is common,isn’t in dispute. In fact, almost every women in my life has experienced this heartache.
Abortion is NOT the same. It is not a problem with the baby’s dna, or the mother’s health. It doesn’t happen in an accident, or after taking drugs.
It isn’t caused by a hormonal problem.
It is a deliberate act. In this country, women have to consent to it. Sign a paper, and pay money for it.
It doesn’t just happen.
Whether you agree with abortion or not, please don’t presume that you can speak for our very wanted, lost children.
If men could pregnant abortion would be a sacrament
Oh, I don’t know about that. I imagine birth would be rather unnerving. What do you think?
What is there to defend? Roe v. Wade was decided a very long time ago and I don’t see anything that will reverse this decision, especially since SCOTUS has to accept the certiorari of a case to hear it. I don’t think SCOTUS will accept any cases that will overrule this decision as it has become engrained in policy. If you want a different outcome, you have to come up with a new argument that SCOTUS will entertain.
MY HERO!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!! Love you, Andy!!!
Tina you have exceedingly low standards for a hero. I will pray for you.
She knows he’s single and likes big women.
I am so confused how people can support abortion at will. It really is disgusting and despicable.
It is amazing that the so-called party of “science” refuses to see a child in the womb as a child. When you get the first ultrasound at 12-16 weeks, the fetus is already taking on human form. I can only assume that the abortion-lovers have never seen this. But go ahead, kill it.
Ew., we’re not “abortion lovers”, we’re “freedom of choicers”! And yes, we science believers have seen the ultrasounds of zygotes, embryos and fetuses! We’ve also seen your ilk bombing facilities and murdering doctors that among other services, perform safe, legal abortions!
So feel free to stay confused, and don’t have an abortion if you get pregnant from being raped, but let those of us that think outside the theocracy box have the freedom to control our own bodies (not your government!).
@Get Real Bitch! – Very rare does a woman have an abortion because of rape so shelve that tired old statement. Un-educated Women have Abortions out of convenience. Rarely is it discussed how the CHILD’s skull is crushed inside their womb while pulling him/her out. They rarely discuss the “solution” injected in the womb to literally BURN the baby as they rip it coming out. How do I know? We rented space in Hyattsville from a previous Planned Parenthood clinic. I walked through with the owner as he described the stainless steel counters that would need to be removed, etc. He said to me…”You know why this counter is here correct”? – I had not idea so I responded. He said, “When the BABY comes out…it is NOT dead yet…so they leave him/her on the counter until is passes away. The mother is left there to be cleaned up and is of course horrified. The horrors of those cries will FOREVER stay in the heart of that Woman. This is why places like Sheppard Pratt and Mental Hospitals are so busy. Woman are not meant to have to cope with such stress. SO, the next time you want to spout off about this “procedure”. Remember that death is permanent. It is real and it hurts long after its over. Just like school shootings. Its not a video game you can turn off and walk away from thinking your life will just continue as normal. It doesn’t….and never will.
So much wrong with this comment, it’s impossiblr to find a start point.
Just as women do no favors calling abortion reproductive choice, this hyperbole is just as bad.
I agree with the point that women are often horrified by the actual process of abortion.
Noone is really prepared,I am sure.
One of my good friends had an abortion with her first pregnancy. The Dr put the baby and placenta,etc back together on a little tray to make sure it was all there. In front of the mom!! No drape?
She had an unexpected pregnancy years later,but decided to keep the baby, because she couldn’t see that again.
W can argue forever,about whether it is a baby,if it is living,if it is right or wrong.
What we need to do is to help these hurting women! WHY are they having abortions? Are they being pressured? Forced or coerced?
Afterwards, if they go through with it, they may need continuing help.
The shame of doing this to your own can be overwhelming.
Healing for those moms is only going to benefit all of us.
I don’t believe we are asking to control your bodies, but we are asking to not make us complicit to the murder of an unborn child by forcing us to subsidize abortion providers. If you want me to “stay out of your vagina”, stop asking taxpayers to pay for it. Again this is not a federal issue, it is not a interstate or national defense issue.
Now, this is the type of rhetoric that turns off independents and those who are reasonably minded by the Republican Party. There isn’t any government subsidized abortion providers. You keep referring to Planned Parenthood and they are not allowed to use Federal Funding for abortions. Whether it be far right or far left rhetoric, it’s nothing but partisan crap by a bunch of people that have absolutely no idea what they are talking about and keep playing these games on behalf of their partisan ideology. This is why BOTH parties should be rejected.
If a fertility clinic caught fire and there was an infant in one room and a thousand fertilized eggs in another Andy would save the eggs.
Good one! Maybe he’d make an omelet?
got to love the liberal nut bags
kill all babies & allow cop killers to live
Ah a prolifer pissed everyone doesn’t want to kill like he does….
The absolute disgusting remarks regarding the sanctity of life that some of you have made sicken me. You choose very carefully the one possible verse in the bible that is confusing enough about abortion and forget the rest. While God may take in his divine right children through spontaneous abortions, or miscarriages, he has a purpose – He is God. Man does not have that divine right. Think about the following:
1. God Superintends life in the womb (PS. 139:13-16)
2. The bible ordains the penalty of life for life when the life of an unborn child is taken (EXOD. 21:22-25)
3. Jacob and Esau were distinct individuals in the womb (Gen. 25:23; Rom. 9:11-12)
These are just a few.
Think about a baby born prematurely, weighing only 14 oz. – Is he a fully grown fetus. No. He has no probability of surviving outside of the womb, but yet, he does and celebrates his first birthday.
As a governed society, we have abortion rights to protect the lives of the mothers, but that is not the debate…. Is it right or wrong. Regardless of how you feel, you should have enough respect for the sanctity of life and of your fellow mankind to not make crude jokes –
Ah, but this is not a civilized society anymore is it? And the venom comes out when no one can see your name or your face. You should be ashamed!! And afraid… once you close your eyes forever, you will be judged.
Hey Bible pounder, fuck you, fuck your religion AND your “good book”!
You make my point for me – thank you!
Good God. After reading this I’m in total amazement that I get censored for using the term “s-o-c-i-a-l-i-s-m”…..
Science guy reminds me of Phil Jones and his crew at At East Anglier University. Remember climate gate ! Remember when the “scientists” were exposed as canieving, sniviling, weiners simply trying to siphon a buck from the US Dept of Energy? 30 years of research down the drain. All to defend a questions promoted answer in a cult like manner.
Science Guy,
You just did more one one post to make me believe in anti-abortion than all of the others combined. May God have mercy on your soul.
Quotes from a book written by people who had to be reminded screwing sheep was unacceptable,
There is no god, deal with it.
Amen to that Deer God!
Andy Harris lost my respect when I observed him driving a vehicle with state tags on it with very graphic anti-abortion bumper stickers all over the back. Do what you want Andy on your own vehicle but it has no place on our tax payer funded state vehicles.
Andy, the hypocrite, Harris was outed for the jerk he is when he whined and complained that he wasn’t getting his health insurance quick enough when he was elected. How quick he is to talk about family values but has no problem breaking up families to send the dreamers back. Oh, yeah. They are illegals according to Andy. Isn’t abortion legal and a woman’s decision and legal? I guess Andy knows better!!!!
You don’t have a clue what you are talking about That health insurance was just that, bs. He asked a simple question for the benefit of all of those present so that they would not have a lapse in coverage and the Libs spun it against him.
Yes, most of the ‘dreamers’ are illegals according the the law and the current Congress, both Democrats and Republicans, refuses to pass any legislation to assist them. Despite encouragement from the President and others.
Yes, abortion is legal. Thank you Margaret Sanger and all of your anti-Negro friends.
wacko idiot
Wacko idiots? Who? Sanger? She sure was. Genocide practiced against black people by whites using abortion.
Lets understand something … Marge Sanger started planned parenthood to stop “negroes” from living the worthless lives, “lives full of suffering”, she and her ilk viewed theirs as ! Seems the left in America needs to look within. Contrarian seems to be their agenda. Some call it counter culture. Disagreeing for disagreements sake.
So who amongst you stands behind ol Margy Sanger?
snopes honey . . . .false . . . . .just saying . . .
Abortion…still murder…still true…just saying…
thankfully you’ll offer to adopt . . right?
Why does this always get thrown in the faces of Pro-Life people?
Many of the Pro-Life families I know in real life have adopted children.
It isn’t true that it is rare.
Unfortunately, the foster system in the US makes it difficult to adopt. My cousin and her husband had twin girls placed with them,seven years ago, for foster to adopt. The adoption just became final this past week. For seven years, they loved these girls and worried that they could be taken away.
Stories like this scare parents, like me,who are afraid to take a chance.
International adoption is so expensive, and has age limits.
If a mother was introduced to me,who was pregnant and wanted to put the baby up for adoption,I could find that baby a home in half an hour or less.
No race or gender preference either.
Everyone is not a hypocrite.
Teabag Hunter,
What an angry person you are.
It was a legitimate election. Someone has to loose.
Trump is a disgrace to the office and a threat to our democratic republic. It remains to be seen at this point exactly how “legitimate” his election win was. I will leave that to the evidence brought forth by the special prosecutor. My vote was one against him pure and simple. Yes someone did lose – America and the people of this great nation.
Democrats weaponizing the Intel community and attempting to negate an election with propaganda. Mein Got..Gobbels himself couldn’t have done better. Here we are a year later and you are still going full speed ahead !
Trump derangement syndrome is cult like in its total discarding of facts. Its Delusion.
Insane Delusion is defined by Webster Law Dictonary as …as a mental condition…. “a false belief in a nonexistent state of facts in which no rational person would believe that deprives a person of the capacity to make a will and renders any will made invalid”. As described it is a person with compromised competency.
Persons suffering this condition should be stripped of the ability to make decisions and kept under supervision.
I agree with the Trump Russia investigation being delusional. However, your last sentence shows the danger of the mindset you are describing. It is a truth that many facts regarding the government and facts from our courts are complete and utter lies. This is due to governmental cover ups and the government wishing to condemn its citizens who do not corroborate with the false facts of government and our courts. The government and our courts wish to make the testimony of righteous individuals inadmissible in their courts of lies and deceit. This is because our government is a great evil and a threat to the people of this country and is really a treasonous government that has no right to exist. People that don’t see this and use the system of lies and deceit for the purposes of this furthering this false government or for political retribution are the ones that should be stripped of all decision making and be placed under supervision. We can not be governed by lies and expected to be intimidated into agreeing with their lies. We should not be governed by intimidation in any way as this is the true definition of terrorism that has been covered up by the new definitions described in the Patriot Act. President Trump just signed a continuance for this evil doctrine known as the Patriot Act and their isn’t any doubt that the processes derived from the Unpatriotic Act have cause him and his family, friends and colleagues great irreversible harm. This was Trump’s chance to get rid of this evil Act that puts all Americans under an unconstitutional surveillance that can only be described as governmental terrorism. He has failed himself and the American people by signing this abomination of law that directly conflicts with American idealism. He is not the only president to do so, as George Bush 2 introduced this terrorism and Obama let it continue during his tenure. In my opinion, Trump’s signing of this Act, that could have been an end to governmental terrorism in America, is the only real reason for an impeachment process to start from actions occurring during his presidency and he has let the American people down by succumbing to the wishes of the terrorists that control America. He could’ve made America great again by not signing that Act. He failed……
Soul Crusher, The last sentence is cynical but reflective of what the left condones. Embracing the paranoid surveillance state that grew in the past years and especially its weponization is scary.
Remember Nuremberg 1945. We tried the criminals who also condoned exactly what happened. From lap dog media to judges and officials all supporting the abolishment of law in favor of a new order.
In Nov 2016 Americans said ” NO “.
Soul Crusher, After flicking off the flies I can now address you. You present a well thought out statement on surveillance. Every word you say is correct. As a victim of the abuse of surveillance one would think Trump would say “hell no” . I hope there is more to this story in that the revelations coming out will bring reforms to the intel community. I think the solution is with the penal system. If you break the rules you do hard time. Lets hope this is reformed as a surveillance state fly’s in the face of everything we are as Americans.
“Every word you say is correct.” I think you may have finally found your SoulMate at last. Roflamo
Wow I thought all the paranoid conspiracy wingnuts were either Russian bots or faux news employees. I guess we still have a few lone wolves trying to spew that BS. What have you boys been drinking? My guess is a lot of that “orange kool aid”.
For the folks that jump on here to hyperventilate over Trump winning… can you actually point to any facet of your day to day life that’s different today than it was a year ago? Anything at all?.. other than the debilitating angst that keeps you from being able to get through a day without ranting. Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like: if a conservative’s favorite sports team loses (or wins) he’s at home thinking “crap, they lost (or won)” while the liberal is out turning over cars and setting fires. I still think Obama is a shallow, conceited, narcissistic, egotistical, condescending, elitist prick… but I never felt the need to scream it at the sky or allow it to control my life.
Trump promised I would get better healthcare and pay less for it, this is something I deal with daily.
Any other dumb questions?
@Hello? I was asking if there is something different in your life today than it was a year ago. You cite a broken promise then call my question dumb without answering it.
I’m paying more and have worse coverage that’s reality not a promise. You really aren’t too bright are you……
Did you not hear the news , news that affected the big healthcare Bongo-Care monopoly’s, today about Amazon, a large financial house, and Berkshire Hathaway, are to bring a new paradigm for health care funding? This was illegal under Obongo care.
Thank you Orange Avenger !!!!!!!!!!!!
Illegal under OBama LOL don’t believe everything Fox news tells ya
@Hello? OK, I get it. Somehow it’s Trump’s fault that ACA was never going to work. There’s really no point debating with you since you’re obviously far left of me… I know that because every time you respond you include an insult. I refuse to stoop to your level so for me the debate ends here.
Well, you’re right. We are still being governed by an illegally incorporated government, whose laws and right to exist is fictional. We still see people being convicted of a corporate code of law that doesn’t amount to jack diddly squat because the people didn’t give this corporation of deceit and lies the authority to govern us. We still see every evil this country has endured thriving in the back ground while all anyone wants to do is talk about collusion with Russia and a multitude of subjects that will not change the fact that the US and Maryland governments are illegal enterprises of treason, organized c-r-I-m-e and state terrorism. Until the Supreme Law of the Land rules over us as it once did, we are all in danger of being consumed by these corporate villains and your children will end up being their slaves. We are all in danger from within…..
Central Scrutiniser – “Bongo-Care”? and “Obongo Care”? Stop playing the race card! Its the Affordable Care Act. Jim Crow is dead!
Mike. I got to agree with you that “Bongo-Care” and “Obongo Care” are definitely racially biased terms being used by the “Central Scrutinizer”. However, you posted your comment under a response to the Crusher of Heads, Holes and Souls. I hope you did this accidentally because I only comment under the screen name “SoulCrusher” and I am NOT the “Central Scrutinizer”. I use the terms “ACA”, “Affordable Health Care Act” and “ObamaCare” when speaking of the socialized medical system we currently see today. This system is doomed for failure unless our government can see past the insurance companies and eliminates them from the health care equation all together. The only way to make social medicine work is to take profit out of it. That is what s-o-c-i-a-l-i-s-m is all about, no profit and shared for all. I see no reason why we can’t have social medicine and implement it into our democratic and capitalistic society successfully. That is what successful governments do, they implement tried and true strategies that benefit the people they serve. Now, if we can only make the government actually serve the people and denounce their loyalty to the false corporate government of the US, we can truly make America great again…..
Obama and his minions are the children of the Afro Soviet influenced Inteligencia we started seeing en mass in the 50’s. Someone should explain that Nikihas phone no longer rings.
I used to like Obama. I thought he was very presidential, so to speak. However, there is no doubt that his administration started this witch hunt into Trump’s administration before Trump could take office. Total sabotage of another president elect’s administration, all for a partisan agenda. This is why political parties are dangerous, especially a two party system. When is everybody going to recognize that these political parties are nothing but political gangs and neither one really cares about the people that elect them. They only care about the continuance of the illegally incorporated government that they all worship like a god. Our government is fictional as it is nothing but a CORPORATION that was never given permission to assume the powers and authorities we allow. If you don’t believe me, look up the definition of the United States as defined in the US Code. It plainly says “(A) a Federal corporation (B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or (C) an instrumentality of the United States”. A corporation can not be a Sovereign government as it is nothing but a fictional character or entity in law, which makes that fictional character or entity nothing but the intellectual property of the government. Our current government is a work of fiction and it should have no governance of us that are flesh and blood. We never gave a corporation any power or authority. We gave a government that was for the people and by the people that authority and that government clearly has gone to sleep…..
I wake every day and wonder what ignorant thing this “new” administration will do, say or tweet that is filled with blatant, fact-checkable lies. My ibs has reached new heights and I am embarrassed and ashamed of most of our red leaders. The biggest change has been my change in party affiliation.
And Hillary. Let’s not forget Hillary. She lost as well. What a great example of a Democrat she is. She and Bill.
Figures you are a faux news nut job, Did you boobs just give up on poor Seth?
It doesn’t matter if you watch Fox News, MSNBC or CNN. All are fictional takes of what is going on in American and are being aired for the political purposes of the two gangs that control the politics of this nation. I find it incredible, as well as ironic, that the most truthful news I have seen being aired to the public, actually comes from Russia. RT America airs news that is more truthful and has less of a bias than the supposed News organizations I have already mentioned. This is sad and demeaning. America is actually being told more of a truth than our own media sources will allow and it comes from media sources of a foreign nation that the Democratic and Republican parties consider to be an enemy. We have all heard the false outrage of both parties claiming Russian interference in our recent election. Yet, no one wants to bring up the truth that we tampered with Russia’s last election and have tampered with more elections globally than any other nation. What have we become? Are we really the great nation that every other country wishes they were like? Are we the great nation that every other country wishes their government was like? Or, have we become the single most greatest threat to the Democratic process and our own American dream? What do you think?
We love patriots like you comrade SoulCrusher. There is old saying. With a helper a thousand things are possible.
Why thank you comrade “From Russia with Love”. However, I’m no helper of any political agenda that does not conform to the US Constitution or the best interests of the American people. Comrade means friend, so I will consider your words friendly. Remember, when everyone has been told so many lies over and over, everyone will start believing those lies and those whom speak the truth will seem like they are crazy….
All animals are equal. But some animals are more equal than others.
Length of Independent and Special Counsel investigations:
Clinton Whitewater -2978 days
Iran -Contra – 2420 days
Average over 900 days
Trump/Russia investigation under special counsel – just 250 days
Both cited special counsels were impaneled with an allegation. What crime is currently alleged except engaging in democracy? Engaging in democracy is only a crime in the “DEEP STATE”.
You need to change your post name to Conspiracy Theory. You must be a regular on all the right wing wacko sites. You should team up with SoulCrusher. Maybe you are SoulCrusher?
Right on Que and “SCRIPT PERFECT” !
It’s “cue” not “que”, and you even spelled that incorrectly. It’s “queue”. If you are going to come off as a self righteous pontificator, at least try to have a basic command of the English language. Perhaps you were confusing English and Spanish? Qué?
Tu no hablas español? Shocka!
To the topic being discussed there is no rational response, and now the insults go ethno/racial as in your comment –> “Perhaps you were confusing English and Spanish? Qué? Tu no hablas español? Shocka!”. An insult of that nature is laughable. It is also telling.
For the record, I clarified your special counsel info,, with something you omitted. Your response is ethno / racial insults.
Why didn’t you comment on topic ? Why the insults ?
I think there might be a language barrier. Maybe you just don’t understand Trumpaneese? I don’t think spelling, grammar or even facts matter in that language. I think that they just make it up as they go. People really fluent in Trumpaneese like to shout, use alternative facts and ignore anything that would contradict their flat earth view of the world.
Ruling – “Que” means “what” in Spanish. Since it was used in a post, the question asking about lack of Spanish language skills was fair. “Shocka” means to relax but it’s not Spanish.
You might be right but I think he/she/it is one of those fancy bear Russian farm trolls.
Likes to use the caps so maybe but more like the old and angry Trump state news disciple.
Thats all you have, name calling?.Looks like its time to wash the car.
You are probably right – disciple of the orange one’s network.
Washed my car yesterday. Waste of time discussing substance and policy with the “TRUE BELIEVERS”. lol
Sort of like “the family” in that movie “The Omega Man”. They hated science too and wanted to cleanse the world of all people who didn’t follow their beliefs.
I think he might be that Cha Cha dude from TV. I just watched a rerun. I think he posts stuff like this and supports T?
Hey bunk that’s funny.
No “just sayin”, he is not the crusher of souls and I am not a right winger. I am a realist who is all about the truth. Conspiracy theories don’t even touch the damage that politics has caused the American people over the last 100+ years. There is nothing more un-American than letting our country suffer because of the partisan issues of either party. It’s not about being a Republican or a Democrat. It’s about being an American and recognizing what is right for Americans. We need to get rid of everything that is contrary to the supreme law of the land and scrutinize the goals of both parties.
OMG OMG OMG lol lolo THE DEMOCRATS MAKE SO MANY SPELLING AND SIMPLE ERRORS…I ONCE SAW A DEMOCRAT USE A COLAN WHERE A COMMA WOULD HAVE WORKED. OMG ! omg! omg! DOESNT THAT SAY IT ALL.! ! ! They are inferior intellect… No polices need be discussed….a comma would have worked. And, OMG…caps…are screaming omg omg omg !
Today libbys showed what they are made of in this forum. Given the opportunity to get into it, they chose to a number, to read from the script.
(DISCLAIMER –>…. Para 1 is satire mocking the libbys , presented in libby fashion. Para 2 is the commentary hammering the point home.)
There is no Deep State, just Deep Paranoia!
No. There is a deep state and the peons of the FBI are NOT the deep state that really influences this country. The deep state is made up of wealthy donors that influence the government by using bribes to move along a political agenda in the treasonous corporate government that sits in Washington D.C. and in other countries around the globe. The deep state is made up of rogue elements of the alphabet agencies that exist in total secrecy and without any oversight carrying out agendas that the American people would never approve of. The deep state is real and is NOT these tawdry members of the FBI that your news agencies are trying to push on you. We probably will never know who these creatures of evil that truly make up the deep state are. They are shielded by the fictitious corporate government that has taken over this country without the approval of WE THE PEOPLE. Our laws have been replaced by the law of contracts that rule corporations and are the signature of the treasonous courts of the Admiralty that current hold power. However, corporations are nothing but intellectual property that is owned by the original government of the US, making them ALL bound by the original Constitution of the US when pressed into submission. The original US government was illegally incorporated due to bankruptcy of the original US government. The corporate government of the US is now further in debt than original US government and could be bankrupted at any time when this country’s note is called in for payment. This the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me god…..
Another Bolshevik stooge. His tribe lost , now he is butt sore. This is no different from what we saw when bush won. Bush didn’t punch back…Trump does.
Exactly why we are a nation divided instead of united. Keep up the destructive rhetoric and keep tearing apart the country. Trump is certainly making a mark on this country and maybe a large and enduring one. I am sorry to say.
You have to admit, Trump “TRUMP-A-DOPED” them with the physical exam with transparency they didn’t want…and their response ! “BARAK OBAMAS DOCTOR IN INCOMPETENT”! He simply knows their game better than they do.
now thats priceless
As with everything else they touch, liberals have ruined The Dagger.
Poor little orange snowflake. You’re melting. Cry me a river.
Ok, so we now know what liberals stand for. Tax increases, killing babies after 20 weeks, and unrestricted immigration. Those aren’t extreme views at all. ***eye roll***
I don’t think they understand that abortion at 20 weeks is absolutely unheard of in those “progressive” European countries they so adore? You know why? Because at that point it is literally a human capable of surviving outside the womb.
Those same countries allow abortion before the 20 week mark. You have to remember that the Pro-Life movement wants to take away the woman’s right to abort a pregnancy altogether. Taxing and over taxing the people is reprehensible. Especially in our current system of double taxation when the money goes to further an illegal government that the people have forgotten is illegal to begin with. Unrestricted immigration could work. You allow the immigrant into the country and allow them to work, just like everybody else. You keep the current tax scale, where people overpay taxes and receive a refund at the end of the tax period. However, you don’t allow the illegal immigrant the refund or access to social programs designated for the American people. You also make it illegal for an undocumented immigrant to receive income that does NOT have taxes automatically pulled out of their checks, basically undocumented immigrants can’t be paid thru the use of the 1099. All of their money collected thru this system would be greater than what the American taxpayer pays because they get no refund and the money could be used to further the American citizens. This would be the price of coming to this country and staying here as an undocumented immigrant. I think it is time that we started looking for proper solutions and stop making the situation worse by making our immigration agents appearing to be terrorists. What do you think about that idea?
SoulCrusher, do you favor shark sex?
No, I don’t favor sex with anything with multiple layers of razor sharp teeth. Why do you ask?
Andy can waste all the time he wants ranting about abortion. People quoting scripture can do the same. Doesn’t matter. It’s legal and unless someone can scientifically prove a developing fetus has consciousness and can feel pain, it’s really no different from other growths that need a host to survive.
Religion is not a competent argument. We separate church and state.
The misogynist GOP/Tea Party rides again. The fact that a living sperm penetrates a living ovum resulting in the formation of a living fetus does not mean that the fetus is a living human being.
Of course, every living sperm has the potential of becoming a human being although not one in a million will make it; the rest are aborted.” Natural and spontaneous miscarriage in early pregnancy is common…the actual rate of miscarriage is even higher since many women have very early miscarriages without ever realizing that they are pregnant.
One study that followed women’s hormone levels every day to detect very early pregnancy found a total miscarriage rate of 31 percent.” Since there were 4,316,000 2007 births in the US in 2007, that equals to 1,333,960 miscarriages that year. ¶You men should also picket a church as many more children are “aborted” by God.
Moreover, I find it interesting that many “Conservative Christians” think that a human being is created at the time of conception but this belief is not supported by the bible.
According to the bible, a fetus is not a living person with a soul until after drawing its first breath. “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”. Gen 2:7 “
Again, to quote Ezekiel 37:5&6, “Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live. And I will lay sinews upon you, and will cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live….”
According to the bible, destroying a living fetus does not equate to killing a living human being even though the fetus has the potential of becoming a human being.
One cannot kill something that has not been born and taken a breath. If you don’t want an abortion, or if you don’t want your women to have one, then don’t but you may not impose your religious beliefs on anyone else. The only people that do that are the Taliban and the Islamic State (ISIS) and America guarantees the separation of your religious beliefs from anyone’s actions. If you don’t like women’s choice, move to Iraq.
A quick question for Mr. Harris: If you are so happy to regulate a woman’s body, may I ask what laws you support that regulate men’s bodies?