From Harold Breaux of Aberdeen:
My Thoughts On the Presiden’ts Description of Immigrants
The furor raised over President Trump’s comments about Haitian and African immigrants has in turn engendered much commentary that “we are a nation of immigrants”. Indeed we are and we should all push back and denounce the President’s comments and the underlying sentiments. Months ago when the President pushed for the Muslim Ban I was similarly moved to object to the actions he proposed. That led me to author an article for my web site titled:
“Trump: the Muslim Ban and the Lessons of History- The Historical Clash Between Security and Human Rights.”
This morning as the President’s words sank in I wondered what I might do to make my objections known. After some contemplation I thought sharing the article I reference above with my friends and neighbors in the Dagger Community was a way of doing so. While the topic I address is slightly different, the Lessons of History that I describe are relevant to today’s reaction to the President’s comments.
The current presidential directive generally referred to as Extreme Vetting and/or the Muslim Ban is examined in the context of its rationale being that of security. Its opponents suggest it was poorly planned and executed and in its implementation has the likelihood of major human rights violations and being unconstitutional . This paper suggests that the lessons of history were ignored and how those lessons might have provided caution and guidance if the president was an avid student of history. Four examples are described of how concerns for security in the U.S. and North America led to extreme measures which in the historical aftermath were universally decried by historians and citizenry in general because of their catastrophic impact on human rights.
Our new President has been quoted as receiving much of his information from Television. The consensus understanding is that, unlike many of his predecessors in the Presidency, he is poorly read on history. A famous quote from the philosopher George Santayana is “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”. This admonition could well apply to our new president as the U.S. faces protests internally and all over the World regarding what is interpreted as a ban on Muslims entering the U. S. While the president disagrees that his recent executive order is a Muslim Ban, former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani is quoted as saying that Trump tasked him to charter a commission to determine how a Muslim ban could be legally implemented. This has been widely viewed as putting a sheen of acceptance on a policy that otherwise has been interpreted, both in the U.S. and overseas, as a Muslim ban. The President’s executive order is designed as a security measure, the opposition cites it as being unconstitutional and in essence a violation of human rights.
Similar actions in our history provide the history lessons that our President might have been influenced by were he an avid reader. Current day Americans decry the roundup of the ethnic Japanese and their forced internment in WW II. They also decry the turn away of the shipload of 900 European Jews in 1939 which led to the eventual death of 264 of those turned away in the Holocaust. One should also mention the plight of the Native Americans in the Trail of Tears as 20,000 were illegally marched westward at gunpoint from their ancestral homes in Georgia, with one fourth dying in the journey and countless others dying later from the upheaval. This historical event, like the current one, was an example of a clash between presidential action and the courts.
The often expressed sentiment that “we are all immigrants” particularly comes to my mind as I think of the plight of those who have been and will be affected by the President’s edict on visa restrictions so as provide a period for developing a new posture of “extreme vetting”. Of note in the national debate is the fact that the President has not shared with us the current details in the vetting process, the alleged deficiencies, how they may be improved, and instances where current vetting has led to the ills he seeks to correct and how a legal, humane plan could be thoughtfully designed and legally be implemented. It should be noted that Glenn Kessler, Washington Post Fact Checker, on January 30, found that the number of personnel effected by the Visa restrictions is not 109, as stated by President Trump, but closer to 90,000.
Perhaps the president could be excused from knowing the history lesson I want to describe in this piece because it has been described as the “Lost Chapter in American History.”
Before Jamestown , before Plymouth Rock, in 1603 my Acadian ancestors fled poverty and hopelessness in France and settled in northern Maine and later the vicinity of the Canadian Bay of Fundy, and named it Acadia, which is now Nova Scotia (New Scotland). These immigrants tamed the marshlands , farmed, fished, hunted, befriended and some intermarried with the Native American Micmacs. They prospered despite becoming pawns between the two great powers France and England. Hegemony over these Acadian immigrants exchanged hands ten times between 1604 and 1710. In times of British occupation, the Acadians were never in revolt, there were no guerilla bands of Acadians assassinating their British occupiers despite their having to supply the British with food and fuel, no say in their governance and the constant entreaties from the French stronghold in Quebec urging them to revolt.
In 1755, Acadia, for the tenth time, beginning in 1704, was once again occupied by the British. Tensions ran high between France and England (similar to our present concerns about terrorism) , in a time that was a prelude to the French and Indian War. Despite the 150 year peaceful history of the Acadians, and their subservience to their intermittent English masters, some, In particular British Governor Lawrence, and Massachusetts colonial Governor Shirley, viewed the Acadians as threats should war come. Like today, the issue became one of security the British fear that Acadians would assist the French in the looming war. Like Trump today viewing Muslims as threats, Lawrence overreacts (admittedly much more severe) and comes up with a plan to remove all Acadians from their ancestral home. The program becomes known in history as “le Grand Derangement” (the great upheaval). Ships and militia are equipped by Governor Shirley in Massachusetts, augmented by British troops, forces go ashore in Acadia, round up inhabitants, burn their homes, load them aboard ships and in the words of a book title by the Acadian historian, Carl Brasseau, are “Scattered to the Wind”. They are deposited in small groups throughout the New England colonies. Like the Trump action of this week the expulsion is poorly planned, the ships are ill equipped to handle their cargo, Virginia and South Carolina refuse to accept the refugees , they sit for weeks aboard overcrowded ships, little food, poor sanitation and sickness and are eventually sent to prisons in England. Three ships sink in various journeys losing all aboard (except the crews). Years later, at wars end, the Acadian survivors seek to find new homes, some wind up in the tropics of St. Domingue and others as far as the Falkland Islands, many go to Louisiana. The Yale historian, John Mack Faragher, describes how in July 1755 Acadians numbered some eighteen thousand persons. Over the next eight years after the deportation an estimated ten thousand exiles lost their lives mostly from shock, exhaustion, dehydration, starvation, and disease. Ninety years later Longfellow kept their story alive in his book length poem Evangeline.
My Breaux ancestors were dumped into southern Maryland and survived due to the good graces of the nearby Catholic St. Thomas Manor. My Le Blanc great grandparents, Rene LeBlanc and Anne Theriot escaped deportation by fleeing into the Canadian woods in Miramichi, surviving for a time but constantly on the move seeking to avoid the ravages of British raids on their makeshift encampments and like many others eventually dying of exposure and starvation. My surviving Breaux and Le Blanc ancestors eventually migrate to Louisiana, then under Spain. Most ironically several join the Acadian militia under the Spanish governor Galvez and help expel the British from the lower Mississippi during their former colonial adversaries War for Independence. After the Louisiana purchase they become U. S. citizens, For their service , my children and I qualify as “Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution”.
Yes, we are all immigrants. Our histories vary but the common theme is that America, in the words of Tocqueville , “is a Beacon of Hope”. As our President, his advisors and our Congress, seek to protect us from terrorism and debate the details, wisdom and legality of President Trumps’ recent edict, I am reminded of the dialogue in the British Parliament after the time of the Acadian expulsion. The famed parliamentarian, Edmund Burke in 1780, in decrying the historical actions of his government stated:
“It seems our nation had more skill and ability in destroying rather than settling a colony. In the last war, we did in my opinion, most inhumanely, and upon pretenses that in the eye of an honest man are not worth a farthing, root out these poor , innocent, deserving people whom our utter inability to govern, or to reconcile, gave us no right to extirpate.”
In 1992, after years of effort by Louisiana attorney Warren Perrin, including numerous presentations to international Human Rights Conferences, Queen Elizabeth of England apologized for the British actions in the deportation of the Acadians.
Historically we regret the deportation of the Acadians , the interment of the Japanese, the expulsion and forced march of the Cherokee, the turn away of the shipboard Jews. Today we are in a national discussion, admittedly the issue seems less extreme than the historical instances cited herein, but nevertheless we are in a position to learn the lessons of that history. Today, like the four historical examples cited an action has been predicated on concern for security and has severe implications on legality and human rights. Let us join together and urge our national government to heed these lessons of history as they contemplate a just and humane course of legislation and action related to vetting and acceptance of refugees. Let us hope that the course of action we take leads us not to an Edmund Burke of the future having to decry our historical action.
Democrats have been trying to flood the country with poorest and least educated people on the planet since 1965. The only reason this was done was make the U.S. a minority majority country dependant of welfare and government asdistance.
Every time the republicans try to get the fiscal house in order by targeting entitlement programs, the democrats cry RACISM. You dont want to help poor people, you hate immigrants, you hate blacks. This just keeps the entitlement class pulling the levers for democrats with zero progress for minorities in 50 years.
Trump, is only saying what many people have figured out years ago. The democrats promise more freebees to illegals and immigrants on the backs of hard working american tax payers.
I would rather see my money going to AMERICANS; black, brown or white than to spend our money on refugees and illegals. When city schools have no heat, war vets cant get medical care, homelessness and drug abuse are rampant and millions of elderly who have paid their dues are forced to choose between urgently needed medication or food and yet democrats could give a rats ass less. All of a suden trump is racist and blah blah blah.
If he did say it, so what… at least this man has the balls stand by convictions of America First. By the way no media outlet is reporting that unemployment for African Americans is the lowest it has been in seven years. This is because of trumps policy of putting americans first, including African Americans.
The first of a 12 step program is admitting you have a problem. Go ahead and give it a try.
“Every time the republicans try to get the fiscal house in order by targeting entitlement programs,” – at least you own up to targeting SS and Medicare. Improve SS and Medicare or leave them alone!
Trump’s words and actions are a disgrace to the office of the president. He is ripping this once great and proud country apart. This is not a Democrat’s opinion or a Republican’s opinion – it’s an American’s opinion.
Like this guy was any better
He was infinitely better.
This pieced together montage of stuffy, etc. over an 8 year period proves nothing. You are an idiot!
Little Phillip must watch a $hitload of Faux News. Nothing like pulling out the propaganda huckster clips to try and make a point. Can you make sheep sounds? I bet you are a true champ.
Mr. David H – Your letting your racial biased show. An independent study by American historians already rates President Obama as our l2th best President based on the facts not the alt-right propaganda.
Unemployment numbers only reflect those who are claiming benefits. It is NOT an accurate account of how many of any race are actually unemployed. Just because you got less people filing claims doesn’t mean those same people are now employed. However, I agree with most of what you said. Always remember, most governmental numbers are skewed in some way or another and sometimes are just plain inaccurate. Why don’t you look at how many Americans are receiving welfare benefits of some type? That will give you an account of how our economy is really doing……Just for the record, I don’t think his comments were racist. I believe they might be considered culturally insensitive, if anything. However, America has become too wishy washy and the outrage from Trump’s comments is far overblown from what it really is. I just wish the man would realize that those who are sitting across the table from him will use anything he says against him. He has become a target and he just doesn’t give a sheet. I know the feeling all too well and I don’t blame him at all…….
I agree with Soulcrusher on this one. Do you know how many people, including the Trump haters, that use the term sh-t hole during plain talk. Like it or not that term is used to describe Edgewood, Baltimore, Detroit, etc routinely by people of all social standings. Like it or not Trump speaks what many Americans think but won’t say. I find it amusing the commentator Joy R from MSNBC saying that both of her parents came from what President Trump callef sh-t hole countries and she was very upset. My question to her is why if they were not sh-t hole countries did they both leave. Just maybe some of those countries need to clean up their act so the whole world won’t openly or subliminally refer to them as sh-t hole counties.
Trump is an embarrassment. He lies continually and his administration is a $hitshow. I say let Mueller do his thing and see if he is worse than just a foul mouthed $hithead. If not, those of us who don’t think he is fit to hold the office can vote for whoever runs against him in 2020. The rest of you that love him so much can vote for him again. Just hope he and the dopes in congress don’t screw things up much more before then.
You’re right, elections have consequences. ALL politicians are an embarrassment and continually lie. Mueller has used his authority to violate the rights of a duly elected President and the individuals who helped get him elected into office for a political agenda aimed at helping the Democrat party. This whole investigation is an attempt at intimidating individuals through threats of criminal prosecution of crimes that either don’t exist or would have never been known to exist, without the Constitutional violations committed by the DOJ and the FBI on behalf of the Democratic party. This intimidation is meant to culminate in a production of false or misleading facts used to implement an impeachment process that will either taint Trump’s presidency or force him out of office. It is a total disgrace and is an improper use of Law Enforcement to impose political retribution. I am NOT a Republican or a Democrat, but if people can’t see that the supposed Democratic Party has been ferrying this country down a river of socialism for more than the last 100 years, then those same people will never see the truth even if the truth smacks them directly in the face. The pathetic two party system has failed and those dopes in Congress haven’t done anything but screw up America. So you can hope for the dopes all you want, but in the end the intentional destruction of America can only be adverted by men who seem like nuts, yet in reality are patriots who envision a return to the principles of what this country was founded upon.
“As avenues to foreign influence in innumerable ways, such attachments are particularly alarming to the truly enlightened and independent patriot. How many opportunities do they afford to tamper with domestic factions, to practice the arts of seduction, to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe the public councils. Such an attachment of a small or weak towards a great and powerful nation dooms the former to be the satellite of the latter. Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government.”
George Washington
SoulCrusher – You can’t cherry pick the warning signs that fit your beliefs and ignore the others that don’t.
You are correct. However, don’t you think our government should have followed these words you quote as well? We have influenced many an election world wide since World War II in an effort to get other countries to adopt our way of government and thinking. I am amazed at the outrage that seems to be permeating the public when everyone knows exactly what I’m talking about. If we as a people don’t want foreign influence to taint our elections, we should not interfere with the outcomes of those in other countries. Kind of “Do as I say, Not as I do”, don’t you think?
Classic example of the top convincing the middle that the people at the bottom are the problem.
Trump is disliked by the majority, be it Americans or the entire world. The sooner they lock him and his family up the better
In case some of you may have forgotten:
Following President Trump’s Thursday comments, it’s worth noting that former President Obama called the African country of Libya a “sh*@ show” just two years ago.
The comments were recorded in an interview with The Atlantic. The wide-ranging interview was based on Obama’s foreign policy over his eight years in office. During one portion of the interview, Obama said described Libya as a “mess” to the interviewer but behind closed doors called the country a “sh*@ show.” The comments received little coverage when made public at the end of Obama’s term.
The hypocrisy of the Democrats never fails to astound me!
If it were only one comment or a handful of comments, only a small percentage of people on either side would care. However, it’s every week if not every day that Trump sinks to new lows with comments or behavior. I don’t convict a person for a few mistakes, but a for ongoing history of inappropriate comments to behavior unbecoming the office, I say throw his ass out of office at the first legal opportunity to do so. If that is not until 2020 then so be it.
Big difference between sh!tshow and sh!thole but you didn’t know that did you?
Whether you are Republican or Democrat the recent comments by our President should disgust you. Civility is not a partisan issue. Thank you Harold for the insightful submission.
They were allowed to come here because their countries were Sh**t holes, so now if their countries aren’t Sh**t holes, SEND them back
If we could only send your @$$ back, but I guess we can only dream. I guess we could chip in and buy your one way ticket back to the “Fatherland”.
Totally agree with oldhead says. Lets get an immigration bill passed so these people pay taxes like we do.
We talk about the muslims, but it bothers me that we have brought many here and give them $1700 a month but can’t give our seniors on less than $1,000 a month social security and no other income some of this so they can have food, medicine , and heat instead of having to choose what they will do without each month.
Jean you are an idiot maybe you could get a job changing nasty sheets at Mar A largo and put a Mexican out of work.
Yeah because morons like “gotta get out of the country” and democrats think the only jobs Mexicans can get is changing nasty sheets.
Please try to refrain from the loud angry caps BS. By your post, we already know you are bitter, unhinged and angry – no reason to add rude to your list of wonderful personality traits. I am also thinking – perhaps you doth protest too much?
Once again an article of political opinion has been turned into a debate over which of the two major political parties and their leaders are better or worse. Everyone has to step back and see the totality of the situation you are witnessing. Both political parties have betrayed the US Constitution in some way or another. Both parties have allowed the erosion of the Bill of Rights into a shadow of what once stood. I am tired of my government trying to control my actions, behaviors, thoughts and speech because they were never supposed to control those things to begin with. Your government has betrayed you. Your political affiliations have betrayed you. Your sense of morality and intolerance have betrayed you. Your sensitivities have betrayed you. Now, you are all betraying the rights and privileges of all who may come in the future by supporting these two political gangs in an effort to control the American population in their actions, behaviors, thoughts and speech. STOP EVERYTHING! Demand the repeal of ALL unconstitutional laws. Demand the freedoms this country was founded on. Demand a better future for your children and demand that the government stop trying to control your children by its unconstitutional actions. Everything that is unconstitutional is illegal and all those laws that don’t subscribe to the powers and authorities that WE THE PEOPLE have allowed this menace we call a government are NULL and VOID. Be an American and stop this petty two party political drivel that has ruined this nation and has turned it into a cog of the new world odor……..
I agree with you on the tribalism of these two parties. The 2 major political parties are malignant tumors on our democratic republic and a potential threat to our constitution. However, the narcissistic opportunist, who has aligned himself with each party at different times, is himself a malignant tumor of an aggressive nature. On this, based on your previous posts, we probably disagree. Although these malignancies are not completely exclusive, they are separate, potentially lethal (to the democratic republic) tumors. Unfortunately metastasis has already occurred, and it may already be too late to save the patient. Now more radical treatments must be considered.
There is good and bad in everything around you. This includes the political parties we speak of. I understand that you feel that I am a narcissistic opportunist, however I don’t align myself with anything except for what I believe is right. You may not like my stances or criticisms of various topics and persons I have spoke of in the past, but I always stand up for what I believe is right or what is true. I have followed this mantra my whole life. At one time, I soared high because of that position and then I was brought down by that same mindset. I do what I think is right and true, that’s all, nothing else. I am not perfect, but I know corruption and governmental misconduct when I see it. I am not supposed to help the government in their wars against the people and I definitely won’t swear an allegiance that I don’t intend on following.
I pretty sure that he wasn’t referring to you as the “narcissistic opportunist” in question
Perhaps a Freudian slip from the soul crusher?
I wasn’t but this is an anonymous forum so crazier things have been known to happen.
Sorry, I have been the target for so long that I sometimes assume I am the target all the time. Even when I’m not…..
@”Just a guess” – No slip. You see, Chris Tabone and Edward Thomas Maxwell get on here all the time and call me similar names. I just assumed the comment was being made by one of these State terrorists…..
This tripe gets so tedious… first off, there was never any “Muslim ban” that was an incendiary moniker given to a proposed TEMPORARY halt to travelers from countries where their governments are essentially nonexistent. How exactly do you “vet” someone when there is no one to make simple background check inquiries to? I have in-laws overseas who have repeatedly been refused a simple tourist visa by our corrupt State Department regardless of the forms I filled out, fees I paid and affidavits I obtained. But fairness has never been of any interest to liberals unless it’s supporting their own viewpoint. The hypocrisy and partisanship on display today is sickening. If Obama had enacted the same policy, the same judges wringing their hands over this terrible assault on human rights would instead be back in their chambers ma$turbating over it. Second, calling a country a sh!thole is not an insult to anyone living there or from there. The countries in question are run by “governments” that couldn’t manage a large yard sale much less a country… and I just can’t wait for another self righteous lecture from someone like Vincente Fox – as he wears a suit and watch worth more than his average citizen can earn in a year – telling me how I need to behave. Maybe the politicians wetting themselves over these words will plan summer vacations with the grandkiddies in one of those places just to prove how nice they are. Does the Don say things that make me cringe? Sure. Was he my first choice? No. What you’re experiencing is someone in an elected position whose every word isn’t run past a political action committee, think tank, focus group and their own internal “how will this help or hurt me politically and what do the people in the room want to hear” filter. I can’t say I’ve heard any politician – since Reagan – who actually speaks TO people and not AT them. Did you ever notice when Obama went off script his speaking slowed way down… every word was being scrutinized, filtered and sanitized. I still have no idea what he really thinks about anything.
The writer speaks repeatedly of the “PRESIDENTS WORDS” unfortunately there is no actual indication that the president ever said these words. The story was reported by the Washington post when Dick Durban leaked the allegation to them. The problem is no one except Durban says Trump said it. No other democrat has even come forward to stand with Durban. Are these Durbans words paraphrasing the Presidents comments on these country’s collectively, possibly used when describing the presidents descriptions of these corrupt and pitifully run nations. The latter is more plausible in my eyes. So , the use of the phrase “THE PRESIDENTS WORDS” is in fact not accurate as it isn’t verified.
Lets also consider something else, a very troubling something else. This unverified comment immediately became a racial insult just 2 days before MLK day. To those Americans who can pass a Baker act. exam this deplorable use of the oft played race card by democrats is just another example of why Trump was elected. The Democratic plantation is alive and well. The Democratic plantation has manipulated the writer of this article.
Just because someone finally had the balls to come out and say it, the reality is “You can’t handle the truth!
Aberdeen, The “All American City” is a sheet-hole. Let’s see..oh yah, BALTIMORE is crime ridden and a hole.. Doesn’t everyone want the BEST of the BEST? If you don’t then you will continue to live in crap and receive the same…don’t you want and desire class, safety, and better than you had may be growing up? If not, then you need to get your Passport and leave..because You may just be the problem.
Breaux, the Hatch act prohibits your membership in “any political organization which advocates the overthrow of our constitutional form of government”. As a member of the “DEEP STATE HACKS” Aberdeen lodge you could be a felon.
Breaux, please satisfy yourself and do not take another nickle from the US govt as you fight its core so much. You despise democracy, you despise the President, please don’t take another filthy nickle. Please turn in your security clearances and stop accepting the royalties from your books.
Central Nut job –
When that nest of traitors that you support gets thrown in chains, you might want to think about going a bit deep yourself.
My God! We trust Breaux with our secrets? He reminds me of Ethel and Julius. This common scumbag doesn’t even have the decency to NOT use his notoriety as leverage on his absurd deep state positions.