From the New Harford Democratic Club:
Minutes of the New Harford Democratic Club
Wednesday, December 6, 2017, at the Aberdeen Holiday Inn Express
President Steve Johnson opened the meeting at 7:05 pm
Johnson led those present in a pledge to the flag.
Johnson welcomed District 34A Delegate Mary Ann Lisanti, Circuit Court Judge Paul Ishak and Harford Community College Trustee Rich Norling. He then asked others present to stand and identify themselves
Treasurer George Harrison submitted the financial report. Johnson asked for and received unanimous approval.
He also asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the November meeting. Approved unanimously.
Johnson then asked for reports for any other clubs. Nicky Fournier reported for the Young Dems that efforts were underway to bring new members into the organization.
There being no additional business, Johnson adjourned the meeting at 8:58 pm.
Johnson introduced the night’s speaker, Maryland State Senate President Mike Miller who has served in the state legislature since 1975
Senator Miller acknowledged the young Dems organization, stating that all of his staffers over the years began their political involvement as members of the organization. He stated that his first foray into politics involved being the driver for a Republican governor and the governor’s aide at the time was Larry Hogan Senior, the father of the current governor who was 5 years old at the time.
Miller discussed the failure of the last election. He noted that 170,000 voters who voted in 2010 did not vote in 2014. That is the story of the 2014 election which saw Hogan win over Anthony Brown.
The next election will be a different story if the Democrats turn out, he said. The results in Virginia, New Jersey and Annapolis this year show what can happen if Democrats get energized. He said Hogan knows this and he is scared. He has made proposals to add lanes to certain highways and he reduced tolls on the highways but he killed the Red Line in Baltimore City and cuts programs that support vulnerable citizens.
He said Democrats must choose the best candidate and avoid a divisive primary. Dems must run again Trump policies which have been harmful to Marylanders. The Trump tax plan will hurt Marylanders, he said, because state taxes will not be able to be deducted as in the past. He believes there will be a backlash against Trump that Democrats can exploit.
He said the governor vetoed the bill to require paid sick leave and the legislature will override that veto as the first order of business in the upcoming session.
Senator Miller then took questions from the audience.
Johnson thanked the speaker for coming and adjourned the meeting at 8:45pm.
Submitted by George Harrison, Acting Secretary
“He then asked others present to stand and identify themselves”
Seriously? what is this an AA meeting?
Its more like roll call in authoritarian high school. Its silly and undemocratic until a majority of paid members stand up and asks for a vote on it,
It definitely affects attendance.
New Harford Dem Club leadership has no respect for the civil liberties of its members.
In the mean time you could say ” I take the fifth amendment.”
Or you could make up a different name every time you go.
I suggest you stand and say “I’m Sparticus”..See if it catches on
Have fun with it if you want to attend meetings.
Make fun of it until they wake up and change the stupid procedure.
Miller, putting rights of illegals above Maryland citizens since 1975.
Hogan could do away with every tax and fee that the furniture thief imposed on us but the dems will still cry about the red line.
Miller is the one that needs to hit the road. He’s been in office far too long, spewing his anti-republican slurs. As if there aren’t bigger concerns for the state than the Red Line!! Really, what slug sucking off the taxpayers.