From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
A Harford County Sheriff’s Office Correctional Deputy Recruit’s employment has been terminated after he was arrested and charged with sex abuse of a minor, second degree assault, and fourth degree sex offense. He has contacted an employment attorney for guidance.
Deputy Recruit Nicholas Carini, 20 of Bel Air, who was part of Entry Level Corrections Class 28, currently underway at the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Training Academy, was arrested on January 3, 2017, following an investigation by the Harford County Child Advocacy Center (CAC).
Carini was arrested without incident and taken to the Harford County Detention Center for processing. After meeting with a District Court Commissioner for his initial appearance, he was released on his own recognizance.
The Harford County Sheriff’s Office holds its employees to the highest standards and will thoroughly investigate all allegations of misconduct, remaining vigilant to ensure our efforts are professional and meet the high standards the public has come to expect from our deputies. The acts alleged are not reflective of the hard work and dedication of the men and women of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office.
No further information is being released from the HCSO. As the investigation was conducted by the CAC, information pertaining to the investigation must be released by the Harford County State’s Attorney’s Office. Members of the public are reminded the defendant is presumed innocent of the charges and it will be the government’s burden to prove the defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt at trial.
Stinky Business says
The question I have is why did HCSO wait 5 months to do anything with this officer. The crime was committed in August(per casesearch), has HCSO known since then? Also who does background checks at the HCSO? The person that did this one should be fired. This guy had his driving privledge suspended at one point per case search for FTA.
Auto-fill Username says
I believe you misread the case information. The incident is said to have taken place in August, but the initial filing was on Jan. 3rd. The warrant was issued the same day. Check the timeline at the bottom. Everything took place the day it was filed.
The case regarding his driving charge says a PBJ was issued on 11/30/15. Nothing about a license suspension.
SoulCrusher says
The article did get the date wrong. They meant to say he was arrested on January 3rd, 2018…..
ashame says
Too bad he is so young, Harford county republicans could run him for political office.
Chris says
That was stupid.
LOL says
Making America Great again clearly is not a test of intelligence.
SoulCrusher says
There is nothing political about this incident and the infusion of politics into this incident is stupid…..
ashame says
I was just trying to give this poor kid some hope that at 20 years old his life is not over for being a sexual predator. He can still grow up and be a republican politician, he could even be president.
#METOO says
So what if he is found Not Guilty? Innocent until proven Guilty, right? Well, except for Soul Crusher…but that’s different.
Does he get his job back?
Reputation back?
What if it turns out to be a false accusation? Doesn’t matter, his life is ruined.
SoulCrusher says
Heard that….
Sad but true says
Fact: The majority of occupants in our correctional facilities are or support the position of the liberal Democrat and have been the recipient of and have abused government assistance. It is hard for America to become great again with all of the freeloading and “me first” attitudes going on with liberal takers. It is interesting to see that the liberal media has no interest in seeing this country move forward. “Screw America” their mission is solely to malign and defame the president. News it or not Trump is president. How about the liberals stop being sore losers and start thinking about the betterment of the country.
this koch is for you says
Seems like most of the criminal and anti-patriotic activity I see on the news and read about is from those individuals who are self described conservatives and/or republicans. Maybe I’m not watching enough fox morning or evening “news” to keep my free thinking brain fully cleansed and indoctrinated. I guess I will have to up the daily dose of the propaganda? ………. Nah!
You hold on to your own Koch says
You should watch the NFL, particularly the local team from Baltimore if you want to get a balance of anti patriotic acts. They crap on the flag and country on a weekly basis. The local media (wbal, 98 rock, 105.7, etc.) continue with their oral fascination of the nfl/ravens regardless of what they do. They must be Republicans.
I’m pretty sure the people who killed 340+ Bmore citizens in 2017 were all Republicans.
WTF? says
Are you for real dude? You need to stop putting party before country. Who cares about a bunch of overpaid entertainers. Stop watching if it pisses you off so much and get some counseling. You are supporting them every game you watch. By the way although I do not agree with the speech, I do agree with their constitutional right to speak freely. May a more authoritarian form of government with limited individual rights is what you are supporting? I would suggest North Korea.
Ashamed of Ignorance says
Surely you know better
Chris says
I had to chuckle myself when I saw that absurd “republican” post. ” Look at me I’m mad so let me post unsubstantiated stupid comments.”
Sad but true says
Prove me wrong. Why do you think Dems want to give felons voting rights. Do you remember what happened in Virginia during the last election. All of the pardons to boost D #’s. It seems that you are watching too much MSNBC and CNN.
libertarian says
You are the classic example of why nothing will ever improve unless we eliminate the tribal 2 party system. The Ds won in Virginia because the districts were gerrymandered by the Rs, and the anti-republican vote was much more energized and showed up to vote than the pro-republican vote which stayed home. Simple – no conspiracy BS.
Sad but true says
You make a reasonable point but prove me wrong about the Governor of Virginia pardoning over 20,000 felons allowing them to be voter eligible. You know and I know that what the motive was. I can tell you unequivocally he was pandering to the D vote. Most of those pardoned will vote D or support D programs. You seem like a reasonably intelligent person. I wouldn’t attempt to insult your intelligence so please give me and the readers the same courtesy
not affiliated with any political party and proud says
When you can prove how each of those 20000 voted and if they did, then, let us know, and we will hear you out. Until then, it is just another right twist wingnut conspiracy theory. Also, last time I looked Trump and the Republicans weren’t exactly winning any popularity contests in Virginia.
SoulCrusher says
Both political parties have contributed to the calamity we are in. You should vote for the messenger, not the party. If the messenger betrays the ideology promised to the voter, then they will have to face the music next time they are up for election. A few compromises are acceptable, but stay the path you promised. The system of 2 parties has literally failed the people and there needs to be another option.
@”Sad but true” – I wonder if all those who received pardons realized they were probably behind bars from laws that were created by the D party in the first place.
@”libertarian” – There needs to be a stronger third or even fourth option that the two big parties can’t swallow up like the tea party getting consumed by the R’s. The last libertarian primary was almost like a comedy stand up. Look, I’m known for saying some pretty rash things, but some of the nonsense that was at the last libertarian primary was ridiculous. I mean, the last libertarian candidate was literally running on the “I won’t smoke marijuana while I’m running the country” platform. Even from a former stoner, I found that equally humorous and pathetic. I probably would have felt better about him if he had said “I promise to smoke marijuana while running the country”……
Sad but true says
@ Not affiliated
If you had been following all the prior post you would have seen that a discussion was started regarding which party D or R would most likely be occupying correctional facities. I said and please try to show me any evidence to contrary that felons are more likely to be on the D side of the spectrum. No I don’t know how many VA felons voted or even cared to. The point was the Ds thought it was worth a shot. Look at the timing. Come on man. Your post sounded like you had some smarts. Think about it. If it matters I am a registered Independent
call them like you post them says
Hey sad,
Dude until you can prove that all those felons voted for Dems and swung all those seats, give it a rest or get some therapy. The attempts to increase vote advantage is nothing new for either party and is ongoing.
Just the facts says
Sorry but the prisons are actually full of republicans. The majority of republicans believe in god as does the majority of inmates.
Sorry to burst your bubble.
SoulCrusher says
@”call them like you post them” – You have stated the undisputable truth in your comments. Furthermore, everything you have just said can also be applied to the ONGOING RUSSIA INVESTIGATION. Attempts to influence votes in other countries are not new and can be considered routine protocol by both Russia and the United States, with the US being guilty of it more than any other country on this planet. The falsified outrage of the Democratic Party over foreign ads being used on social media to influence voters is just hypocritical and preposterous. The false allegations against Donald Trump and his family being “traitors”, is just as preposterous. Donald Trump and his family may be many things and I’m sure he is probably not the best choice for a president, but they are NOT “traitors”. Just more do as I say, not as I do politics that have scrambled the integrity of our elections and our government. When will we all wake up and realize that the great American experiment has been tainted by a bunch of criminals who have become rooted in our government and have no intention in allowing truth, justice or the American way to continue. Trump is not the traitor, but the majority of congressmen are and that is a fact.
SoulCrusher says
@”Just the facts” – Prisons are full of both Republicans and Democrats. This is undisputable. Your comparison to Republicans and inmates having an equal belief in god is pretty off kilter and I don’t know where you where going with that. I believe what was being pointed out was that the Democratic Governor of Virginia pardoned a large group of felons hoping that those whom were pardoned would vote for the Democratic party in elections. I don’t know if that was the motivation or not, but it seems plausible that it could have been. Could’ve, would’ve, should’ve arguments are not facts, they are conjecture. Elections are won by votes, not conjecture……
I googled it says
More info about the pardons and numbers affected:
After listening to all sides on The Dagger for years, I do my own research says
Hey google guru,
Nice that you have finally mastered the internet, but the only person who cares about the topic probably should also learn how to use a search engine to fact check before posting. It reminds me of that old proverb – Give a man a link and you may solve his problem for a day, but teach a man to search and you make him a problem solver for a lifetime.
SoulCrusher says
@”I googled it” – That’s interesting, but still no definitive proof that he was pardoning felons so they could vote Democrat. In my opinion, NO ONE should not be allowed to vote. Especially when they have made so many offenses a felony. A felony conviction should not effect any of your rights. You did the crime and did your time, you are NOT a felon anymore. Felonies are supposed to be notorious crimes of ill repute, like murder or rape. Not growing weed or DWI’s. When the government made putting water on a god given seed to make it sprout, the government betrayed all moral responsibilities toward the people and in my opinion the government is felonious. Why don’t you google why marijuana was made illegal and you will see that it is those who made the law who are the criminals. They are all traitors to the Constitution and the American people. Look at all the rights that were stripped from every citizen during the last century due to a corporate government movement to destroy the people’s freedoms. If you want to see what a real criminal looks like just turn it on CSPAN. Each one of those people who are sitting there in the assembly, congress or senate are the treasonous scumbags you should be worried about….If it wasn’t a felony when the Supreme law was written or a derivative of the felonies that existed then, it shouldn’t be today.
Hunter says
The Sheriff’s Office should raise the minimum hiring age for a Correctional Deputy to 21; the same as it is for a road Deputy. The young people age 18, 19, and 20 are to young for such a predatory environment as is found in an adult correctional facility.
An Asshole says
The minimum age should probably be 30, at least for jobs with “Police powers.” And maybe most “agencies” tend to higher older folks, that’s a question I can’t answer.
I’m sure there are plenty of really good 21 year old Police Officers in this country but times as they are, I really think the vast majority of the population these days are more “ready” for Police type work at 30 than 21.
Considering an applicant at 30 years old has more personal history to include credit management, job history, life skills, etc. etc. to judge than a 21 year old applicant.
Just my opinion on the mindset/maturity/experience of our culture.
Chris says
I had to chuckle myself when I saw that absurd “republican” post. ” Look at me I’m mad so let me post unsubstantiated stupid comments.”
LOL says
Judge Moore is that you?
Chris says
You managed to pull a name out of the hat. Bravo!!! 1 Republican(taking legal action against the paid lier I believe) to…. what’s the Democrat count up to? Way too many to count.
A non-Asshole says
Going to have to disagree with you to an extent. Age only has a little to do with life experience. Prior military service, volunteer firefighters and EMT’s, people who have experienced life, death, and have good coping mechanisms for stress make far better LEO’s and Corrections than just average Jane’s and Joe’s who are building careers later in life. If 30 was a criteria, the application pool would be to small. You can thank the state for changing the age to 18 for corrections. Should we wait to send our soldiers into battle until they are 30?
An Asshole says
Just think, for this particular case if the hiring age was 21, this gentleman and his accused criminal charges wouldn’t have made it past the initial application.
Of course it’s a gamble of “what ifs.”
Wait, what?
An Asshole says
I’m pretty sure volunteer military service and applying for a local Police Agency are two drastic differences.
But hey, come up with some more whack assed comparisons.
An Asshole says
I don’t think someone who’s a volunteer fire fighter is some above average applicant for a “Police agency.” While there may be some desireable skills to have, it still all related to the “total picture” of each person. Military service, college, EMS, Fire fighter are all great things to help but..
Id take a guess even if your top EMS guy in the county applies and admits they used heroin a bunch of time in high school a decade ago they’re pretty much the least desireable applicant at that point.
steviedevil666 says
Surprised Jeff didn’t just promote this guy to a majors spot. He’d fit right in with the other criminals he has on his staff:
– theft/armed robbery: check
– theft of guns: check
– drugs use and failed polygraph? check
– sex offender: vacant
JustTheFacts says
You must be thinking of the last Sheriff, Jesse Bane, who retained a major who was charged with several crimes. If you need him he is over at Belair pd with his questionable chief of police. If I am wrong go ahead and share the charging info on anything related to your above claims. You can do that and still remain anonymous.
Not an Expert says
“failed polygraph” lol. I’m sure there’s plenty of cops hired in the USA who “failed” a Polygraph, although their future consideration may not exist for the “agency” they “failed” the polygraph on, depending on why they “failed.” The polygraph machine results are interpreted as deception, no deception or inconclusive.
Sorry, the polygraph machine is an antiquated tool that for some reason is still being used in Police Agency employment and security clearance jobs. You can easily “pass” one, go to lunch, come back and do it again and “fail.”
In my opinion, a better background investigation should be done instead of relying on “results” from a junk science tool.
SoulCrusher says
Congratulations, each and every one of us who have commented on this article have turned it into a political debate about nothing to do with this article. Politics is such a consuming business that it distracts everyone from the reality of what is really happening. Here we have a young man pursuing a career in Law enforcement who has gotten caught up in a child sex scandal and we are discussing age requirements of LEO, Trump, Marijuana, Pardons and other things that have nothing to do with the article. I am just as guilty. The story here is a potential police recruit was charged with assault and sexual assault of a minor. He was removed from the academy and will probably be marked for life. If the allegations are true, an underage human being may be emotionally scarred for life. If they are untrue, a 20 year old recruit will probably never have this stain removed from his memory. That is the story we have shamefully strayed away from…..
flashback says
“There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.” John Adams
I second that says
I agree it is consuming us and to what ultimate end I fear I am becoming more certain. We should have listened to the wisdom and warnings from history.
“There is an opinion, that parties in free countries are useful checks upon the administration of the Government, and serve to keep alive the spirit of Liberty. This within certain limits is probably true; and in Governments of a Monarchical cast, Patriotism may look with indulgence, if not with favor, upon the spirit of party. But in those of the popular character, in Governments purely elective, it is a spirit not to be encouraged. From their natural tendency, it is certain there will always be enough of that spirit for every salutary purpose. And, there being constant danger of excess, the effort ought to be, by force of public opinion, to mitigate and assuage it. A fire not to be quenched, it demands a uniform vigilance to prevent its bursting into a flame, lest, instead of warming, it should consume.” George Washington
A Realist says
“No further information is being released” enough said… f*** politics!!!