From the New Harford Democratic Club:
New Harford Democratic Club
Monthly Meeting
Holiday Inn Express
1007 Beards Hill Road
Aberdeen, MD 21001
January 3, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
1) 1st Congressional District Candidate Jesse Colvin
2) Harford County Council District A Candidate Andre Johnson
3) MD Delegate District 7 (Western Harford) Candidate Allison Berkowitz
Is Jerry Scarboro gonna be there?
I seen popo Bear is gonna run in november.
Jerry Scarboro shitforbrains is running as a dumbocrat. I thought so.
He is apolitical clown.
Callahan thinking that Borowitz is funny tells you all you need to know about him. Remember this when he posts more of his drivel and save time by skipping it.
Borowitz is hysterical and spot on.
Actually, I agreed with him on just about everything he had to say. Especially, his praise of Mike Perrone, who was the only one who didn’t sell his soul. His philosophy on costs and spending along with past abuses of it, were very informative. I think you guys should listen to what he has to say…..
Jerry Scarborough is running for office? What till the citizens get a load of his paranoia… Jerry was a clown as cop. Didn’t he get fired from the State Police..
Wasn’t this guy some type of cop?
Unfortunately for Uncle Jerry he is famous for being a dog killer in 1992. Seems he didnt like the neighbors dogs defecating on his property, so he baited some meatballs with antifreeze and killed 3 dogs. If he is nominated for the Council seat in District D the Dems will get one seat back on County Council.
Odd poopoo Jerry is running for a harford county elected position is holding a fund raiser in Baltimore county.
You guys are not realizing what he is saying. If you sit back and watch the video, he is basically telling you how your county was robbed by the Craig administration and his cronies. He doesn’t want your county robbed like this again. He doesn’t want your county’s politicians to vote themselves another large raise. You must remember, all those who voted for that raise should’ve abstained themselves from that vote because it provided them with personal benefit of a pay increase. That vote should’ve been on the county ballot and the citizens should’ve decided the raise. There is one thing politicians can count on and that is the short memory of most voters who allow themselves to be tricked over and over by people manipulating the truth. Look, you guys already have the most corrupt Judiciary in the state and you have elements of your Law Enforcement acting as a racketeering and terrorist organization. The last thing you need is more dirty politicians stealing your county’s funds by making sure their “friends” get paid extravagantly for run down and useless properties. Do what you want, but politicians trying to actually help the community is a rare thing.
We are a county run by repubicans and staling from the public is what they elect them to do.
As trump said the average person that votes republican is a dumbass.
Jerry Scarborough is holding a fund raiser in Baltimore County rather than Harford County. Jerry really does have shit for brains. What a moron….
Not only did he kill dogs but also assaulted a 13 year old
N – Do tell!
Pylesville. Just google his name and your uncle Jerry’s history will come up. Why he was fired from msp. Why he poisoned dogs. Then take a look at judiciary case search. He runs his mouth a lot for a guy that lives in a glass house.
He struck a 13 year old child AND killed dogs, this is by far the worst candidate and human
“I set the stuff out, and apparently it was killing these other dogs.”
In April, Mr. Scarborough was fired after a police internal affairs investigation into charges that he struck a 13-year-old boy who went into his yard to retrieve a ball. He has appealed the dismissal.
Wow Scarborough sounds like a loose cannon that deserves the detention and not the county council! Thank you for sharing that article!
Then a lifetime of disability payments from the state.
Sad that people that don’t know Jerry Scarborough are quick to remember something from 27 years ago that he did. Unfortunately, not one person knows the details on any of it. I know first hand know who this man is TODAY! My neighbors know him, our close friends know him and our family knows him to be one of the most caring and community serving people they know.
He has said publicly that if anyone wants to know what REALLY happened 27 years ago he’d be happy to tell them privately since there are other people involved that don’t need to be brought up in public.
I am incredibly proud of my Husband. He does so much for so many people in our community. So, if you’re perfect and have never done something you truly regret then go ahead and get yourself a medal for being perfect!
Do you have the courage to put yourself out there for the community knowing things you’ve done in the past will be brought out yet again? That’s how much he wants to change Harford County. That’s how much he cares! So, if you think he’s such a horrible person then I dare you to get to know who Jerry Scarborough is TODAY1
Sends out the wife for damage control. Pathetic.
He doesn’t even know I posted this!
This is 100% my doing
Kathy watch his video and pay attention he asks people not to say mean stuff but he says mean stuff, He literally made fun of Barry Glassmans size, something the man has zero control of. How about we adress Jerry being morbidly obese and smoking cigars 2 things he does have control of is that ok? Jerry judges others on their past deeds but god forbid you don’t want anyone doing that to him. He even makes remakes about the people moving to Harford county might not be people you want as neighbors. SERIOUSLY? why because they might poison my dog? I could go on but will stop here for now.