From Congressman Andy Harris:
On December 19, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Conference report to accompany H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) released the following statement lauding its passage:
“The Conference report passed by the House of Representatives today will put more money back into the pockets of Marylanders and facilitate job creation right here in Maryland and across America. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act preserves the deductions that working- and middle-class Americans rely on, while simplifying the tax code and filing process.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will support economic growth and stimulate job creation right here in America. Lowering tax rates for small and family-owned businesses and for larger employers will encourage American businesses to reinvest in their own operations, increase their employees’ pay, and make the United States more competitive in the global marketplace.
I applaud my colleagues in the House for passing this legislation, and I urge the Senate to follow suit. Congress owes the American people a long-overdue tax break, and now is the time to deliver it.”
Ok now seriously anyone who owns a business knows this is absolute BS.
“Lowering tax rates for small and family-owned businesses and for larger employers will encourage American businesses to reinvest in their own operations, increase their employees’ pay,”
Both of these things were deductible prior to this “tax cut” so WTF is Andy talking about?
Can someone please explain the tax cut. We have a stock market breaking records, lowest unemployment ever, lots of new jobs being created GDP numbers not seen in years and the government is going into big time debt in order to give a huge tax break to a few people along with taking health are insurance away from the most needy.
When things are going well isn’t that the time to increase taxes? pay some bills and help some people? When things are in the crapper isn’t that when it’s ok to go into debt to stimulate the economy?
How did things get turned around? What are we going to do to stimulate the economy when things slow down?
It is just Republican/big corporation greed.
Spoken like a true liberal with a tax and spend world view.
The real issue is too much spending by the Federal Government. I checked my taxes on the website and I will owe ~ $2500 less next year. We are not in the 1%. There have been several large businesses reporting giving raises to the hourly workers and bonuses to all workers. More money in my pocket is better than in the Government coffers.
Considering a family of 4 with an income of $100,000 can only expect $1000 you are above average and you should be proud. As for spending I agree the republican congress is out of control when it comes to spending and now they are reducing the tax they collect the debt is going to skyrocket. Anyone under 30 is so screwed.
But did you check your healthcare costs because if you are on OBamacare or given the gift of healthcare by your employer the new trumpcare has those costs headed up.with the repeal of the mandate. Early projections say if your employer passes on the increase your tax savings will not cover the increase. Now go buy a lotto ticket maybe you can be in the 1% if you’re lucky.
Mike said it best:
“It’s pure fantasy to think that the tax bill will lead to significantly higher wages and growth as Republicans have promised. The largest economic challenges we face include a skills crisis that our public schools are not addressing, crumbling infrastructure that imperils our global competitiveness, wage stagnation coupled with growing wealth inequality, and rising deficits that will worsen as more baby boomers retire. The tax bill does nothing to address these challenges. In fact, it makes each of them worse.” Michael Bloomberg
Pure fantasy??? Have you seen the statements but out by ATT, Comcast, Boeing et all within minutes of the vote? They are given $1000 in Christmas bonuses to their non executive employees and investing billions of dollars in expansion which will get untold numbers off the government handout line and onto the taxpayer rolls.
They are not “christmas bonuses” you bone head.
Call them what you like. 200,000 non-executive employees are getting an extra $1000 in the paycheck they receive at Christmas. Back in the dark ages we called that a Christmas bonus. Focus on the label if you like but please try to understand the greater point. And try to refrain from name calling if you are able. I would much prefer a thoughtful argument salted with supporting facts if you are able to provide.
The bonus was negotiated in a union contract months ago and has nothing to do with with the recently passed but not signed into law 2019 tax giveaway.
Deer god man pay attention.
Even Gov. Hogan knows Andy’s bill is BS: “Gov. Larry Hogan said Wednesday that he will seek to protect Maryland taxpayers from higher state tax bills caused by the federal tax overhaul President Donald J. Trump is expected to sign soon.
The Republican governor said he will submit legislation to the General Assembly next month to do that and called for unanimous legislative support of his proposals.
“Our goal will be to leave that money in the pockets of hard-working Marylanders,” Hogan said in an opening statement at a Board of Public Works meeting. “I am confident that our partners in the General Assembly who have expressed concern over the impact of this tax reform bill will support us unanimously in protecting Marylanders who could be negatively affected. Protecting taxpayers should be a bipartisan issue.”
Andy has got to go.
In moniker you’re not alone – this should really confuse people…
The MD Gov want to make sure the MD taxpayers do not end up paying more and will work to modify the state tax structure to ensure we don’t.
The reason Marylanders will not benefit as much as residents of other states has to do with the high property and state taxes we pay. You can thank the democratically controlled state legislature for that. Gov Hogan can protect us by sheperding tax cuts in Annapolis.
Do you know what the difference is between the middle class tax cut and the 1.5 trillion it adds to the debt?
Unlike the debt the tax cut is only temporary…..
This is why they did it:
“My donors told me to pass the Republican tax bill or dont’t ever call me again”
Representative Chris Collins – R (NY)
Not one positive comment. Seems like everyone knows just how bought and sold the GOP is now.
Or maybe the Trump deranged Soros funded trolls are out in force.
Watch much fox news?
Watch much CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, read much Politico, Huff Post, Washington Post, NYT?
Yeah, why watch or read a variety of different news sources when you can get all the propaganda and conspiracy theories you need from Fox.
Rep. Harris and all who voted for this tax bill owe an apology to those who put you in office.
The tax bill violated 2 of President Trump’s campaign promises.
1. He promised to simplify the tax code. This act creates many additional optional calculations and pages of new tax law.
2. He promised to eliminate special interest benefits. This tax act is loaded with many special interest benefits.
Sad day for the USA. “Yes men” like Mr. Harris need to go. I am looking forward to the next election!
The tax bill is so wonderful trump can’t sign it into law till next year because hr needs to make sure the middle class gets screwed after the upcoming elections.
The most shocking and disgusting thing about this tax bill is that the people who pay taxes are getting a break and the ones who pay nothing get absolutely no relief from their torment.
A truer statement has not been posted here. The 1% will be getting more money while the middle class pay for it. Andy Harris once again is paying back his corporate donors with the hard earned money of his voter base. I will not get off the couch on election day to cast a vote for Harris he does not deserve the effort.
Most of you know me to like Republicans. However, I am very concerned about how this will balloon the debt. Not good!
AT&T, Comcast and others getting bonuses and min wage to $15 for others! You people all have your heads in the sand.
The deficit exploded under the last Pres. Where was all this concern then?
The deficit did explode, money is controlled by congess, republicans controlled congress under the last Pres…
Republicans exploded the debt then and they are exploding it now
Thanks for pointing that out Mr Jackson.
So AT&T is getting a 12.9 billion tax break and will share 200 million with their employees. What happens to the 98% that isn’t spent on employees? This doesn’t not seem like a good return on the investment.
AT&T just announced it’s laying off 600 people.
Less than 24 hours and they be a creating sum jobs…..
“Perhaps the most visible plan to cut Medicare is the one endorsed by House Speaker Paul Ryan, which would eliminate the guaranteed level of coverage that Medicare currently provides — e.g., covering hospital care and 80 percent of the total cost of doctor visits — and replace it with “vouchers” with which seniors would be directed to buy their own health insurance from the private sector… it’s a clear downgrade of the “benefits people have earned throughout their working lives.” The talking point from Republicans is that Medicare is “going broke” but that’s not true.” Eric J. Schneidewind , AARP’s President
It keeps getting worse.
Ask a Conservative why their kid is using dope, they’ll just gawk at you, red in the face from all the cheese steak subs they eat, ANGRY at you as they hyperventilate with their high blood pressure.
Wow. You really need to get out and see the world a bit more. Your prejudice is appalling.
VLS, you and Andy Harris should be thrown in jail for lying (or for your ignorance!).
Wait until the mid terms, then this country can start returning to some sort of reason!
I sincerely doubt we will really see a ‘trickle down’ of corporate profit increase…
“The Yale CEO Summit surveyed 110 prominent business leaders of Fortune 500 and Fortune 50 companies last week. Just 14% of CEOs surveyed by Yale University said their companies plan to make large, immediate capital investments in the United States if the tax overhaul passes. Capital investments, like building plants and upgrading equipment, can lead to hiring. Wall Street expects companies will use a big chunk of the tax savings to reward shareholders with fatter dividends and stock buybacks, which makes stocks more attractive. That’s one reason stocks have surged all year, putting the Dow in sight of 25,000.”
I am 79 years old. My Social Security barely covers my expenses (medical care, food, a dinner out now and then). I don’t care about the national debt. I need this money NOW.
Honey your taxes are going up and your healthcare is being cut. Either get a job or try the Friskies tuna with cheese bits cause you are only getting less.
You should care about the debt because the dreamy Republicans will pay down that debt by cutting your Medicare and Social Security check. Hooray!!!!!!
You sound like a deplorable fool.
Get off of the purple kool aid!
Welcome back troll, it’s been awhile. Let’s recap from past NHD postings:
1. You have a 5,000 sf home on multiple acres.
2. You have at least two college degrees.
3. You wear fitted sports jackets. I suppose your entire wardrobe is tailored as well.
4. You own a Porsche. I hope that’s not your daily driver, please enlighten us with regard to the rest of your fleet to include boats, fixed wing/rotary craft.
5. Any wristwatches that us redneck inbred types might hate on you for? Please don’t own something as pedestrian as a Rolex.
6. You definitely hate guns/look down on law abiding gun owners.
7. Might be afraid of hoagies.
Sounds like you’re fairly up there in the economic world and should benefit fairly well from the tax reform plan.
My favorite excerpt from one of your posts was when you said Hillary would serve two terms followed by a transgender president. What a hoot you are.
Are you a stalker?
And an idiot
And a compulsive liar
And drinks their own pee
Think about this for a second, or hours (for a Conservative’s intelligence):
How many people on Earth with an internet connection can visit this website, type “North Harford Democrat” where it says “Name?”
Think real hard about that.
If this is truly trickle down economics, didn’t we learn this doesn’t work? And what about the seniors, what do they get out of this magnificent tax bill??
How many of us will now be paying more in federal income tax?
All the independent studies are in and eventually 99% will see a tax increase. And the debt will increase and that’s not easy to do.
Best tax cut ever.
I want my money.
My generation saved the world from evil.
All I want is my tax check. Give me my money.
Your fat assed generation neglected to pay your bills and you left us with a pile of busted crap you didn’t maintain. STFU , sit in the corner and have a high fructose corn syrup ensure while we fix things.
You spent all of your money and stuck us with a 20 trillion debt and 100 trillion in unfunded liabilities.
Eat it jackass, we should confiscate all of your possessions.
To all the naysayers, just a few questions to ponder…
1. When you personally earn $100 dollars, who’s money is it?
2. If there are 1000 loopholes in our old tax code and the new code reduces that number to 800, is that a move in the right direction or not?
3. Name all of the developed countries whose corporate tax was equal to or greater than 35%.
4. Has our government and does it currently spend the tax dollars extracted from its citizens in a responsible manner?
and lastly, have you sent the government a check above and beyond the value of your tax bill?
Think about these points when you pipe up about your emotional objections about Andy Harris or Donald Trump.
1. Money only has value because of the government and yes all money is the property of the government
2.No the new code does not reduce loopholes and the whole thing is only temporary.
3.what does the tax rate of other countries have to do with the tax code here? No one pays 35% see number 2.
4. It depends what you consider spending tax dollars in a responsible manner means, does a country with 11 aircraft carriers need 7 more? when the next closes country has 2. How many homeless vets can you save for the same money.
5. If you send more than you owe it just creates a credit balance, did you have a point?
Next time you think about making a post…. don’t you are an idiot.
Geeez and on top of that you don’t know how to use the reply feature.
The depth of ignorance spewed above is astounding. Good luck in life bud.
You wanted people to consider your 5 points which I guess you put a lot of time into then are shot down in under 20 minutes on every point and your rebuttal is a personal attack.
Well done sir you represent trump and andy well.
I see there is little use in a discussion of sorts in this forum. The points I threw onto the board were all related to the newly adopted tax law and the various criticisms expressed above in the thread. The response I got was both ridiculous and a personal attack (“you are an idiot”). Classic response from someone responding on emotion and unwilling to have a reasonable discussion – even in this anonymous sort of platform.
And then comes Adam… you and Seriously? should got get a drink together and watch Ellen – I’m sure you’d get along like a house on fire. But be sure to bring your wallet Adam because Seriously? doesn’t have his own money – it’s all the governments possession!
If you have been on this forum for a long while, you would have seen in the past that the vast majority of posts were very pro Republican and pro Conservative and often attacked those who offered opposing views. Harford and Cecil were moving hard to the right and the Obama Administration was increasingly not popular around here. The Republicans politically attacked the Obama administration, the Democrats and the liberal elite for being extremist, anti- middle class, anti- working class and out of touch with traditional American values. Although I am not a Republican (or Democrat), their political rhetoric wasn’t exactly untrue and struck a chord with many voters. However, fast forward to now, and the exact same can be said of the current Republican Party and the Trump administration, but by at least a couple if not several of orders of magnitude worse (since the Republicans control both the Presidency and Congress and we are only one year in not 4 or 8). Thus, you see on this forum a similar if not stronger disdain for the current political situation that you saw for the previous political situation. The Who may have warned us with these classic lines “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.” Interesting enough that is from the song “Won’t Get Fooled Again” – will we be able the claim the same or are we just human pawns in a tragic version of the movie “Groundhog Day” where the out of touch elites make all the rules and profit from it?
I’m sorry I id not mean to have my statement “You are an idiot ” to be taken as a personal attack it was merely a statement of fact.
And nice back peddling but seriously go back and read your BS nothing of it has anything to do with the “newly adopted tax law”. But then again you are an idiot, and I men that in the nicest way, so carry on.
This tax legislation passed by the Congress is bad for Harford County and bad for other counties in Maryland. The state and local property tax deduction will now be capped at $10,000. A lot of property owners in Harford will end up paying more tax under this new tax law.
A lot of property owners are also rushing to county tax offices and trying to prepay the 2018 property tax before December 31 so that they can try to take the deduction in their next tax return. And Harford County, like some other counties says property owners can prepay the 2018 property tax before the 31st. However the IRS now says it has to be assessed in 2017 for it to be deducted. And it has not been billed yet. So it is unclear whether it can be deducted at all for this year. It is also ultimately up to the IRS to decide and not the Harford County Government tax office whether the deduction can be taken in 2018 for prepaid property taxes. And we should not have to rush around at the last minute with little time left this year to decide whether or not to prepay property taxes.
This is just a terrible piece of legislation, and nobody should have voted for it.
A “lot” of property owners…
What a bunch of lib, math deficient, crybaby drivel.
I wish my tax bill was almost $10k. That means my property was assessed at approx $925k and I should be rolling in dough..
And… if it’s CAPPED at 10k doesn’t that mean anything OVER 10k won’t be deductable? I mean, we’re not thinking that if it’s 10.5 we can’t write off ANY of it are we? It’s just the amount OVER 10k and if your taxes are that high kudos to you but aren’t those the rich fat cats that the liberals are always wanting to stick it to? Make ‘em pay their fair share like? I wish they’d make up their minds.
Clueless about taxes boys and girls? The 10k cap includes state income tax, county “piggy back” income tax and property tax. Don’t forget the 8k and change per couple personal exemption is also gone in 2018. Instead we hear the usual republiCON BS oozing like infected puss from the propaganda filled brains.
I will save $4500 a year under the new tax law. If you work hard to earn money and live modestly, the new tax structure is a good thing. Finally my years of subsidizing the multitude of liberals in high tax states is getting some relief. As probably the only person on this forum that has actually read the conference agreement and sought to understand the changes, I have to say most of those complaining are doing so out of ignorance and political bias.
To save $4500 means you are making over $615,000 hardly average for Harford county.
You obviously have not read the law changes and performed any calculations.
As a CPA I went to an 6 hour class yesterday so go on, tell me what I have not done.
A 6 hour class, huh?
Tell it again.
Well lol hate to tell you but I am a CPA, former kpmg tax partner, have masters degrees in both finance and taxation. I am pretty sure I know exactly what I am doing. I would suggest you read the law, pick up a pencil and consider what a higher standard deduction and lower rates do at each income level. It certainly does not take $615k of income to save $4500 a year. If that were the case, I would certainly never hire you as my tax accountant (not that I would ever hire anyone for that anyway). You clearly have no clue.
Many middle-class taxpayers will be negatively affected by the new tax law, regardless of party affiliation. The tax law treats Republicans, Democrats and unaffiliated the same. It’s not correct to imply that just Democrats and liberals are affected. Republican and conservative property owners are negatively affected. Republicans in Harford are also complaining and rushing trying to prepay the property tax.
Governor Hogan himself has said he has concerns about the new tax law and the effect on Maryland and will try to propose tax relief law to counter the effect of the tax bill. Let’s not forget to mention that.
Not true. Not true at all. Wait until the middle class starts getting more money come Feb. Are you suggesting that peoples’ tax bills will go up, because that is absolutely not the case. Your false Dem talking point of apocalyptic consequences will come home to roost once the truth is out there…a humming economy and more money in our paychecks.
Hey tax knowledge lacking,
Read the post. You can read? The points are correct. If you itemize you probably will take a hit on the federal if you take the new standard deduction deal then you will feel major pain on the state return. No orange kool aid “alternative facts” BS will change that reality.
Hey record,
Guess what, you file your state and fed taxes separately. Your fed taxes do not impact your state taxes.
As much as you would like to blame our President for our high taxes in MD, you cannot do that.
Hey tax cut ignoramus,
You can’t itemize on MD state if you don’t on fed return. Come back and run your mouth when you have learned something useful to post.
“You may itemize your deductions only if you itemized deductions
on your federal return.” source MD State Tax Instructions 2016 page 10
It worked so well in Kansas they had to raise taxes…..
When Reagan was president the top marginal tax rate in the United States was cut from 70% to 28%. Income of the top 1% almost doubled while income for other income levels increased only marginally and actually decreased for some of the poorest. During the Reagan presidency, $1.86 trillion was added to the debt which almost tripled the national debt. The economy failed to grow enough as predicted by Republicans to offset the tax cuts.
Way to go Bengals!!!! Way to knock out the traitors!!!
PSLs going to be real cheap now.
Instead of pissing and moaning about your “losses” because we live in Maryland, why not do something? It costs more to live in Maryland than say Texas or Nevada. Why is that? Are people in Texas starving more than here? does it cost more to pay a cop here than in Nevada? Where do all of our Maryland tax dollars go? Are there duplications in services that might be reduced or eliminated? What is the actual job of state and local governments? Could they be done more economically? Look at the largest single item of expense; law enforcement. How many police forces does the state pay for? We have state police, then we have transportation authority police, then we have college police forces, and so forth. Each department has its own schools, communication facilities, headquarters staffs etc. ad infinitum. If we reduce/eliminate all of the sacred cattle we might actually the tax burden on the poor slobs who still work. Oh well, this is Maryland where the revolution must be fueled.
“Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.”
—Thomas Jefferson
A revolution may be fueling but not exactly the one you envision.
I agree whole heartedly. Will we be able to accomplish it peacefully? Or will we have to do what was not the prescribed methodology? That is the question. The Constitution shows us the path, but if those whom perverted that very document have their way, then the screen name you have chosen might be the only end game in sight. This saddens and disheartens me, but if we can make this world better for those who have yet to come, then so be it.
I’ll just leave this here:
A serious question: What constitutes middle class individual income in Harford County?
I’m still waiting for my money.
I’m a senior on a fixed income. I want that extra money for a trip to the casinos in Niagra Falls.
They cut the taxes. When do we get our money.