From the Fallston Volunteer Fire and Ambulance Company:
Less than two weeks ago, Chief Will Rosenberg was made aware of alleged ongoing harassment and a possible sexual assault among members of the Fallston Volunteer Fire and Ambulance Company (FVFAC). Upon learning of the allegations, Chief Rosenberg immediately notified the Harford County Sheriff’s Office to investigate, believing a crime, or series of crimes, had occurred.
Upon conclusion of their investigation, investigators from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office criminally charged four people on Friday, December 8th, three current members and one former member of the FVFAC. Criminal charges ranged from attempted 1st degree rape to harassment; more information about the investigation, or public records requests, should be directed to the Harford County Sheriff’s Office.
Upon learning of the allegations, the active members were immediately suspended from all FVFAC activities and prohibited from accessing the property or resources of the FVFAC. Due to criminal charges being filed, FVFAC will determine the final status of all members when the cases are fully adjudicated, and an internal administrative process concludes.
The FVFAC has no further information to release at this time due to pending legal proceedings; however, Chief Will Rosenberg has issued the following statement:
Statement from Fallston Volunteer Fire and Ambulance Company Chief Will Rosenberg
“Our very assertive posture will continue, as we remain focused and vigilant in rooting out and removing anyone from our ranks who engages in illegal, immoral or unethical behavior. It simply won’t be tolerated, everyone is accountable. Personally, I am both angry and disgusted by the assertions as the alleged behavior is not acceptable by any standard, particularly the highly principled threshold we demand among our members.
Fallston Volunteer Fire and Ambulance Company service has not been interrupted and we continue to fulfill our mission of serving and protecting the community through the administration of fire, rescue and EMS services—an unwavering commitment many have had since the company was founded more than 40 years ago. While we anticipate and fully understand requests for more substantive media interviews, we will not release any additional information – we must remain respectful to the integrity of the criminal justice process. Thank you for your patience and understanding our stance. There is nothing more important to both our internal and external community than trust and I will continue to do everything in my power to transparently uphold that firm commitment.”
The FVFAC is an inclusive organization, which prohibits discrimination based on race, creed, color, national origin, gender, veteran status, sexual orientation, disability or any other status protected by law. This policy of non-discrimination extends to all services provided, to our members as well as the citizens served by the FVFAC.
To learn more about the Fallston Volunteer Fire and Ambulance Company, please link to
Harford Resident says
All the more reason for the county to take over EMS and fire protection services. These little empires are ripe for abuse, and fraud. This incident is a perfect example. Kudos to the Chief for not trying to cover this up. Why won’t the sheriff’s office name them, if charged is what I want to know.
Bluey says
The charges are out there but haven’t been served yet, so they haven’t officially been charged and therefore it isn’t public information yet.
FedUp says
Because abuse and fraud could never happen at the County level? Or maybe it should go to the State, or the Federal government? Give me a break – prosecute each criminal for their crime and move on!!
A Volunteer says
Harford Resident…Why do you refer the fire departments as “empires”? Three or four knuckleheads do not represent the Fire/EMS volunteer organizations. Maybe you should visit your local fire station. I think you will be surprised at the dedication, selflessness and time that is necessary to serve as a first responder. The formal training, the follow up training, the hours pulling duty, etc. all to provide lifesaving services for our community. So before you start throwing stones and making comments about four idiots, why don’t you recognize the good these organizations do for our community. Hopefully you won’t ever need their services, but if you do, you will be grateful for the them if you do need to call 911.
Harford Resident says
If they aren’t empires, why are they all so opposed to the county plan to turn them into paid, non-volunteer system? Glassman is toppling their empires, and they don’t like it.
County Asshole says
I’m sure a “career” type fire and EMS service will exist, but not in the “toppling the empires” as you so put it.
The volunteer fire companies obviously aren’t going away even in a time where finding people to VOLUNTEER is increasingly difficult. Obviously some Volunteer Fire Companies have volunteers, volunteering than others.
I’d take a guess it’ll be “career” and volunteers.
I mean, they already have “surge ambulances” that were completed at the end of October.
LOL says
“All the more reason for the county to take over EMS and fire protection services. ”
County employees don’t have criminal and civil legal trouble?
Uncle Eddie says
County employees break the law and screw people over on a regular basis. It just isn’t always made public since they cover each other’s asses and can get away with much more corruption and abuse of power.
LOL says
Paging Jim in Hickory. Where are you Jim in Hickory
Maybe you can enlighten this gentleman about abuse and fraud as you have the experience of watching County Employees in all their shiney new trucks they have at WaWa.
Jim in Hickory says
It warms my heart to know I get under your skin even when I’m gone for extended periods of time.
I’m getting all misty here.
sparky says
All four were charged on Friday 12/8. release the names.
Brenda says
The names were released before you posted this lol
Hacoresident says
Must be members of the GOP
EMT 4 life. says
I’ve been EMS most of my adult life, I didn’t do it for the money, Thats for sure, I and my fellow members do it because we care. true there are Jerks in EMS Companies but the most of us are there to help.
Harford Resident says
So why don’t “most of you” report on and root out the troublemakers? Kind of like cleaning up your own house.
A Volunteer says
Harford Resident, We do police ourselves and “root out” the troublemakers. Fortunately, we don’t have to do that very often as most of the people in our departments are honest people with morals and integrity.
Why do you focus on one isolated incident? Why don’t you recognize the good the volunteers do every day? I would invite you to join a department. You may say it’s not for you but you can always volunteer in an administrative capacity. Instead of sitting back and casting stones about something you know very little about, why don’t you come find out for yourself?
If you want the names, they are here
No free rides says
The only thing I ever receive from the Fallston Fire Department is an envelope asking me for donations or else I will be changed for a ride to the hospital. Considering I already pay a ton for health insurance and State taxes, this service should be free.
Noneya says
How about we let them have their day in Court before bashing them. People can accuse people of anything. If they are convicted , the by all means carry on